pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.754 1775
Romli Mukayatsyah
, Natangsa Surbakti
, Muchamad Iksan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: corruption;
payment of substitute money;
state losses.
Payment of substitute money is an additional crime imposed by the panel
of judges to recover state financial losses, as in Decision Number
51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg. The verdict is interesting to examine,
what is the result of the panel of judges imposing additional penalties in
the payment of substitute money by the purpose of the law, as well as
how the view according to Islam. The study aims to analyze the
consequences of the panel of judges imposing an additional criminal
judgment on the payment of substitute money in Decision Number
51/Pid. Sus- TPK/2020/PN. Smg and his views according to Islam. The
research is normative legal research, with a statutory approach and a
conceptual approach, legal materials in the form of primary, secondary,
and non-legal, the object of research is Decision Number 51 / Pid.Sus-
TPK / 2020 / PN. Smg. Techniques for collecting legal materials with
literature studies, with deductive analysis methods. The results of the
study, as a result of which the judge's consideration did not clearly
outline the calculation of state money used by the convict, imperfect
defects, and non-achievement of legal objectives. Additional penalties
for payment of substitute money according to Islam can be imposed on
the convict because the property of Allah SWT is a mandate that must
be accounted for its use.
The criminal act of corruption is a deviant behavior and is contrary to the values of
truth, morals, and ethics (Setiawan &; Jesaja, 2022), as well as acts that are hated and
prohibited by any religion (Sakinah, 2014). In the context of Islam, corruption is an act
that is contrary to the principles of justice (al-" is), accountability (al-amanah), and
responsibility (Fazzan, 2015). One of the legal sources of the prohibition of corruption in
Islam is contained in the Word of Allah SWT, namely QS. Al-Baqarah verse 188,
translation: "And let not some of you eat the property of others among you in a vanity
way and (do not) you bring (the business of) the treasure to the judge so that you can eat
part of the property of others by sin, even though you know". Meanwhile, according to
state law, corruption is regulated in Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication
of Criminal Acts of Corruption Jo. Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to
Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.
Although it is clear that both religion and the state have prohibited corruption, corruption
cases in Indonesia continue to increase. (Arifin, 2015).
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The criminal act of corruption shakes the joints of the life of the nation and state
(Sinaga, 2017), therefore the criminal act of corruption is considered an extraordinary
crime. The rise of corruption due to deviant behavior is very troubling to the State and
society, so it is necessary to punish the perpetrators of corruption crimes (Mahmud, 2020).
Penalties are sanctions imposed on someone who has committed an act that violates
applicable rules (Anak Agung Gede Budhi Warmana Putra, Nahak, & Sugiartha, 2020).
The punishment of perpetrators of corruption crimes is currently being developed for
poverty because prison sentences are considered ineffective (Syihab & Hatta, 2023), so
perpetrators of corruption crimes in addition to being sentenced to the main crime are also
sentenced to additional crimes.
Additional penalties are regulated in Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2001
concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of
Criminal Acts of Corruption. Additional penalties for payment of substitute money are
imposed on corruptors to recover state financial losses due to corruption. Decision
Number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. SMG is one of the corruption convictions that
imposes a criminal payment of substitute money. The verdict was related to a corruption
case using village cash land compensation money used for toll road construction not by
its designation, namely Rp 1,328,837,280 (one billion three hundred twenty-eight million
eight hundred thirty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty rupiah) carried out by JOKO
SARJONO BIN SUDARMAN GITODIHARJO as the Head of Tanjungsari Village.
The verdict is very interesting to examine, with the provision of a substitute criminal
verdict in Decision Number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. What are the consequences, and
what is the Islamic view of the additional criminal substitute money, considering that a
decision must meet the objectives of the law both justice, expediency, and legal certainty?
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the consequences of the panel of
judges imposing additional criminal sentences instead of money in Decision Number
51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg, as well as how the view according to Islam. The problem
will be studied using the theory of legal objectives, as well as corruption in the Islamic
Research Methods
Method is a tool used to find answers to problems. This research is legal. The
research approach is in the form of a statute approach, and conceptual (Marzuki, Prayogo,
& Wahyudi, 2016). Legal materials are: primary legal materials; secondary legal
materials (Marzuki, 2016); and non-legal materials. The object of research is what is the
point of attention of a study. The object of research is in the form of Decision Number 51
/ Pid.Sus-TPK / 2020 / PN. Smg. Techniques for collecting legal materials with literature
studies (Document Studies). This research uses deductive analysis techniques that depart
from general things, forming prepositions in certain syllogisms. This research was
conducted by qualitative analysis.
Results and Discussion
Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1777
1. As a result of the imposition of additional criminal judgments for payment of
substitute money in decision number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg.
