pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.765 1850
Syahrial Fadli
, Marzuki Alie
Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang, Indonesia
Keywords: HR planning; HR
management; human resource.
human resource planning (HRM) activities can be said to be the
beginning of all human resource management (MSDM) activities.
However, HR planning is not the only burden borne by the Company's
HR managers. All managers in an organization or company plan the
needs and availability of human resources by the interests and progress
of the organization. HR Planning is the process of how a company or
organization meets current and future workforce needs. A literature
review is a set of explanations for a very important part of a research
report. The literature in this chapter reveals the thoughts or theories that
underlie and support research. The theory presented in the literature
review chapter is useful for researchers to explain the relationship
between several concepts that will be used to explain research problems
so that research results will be obtained that can answer the problem
formulation contained in the research title. This study applies a
qualitative design, namely research that focuses on on general principles
that form the basis of the manifestation of a symptom of human life, or
also patterns analyzed from socio-cultural indications through the culture
of the community to obtain representations regarding the ongoing
examples. According to John W. Creswell in the book Research Design,
qualitative research is: So, in general, the notion of human resource
planning is the process of analysis and identification by the organization
of the need for human resources so that the organization can determine
the steps that must be taken to achieve its goals. In addition, the
importance of holding human resource planning is that the organization
will have a clear picture of the future, and be able to anticipate the
shortage of the required quality workforce.
Human resource planning activities can be considered as the starting point of overall
human resource management (HRM) activities. However, human resource planning is
not solely the responsibility of the HR manager (Riniwati, 2016). All managers within an
organization or company plan for the needs and availability of human resources in line
with the interests and progress of the organization (Zumery, Yustini, & Rostiati, 2021).
Human resource planning is the process of how a company or organization fulfills its
current and future workforce needs. To meet current workforce needs, the HR planning
process involves efforts to fill workforce gaps both in terms of quantity and quality.
Meanwhile, in meeting future workforce needs, human resource planning emphasizes
forecasting efforts regarding the availability of labor based on the needs according to the
future business plan (Abdulnabi Ali, Golbert, Reksa, Kretzer, & Schweiger, 2023).
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Human resource planning is fundamentally required when business planning is
implemented as an implementation of the company's vision and mission that has been set
(Riniwati, 2016). Planning is a rational way to prepare for the future, as Becker (2000) in
Rustiadi (2008:339) puts it. Meanwhile, according to (Hindun, 2015), planning is a
process of determining what will be achieved in the future and establishing the necessary
steps to achieve it. Some argue that planning is an activity limited by a certain time frame,
so planning is further defined as a coordinated activity to achieve a specific goal within a
certain period (Lubis, 2018). This means that planning is a process of determining what
will be achieved in the future and establishing the necessary steps to achieve it. In the
context of corporate planning, forming a Vision and Mission serves as a guide for the
direction of a business, where it will go, and with what strategies the business will be
runthe Company's Mission PT. Cakra Transindo Utama is that the Company Highly
Values Human Resources and is Committed to Fully Developing Them (Catio, 2020).
The formation of Vision and Mission by the company can make it easier for
employees to clearly understand the purpose of their work. Therefore, the vision and
mission of a company have a significant impact on increasing the motivation and
enthusiasm of employees in their work and realizing the company's goals or vision
(Saputra, Soleh, & Gayatri, 2020). A company cannot simply exist without goals,
guidelines, and steps to achieve its goals. In addition to seeking profit, a company also
has business strategies in planning and development, which are expected to include
human resource planning as one of the strategies. The choice and determination of HRM
strategies are crucial in determining what kind of HR is desired, both in terms of quantity
and quality.
