pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.763 1637
Fera Elmiati
Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: job satisfaction;
nurse; supervise management;
Job satisfaction is the general attitude of a person towards the work he
does. Someone with a high level of job satisfaction shows a positive
attitude towards their job, while someone who is dissatisfied with their
job shows a negative attitude towards their job. High job satisfaction is
a sign that the organization has carried out effective behavior
management. Supervisory Management or Supervision Management is
the process carried out by the supervision executor in supervising and
directing and striving to foster and improve the ability of the supervised
party to carry out the tasks that have been given efficiently and
effectively. The quality of supervision and good supervisors significantly
and positively affect job satisfaction, the quality of supervisors greatly
determines high job satisfaction. Research Objective: want to know
whether there is a relationship between the quality of supervision
management by supervisors with nurse satisfaction in hospital "AH".
Method: quantitative research using cross-sectional approach method.
Data collection techniques are carried out by collecting primary data,
namely by using questionnaires given through Google Forms to
respondents. Research Results: there is a significant relationship between
the quality of supervision management and the job satisfaction of nurses
at Hospital "AH" Conclusion: The better the quality of supervision
management, the higher the level of job satisfaction of nurses at Hospital
"AH". Suggestions: make a strategy plan for improving the quality of
supervision management, selection of supervisors and training
The hospital is one of the health service facilities that has a very strategic role in
accelerating the improvement of the health status of the Indonesian people. This strategic
role is obtained because hospitals are health facilities that are intensive in technology,
work, capital, problems, and professions (Aditama, 2012). Meanwhile, according to Law
No. 44 of 2009 concerning hospitals, what is meant by a hospital is a health service
institution that organizes individual health services in a plenary manner that provides
inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services.
Nursing services are an important factor that greatly influences patient outcomes in
hospitals. A good indicator of the poor quality of hospital services is nursing services
(Aditama, 2012). The image of the hospital is influenced by the services provided by
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nurses, where nurses are the largest staff in the hospital and the spearhead of service
implementation who interact directly with patients. Gillies (1994) says that one-third of
all activities in hospitals are nurses. Therefore, one-third of the quality of service in
hospitals is influenced by nurses, and one of the factors that affect nurses' performance is
nurses' job satisfaction. Nurses who work in hospitals are an inseparable part of the
management system that applies in the room where they work. There are many factors
related to the head of room management function that can cause nurse satisfaction or
dissatisfaction at work.
Job satisfaction is the general attitude of a person towards the work he does.
Someone with a high level of job satisfaction shows a positive attitude towards their job,
while someone who is dissatisfied with their job shows a negative attitude towards their
job. High job satisfaction is a sign that the organization has carried out effective behavior
management (Dharma, 2015).
Based on the results of Wolo's research, Trisnawati, and Riyadi (2017) stated that
simultaneously the variables of salary, promotion, supervision, colleagues, the job itself,
and the work environment have an influence and are significant on job satisfaction. Job
satisfaction is an individual thing. Each individual has different and varied indicators of
job satisfaction. The more aspects that suit a nurse in her job, the greater the level of job
satisfaction felt.
Herzberg (1966) states that job satisfaction is influenced by two factors, namely:
1. Hygiene factor (job context)
Namely, factors related to aspects contained in the work itself (job content) or also
referred to as intrinsic aspects of work. Such as Company policy and administration,
supervision techniques, salary, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions
2. Motivator factor (job content),
Namely factors that are around the implementation of work, related to the extrinsic
aspects of workers. Such as achievements, awards, the work itself, responsibilities,
Content factors in Herzberg's theory are often called motivators, which are factors
that can encourage people to be able to meet their top-level needs and are the cause of
people becoming satisfied with their work. If this content factor does not exist, it can
cause someone to no longer be satisfied with their work or the person is in a neutral state,
feeling not "satisfied" but also not feeling "dissatisfied". While the context factor, related
to the work environment is often called the hygiene factor, where work provides
opportunities for someone to meet lower-level needs. If the context factor is not met, does
not exist, or is not appropriate, it can make workers feel dissatisfied.
According to Mangkunegara (Mathis, 2011), two factors affect job satisfaction,
namely factors that exist in employees and job factors, namely:
1. Employee factors, namely intelligence (IQ), special skills, age, gender, physical
condition, education, work experience, length of work, personality, emotions, ways
of thinking, perceptions, and work attitudes.
The Relationship Of Quality Management Supervision To Job Satisfaction Of Inpatient Nurses
In Hospital "Ah"
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1639
2. Job factors, namely the type of work, organizational structure, rank (class), position,
quality of supervision, financial security, promotion opportunities, social interaction,
and work relations.
While Robbins and Judge (Robbins, 2009), stated there are five factors of job
satisfaction, namely:
1. Job Satisfaction: This satisfaction is achieved when an employee's job is by the
interests and abilities of the employee himself.
