pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.759 1821
Universitas Widya Kartika Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: schools with
disabilities; elementary
education; architecture;
behavior; jointly.
Disabled schools are an opportunity for educational services that must
be optimally emphasized and highlighted for children with disabilities,
have significant implications for special/special education, and joint
education centers or joint learning must have programs and systems,
namely inclusive education, responsibility/accountability and learning
accessibility, positive behavior and collaboration. Students with
disabilities still do not understand and can get an education, because
there are still many obstacles or obstacles related to physical human
activity. With problem-solving methods as well as developing the ability
to analyze and read symptoms critically every movement that can occur
around. Behavior in children with special needs varies depending on the
needs required, in a building and especially in architectural spaces can
be realized by architectural elements. Designed based on the need for
function and to accommodate children with disabilities to get early/basic
education with future interests to be able to care for themselves. The role
and guidance of parents is also expected to be a major consideration and
an important factor. So, it is hoped that the Planning and Design of
Schools with Disabilities in Basic Education with the Behavioral
Architecture Approach in Surabaya will become one of the reference
considerations in designing schools with disabilities in basic education.
Disability schools are opportunities in educational services that must be emphasized
and highlighted optimally for children with disabilities, with a tendency that significantly
has implications for special/extraordinary education, and the current focus is on
centralizing education together or learning together as well as groups must have programs
and systems namely inclusive education, responsibility/accountability and learning
accessibility, with support for positive behavior and collaboration. Regardless of the form
of education/training services and wherever they are located they are provided to children
with disabilities. The government should offer and provide various alternative education
services as an option (Rahardja, Aini, & Zuliana, 2016) (Bauman & Murray, 2014).
Disability (children have limited abilities) as has been shown in Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2016 article 10 concerning the Right to Education
that every child who has a disability or disability has the right to receive quality and
quality education and have equal education opportunities (Husna, Yunus, & Gunawan,
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1822
2019). Education is a way to develop in the formation of a person's ability to use their
rational mind to answer in the face of various issues or problems that will arise in the
future (Mulyasa, 2022). One of the objectives of education is to improve the quality of
human resources that are adapted to the development of situations and living conditions
to convey or bring mental attitudes of the behavior of students/students and students
(Darman, 2020). In the process of changing the attitudes and behavior/behavior of a
person or group of people to improve and efforts to mature humans through teaching and
training efforts (ALAM, 2022).
In today's world education is often used as a reference or benchmark for someone
in their social environment, someone is often underestimated because they have to choose
an uncommon educational method or approach. Meanwhile, the choice of type or
approach to education should always be adjusted to the conditions of students and
students, for example for children with disabilities in the era who should be able to enjoy
proper education for everyone and society, are still underestimated if they have to choose
education at Special Schools (SLB) or there are still many who receive or get different
treatment when they have to gather with non-disabled students at school inclusive which
indicates that normal students only accept physical disabilities (Arsanti, 2016) (Harahap
& Lelo, 2020).
In reality, students with disabilities still do not understand and can get an education
by what should be received or obtained evenly and fairly or reasonably, because there are
still many obstacles or obstacles both internally and externally in their environment
(Miftakhuddin, 2018). The implementation of inclusive education is the right step to
provide maximum service to children with disabilities. Presenting the principle of
education of children's disabilities is the principle of affection, the principle of individual
service, the principle of readiness, the principle of demonstration, the principle of
motivation, the principle of skills, and the principle of instilling and perfecting attitudes
(Nadhirah, 2021).
Thus, the importance of basic education schools must be an important and adequate
part, especially about accessibility and social aspects, comfort and appearance of
architectural aspects are needed considering the presence of children with disabilities who
drop out of primary education. Therefore, by considering the needs and desires for basic
education disabled schools whose quality is ideal in terms of architecture with an
architectural approach that pays attention to behavior as a physical and social aspect.