Figure 1.1 The relationship between job analysis, HR planning, recruitment, and selection
Source: Open University HR Management Subject Book
PT. Cakra Transindo Utama is one of the companies that plan to carry out the HR
Planning process and analyze HR in the Construction of Special Coal Terminals and
Other Supporting Facilities on an area of ± 214,980 m2 located in Tanjung Baru Village,
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Muara Belida District, Muara Enim Regency, and other regional boundaries in the scope
affected by development with the condition of the area divided into one adjacent district
space boundary. It can be seen in the following topographic image of the region:
Figure 1.2 Topography of the Planning Area for the Construction of Special Coal
Terminals PT. Main Transindo Chakra
Source: 1:50000 scale map of Indonesia, BIG 2017, RTRW Muara Enim Regency 2018-
The area of Muara Belida District is currently 204.67 Km2 or 20,467 Ha which is
divided into 3 categories, namely rice fields, not rice fields, and non-agricultural land.
Non-paddy land has the largest land, which is 8,958 followed by 5,979 paddy fields and
5,530 non-agricultural land. Rice production reached 35,338.82 tons with a harvest area
of 8,065 Ha, most of which came from lebak rice (Climate 2019: 336).
Table 1
Details of the Area of Muara Enim Regency and Distance to the Capital
Pulau Panggung
Seri Tanjung
Tanjung Agung
Tanjung Agung
Sugih Waras
Lubai Ulu
Karang Agung
Lawang Kidul
Keban Agung
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Muara Enim
Muara Enim
Ujan Mas
Ujan Mas Baru
Gunung Megang
Gn. Megang
Padang Bindu
Cinta Kasih
Rambang Dangku
Tebat Agung
Sungai Rotan
Muara Belida
Patra Tani
Belide Darat
Tanjung Bunut
Sumber : BPS_Kabupaten Banyuasin Dalam Angka, 2019
Administratively, the business plan and/or activities for the construction of a special
coal terminal and other supporting facilities, PT Cakra Transindo Utama (CTU) is located
in Tanjung Baru Village, Muara Belida District, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra
Province. Muara Enim Regency is an agricultural area with an area of 7,483.06 km2 and
is divided into
20 sub-districts consisting of 245 definitive villages and 10 kelurahan. The area of
Muara Enim Regency has the following boundaries:
1. North: Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency, Palembang City, Banyuasin Regency
and Prabumulih City.
2. South: South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, Prabumulih City and Kaur Regency of
Bengkulu Province.
3. East: Ogan Ilir Regency, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Ogan Komering Ulu
Regency, and Prabumulih City
4. West: Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency, Musi Rawas Regency, Lahat Regency,
Pagar Alam City, and Prabumulih City
Muara Belida District is the sub-district where the planned construction of a special
coal terminal PT Cakra Transindo Utama will be built, precisely in Sungai Jangkit
Hamlet, Tanjung Baru Village, Muara Belida District, Muara Enim Regency. Muara
Belida District with the capital of Patra Tani Village has an area of 204.67 km2 which is
divided into 8 villages/Neighborhoods and as many as 26 hamlets and 56 RTs.
Administratively, Muara Belida District has the following boundaries:
1. North: Palembang City and Banyuasin Regency
2. South: Gelumbang District and Ogan Ilir Regency
3. East: Palembang and Ogan Ilir
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4. West Side: Gelumbang District
The location of the construction of the Special Coal Terminal and Coal Stockpile
of PT. Cakra Transindo Utama Before the construction of the Special Terminal, the
Minister first determines the construction location after receiving recommendations from
the governor and regents/mayors regarding the compatibility of the special terminal
location plan with the spatial planning (Ministry of Transportation Regulation No.
52/2011). The construction location can be reached via a land route through Palembang
City, using Jl. Mayjen Yusuf Singadekane to Jl. Mayjen Saitibi Darwis, approximately ±
6.8 km. Along the route of Jl. Mayjen Saitibi Darwis, the road conditions consist of
asphalt roads, concrete roads, and gravel roads filled with crushed stone. This road serves
as the main access road for the surrounding villages and is also used as a transportation
route for other companies with substantial tonnage (Iskarim, 2017).