2. Satisfaction with Rewards: Employees feel that the salary or wages they receive are
by their workload and balanced with other employees working in the organization.
3. Satisfaction with Supervision of Superiors: Employees feel that they have superiors
who can provide technical assistance and motivation.
4. Satisfaction with Coworkers: Employees feel satisfied with their coworkers who can
provide technical assistance and social encouragement.
5. Promotion Opportunity: Opportunity to improve position in the organizational
Supervisory Management or Supervision Management is the process carried out by
the supervision executor in supervising and directing and striving to foster and improve
the ability of the supervised party to carry out the tasks that have been given efficiently
and effectively. The head of the room/supervisor plays an important role in supervision
and is a manager who is responsible for the implementing nurse, to improve the quality
of nursing care provided and ultimately can improve the performance of the implementing
Factors that influence the implementation of supervision include nurse knowledge
factors (Theoretical Knowledge, Practical Knowledge), work motivation factors, and
leadership factors (leadership style) there is an influence on nursing care services related
to the implementation of nursing supervision so that it can affect the improvement of the
quality of nursing services. The characteristics of an effective supervisor have been
identified by Kilminster & Jolly (2000). These characteristics include the ability to:
1. Observe and reflect on nursing practices that have been carried out by implementing
2. Provide constructive feedback.
3. Teach the implementing nurse about the safe provision of nursing care through
training and guidance.
4. Identify alternative problem solving.
5. Motivate nurses to improve performance.
6. Provide executive nurses autonomy in conducting nursing practice.
7. Provide clear and accurate information
8. Evaluate the supervision performed and evaluate the response of the implementing
nurse to the implementation of the supervision.
9. Manage nursing care services with implementing nurses.
10. Creating a conducive work climate.
11. Advocating between health care delivery teams or with other institutions.
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12. Use effective time in compiling a program of supervised activities.
According to Raberi, et, al. (2020) stated that supervision is a term that is in the
supervision family but is more humane, in supervision activities the implementation is
not looking for mistakes but contains elements of coaching, so that the work conditions
are supervised can be known for shortcomings (not just mistakes) to be notified of parts
that need to be improved. According to Indarti & Kurniawan (2020), explaining that in
the implementation of supervision, it is necessary to pay attention to several things
including supervision techniques, supervision principles, supervisory routine activities
needed in the supervision process, and the supervision model used.
Several studies on nurse job satisfaction have been conducted in several countries.
The results of Wang et al's study in Shanghai on "Nurse Practice Environment and Their
Job Satisfaction: A Study on Nurses Caring for Alder Adults in Shanghai" showed that
nurse job satisfaction was low at 60.8%. The results of research by Yanidrawati et al, in
Bekasi on "The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Nurse Performance in the
Inpatient Room of Bekasi Regency Hospital" showed that nurses' job dissatisfaction was
92.96% and according to the results of other researchers there were still many nurses who
were not satisfied with their work. Factors that determine the job satisfaction of nurses in
hospitals, one of which is the relationship with superiors (supervision). The attitude or
behavior of superiors toward subordinates or employees largely determines the
satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the employee's work.
The purpose of this study was to find out whether there was a relationship between
the quality of supervision management by supervisors with the satisfaction of nurses in
hospital "AH".
Research Methods
Research Design
This research is a quantitative research using a cross-sectional approach method.
This study aims to determine the effect of supervision management quality on nurse job
satisfaction in the inpatient room of "AH" Hospital
Location and Time
The research site was conducted at the hospital "AH" Surabaya, East Java. On
December 14 23, 2022.
Population and Sample
The population in this study was all nurses in the inpatient room of hospital "AH",
by taking sampling using the Slovin formula, so the number of respondents was 51 nurses
working in the inpatient room of hospital "AH".
Rumus = N
1 + n e²
= 105
1 + 105 (0,1²)
= 51 responden
The Relationship Of Quality Management Supervision To Job Satisfaction Of Inpatient Nurses
In Hospital "Ah"
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1641
Sample Criteria
1. Inclusion Criteria
a. All nurses on duty in the inpatient room of "AH" Hospital
b. Willing to be a respondent
2. Exclusion Criteria
a. Not willing to be a respondent
b. Inactive Nurse / Leave
Research Variables:
1. Independent Variable:
The independent variable in this study was the quality of inpatient room supervision
management at "AH" Hospital
2. Dependent Variable:
The variable depending on this study is the satisfaction of the inpatient room nurse
of RS "AH"
Research Instruments:
The research instrument used was a questionnaire on nurses' job satisfaction with
hospitals and supervisors as well as the implementation of supervision management.
Data Collection Procedure :
The types of data collected are:
1. Primary data is data directly obtained from the object of research (Riwidikdo, 2013).
Primary data in this study by filling out questionnaires through Google form about
job satisfaction and the implementation of supervision management given to all
inpatient room nurses who were the study sample
2. Secondary data is data found indirectly from the object of research (Riwidikdo,
2013). Secondary data in this study are data already available from hospitals, such as
the total number of inpatient nurses, characteristics, and guidelines used.
