pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.762 1638
Hafid Zulhan Bachtiar
, Zaenal Abidin
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: role; pai teacher;
interest in prayer;
congregational prayer.
The background of this research is the role of the PAI teacher in
increasing prayer interest in students of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno
Wonogiri. This research method is qualitative, by interviewing teachers
and conducting a survey using Google form at SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno.
The results of the research are: teachers become supervisors, teachers
become administrators, teachers become educators, and teachers
become innovators. The inhibiting factors that are felt are: many
students still don't immediately go to the mosque, students are found to
go to the canteen, students who are still praying alone so they don't
attend congregational prayers, places of worship that are less extensive
so they cannot accommodate congregational prayers, there are other
factors from the influencing parent. The solution to the inhibiting
factors is: for the school to expand places of worship even though until
now it has not been perfect, the teacher should inform the parents of
students to carry out congregational prayers at home, as educators they
must treat students fairly, interact with noble character, give advice and
Teachers have an important role in the world of education have a great influence
and can shape students' character. Having a dominant factor, teachers are treated and
imitated are often used as role models by students and even become self-identification
teachers, especially PAI teachers require an understanding of the foundation of education
and teaching (Arif, Rahmayanti, & Rahmawati, 2021). At this time educators are required
to be a fortress base by strengthening ethics and morals, therefore in providing religious
values. A religious teacher becomes an example in the community and school (Safitri,
2019). Especially in religious learning, because it functions in human existence that is
linked to components of personality and values, including nature, religion, and social
citizens. Religious learning has the potential to uncover problems both now and in the
future. Therefore, religious learning is very meaningful for its development as a whole
person to study, internalize, believe, and practice (Indriawati, 2021).
In school, a PAI teacher provides lessons, education, and religious formation to
students who will later become the younger generation with charity, in the Quran it is
mentioned in Surah Al-Ankabut verse 45:
The Role Of Pai Teachers In Increasing Prayer Interest In Smpn 1 Baturetno Wonogiri Students
In 2023/2024 (The Role Of Pai Teachers Increases Interest In Prayer In Junior High School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1639
It means: "Read what has been revealed to you, namely the Bible (Qur'an), and establish
prayers. Indeed, the prayer prevents evil and mungkar. And indeed the remembrance of
Allah (prayer) is greater (its primacy than other worships). And Allah knows what you
do" (QS. Al-Ankabuut: 45).
In each school, discipline must be enforced in various activities. Starting from early
school entry to school with different air, training, and school decisions that must be
obeyed. One of them is about order in worship, worship that is usually completed in
school is prayer. Prayer is a necessity to realize the society that humans expect, namely
living happily and safely in the world and the hereafter (Farah & Fitriya, 2018). Prayer is
the best means to educate the soul and renew the spirit at the same time as moral
The meaning of rigorous religious learning for mankind is to increase the profound
ability and urge people to be imaginative, creative, understanding, and close, and all of
them must always be dedicated and seek the grace of God. So religion is a method of
behaving that is expected of others in viewing their atmosphere in a system (Oktavia &
Rahman, 2021).
Here are some of the results of previous studies found by researchers: The first
study by Djollong et al., 2019 entitled "Efforts of Islamic Religious Education Teachers
in Getting Used to Congregational Prayer and Its Influence on Student Personality" at
SMP Negeri 2 Liliriaja Soppeng Regency. The method used is a descriptive method with
data collection using interviews and documentation. With the results of conclusions 1)
education by example, 2) education by habituation, 3) education by advice, 4) education
by demonstration, 5) education by practice.
The second study by Kawu and Siti (2018) examined the title "The Role of Islamic
Religious Education (PAI) Teachers in Improving the Religious Attitudes of Muslim
Students in SMP Negeri 2 Sawit for the 2017/2018 Academic Year". Data collection with
a descriptive qualitative approach through interviews, documentation, and observation
methods. The way of thinking that departs from the theory and is then matched with the
data is the result of the conclusion of the deductive method. Judging from the review of
information from the results of exploration, it is very likely that PAI educators play a role
as teachers, guides, facilitators, and inspirations. In improving the manners of students at
SD Negeri 2 Sawit, several tausiyah practices were held 10 minutes before class time
started, BTQ practices, Friday prayers in congregation, legi Sunday recitation, tajweed
dawn congregation in each class, Dhuha Prayer (a daily practice during exams), and
reading habits before starting for example, Infaq Development every Friday, slaughter of
sacrificial animals held consistently during Eid al-Adha (Yanto & Yasin, 2023).