The construction is planned to be used as a facility for loading and unloading coal,
along with other supporting facilities. The placement location of the special terminal is
outside the Working Area (DLKr) and the Area of Port Interests (DLKp), which is part
of the nearest port to serve its interests. Its management must comply with all provisions
mandated in the Ministry of Transportation Regulation No. PM 51/2011. One of the goals
of this business plan and/or activities is to support the government's efforts to diversify
energy use and help facilitate the supply of national energy needs. In principle, this plan
is expected to have a positive impact on regional development, including employment
opportunities, increased income, and economic activity. In general, the stages of the
business plan and/or activities for the construction of the special coal terminal and other
supporting facilities of PT Cakra Transindo Utama have the potential to have an impact
on the environment and community perceptions.
As part of this work program, PT. Cakra Transindo Utama is forming a Human
Resource Planning strategy to determine the direction of future workforce development.
Therefore, when recruiting workers, the company will conduct the recruitment process.
However, the initiator will encourage the company to prioritize local workers whenever
possible. The recruitment of workers to support the construction of the special coal
terminal and other supporting facilities is expected to have the potential to have an impact
on increased job opportunities, the emergence of business opportunities, increased
community income, and changes in community perceptions. Through systematic
planning, the company will be able to easily estimate the number and types of workers
they need for a specific project. This will be outlined in four (4) stages of activities,
namely the pre-construction, construction, operation, and post-operation phases. This
approach aims to minimize various errors during the execution of specific projects.
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Source: Environmental Management Data and Environmental Monitoring Efforts
(DLH), 2020
This is often overlooked by some companies. Rarely does a company care, or
maybe they have a strong perspective on human resource management and planning.
Neglecting the right human resource management process is not only limited to small
companies. Even large companies sometimes overlook this critical aspect. It's not
surprising that unintentionally, competent human resources can be lost. The main reason
for this is the lack of proper management and planning. That's why human resource
management, mapping, and planning should be a crucial point in organizational
The concept of human resource strategy must be related to and support the
organization's or company's strategies. However, in some companies, human resource
planning does not run optimally because there has been no integrated data management,
making it impossible to obtain accurate information to support HR-related decisions. In
the future, organizations must be more observant and analytical of their human resources.
This will help identify who the truly productive and innovative employees are, as well as
those who contribute less to the organization. Accurate identification can lead the
organization to address issues from various aspects and form the basis for further human
resource development patterns.
In areas with empty or low performance, individuals therein may lack the will to do
something good for themselves or the organization or company. The low-performance
group is somewhat better because its human resources are willing to do something but are
more focused on self-interest and satisfaction. Development strategies need to be more
strategic and planned. Each area requires a different approach. For example, peak
performance areas require specialization and specific techniques compared to
management in other areas.
With human resource planning, companies are expected to instill self-responsibility
in each organizational member and develop a sense of responsibility that can grow from
within, supported by effective thinking patterns based on competence, analysis, and
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appropriate policies. Employing a large number of people will require business owners to
consider salaries, placements, and treatment of employees, including their welfare.
Eventually, this led to the establishment of what is called "Welfare Secretary" (Priyono
2010:2). The competition is also becoming fiercer, requiring human resources that are
competent enough to provide satisfying customer service (customer satisfaction) and are
also value-oriented (customer value-oriented). So, it's not just about achieving high work
productivity but also about performance in the achievement process.
The recruitment of workers during the planning and construction phase is based on
the human resource planning needed by the company to start development activities until
the production stage of PT. Cakra Transindo Utama. The number of workers recruited
during the operational phase is approximately 200 people. The industrial area of the
special coal terminal has opened up job opportunities on a large scale in Muara Enim
Regency, and this availability should lead to local resource availability. Local resources
are resources located in the local area, easily accessible, and manageable, including
human resources, natural resources, and technological resources (Birmano and Bastori
2015) (Kelejan, Lengkong, & Tawas, 2018).