Every judge's decision must be considered correct, as in the principle of Res
Judicata Pro Veritate Habeteur, which is that the judge's decision is considered correct
until another judge's decision corrects it, or every judge's or court's decision is valid unless
overturned by a higher court (Ramadhani, 2017). The judge in his decision indirectly pays
attention to three basic legal values to create harmonization that can ultimately protect
humans both actively and passively (U, 2021).
Gustav mentioned three terminologies within the scope of justice, namely justice,
legal certainty, and expediency (Varun & Siddhartha, 2010). Decision Number
51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. SMG applied an additional penalty of payment of substitute
money of IDR 1,253,837,280,-, although the judges' consideration was not too broad in
outlining the ratio decidendi imposed on the additional crime. According to the
researcher, although the principal criminal verdict is higher than the Public Prosecutor's
demand, the panel of judges can still use other facts in handing down additional criminal
sentences. So that in the end whether the additional criminal conviction meets the three
basic values of justice, legal certainty, or expediency, the researcher describes as follows:
a) Legal Justice
As a central point in law, justice can advance the good in human life according to
Gustav's view (Said & Nurhayati, 2021). If the decision number 51/Pid.Sus-
TPK/2020/PN. Smg is associated with Gustav's opinion, that the Majleis judge should
place justice in its decisions for the good of humans, both humans in the sense of the
State, society, and the convict.
Joko Sarjono Bin Sudarman Gitodiharjo has been named as a criminal perpetrator
of corruption against the Boyolali toll road replacement fund. According to researchers,
the panel of judges has found the truth through the trial of additional criminal payment of
substitute money imposed on Joko Sarjono Bin Gitodiharjo. The truth found is the
fulfillment of the five elements as alleged by the Public Prosecutor. According to
researchers, the truth behind the imposition of additional criminal payments of substitute
money, as stated in the consideration of the 4th element of the special judgment, namely
elements that can harm state finances or the state economy.
The panel of judges considered expert testimony that stated the state loss due to
unlawful acts from the convicted amounted to Rp. 1,328,837,280,-, so that the panel of
judges considered that the convict had harmed state finances amounting to Rp.
1,328,837,280,-, but witness TRI RAHAYU had entrusted funds of Rp. 75,000,000 to the
Prosecutor's Office so that the state loss amounted to Rp. 1,253,837,280,-. According to
researchers, the panel of judges used expert testimony to obtain conditions for the
occurrence of state financial losses. This truth is part of the truth of the trial that creates
good conditions for the country.
Hernold in his research found differences in the panel of judges in imposing
substitute money (Makawimbang, 2014, pp. 233- 234). Arnold said that if the
replacement money is greater or commensurate with state financial losses, then the
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decision is to meet the principle of justice and uphold the principles of independence and
impartiality of the judiciary.
In Gustav's view, regarding the judge's decision that brings good to humans which
is associated with the amount of state financial losses committed by convicts, researchers
have a different analysis. The different analysis is based on the description of the
consideration of the panel of examining judges in case number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN.
Smg, related to the amount of state financial losses based on expert information. Expert
testimony determined that there was a state financial loss of Rp. 1,328,837,280,-, while
the panel of judges has also outlined considerations on the irresponsible use of toll money.
The researchers' different analyses focused on the incomplete description of the
amount of state losses contained in the 4th element, namely elements that can harm state
finances or the country's economy. According to researchers, the description of the
consideration of state financial losses based only on expert testimony is very detrimental
to the convict. The non-elaboration of the details of state financial losses used by the
convict in the 4th element, of course, is very contrary to the principle of the verdict,
namely that the verdict must contain a clear and detailed basis for reasoning. Thus, the
judge's description of judgment that only mentions state financial losses based on expert
opinion and does not fully elaborate on the details of state losses makes additional
criminal convictions insufficient consideration.
According to researchers, all descriptions of unlawful fights committed by convicts
show that some money cannot be accounted for, unable to show the same amount of
calculations as expert calculations. Researchers who make the verdict the object of
research, of course, only base on what is written in the verdict. In addition, the panel of
judges also did not consider the economic value of the 12 replacement plots of land that
had been purchased by the convict. According to researchers, the replacement of village
cash land assets that have been successfully purchased by convicts, when measured from
an economic point of view, the value of land that will continue to increase from year to
year will provide economic benefits for village assets. According to the researcher's
analysis, the panel of judges has missed the condition that 12 plots of land have been
recognized instead of village coffers, which still allows for a name reversal process.
The researcher's analysis is that the convict should not be sentenced to payment of
substitute money of Rp. 1,253,837,280,-, but the amount should be reduced by the
nominal money spent on each piece of replacement land. In addition, it did not elaborate
in detail the amount of state money used or could not be accounted for either by the
accused or Tri Rahayu and other witnesses. So if the panel of judges only bases the
follow-the-money approach or the flow of money to determine the amount of state
financial losses, there will be an imbalance between violations and punishments.