The third research of Mitra et al. (2021) entitled "The Role of Islamic Religious
Education and Ethics Teachers in Instilling Religious Character in Class V Students of
SD Negeri Kotabatu 04, Kotabatu Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency for the
Hafid Zulhan Bachtiar, Zaenal Abidin
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1640
2019/2020 Academic Year". The third exploration by Mitra et al. (2021) with the title
"The Work of Strict Islamic Educators and Quality in Instilling Strict Personal in Class
V Students of SD Negeri Kotabatu 04 Kota Kota Batu, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency
for the 2019/2020 Academic Year". This study used information collection procedures
and subjective fields such as perceptions, meetings, and documentation. While
interpretive descriptive data analysis is used. Exploration Results 1. The task of PAI and
Ethics Educators in educating grade V students of SD Negeri 04 Kotabatu, Kotabatu,
Ciomas District, Bogor Regency in 2019 The 2020 school year, more specifically: as
instructors, teachers, good role models, trainers, and confident awareness installers. 2.
The supporting elements are (a) high motivation of students and teachers; b) student
health; c) great interest in learning; (d) parental assistance; (e) the influence of friends; (f)
a typical place of worship; g) a satisfactory framework; and (h) school rules and
environment. 3. The inhibiting factors are: (a) lack of time division; (b) Student attitudes
and actions vary; Further (c) absence of parental consideration. 4. Answers to the bullying
element, in particular: (a) leading learning outside of class hours; (b) being fair to
students, having moral interaction, offering guidance, and inspiring; also (c) establishing
associations of educators' associations with guardians directly or implicitly.
The similarities in the previous study and this study both discuss the role of PAI
teachers in instilling religious character in students to increase interest in prayer. While
the difference in the first study was to discuss student character, in the second study there
was no discussion of the inhibiting factors faced by PAI teachers.
Based on the explanation above, the main problems that arise are first, the role of
PAI teachers in increasing congregational prayer, two factors that hinder PAI teachers in
carrying out congregational prayers, and the solutions used to overcome these problems.
This research is hypothetically research used to increase insight and knowledge
about the role of teachers. Furthermore, this research can be useful to recognize the task
of PAI educators in building the personality of students. The researchers hope their
findings will inspire students to take a closer interest in prayer. It is hoped that this
research can develop knowledge about making students' personalities.
1. The Role of Islamic Education Teachers in Increasing Interest in Prayer
Educators are likened to second parents who educate various new things and as
facilitators for students so that they can learn and cultivate their essential abilities and
skills ideally, it's just that as long as educators improve their lower abilities and abilities
to the maximum, educators message and display openly and non-public schools
(Soerjono, 2009).
According to Yonny & Yunus (2011) in their book explained that a teacher is a very
important figure in the world of education, even a teacher must also transform his
knowledge and experience, and set an example, but a teacher wants to inspire his students
and have good morals.
Research Methods
The Role Of Pai Teachers In Increasing Prayer Interest In Smpn 1 Baturetno Wonogiri Students
In 2023/2024 (The Role Of Pai Teachers Increases Interest In Prayer In Junior High School
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1641
This type of research is field research that uses subjective strategies that explain. In
this study, in addition to strengthening the author's data, observations were also used to
identify some student activities in schools. In addition, the creators also led meetings to
find out data directly from the source, especially the task of PAI educators to expand
student excellence in praying and deliver polls to students to complete and further use to
track the amount of interest. petitions that students have.
This research was located at SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno located in Wonogiri. The
object research was carried out on PAI teachers of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno, and students
of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno. In this study, the data collection techniques used were
observation, interviews, documentation, questionnaires, and triangulation. According to
and Wahyu (2021), the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data
presentation, conclusion drawing, and verification. The validation technique used in this
study is the first to use the source triangulation technique. The source triangulation
technique is to check the data that has been obtained through several sources. Second,
triangulation techniques are checking data to the same source with different techniques.
Third, time triangulation is looking at data from the same source with different times and
Results and Discussion
1. The Role of PAI Teachers in Increasing Interest in Prayer in Students of SMP
Negeri 1 Baturetno.
The role of teacher educators according to Wardani, G. K et al., (2021) must not
only master the subject matter and have the skills to use the right methods and media in
managing learning. As an educator, it would be nice to instill moral values contained in
every material delivered to students, related to the provision of tasks and encouragement
as well as supervision and coaching related to disciplining students.