The recruitment of workers (HR) during the construction stage of coal terminal
facilities and other supporting facilities located in one boundary area between affected
regions greatly affects HR planning. The number of workers recruited at the operational
stage is approximately 200 people. The process of recruitment of workers is carried out
gradually adjusted to the needs and will continue to prioritize workers from local
communities, especially from Tanjung Baru Village, Muara Belida District, and its
surroundings. Operating labor recruitment activities are estimated to have the potential to
have the impact of increasing employment opportunities, the emergence of business
opportunities, increasing community income, and changes in public perception.
Research Methods
This research is a type of field research because the data is obtained from direct
observations at PT: Cakra Transindo Utama and the community around the Coal Special
Terminal Construction area. The method used in this research is qualitative. This study
uses a descriptive approach, namely collecting data based on factors that support the
object of research, and then analyzing these factors to find their role (Arikunto, 2010).
The location of this research is at the Port of Khsusus Batubara Terminal PT. Cakra
Transindo Utama, located in Tanjung Baru Village, Muara Belida District, Muara Enim
District, South Sumatra Province. The type of data used in this study is primary data
through questionnaires prepared with interview techniques and secondary data through
third parties obtained through intermediaries, which can be through other people or
related documents.
Results and Discussion
The Analysis of Employee Recruitment Policy Implementation
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The analysis of the application of recruitment policies at PT. Cakra Transindo
Utama enables the entire series of activities to be carried out systematically and on
schedule. These systematic and scheduled activities include both machinery and human
activities. Managing employees in the company is crucial because employees play a vital
role as subjects in this activity. The essence of management activities is to manage the
existing resources, especially human resources, to cooperate in carrying out activities to
achieve common goals. Therefore, management activities are synonymous with assisting
each other in conducting various activities.
After presenting various data as outlined in Chapter IV, the researcher then analyzes
this data to address the problem formulation in Chapter I regarding the Analysis of Human
Resource Planning for Employee Recruitment Policy at the special coal terminal of PT.
Cakra Transindo Utama. The implementation effort is carried out with Standard
Operating Procedures created by the company as guidelines and written instructions for
all activities related to human resource management. This includes:
1. Employee Recruitment SOP
2. SOP Employee Responsibility Description
3. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Supervising Employee Responsibilities
4. SOP Replacement of Employee Responsibilities
The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) format for HRD Personnel Recruitment
is as follows, and the following is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) flowchart for
PT. Cakra Transindo Utama.
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Figure 4. 4 Employee Recruitment Flowchart-SOP of Company Management
Source: Data Standard Operating Procedure PT. Main Transindo Chakra, 2022
HRD SOP Format Change of Person in Charge of Section/ Division/ Branch
To explain the rules and procedures for changing the Person in Charge of Sections/
Divisions/ Branches Material/ Tools:
News of Handover of the Position of Person in Charge of Section/ Division/ Branch
Personnel Qualification:
Person in Charge of Section/ Division/ Branch Procedure:
1. Resign/submit a retirement preparation period for the Person in Charge of a Section
/ Division / Branch to the Human Resources (HR / HRD) department.
2. Make a contract letter/work agreement between HR / HRD and the person in charge
of the new Section / Division / Branch.
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3. Make a certificate of working in the company from the HR / HRD department for the
person in charge of the new Section / Division / Branch.
4. Create a Minutes of Handover of Office (Sertijab) between the Person in Charge of
the old Section/ Division/ Branch and the Person in Charge of the new Section/
Division/ Branch.
Figure 4. Figure 4. 5 SOP Form for Interview Assessment
Source: Company HRD data PT. Cakra Transindo Utama,2022
Based on reference to the recruitment process of PT. The Main Trasnindo Chakra
that has been decomposed can be concluded:
a. Recruitment
So, the result of the recruitment process is a collection of applicants who meet the
qualifications and are ready to be screened through the selection stage. In the recruitment
of employees, PT. Cakra Transindo Utama first carries out planning, in the form of
provisions that must be met by prospective employees. PT. Cakra Transindo Utama's
search for employees is based on the abilities or qualifications possessed by prospective
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employees, both from the internal and external environments. This can be seen based on
the established requirements, such as being able to work long hours, being honest,
diligent, trustworthy, and hardworking.