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of Respondents
Based on the results of the nurse satisfaction survey, by taking a sampling of 51
nurses obtained the following results:
Table 4
Data karakteristik Respondents
of respondents
Percentage (%)
Jenis Kelamin
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1642
< 30 Years
30-39 Years
40-49 Years
50-60 Years
Period of Service
<10 Years
11-20 Years
21-30 Years
>30 Years
From the data of Table 1 above, it can be seen that the characteristics of respondents
Most of the 98.04% are women, with the highest age range of 40-49 years as much as
31.37% and the most working period is 21-30 years. This means that respondents who
took the survey were senior nurses who had been working for a long time, they understood
enough about the organizational culture at the "AH" hospital, so it could be said that they
were satisfied working at the "AH" hospital but not necessarily the employees were
engaged with the organization. Employees who are in one position for a long time tend
to feel "satisfied" and stagnant with their work which seems to be the reason why
employee engagement rates tend to decrease as the length of work increases (Chaudhary,
Univariate Analysis
Univariate analysis in this study is the analysis of management supervision
activities and job satisfaction of inpatient nurses in the hospital "AH". The distribution
and frequency of the variables studied are described in the table below:
Table 5
Data on the distribution and frequency of Supervision Activity Survey in
hospital "AH"
Quality Level
The Relationship Of Quality Management Supervision To Job Satisfaction Of Inpatient Nurses
In Hospital "Ah"
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1643
Table 6
Data on the distribution and frequency of Job Satisfaction of Hospital Nurses
From the results of the study, it can be seen that the distribution of respondents for
the variable of supervision activities is in the fairly good category, namely 63.73% (32
people), which means that supervision management at the hospital "AH" cannot be said
to be good. From the results of the study, it can be seen that the respondent's description
for the variable job satisfaction of hospital inpatient room nurses "AH" is the total number
of satisfied and very satisfied nurses of 76.47% (39 people).
Bivariate Analysis
To determine the relationship between the effect of supervised management quality
and job satisfaction of hospital inpatient room nurses "AH", an analysis was carried out
using the chi-square statistical test. To see whether there is a relationship between the
dependent variable and the independent variable and whether the resulting relationship is
meaningful, a comparison of P values with α = 0.05 is used, if P is < 0.05 (or chi-square
calculate > chi-square table), then the result of statistical calculations is that there is a
relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable and if the P
value is > 0.05, then the results of statistical calculations are meaningless which means
there is no relationship between the dependent variable and the variable independent.
Data on the Relationship between Supervise Management Implementation and
Nurse Job Satisfaction at "AH" Hospital
Job Satisfaction
Less Satisfied
Fera Elmiati
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Table 8
Chi-Square Correlation Test Results of Supervision Implementation with Nurse
Job Satisfaction in Hospital "AH
From Table 8, the results of the chi-square correlation test obtained p value = 0.000
< 0.05 and OR = 18.326 > 12.59159, there is a significant relationship between the quality
of supervision management and the job satisfaction of nurses at "AH" hospital. The
results of this study are in line with several previous research results such as Research
(Astuty, 2011) which examined the Relationship between the Implementation of the Head
of Room Briefing Function with Job Satisfaction of Implementing Nurses at the Jakarta
Hajj Hospital obtained the results that all briefing variables, namely: motivation,
supervision, delegation, conflict management, and communication were proven to be
related to the job satisfaction of implementing nurses (p = 0.000-0.005; α = 0.05). The
majority of implementing nurses perceive the implementation of the directing function to
be good and the nurse's job satisfaction is also good. In addition, there is also another
study that is in line with the results of this study, namely the research of Nia et al (2020)
states that the quality of good supervisors significantly and positively affects job
satisfaction, the quality of supervisors greatly determines high job satisfaction. Another
study that says the same thing is that Supervision has an OR value of 9.546 and p<0.05,
this means that the implementing nurse who states good supervision is 10.0 times more
likely to have better job satisfaction compared to the implementing nurse who states bad
supervision. (Tarigan, Santoso, &; Sipayung, 2021).
Based on the results of the study prove that:
1. There are 76.47% of employees who are satisfied working at "AH" hospital
2. Only 7.84% of nurses at "AH" hospital said the implementation of supervision
management was good, while as many as 63.75% said it was quite good. In general,
it can be concluded that nurses are not very satisfied with the implementation of
supervision management carried out by supervisors at the hospital "AH".
3. There is a significant relationship between the quality of supervision management
and the job satisfaction of nurses at Hospital "AH".
From the conclusions above, it can be said that the better the quality of supervision
management, it can increase the job satisfaction of nurses in hospital "AH"
Pearson Chi-Square
The Relationship Of Quality Management Supervision To Job Satisfaction Of Inpatient Nurses
In Hospital "Ah"
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1645
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