Fistyarahma Nurshinta, Gunardi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1720
made in the form prescribed by law, made by or before the authorized public employees
to be placed where the deed was made (Prawesthi, 2023). According to Herlin Budiono,
Article 1868 of the Civil Code does not explain who is meant by an employee / general
official and how the form of an authentic deed is, but Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning
Notary Position appoints notaries as general officials and provides the basis and
procedures for making authentic deeds (Nurkharisma, Ispriyarso, & Cahyaningtyas,
In addition to authentic deeds, there are other existing deeds, namely deeds under
hand which are affirmed in Article 1874 of the Civil Code which states that writings under
the hands are considered deeds signed under the hands, letters, registers, household affairs
papers, and other writings made without the intermediary of a public employee. This
shows that the deed under hand is basically a deed made by the parties by making an
agreement without involving a general employee, one of which is a notary. According to
Yahya Harahap, the power of proving the deed under the hand does not have the power
of external proof as an authentic deed that cannot be refuted by the judge, thus it must be
the opposing party who submits proof of the falsity of the deed, here the proof of the deed
under this hand has a very weak legal force (Saepullah, 2021). According to Soepomo as
stated by Yahya Harahap when viewed in terms of proof, in order for a writing to have
value as a deed under the hand, several basic requirements are needed, including: first,
the letter or writing is signed, the second content explained in it concerns legal acts
(Rechtshandeling) or legal relations (Rechtsbetrekking) and the third is deliberately made
to be used as evidence of legal acts made in it (Evi, 2021). The power of proof is only
between the parties if the parties do not deny and acknowledge the existence of the
agreement (acknowledging its signature in the agreement made). Therefore, either party
can deny the correctness of the signatures contained in the agreement. The above can be
concluded that if there is a legal problem, then the deed under this hand has very weak
evidence. In line with R. Subekti who states that evidence is to convince the judge of the
truth of the propositions or propositions stated in a dispute (Pasiwi, 2021). Therefore, to
strengthen the deed under hand, legalization of the deed under the hand can be carried out
by an authorized official, namely a notary. According to Article 56 of the UUJN, letters
under the hands that are authorized or legalized must be stamped/stamped as well as the
paraf and signature of a notary (Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning Notary Positions,
2004). The authority of the notary to certify the signature and determine the certainty of
the date of the letter under the hand by registering in a special book (legalization) as
stipulated in Article 15 paragraph (2) letter a of the UUJN. The parties in this case only
sign before a notary where the notary does not ascertain the contents of a deed whether
the content is an unlawful act or not, even though the parties sign before a notary, but the
deed made is a deed under hand, not a notary deed (Sajadi & Saptanti, 2015).
Research Methods
The research method used in this article is normative juridical, namely the study of
secondary data such as regulations, rulings, agreements, or other legal documents, as well