Children with disabilities also hope that Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi can implement and
realize inclusive education, where children with disabilities can receive education in the
same school as other students without discrimination. Until now, the Surabaya City
Government continues to expand or add facilities for children with disabilities but not
evenly distributed by the realization of better fulfillment of the rights of people with
disabilities in enjoying urban development, both in terms of facilities in public spaces and
quality early/basic education and many schools that cannot be said to be good in comfort
and get accommodation to receive education for children with disabilities (Soedarto &
Ainiyah, 2022) (Chiambretto, 2016).
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1823
The purpose of this approach refers to being able to overcome problems involving
human-environment interaction in making, and processing, maintaining. As well as
improving the environment to be able to create the desired behavior (Justice, 2021).
Research Methods
The design method is the theoretical foundation of the design steps needed and how
the design process guides and facilitates achieving these goals methodologically.
Introduction to the way or sequence of design in designing and building ideas and ideas
of thinking patterns that are by the process of design problems, namely by problem-
solving methods and on the development of the ability to critically analyze and read
symptoms of every movement of activities that can occur around the environment. In
carrying out the process of designing or designing several stages of design need to be
done (Tahir et al., 2023).
Preparatory Stage
It is a preparatory stage there are various pre-planning and design activities. At this
stage arrange the important things in the design needed before starting the design stage to
identify the time and activities to be carried out.
Identify the Problem
It is a stage of identifying problems based on the reality that exists in the city of
Surabaya about Basic Education Disability Schools with a Behavioral Architecture
Approach in Surabaya.
Data Collection
Is a stage of data collected for the main target as a source of information and can
make references based on applicable government standards and regulations. Divided into
two kinds of data results, which are as follows:
Primary Data
Is data obtained from the direct field, both quantitative data and qualitative data,
with this it is expected that the data that has been obtained are the main data needed in
design, including:
1. Quantitative Data
That is data that can be physically known in size or amount, such as space
dimensions, number of users, and so on.
2. Qualitative Data
Namely, data that cannot be measured in size and amount physically and definitely,
including user character, space programs and space needs, site conditions, and social
culture and the surrounding environment.
3. Secondary Data
Are supporting data to be able to support primary data in planning and designing
objects in the design? Secondary data is data obtained from literature studies by
comparing similar objects as a reference for standardization by applicable laws and
regulations. In the form of literature regarding the requirements for buildings such as
disabled schools supporting data is needed in the next stages of analysis.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1824
Is a stage of analysis/analysis carried out on several data based on facts and needs
needed or taken from the problems behind the emergence of ideas at the beginning. In
this case, it is done to later find solutions or solutions that are effective. With that data
analysis can be done, in the form of:
1. Site analysis
2. Function analysis
3. Activity or behavior analysis
4. User analytics
5. Space analysis
6. Shape study analysis
7. Analysis of building structure systems
8. Analysis of utilities and building systems
Design Concept
It is the main concept stage of this design is the "Behavioral Architecture
Approach". This concept is taken from several user needs for schools with disabilities,
especially at the basic education level for teaching and learning activities and getting the
same learning. The Behavioral / Psychological Architecture Approach will also be
applied to be able to accommodate user behavior to the activity needs of each room by
considering elements, such as shape, scale, color, material, and user characteristics.
Architectural Design
It is a design stage with the process of entering the development stage and the
maturation stage of the overall design concept in harmonizing all various aspects, and can
also produce architectural drawings, such as floor plans, looks, cuts, layout plans, site
plans, and perspectives that can be used to explain fully and in detail about the overall
design design.
Results and Discussion
In this chapter, we will discuss the planning and design program of the Basic
Education Disability School building. Includes analysis of space users and managers,
space programs, space relations, space organization, site selection, space circulation and
site analysis, and study of forms and systems in buildings. By limiting or only focusing
on accommodating 4 children with disabilities including, Disabled, Blind, Deaf, and
Speech Impaired with different behaviors.
Space Program
Space is very important to support an activity, there also needs to be a basic
reference in designing and determining rooms in a building or building of Basic Education
Disability Schools, especially for children with physical and mental disorders.