The recruitment process applied at PT. Cakra Transindo Utama is based on need.
This means that the recruitment process is carried out after an analysis of the need for
new employees. Recruitment is done openly by posting job vacancy announcements in
front of the office building. The process applied is consistent with the theory proposed by
Hasibuan, which states that employee recruitment should be based on what and who.
"What" means that we must first determine the job descriptions. "Who" means that we
seek the right people to fill the positions based on job specifications because when a
position is filled by someone who is not an expert, it may lead to problems and
inefficiencies due to the person's lack of expertise in that field.
b. Selection
The selection process begins when recruitment ends, meaning when the company
has a pool of applicants. According to its definition, selection is a series of steps used to
decide whether an applicant is accepted or not based on the qualifications outlined in the
job description. In the selection stage, the assessment of prospective employees must be
relative to one another, so objectivity is required in setting fair criteria. Selection involves
a variety of activities that may vary from one company to another but can generally be
grouped into tests and interviews.
Common activities in the selection process include an initial screening of
applications (completeness of documents, matching supporting documents with
requirements, etc.) and various health tests according to the company's needs. As
explained earlier, employee recruitment at PT. Cakra Transindo Utama is done openly.
However, the selection process at PT. Cakra Transindo Utama does not follow the same
rigorous procedures as large companies. The company only selects high-quality,
competent candidates who truly meet the specified criteria. Selection is done by
examining candidates' documents and conducting interviews. According to the author's
analysis, interviews are conducted by guest house managers to assess the psychology and
abilities of prospective employees.
c. Employment Contracts
Employment contracts are often referred to as agreements to perform work, and the
term labor agreement is also commonly used. In general, an employment contract is an
agreement made between two or more parties. One party promises to provide work, and
the other party promises to perform that work.
Results of the Analysis of Changes that Occur in Public Perception of the Stages of
Company Plan Activities
a. Analysis of changes that occur in public perception of business opportunities on
average shows a positive perception of these business opportunitiescompany PT.
Cakra Transindo Utama provides facilities and infrastructure in the form of vacant
land to be used as a place to sell specifically for residents.
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"Since the existence of the company PT. Cakra Transindo Utama in Tanjung Baru
I was given a stall to sell around the company without because many workers at the
location were eating and drinking at my place" (R 53 years, April 25, 2023)
"Since the existence of the company PT. This Transindo Utama Chakra is relocated
to sell outside the company because construction at the location has been running so that
my business becomes difficult if I sell outside the company, I have to follow the available
stalls that have been provided by the company" (HR 49 years, April 26, 2023) A total of
25 respondents interviewed had a positive perception because the company provides jobs
for residents without choosing education status (Enambe, 2015). While 15 respondents
had a negative because some respondents considered that they had not provided jobs for
residents and only for those who were educated could work in companies.
Tabel 2
Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Peluang Usaha
Jumlah Responden ( Orang)
Persentase %
Sumber: Hasil Olahan Peneliti, 2023
This research is not in line with the company's HR planning, because basically,
people in the Muara Belida sub-district have a perception of education. After all, the
company provides jobs for the community directly which has an impact on the
development of the company so that people in the area give a positive response to the
work provided by the company.
b. Public perception of income level shows an average positive response which means
people in Tanjung Baru Village, Muara Belida District, Muara Enim Regency With
the existence of the construction of the company PT. This Transindo Utama Chakra
can increase community income and local original income (PAD) for village
governments because of the availability of jobs provided by the company and direct
assistance to surrounding residents affected by development in their areas.
