pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.755 1621
Eka Saputra
, Guruh Novan Aldianto
, Aisyah Zahra Maghfirah
Employment Polytechnic Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: collaboration; labor
unions; productivity.
Beginning in 20202022 during the COVID-19 epidemic, a company
experienced a lot of productivity decline, employers need to think about
how productivity is maintained and increased from various existing
conditions. In 2023 the COVID-19 pandemic became an endemic, and
the economy began to grow from various sectors, the research aims to
describe clearly and completely the collaboration of trade unions and
employers on company productivity through the fulfillment of welfare
for workers that have an impact on company productivity in the
pandemic of Covid-19. Descriptive qualitative data collecting is the
research methodology used through unstructured interviews, field
research, and literature study for data analysis techniques using data
reduction techniques that focus on the relationship between collaboration
and productivity. The results of this research conducted at PT X, which
is engaged in the electronics business for the defense and infrastructure
industries, the first problem shows that trade unions take a role to
encourage companies not to reduce the welfare facilities that have been
provided and improve existing welfare facilities during the Covid-19
pandemic. The second problem, based on the report data from 2020 to
2022, the fulfillment and improvement of welfare is well proven and has
an effect on increasing productivity for the company, besides that the
pattern of harmonious industrial relations and conducive working
conditions can make communication between trade unions and
employers well as prevent disputes and be a factor in increasing
productivity in company X. Result in this research is that companies
should maintain the fulfillment of welfare and maintain the collaboration
that has been implemented so that worker productivity continues to grow
The Covid-19 pandemic is officially lifted by President Jokowi "After more than
three years of struggling together to face the Covid-19 pandemic, since today,
Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the government has decided to revoke the pandemic status
and we are starting to enter an endemic period," said the President in a release issued by
the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, after the lifting of the Covid-19
status Indonesia faces challenges that need to be faced, namely challenges from the labor
Economic recovery due to the Covid-19 pandemic is the main thing that needs to
be addressed in line with this statement Deputy Minister of Manpower, Afriansyah Noor
stated "In improving competence based on excellence, the role of vocational training can
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1622
be a solution to the low competitiveness of the workforce in the era of digitalization and
mismatch of employment during the economic recovery period due to the impact of
Covid19, I hope all of us, can be better prepared to increase the productivity and
competitiveness of Indonesian human resources" (Hidayat & Hasanah, 2016) delivered
at the third national capacity forum 2023 North Sumatra region (Sumbagut).
The above statement is also in line with what was conveyed by Coordinating
Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto at the IX congress of the All Indonesia
Trade Union Confederation (KSBSI) in Jakarta "Another labor challenge faced by
Indonesia is low labor productivity" (Amriyati et al., 2023).
About the productivity mentioned above, workers and employers need to synergize
to build a harmonious working relationship. This harmonious relationship allows us to
identify and prevent potential disputes in the employment relationship. In this case,
disputes very often arise in the relationship between employees and workers. This is
because the main focus of industrial relations established by the company is goal-oriented
and profit-oriented cooperation, thus impacting the high work pressure faced by
employees (Nuraeni, Asih, & Wulandari, 2018).
Collaboration between workers and employers based on industrial relations as
described above is expected to increase company productivity, to maintain sustainability
workers need an organizational forum as a place to accommodate aspirations by the
provisions, trade unions are the answer to these containers by the mandate of Law No. 21
of 2000 concerning Trade Unions, regarding the definition of trade unions, namely trade
unions/trade unions is an organization formed from by and for workers/workers both in
the company and outside the company that is free, open, independent, democratic and
responsible to fight, defend and protect the rights and interests of workers/workers and
improve the welfare of workers/workers and their families (Panjaitan, 2018).
In addition to the above provisions, the existence of trade unions to become a forum
for work aspirations is also legally protected through Article 104 of Law No. 13 of 2003
concerning Manpower which reads: "Every worker/worker has the right to form and
become a member of a trade union/labor". Trade unions must encourage the formation of
a harmonious, dynamic, and equitable climate/culture in addition to being with employers
to encourage high productivity (Martono, 2019).
In the process of converting raw materials into finished products that customers
want, workers play a role as the main component of production, so without human
resources as labor, productivity will not be achieved (Julyanthry et al., 2020). Therefore,
work productivity requires focusing on factors that make workers motivated to work in
the hope of achieving company goals, which are specifically related to work productivity
(Farihah, 2017).