(Government Regulation Number 13 of 2020). The following are the requirements for
managing space for the Basic Education Disability School building, namely:
1. Has a room that can be used to carry out children's activities consisting of an indoor
learning room and an outdoor room with a maximum of 5 students in the classroom.
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1825
2. Have a bathroom and toilet / WC that can be used for personal hygiene purposes and
defecate with clean water.
3. Meet the important requirements of accessibility, of course, for children with special
4. Has an attractive design in learning activities and can support learning media.
5. Have and fulfill room furniture that can be used by children with special needs.
(Government Regulation Number 13 of 2020 Article 4 paragraph (1) letter D).
Site Selection
For site selection in supporting a learning and teaching activity to children with
disabilities or children with disabilities is very important, to optimize and adjust basic
needs for selection considerations by regulations or basic laws set by the government.
Here are some land requirements that need to be considered, namely:
1. Know the existence or position of land.
2. Land by the designation of the location and according to local regulations.
3. The land area is sufficient to accommodate various activities in it.
4. The condition of the soil must be in a stable state and have a good carrying capacity.
5. Strategic site location.
6. The location of the site has a fairly good view.
7. Ease of reaching the site location.
8. several infrastructures can support this.
Site Analyzes
The location of the site is on Jl. Raya Gebang Pratama, Gebang Putih Village,
Sukolilo District, Surabaya City, East Java Province 60117, Indonesia.
a. Description of Alternative Site
Site Function: Primary Education Difable School
Street Name: Jl. Raya Gebang Pratama
Site Area: 6,003.8 m² or 0.600 hectares
KDB: 50%
KLB: 1-2 floors
Land Allocation: Education (SPU-1)
Tread Condition: Non-contoured
Boundary; In the North: Parks & Vacant lots
In the West: Settlements
In the South: Jl. Gang Puskesmas
In the East: Jl. Raya Gubeng Pratama
b. Site Shapes and Dimensions
Square site
The site is oriented towards the East because the main circulation is on the East side.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1826
Figure 1. Site existing data
a. Natural Factor Analysis of Soil Classification
Figure 2. Sun site conditions
Figure 3. Rain sun analysis
Gambar 4. Analisa hujan
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1827
b. Analysis of Land Use Culture Factors
Figure 5.
Land Use Analysis Relationship and Circulation
Figure 6. Relationship and circulation analysis
c. Analysis of Aesthetic Factors of Natural Forms (Potentials and Obstacles)
Figure 7.
Analysis of natural forms (potentials and obstacles)
Space Pattern:
View to the site (People and Vehicles)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1828
Figure 8. View to site analysis (human and vehicle)
View from site
Gambar 9. Analisa view from site
Form Studies
With the formation achieved is a Basic Education Disability School building that
can meet the needs and have uses in teaching and learning activities. Based on the results
of the literature review, similar object studies, and site analysis, the results of the desired
form study have been obtained with the discussion below.
a. Architectural Style
With a formal aesthetic architecture, it was chosen according to its needs as a
school. The resulting form follows the function of the building, the simpler is an added
value to architecture, and simplifying the building in detail format becomes unnecessary.
Formal aesthetics includes proportion, scale, balance, hierarchy, rhythm, repetition, color,
and aesthetic value. (Riskiani, 2013).
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1829
Figure 10. Formal aesthetic form
b. Aesthetics and Functions
By maximizing the formal aesthetic architectural style and also emphasizing
horizontal and vertical elements to add to the aesthetics and beauty of the building.
Buildings that follow function, are simple, and there are no ornaments to show a formal
impression. Because other existing ornaments are also considered to have no function
either structurally or non-structurally, the ornaments are removed (Safana et al., 2021).
Picture 11.
An example of the aesthetics and functions of a school building
In-Building Systems
a. Structural System and Foundation Construction
The structure and construction system of the foundation uses a pile foundation
because the use of this foundation is very suitable for use in unstable soil conditions.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1830
Picture 12.
Body pile foundation
The structural and construction system on the body uses a rigid frame system
because the structural system consists of linear elements, such as columns and beams
whose ends are connected by joints (connecting points) that are rigid/rigid and can be
distinguished from pos-and-beam structures whose connecting points are joints/roll.