"Since the existence of this company, my income has increased 2 times, usually
very few people want to shop at my stall because I am right in the company area where
my food stall is built is in demand because there are many workers who eat at my stall"
As many as 40 respondents interviewed had a positive perception because of this
company, not only those who worked in the company felt an increase in income but the
community around the company also felt an increase in income because people built
shops, and food stalls could also feel an increase in income (Hindun, 2015).
Tabel 3
Persepsi Msayarakat Terhadap Pendapatan
Jumlah Responden ( Orang )
Persentase %
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The results of this study have a positive perception of income due to the availability
of jobs provided by the company. at PT. Cakra Transindo Utama and the community also
take advantage of the opportunity to open a business by creating canteens or stalls around
the company's location so that the income of the community in Tanjung Baru Village,
Muara Belida District, Muara Enim Regency increases.
Factors affecting HR planning among affected regions
a. Differences in Regional Demographic Characteristics
The first factor that contributes to the emergence of development disparities among
regions is the significant differences in planning to harness human resource potential in
each region that borders the stages of company planning. As is known, these differences
in regional boundaries have significant impacts. Each region has its characteristics,
including population status, culture, and livelihoods. Some areas do not rely on income
from companies due to the stages of company development planning. This difference is
referred to as Demographic Conditions. Putra & Yuliando (2015) stated that socio-
cultural factors are influenced by the similarity of residential areas, kinship relationships,
tolerance, social status, economic interests, self-awareness, and education (Riwukore,
Habaora, Zamzam, & Yustini, 2021).
Another significant factor that can contribute to development disparities among
regions is the presence of significant demographic differences between areas. These
demographic conditions include differences in education and health levels, differences in
employment conditions, and differences in the behavior and work ethic of the local
population. These demographic conditions can influence development disparities among
regions because they affect the productivity of the local population. Areas with favorable
demographic conditions tend to have higher work productivity, which in turn encourages
increased investment, job creation, and economic growth in that region. Conversely, areas
with less favorable demographic conditions can result in relatively low work productivity
among the local population, making it less attractive for capital investment and leading
to lower economic growth in the region (Hindun, 2015).
b. Limited Mobility of Goods and Services
Limited mobility of goods and services can also contribute to increased
development disparities among neighboring regions. Mobility of goods and services
includes trade activities between regions and both government-sponsored
(transmigration) and spontaneous migration. The reason for this is that if mobility is
limited, the surplus production of one region cannot be sold to other regions in need.
Similarly, if migration is not smooth, the excess labor force in one region cannot be
utilized by other regions that may require it. As a result, development disparities among
regions are likely to be high in developing regions where the mobility of goods and
services is limited and there are still isolated areas.
c. Concentration of Economic Activities in Regions
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The occurrence of a high concentration of economic activities in certain regions
will affect development disparities among regions. Economic growth in a region will tend
to be faster in areas with a significant concentration of economic activities. This condition
will further drive the regional development process through increased job creation and
income levels for the local population. Conversely, when economic activities are
relatively low in concentration in a region, it can lead to unemployment and lower income
levels for the local population. The concentration of economic activities can be caused by
several factors.
Firstly, it may be due to the presence of abundant natural resources in certain areas,
such as oil, gas, coal, and other minerals. In addition, the availability of fertile land also
plays a role, particularly concerning agricultural activities.
Secondly, the even distribution of transportation facilities, including road, sea, and
air transportation, also has an impact because economic activities tend to concentrate
where a better-quality workforce is available.
d. Allocation of Regional Development Funds
It cannot be denied that investment is one of the most crucial factors determining
the economic growth of a region. Therefore, regions that receive a larger allocation of
investment from the government or can attract more private investment tend to experience
faster economic growth. This condition will also drive the regional development process
through the creation of more job opportunities. Conversely, when government and private
sector investments in a region are lower, the opposite can occur.
e. Environmental Factors
The influence of environmental factors, both external and internal, can encompass
social, cultural, and political aspects. As previously mentioned, the environment has a
strong influence on the success or failure of regional development planning programs.