In improving the worship experience of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno students by
praying in congregation at school, in this case, the teacher plays a very important role as
an educator who has a responsibility that the teacher says and does will be an example
for the students to achieve the results achieved by the students. The role of the teacher is
necessary to increase the interest in congregational prayer in students:
In this case, PAI teachers have a way to increase interest by applying the discipline
of prayer to students, namely with oral forms and actions:
The form of effort that we do in 2 ways, namely verbal and action. The oral form
of effort used is: PAI teachers give advice or understanding to students who are lazy, and
undisciplined in praying at school. While efforts take the form of actions, namely:
Teachers as supervisors have a role in providing guidance, supervision, and control of
students to continue to increase the enthusiasm and learning outcomes of students,
teachers as administrators, where the teacher concerned will record the individual
development of his students and convey it to parents, teachers as educators or teachers as
educators and students are given guidance, coaching, and habituation of congregational
prayer at school, teachers as innovators can innovate or update everything related to
Hafid Zulhan Bachtiar, Zaenal Abidin
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language learning besides that PAI teachers also make attendance in which the name,
class, and time of entry to the mosque are listed after prayer, the students come to the
absence as the name implies, this absence is managed by ROHIS / Student Council
members accompanied by BK teachers.
In the presentation about the role of teachers above, this study also conducted a
survey using Google form to students of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno with the following
Interviews were conducted with 17 people or 38.6% of students and 27 students or
61.4% at SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno with class X at 68.2%, class XI at 18.2%, and class
XII at 13.6%. With a few questions, namely:
a. Are congregational prayer activities held in schools?
Almost the overall results of the diagram above 97.7% of students answered yes,
which is where schools perform congregational prayers. This is inseparable from the role
of teachers who can provide good education to students.
a. Do you always participate in congregational prayer activities at school?
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1643
In this case, it was still found that 31.8% of students did not participate in
congregational prayer activities at school. This is to the results of interviews conducted
by teachers, that there are still many students who are lazy and undisciplined in carrying
out congregational prayer activities.
b. Do PAI teachers set a good example to the students of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno
The teacher sets a good example for the students so that the students will easily
follow suit. Because basically what the good sees students will follow suit.
2. Inhibiting Factors in Increasing Interest in Prayer in Students.
The inhibiting factors obtained from the results of the study are: (a) many students
still do not immediately go to the mosque, (b) there are some students found to go to the
canteen, (c) there are also students who still pray alone so they do not participate in
congregational prayers, (d) places of worship that are less spacious so that they cannot
accommodate congregational prayers, (e) there are other factors from the influence of
parents who do not perform congregational prayers or maybe even obligatory prayers do
not perform it so that influence on children.
From the reflection above, scientists master that the absence of student attention
can be an obstacle for educators to further improve students' prayer skills, considering
that each task given by educators to students greatly results in the process of increasing
student expertise in prayermethod of training students' skills to pray. Until not carrying
out the tasks given by educators, this matter will be a barrier for educators to increase
interest in prayer.
3. Solutions in Increasing Interest in Prayer in Students.
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In dealing with these inhibiting factors, teachers also have solutions to overcome
these problems, namely:
a) the school expands the place of worship even though until now it has not been perfect,
b) the teacher tells the parents to perform congregational prayers at home so that when
performing congregational prayers at school the students are familiar, c) do justice to
students, interact with noble morals, convey advice, and motivation.
Based on the results of research on the Role of PAI Teachers in Increasing Interest
in Prayer in Students of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno. Teachers have a very important role in
increasing interest in prayer. First, based on the results of interviews with the Role of PAI
Teachers in Increasing Prayer Interest in Students of SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno, namely:
a) teachers become supervisors, b) teachers become administrators, c) teachers become
educators, d) teachers as innovators. Second, the inhibiting factors felt by PAI teachers in
increasing interest in prayer in SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno students are: (a) many students
still do not immediately go to the mosque, (b) there are some students found to go to the
canteen, (c) there are also students who still pray alone so they do not participate in
congregational prayers, (d) places of worship that are less spacious so that they cannot
accommodate congregational prayers, (e) There are other factors from the influence of
parents who do not perform congregational prayers or perhaps even obligatory prayers do
not perform them to affect children.
Third, solutions to the inhibiting factors of PAI teachers in increasing interest in
prayer in SMP Negeri 1 Baturetno students are: a) the school expands the place of worship
even though until now it is not perfect, b) the teacher tells the parents to perform
congregational prayers at home so that when doing congregational prayers at school the
students are used to it, c) as educators must do justice to students, interact with noble
morals, convey advice and motivation.
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