The motivation of workers referred to above is included in factors that affect
productivity growth apart from investment factors and management factors, namely
worker factors, factors that are very important to increase productivity (Sinungan, 2005),
according to Hasibuan in (Rahayuanto, 2022) which was requoted by Dwi Reny Andriany
explained that about employee performance, mental and physical abilities of employees,
Improvement Of Electric Motor Inspection Process In Service Repair Workshop: With Lean
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1623
Leader-subordinate relations, employee motivation, education, work discipline, skills,
work ethic attitudes, income. level (well-being), technological complexity and
opportunities for achievement,
1. Know the role of trade unions and what can be done to fulfill welfare for workers
2. Knowing the role of trade unions to encourage the productivity of their members
which has an impact on company productivity.
Research Methods
Nature of Research
This research was conducted by qualitative descriptive method, the data obtained
were poured in the form of logical descriptions to describe the facts systematically. This
research method is used by researchers to provide a complete picture of the role of trade
unions in encouraging companies to provide harmonious working conditions and
fulfillment of welfare for workers.
Types of Research
The type of research used is a qualitative research technique with a descriptive
analysis approach. This study aims to understand the phenomenon of trade unions and
employers working together to increase company productivity.
Research Resources
Research sources are obtained using primary data which are the results of taking
data directly from sources observed and recorded by researchers (Sugiono, 2017). The
results of the data in this study are primary data in the form of interviews and
Data Collection Techniques
Research data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations,
and literature reviews. Where can I find library data such as laws, books, literature,
documents, expert writings, and other works closely related to my research topic?
Results and Discussion
1. The Role of Trade Unions in the Fulfillment of Workers' Welfare in Company
The existence of Workers' Organizations in Indonesia is guaranteed by Law
Number 21 of 2000 concerning Trade Unions/Trade Unions. Regulations were passed
more than two decades ago, regulating the role of trade unions. The existence of these
workers' organizations is generally used as a tool for workers' struggle to fight for their
rights. In-depth, members of such organizations at the company level can be
representatives of collective labor agreement negotiations. In the event of a dispute, this
organization can also defend its members in litigation or non-litigation.
Related to this matter is limited and not for federations and confederations by the
provisions of Law Number 2 of 2004 concerning Settlement of Industrial Relations
Disputes. More broadly, the existence of Trade Unions / Trade Unions can be
representative of the workers/workers at the level or tripartite forum. In addition, the role
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of this organization is to be able to create a harmonious, dynamic, and fair industrial
relations climate. The movement of Trade Union organizations in the country is focused
on improving the welfare of its members. Apart from this, the organization also made a
positive contribution and contributed to building the country.
Based on Sihabudin (2017), workers are always in a weak position in the struggle
against the demand for the fulfillment of their rights. Meanwhile, the existence of worker
organizations is a monitoring tool for the fulfillment of workers' rights in the company.
Meanwhile, Priyadi and Zahra (2022) explain that trade unions play a role in supervising
the fate of workers in companies. This is confirmed by Lailiyah (2022), that trade unions
are organizations that have the authority to struggle for the fulfillment of workers' rights
aimed at fulfilling social welfare and prosperity. The case study in this study was taken
from PT X. The company has a Company-Level Workers Union (SPTP). The trade union
plays an important role in every policy, including in fulfilling welfare for workers in the
According to Sdr. A, the average age of employees is currently dominated by the
younger generation, namely the generation that can be qualified in Generation Y
(millennials). When quoting from the journal (Adiawaty, 2019), the company currently
manages employees divided into 3 (three) generations, namely: Baby Boomers (1945-
1964), generation X (1965-1981), and Generation Y (1982-2000). Attitudes towards
work, mastery of hard skills, and soft skills are fundamental differences between the three
generations. Meanwhile, based on other sources, there are currently four generations
entering the workforce. Baby boomers as an early generation born in 1946-1964, have a
mindset that prioritizes fierce competition (competitive).
Some say the generation prefers to criticize the lack of commitment and work ethics
of the younger generation. However, the generation has a high commitment to its work.
Generation X has different characteristics than before. Quoting from online
learning.binus.ac.id explained that this generation born in 1965-1976 prioritizes work-life
balance, but always avoids unfortunate things. Furthermore, there is a generation born in
1977-1994 commonly called the millennial generation.
This generation has the characteristic ambition to master not only one field. This
generation is also reliable in mastering technology (heavy tech). The last generation that
is currently entering the workforce is Generation Z. As a generation born in 1995-2010,
of course living in the digital era. This makes the culprit have diverse interpersonal
The strong character of this generation is that it tends to be easier to socialize and
master technology. But this generation is considered to tend to get bored easily with one
job and always wants to develop by trying new things. Based on other workers, namely
Sdr. B, in PT X, is dominated by Generation Y and Generation Z who are more than
Generation X or Baby Boomers. Therefore, there are still barriers in terms of
communication and understanding. However, this does not have a significant effect on
existing working conditions. The dominance of generations Y and Z makes the work
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environment more enjoyable and creates a strong sense of family so that a solid team can
be formed. This is by the characteristics of the two generations.