The environmental factors can originate from external or internal sources. External
factors typically come from neighboring regions or global influences that affect the
national and international scope. Meanwhile, internal factors are influences that arise
from within the planning region itself. The elements within these environmental factors
can be categorized by the following fields:
1. Social
In nearly every developing country, regional development planning is aimed at
efforts to improve the welfare of the population. Ideally, the population should be both
the target/object and the actor/subject of planning. This means that social planning has
distinct social goals within a development strategy that the community must accept as
efforts to achieve the desired ideal conditions.
The process of regional development planning is not easy and requires community
involvement in decision-making processes. Active participation, whether direct or
indirect, has a positive impact on regional development planning. Conversely, if
community participation is neglected while community mobilization is developed, the
development process may be hindered or even fail.
2. Culture
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Cultural issues that influence the lifestyle habits of the population in a particular
region also play a significant role in regional development planning. To achieve the
desired goals, regional development planning must consider cultural factors that apply to
the local population.
Cultural factors within community groups cannot be ignored when formulating
regional development plans that will be implemented through development
implementation processes. The importance of this issue has been emphasized by
development administrators because it is recognized as one of the critical factors to be
considered by development planners.
In many cases, cultural factors are closely linked to social factors, as the connection
between the two is very close and challenging to separate. Social community life is greatly
influenced by habits that develop within society and evolve into cultural values that are
embedded in interactions among community members. On the other hand, cultural values
grow from the habits within society that have values and are integrated into the process
of social community interactions. Dynamic and evolving interactions among
communities, not only within the internal environment but also with the external
environment, have led to changes referred to by experts as the development process.
Therefore, the development process cannot be detached from the influence of social and
cultural factors that develop in community life.
3. Economic
Economic factors are closely related to development issues in addition to other
factors. Development experts even believe in the importance of this factor in the
development process as a highly determining factor.
This is based on a reality that often occurs in the planning region around this new
Tanjung Baru village development, where they generally prioritize economic
development highly. Improved economic conditions are expected to provide better
opportunities to achieve development goals in other areas. Hence, greater emphasis is
placed on economic growth as an indicator of development success. Economic stability
is the primary target that must be achieved through the development process because with
dynamic economic stability, the development process will succeed, although this cannot
be separated from stability in other areas.
Obstacles, constraints, and challenges in human resource planning
To minimize the risk of planning errors, several main obstacles, constraints, and
challenges in planning and goal placement must be understood by all levels of
management and employees.
1. Obstacles in planning:
a. Improper purpose
b. Uncomplex and dynamic external environment
c. Conditions of competition and social jealousy are increasingly sharp between the
affected regions
d. Unwillingness to change goals
e. Not understanding increasingly dynamic organizations
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Consumption Map Approach
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f. There is an internal organizational conflict between the company's management and
the border communities of the region
2. Overcoming obstacles
One way to overcome planning barriers is to understand the purpose of planning
and the goal-setting process. Although it is not one in overcoming problems, it can at least
help decision-making. Information systems can also help achieve planning effectiveness.
This tool is expected to minimize the level of risk and uncertainty of existing results.
3. Constraints of Human Resource Planning
a. HR Capability Standards Definite and accurate HR capability standards do not yet
exist, as a result, HR capability information is only subjective predictions. This is a
serious obstacle in HR Planning to calculate the potential of human resources with
certainty, such as energy machine information.
b. Human beings as living things cannot be fully mastered like machines. This is an
obstacle to HR Planning because it is difficult to take everything into account in the
c. HR Situation The supply, quality, and distribution of the population over the level of
expertise possessed and workability that does not support the needs of human
resources in the company. This is an obstacle to a good and correct human resource
planning process.
d. Policy on the placement of human resources on the boundaries of affected areas that
can cause conflict.
