Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1822
2019). Education is a way to develop in the formation of a person's ability to use their
rational mind to answer in the face of various issues or problems that will arise in the
future (Mulyasa, 2022). One of the objectives of education is to improve the quality of
human resources that are adapted to the development of situations and living conditions
to convey or bring mental attitudes of the behavior of students/students and students
(Darman, 2020). In the process of changing the attitudes and behavior/behavior of a
person or group of people to improve and efforts to mature humans through teaching and
training efforts (ALAM, 2022).
In today's world education is often used as a reference or benchmark for someone
in their social environment, someone is often underestimated because they have to choose
an uncommon educational method or approach. Meanwhile, the choice of type or
approach to education should always be adjusted to the conditions of students and
students, for example for children with disabilities in the era who should be able to enjoy
proper education for everyone and society, are still underestimated if they have to choose
education at Special Schools (SLB) or there are still many who receive or get different
treatment when they have to gather with non-disabled students at school inclusive which
indicates that normal students only accept physical disabilities (Arsanti, 2016) (Harahap
& Lelo, 2020).
In reality, students with disabilities still do not understand and can get an education
by what should be received or obtained evenly and fairly or reasonably, because there are
still many obstacles or obstacles both internally and externally in their environment
(Miftakhuddin, 2018). The implementation of inclusive education is the right step to
provide maximum service to children with disabilities. Presenting the principle of
education of children's disabilities is the principle of affection, the principle of individual
service, the principle of readiness, the principle of demonstration, the principle of
motivation, the principle of skills, and the principle of instilling and perfecting attitudes
(Nadhirah, 2021).
Thus, the importance of basic education schools must be an important and adequate
part, especially about accessibility and social aspects, comfort and appearance of
architectural aspects are needed considering the presence of children with disabilities who
drop out of primary education. Therefore, by considering the needs and desires for basic
education disabled schools whose quality is ideal in terms of architecture with an
architectural approach that pays attention to behavior as a physical and social aspect.
Children with disabilities also hope that Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi can implement and
realize inclusive education, where children with disabilities can receive education in the
same school as other students without discrimination. Until now, the Surabaya City
Government continues to expand or add facilities for children with disabilities but not
evenly distributed by the realization of better fulfillment of the rights of people with
disabilities in enjoying urban development, both in terms of facilities in public spaces and
quality early/basic education and many schools that cannot be said to be good in comfort
and get accommodation to receive education for children with disabilities (Soedarto &
Ainiyah, 2022) (Chiambretto, 2016).