This generational difference does not discourage unions from collaborating with
Management. The collaboration includes the fulfillment of worker welfare facilities.
According to Soewono (2007), the provision of worker welfare facilities is contained in
legal sources in this case as outlined in the company's internal regulations which can be
in the form of company regulations or collective labor agreements. When looking at the
provisions in Articles 100 and 101 of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower,
employers or employers should provide welfare facilities for their workers. According to
Kandarani (2020), the correlation of the legal system in Indonesia with labor law aims at
the welfare of workers in labor relations.
Therefore, job facilities are raised to generate reciprocal relationships between
employers and workers. This can be useful for increasing worker productivity which also
affects company productivity. For example, according to Tribunewscom,
Republika.co.id, and Jawapos.com (2019), "JIH" Hospital received an award for fulfilling
the best worker welfare facilities within the scope of the Sleman area in 2019. The
assessment of 1,600 companies takes into account the completeness of facilities and
rewards for employees.
Meanwhile, in PT X based on an interview with Sdr. C, the role of the trade union
can encourage the company to provide welfare facilities consisting of additional
insurance in addition to basic insurance such as BPJS Health and Employment, office
uniforms; health clinics, cooperative loans, facilities to obtain banking loans in
collaboration with companies, sports facilities, gatherings with employees and company
families. Trade unions always encourage companies to meet the welfare of their workers,
one of which is by conducting periodic and continuous communication. One of the
problems that occurred over the last 3 years was found that the gathering had not been
carried out. Therefore, the union encourages the company to re-plan and realize the
gathering activity to increase the sense of kinship which will later affect worker
productivity and company profits. In conveying his suggestions and inputs, according to
Sdr. A trade union and company hold periodic meetings and communications packaged
in relaxed activities so that the hope is to create industrial relations that are always
Based on the description above, trade unions have a role in improving welfare at
PT X. According to workers sdr. A, B, and C all policies are always communicated with
the union and vice versa. With good feedback from each of these parties, it can ensure the
realization of workers' welfare at PT X. Therefore, in the post-COVID-19 transition
phase, the union intensely communicated all welfare facilities that had been lost to be
fulfilled again by company X management.
2. The Effect of the Relationship Between Unions and Employers in Boosting
Company Productivity X
In the second discussion of this study, researchers will discuss the influence of the
relationship between unions and companies in encouraging company productivity. Work
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productivity is the attitude and behavior of the workforce in a company towards the
regulations and standardization that have been set by the company which are implemented
in the form of behavior or actions in the company, then to fulfill the implementation of
the regulations that have been set, of course, a harmonious communication relationship
between workers, both superiors and subordinates or colleagues, is needed. According to
Handoko (2002), communication is a tool for management that is structured to achieve
company targets.
According to Soejanto quoted again in Santy & Feri (2015), the communication
pattern is a simple series in the process of components that have links between one
component and another. Meanwhile, according to Ngalimun (2018), communication
patterns are the process of finding the best way to deliver messages from givers to
recipients so that a feedback process can occur. In line with the opinion of previous
research, Redding and Sanborn (in Muhammad, 2009) argue that communication
determines the success of an organization. The effectiveness of communication will be
able to increase productivity and minimize the occurrence of a conflict. Companies need
to pay attention to communication and the level of work productivity of their employees
so that the continuity of the company's business can be guaranteed.
The above statement is also supported by the resource persons in this study. Based
on the results of interviews with management, stated that communication is an aspect
needed to maintain a good working relationship between workers. By establishing a good
communication relationship, of course, it can facilitate every job assigned. In
communication activities, the management does not create boundaries with trade unions.
If there are aspirations or complaints, the trade union which in this case represents
workers can directly convey them to the management.
This is supported by a statement from the trade union, that communication activities
at PT X are running well. Unions can easily express their grievances, although there is no
fixed or periodic schedule for meetings with management. The lack of conflict in PT X
can also prove that communication between management and labor unions can run well
or can be interpreted as very rarely experiencing misunderstandings. In the event of a
conflict, both parties can resolve it by communicating internally. Both parties also agreed
that smooth communication can affect the collaboration activities carried out by PT X.