4. Solving Human Resource Planning Constraints
In resolving conflicts over HR planning in the construction of a special coal
terminal in this new cape area between the community and the company, namely by
persuasive resolution. In the village deliberations on the audition at the village hall, the
mediator was the head of Tanjung Baru village, the village head. Kampung Solok and
Village Head. Pulokerto In the deliberations, each party was allowed to convey their
problems, both from the community who disagreed and from the village government. The
deliberations resulted in the following agreements:
a. Approve and approve the construction of a special coal terminal PT. Cakra Transindo
Utama in the Tanjung Baru area follows the guidance of both rules and regulations
set by village officials.
b. Approve and agree on HR planning with a local power capacity of 30% of the
company's total needs.
c. The head of each hamlet is fully responsible for the approval of the development and
placement of human resources for their community which is allocated gradually to
both the surrounding community and their respective hamlet areas.
d. If during the construction of a special coal terminal and the recruitment of local
workers attempt to hinder and interfere with the implementation of the company's
activities, it will be considered as a provocateur and we will report it to the authorities
by the applicable legal process.
Irani Harefa, Edi Hamdi, Tantri Yanuar, Rina Annindita
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1866
The criteria for the potential impact that occurs on residents on the opening of job
opportunities in the environmental component of the community on the source of impact
on labor recruitment are:
1. Recruitment of labor at the construction stage will absorb labor that is prioritized for
local workers. This activity is expected to have an important impact on the socio-
economic environmental component.
2. The absorption of local labor will have several further impacts on improving the local
community and economy. Therefore, these environmental components play an
important role in people's daily lives.
3. Recruitment can cause concern in the community if it is not prioritized for local
4. Labor recruitment will refer to applicable laws and regulations so that it is estimated
that no rules or policies will be violated and/or exceeded by these impacts
The criteria for the potential impact that occurs on residents on the emergence of
business opportunities in the environmental components of the community on the source
of impact on labor recruitment are:
1. Recruitment of labor at the construction stage will absorb labor that is prioritized for
local workers. This activity is expected to have a further impact on the opening of
business opportunities for the surrounding community.
2. The absorption of local labor will have an impact on the opening of business places
around the location of activities.
3. Concerns that arise can be caused if the community is not allowed to open business
places around the location of activities.
4. Labor recruitment will refer to applicable laws and regulations so that it is estimated
that no rules or policies will be violated and/or exceeded by these impacts.
The criteria for the potential impact that occurs on residents on increasing
community income on the environmental component of the community on the source of
impact on labor recruitment are:
1. The recruitment of workers at the construction stage with the priority of local labor
will have an impact on increasing the income of local people
2. The opening of job opportunities and business opportunities is expected to have an
impact on improving the community and the local economy. Therefore, these
environmental components play an important role in people's daily lives.
3. Recruitment can cause concern in the community if it is not prioritized for local
4. Labor acceptance will refer to applicable laws and regulations, especially on the
amount of wages so that it is estimated that no rules or policies will be violated and/or
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Consumption Map Approach
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Based on the results of research, and analysis conducted in the previous chapter, it
can be concluded that 1) Analysis of the Application of Human Resource Management at
PT. Cakra Transindo Utama In management activities allow the entire series of activities
to be carried out regularly and scheduled Implementation efforts that will be carried out
include recruitment, selection, and employment contracts. 2) The results of the Analysis
of Changes that occur in Public Perception of HR management carried out by the
Company Changes that occur in business opportunities, income, and job opportunities on
average show a positive perception. 3) Factors that influence HR planning on company
development activities include environmental influences both internal and external from
social, cultural, and economic. 4) Employment and community income raise concerns
and priorities at the HR planning stage. 5) Management of human resource management
(HRM) needs to be done seriously, well, correctly, and appropriately. In general, people
in Tanjung Baru Village, Muara Belida District, and Muara Enim Regency have a positive
perception and are also responsible for development activities.
Irani Harefa, Edi Hamdi, Tantri Yanuar, Rina Annindita
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1868
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