The Role Of Pai Teachers In Increasing Prayer Interest In Smpn 1 Baturetno Wonogiri Students
In 2023/2024 (The Role Of Pai Teachers Increases Interest In Prayer In Junior High School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1641
This type of research is field research that uses subjective strategies that explain. In
this study, in addition to strengthening the author's data, observations were also used to
identify some student activities in schools. In addition, the creators also led meetings to
find out data directly from the source, especially the task of PAI educators to expand
student excellence in praying and deliver polls to students to complete and further use to
track the amount of interest. petitions that students have.
This research was located at SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno located in Wonogiri. The
object research was carried out on PAI teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno, and students
of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno. In this study, the data collection techniques used were
observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and triangulation. According to
and Wahyu (2021), the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data
presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The validation technique used in this
study is the first to use the source triangulation technique. The source triangulation
technique is to check the data that has been obtained through several sources. Second,
triangulation techniques are checking data to the same source with different techniques.
Third, time triangulation is looking at data from the same source with different times and
Results and Discussion
1. The Role of PAI Teachers in Increasing Interest in Prayer in Students of SMP
Negeri 1 Baturetno.
The role of teacher educators according to Wardani, G. K et al., (2021) must not
only master the subject matter and have the skills to use the right methods and media in
managing learning. As an educator, it would be nice to instill moral values contained in
every material delivered to students, related to the provision of tasks and encouragement
as well as supervision and coaching related to disciplining students.
In improving the worship experience of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno students by
praying in congregation at school, in this case, the teacher plays a very important role as
an educator who has a responsibility that the teacher says and does will be an example
for the students to achieve the results achieved by the students. The role of the teacher is
necessary to increase the interest in congregational prayer in students:
In this case, PAI teachers have a way to increase interest by applying the discipline
of prayer to students, namely with oral forms and actions:
The form of effort that we do in 2 ways, namely verbal and action. The oral form
of effort used is: PAI teachers give advice or understanding to students who are lazy, and
undisciplined in praying at school. While efforts take the form of actions, namely:
Teachers as supervisors have a role in providing guidance, supervision, and control of
students to continue to increase the enthusiasm and learning outcomes of students,
teachers as administrators, where the teacher concerned will record the individual
development of his students and convey it to parents, teachers as educators or teachers as
educators and students are given guidance, coaching, and habituation of congregational
prayer at school, teachers as innovators can innovate or update everything related to