Activities carried out in maintaining communication between the two parties are
also not only fixated on the Bipartite Cooperation Institute (LKS) forum but also carried
out when gathering together or in casual chat. To establish good and effective
communication, there are several programs run at PT X, namely Letter To CEO, Monday
Morning Coffee, And Friday Afternoon Tea. "Letter To CEO" is a program created to
facilitate the delivery of aspirations or complaints from workers to management. Workers
can directly send messages via email that has been provided. This certainly makes it easier
for workers to convey their complaints and management can also immediately find out
the problems experienced by workers. In addition to the Letter to the CEO, 2 programs
are carried out regularly every week, namely "Monday Morning Coffee And "Friday
Afternoon Tea". The program is carried out to establish good relations between
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management and trade unions or workers by discussing all existing issues, implementing
performance evaluations, and even discussing activities outside work.
According to Koontz (in Moekijat, 1993), there is a purpose of communication,
namely to be able to facilitate and smooth the course of the organization. If explained
more clearly, communication in a company has the aim of providing change and
influencing the welfare of the company. With the welfare of workers, it can be interpreted
that the level of company productivity due to the establishment of communication
between management and labor unions can run well. Communication is the most
important thing that must be built effectively because, with high effectiveness,
productivity results increase.
According to Timpe (1989), work productivity is the best comparison between the
number of labor resources used and the results obtained. Specialized management
training, outstanding leadership, organizational and operational simplicity, effective
workers, challenging tasks, and goal planning and control are all factors that can ensure
high productivity. Management skills can be in the form of expertise in influencing
workers to be able to collaborate to achieve predetermined goals. Good communication
can certainly facilitate collaboration activities between management and labor unions. At
PT X, collaboration activities between the union and management have been able to run
In carrying out collaborative activities, usually, the union will submit a proposal for
collaboration activities which is then given to the management for approval. This activity
is a form of support from the management to increase the productivity of its workers.
Some programs that have been running such as employee birthday celebrations, union
anniversary celebrations, and joint sports activities. Holding collaborative activities
between management and trade unions can increase the sense of ownership between each
other so that work can be carried out properly. The level of productivity in the company
can be seen from the results of its income every year.
Based on the results of the interview, respondents said that during the COVID-19
period, it was enough to make some changes to the company. Reviewed from the previous
3 years starting from 2019, 2020, and 2021. Based on PT X's annual report (2021), in
early 2020 due to covid 19, the company experienced several canceled or postponed
projects. This led to a decrease in revenue in 2020 compared to 2019. The company
experienced a deficit profit of around 99.29% compared to 2019 which received a net
profit of around Rp 42.62 billion.
Meanwhile, in 2021 PT X posted a net profit of IDR 36.08 billion, which can be
concluded that there was an increase compared to 2020 which suffered a loss. These
results prove that productivity is caused by the environment/working conditions as
mentioned by the source. The environment in this case can be a friendship environment
or an external one. For example, COVID-19 that has occurred has resulted in several
project cancellations, resulting in a lack of company income. As well as worker activities
that become hampered due to unstable health conditions.
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The role of management is certainly important in increasing work productivity. It
can be done by organizing tasks, making clear goals and objectives, giving workers
opportunities to convey aspirations, and facilitating workers in terms of communication.
Such activities can help companies achieve the goals that have been set more effectively
and efficiently if implemented properly. According to Bakri (2023), and (Asnawi, 2016),
management plays a strategic role in increasing productivity by combining and utilizing
production facilities well, implementing management functions, creating efficient and
effective work systems, and creating a safe and secure work environment. Thus, the
measurement of employee work productivity can be used to determine the high and low
work productivity of employees.
If the system set by management is good, then it is not enough for workers to give
maximum effort, therefore the role of trade unions is also needed to be able to encourage
motivation from their members. Previous research also stated that the role of trade unions
has a significant influence on creating productivity in companies because the existence
of trade unions can encourage work productivity workers, (Siswati, 2017).
The results of data analysis and discussion in this study show that collaboration
between unions and company X management plays an important role. Trade unions can
control and sue the company if the rights of workers have not been fulfilled. This includes
regarding worker welfare facilities. If the fulfillment of workers' welfare through good
collaboration, then the condition of industrial relations will be harmonious. Thus, the
productivity of workers and entrepreneurs will be maintained and does not rule out the
possibility of increasing. A harmonious communication relationship can certainly
facilitate Company X in achieving the company's goals that have been set. In this case,
communication between management and trade unions that are representatives of workers
in the company must certainly be improved. Communication has a close relationship with
the success of workers in carrying out work so that work achievement is more optimal
Furthermore, to ensure company goals can be achieved easily, companies must pay great
attention to the work productivity of their employees.
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