Picture 13.
Roof frame rigid structure
The structure and construction on the roof use shields, because the building with a
formal aesthetic architectural design.
Picture 14.
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1831
Shield or pyramid roof structure
b. Lighting System
Optimizing natural lighting from the sun which in the morning-afternoon / evening
is the school's operating hours and also utilizing the optimization of openings (doors,
windows, etc.).
Figure 15. Natural and artificial lighting
c. Air Conditioning System
Optimized natural air in schools, will give specificity to students with disabilities
to be more adaptable.
Picture 16.
Natural and artificial air conditioning
Design and Pre-Design Transformation
Design concept with the architectural process for planning and designing the
building of the Basic Education Disability School. Consists of 2 concepts, namely macro
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1832
and micro, micro concepts with 3 points, namely in shape, space, and mass arrangement
or site order.
Figure 17. Design concept process
Macro Concepts
The macro concept in the planning and design of the Basic Education Disability
School building is obtained from the results of data by direct observation and analysis
process in the previous chapters, namely behavioral architecture taken from children with
disabilities (namely the disabled, visually impaired, deaf, and speech-impaired).
Figure 18. Schematic macro concept
Micro Concept
a. Microshape Concept
The concept of microforms in the building of the Basic Education Disability School
is based on cognitive aspects as a function of social activities or activities about human
relations between human behavior and their environment and site analysis.
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1833
Figure 19. Schematic concept of micro shapes
b. Micro Space Concept
The concept of micro space in the Basic Education Disability School building is a
minimalist space and is functional or by the needs of its function as a place to take
education, as well as on the affective aspect in paying attention to all accessibility and
safety of students with disabilities who are inside or outside the building space.
Figure 20. Schematic of the concept of microspace
c. Micro Concept of Mass Structuring
The concept of micro mass arrangement of the Basic Education Disability School
building by maintaining the condition of the site and with a centralized site arrangement
is in the middle, where in the psychomotor aspect students with disabilities can be used
as a value to measure the ability and skills in carrying out activities independently for
themselves or accompanied directly by paying attention to the will/opportunity in an area.
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1834
Figure 21. Schematic of the concept of microstructuring mass
Figure 22. The concept of mass structuring
Pre-Drafted Drawings
Site plan
Gambar 23. Site map
Layout plan
Gambar 24. Layout plan
Views &; overall pieces
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1835
Figure 25. Views &; overall pieces
Denah massa 1-6
Figure 26. Mass plan 1-6
Views & pieces of building 2 pieces
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1836
Figure 27. Views & pieces of building 2 pieces
System Utilities
Figure 28. System Utilities
Exterior perspective
Figure 29. Exterior perspective
Perspekstif interior
Figure 30. Interior perspective
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1837
Outdoor space details
Figure 31. Outdoor space details
Detail facade
Figure 32. Facade details
Detail interior
Picture 33. Detail interior
3D model kilometers
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1838
Figure 34. 3D isometric models
Market skala 1: 300
Figure 35. Scale mockups 1: 300
One place to take education for students or children with disabilities as the main
background in getting the right to education in schools equally. The limited place to learn
in special education and often underestimated by the community, as well as the means of
consultation from experts in the field of children with disabilities is a problem for parents.
The Planning and Design of Basic Education Disability Schools with a Behavioral
Architecture Approach is an important solution for parents and also for the public interest.
This Basic Education Disability School is designed based on the needs of function and to
accommodate children with disabilities to get early/basic education with importance and
also aims to be a provision for children with disabilities in the future to be able to take
care of themselves. The role and guidance of parents are also expected to make the main
consideration and important factor, this school is located on Jl. Raya Gebang Pratama
Surabaya. Thus, the Planning and Design of Basic Education Disability Schools with a
Behavioral Architecture Approach in Surabaya is expected to be one of the reference
considerations in a basic education disability school design.
Planning And Designing Schools With Disabilities Basic Education With Behavioral
Architecture Approach In Surabaya
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1839
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