The description of the discussion above leads researchers to the analysis of equality
justice, corrective justice, and distributive justice. Additional criminal punishment for the
payment of substitute money to the convict there is a difference in kindness experienced
both by the state and the convict. The brief explanation is that the state benefits greatly
from the additional criminal payment of substitute money, while for the convicted it is
Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
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very disadvantaged because there is an incorrect calculation of the loss figure which
ultimately creates a sense of injustice. Kadi Sukarna mentions justice in his book The
Rule of Law and Political System (Sukarna, 2016, p. 24):
"a constant and persistent willingness to give everyone what should be received"
Against this opinion, the constant willingness to give everyone what should be
accepted has been realized by the panel of judges according to their portion.
The difference in perception of the additional criminal verdict for the payment of
substitute money when related to equality justice, then what is to be achieved is numerical
similarity and proportional similarity. Numerical similarity, Aristotle understood it with
numerical similarity where every human being is equated in one unit, for example,
everyone is equal before the law (Valentinus Claudio Kurniawan Putra, 2022). According
to researchers, the panel of examining judges has placed convicts in the same position,
and in applying the law is also the same. The enactment of additional criminal payments
instead of money is by applicable legal norms. In addition to numerical similarity,
proportional similarity must also be achieved. Proportional equality gives everyone what
is rightfully his/her according to his abilities and achievements. According to the
researchers, there was no proportional similarity in the additional criminal punishment of
payment of substitute money for convicts. The non-consideration of replacement land
assets that have been recognized and controlled by the Village Government as assets that
increase every year, until in the end the replacement land can cover state financial losses.
The factor of availability of replacement land should be able to reduce the amount of state
financial losses which in turn can reduce the amount of substitute money for convicts.
SKM in the Boyolali District Inspectorate Report Number: 750/892/11/2019 dated
December 16, 2019, concerning Audit of State Loss Calculation on Village Cash Land
Compensation Money Management used for the construction of Toll Road in Tanjungsari
Village, Banyudono District in 2016-2019 as village government assets can be interpreted
that services performed by convicts are also not taken into account. The non-accounting
for services performed by the convict causes proportional conditions not to be created.
This condition is very detrimental to convicts who have provided replacement land for
the village government even though administratively it cannot be accounted for. The
panel of judges sought improvements due to the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption.
However, what happens is a law that repairs or provides compensation for the occurrence
of state financial losses. Thus corrective justice has been fulfilled through such criminal
convictions, but distributive justice is far from expected.
b) Finality or Legal Expediency
The nature of finality or expediency is relative, motivated by the goal of justice in
the content of the law that fosters good values for humans (moral values in law). The
value of goodness in question is related to individuals, collectivity, and culture (Mangesti
&; Tanya, 2014). Moral values can continue to develop along with changes in society and
philosophical views. Legal morality is in the form of ethical principles that emphasize
human rights, justice, and propriety (Abdulnabi Ali, Golbert, Reksa, Kretzer, &
Schweiger, 2023). Law will be of value when it can contribute maximally to the order of
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people's lives. Similarly, the judge's decision, when the judge thinks of benefits or benefits
to everyone, the decision reflects expediency. So the judge's decision number 51/Pid.Sus-
TPK/2020/PN. SMG, especially regarding additional criminal penalties, payment of
substitute money can be beneficial for everyone.
State benefits can be interpreted as benefits for everyone or all citizens (Barama,
2011). The judge's ruling regarding the additional criminal payment of substitute money
has a value of benefit to the state because the additional criminal payment of substitute
money for the convicted is expected to restore state financial losses.
Given the judges' consideration for the calculation of the number of state losses due
to corruption committed by the convicts is still counted jointly and the criminal
punishment for the payment of substitute money of IDR 1,253,837,280 is only imposed
on the convicts, so according to researchers, the additional criminal punishment should
be borne jointly as stated in the judges' decision, namely "CORRUPTION CRIMES
JOINTLY AND CONTINUOUSLY" as in Primair's indictment. The additional criminal
punishment for the payment of substitute money becomes useless because the amount of
money used by the convict is not as much as the state loss so if the convict bears a larger
amount, it is feared that the convict will not be able to pay the substitute money that has
been charged to the convict.
According to researchers, the enactment of the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 163/PMK.06/2020 concerning the
Management of State Receivables at State Ministries/Institutions, State General
Treasurers, and Simple Management by the State Receivables Affairs Committee, makes
the payment of substitute money to the State as State Receivables that must be collected.
Article 8 of the Minister of Finance states that court decisions are one of the sources of
state receivables so that all additional criminal convictions for the payment of substitute
money can be said to be state receivables. The amount of Rp 1,253,837,280, - which
becomes a substitute money automatically becomes state receivable, therefore the public
prosecutor must be able to execute the verdict. State receivables from substitute money
for state financial losses if they cannot be collected certainly cause the country's financial
status to become uncollectible state receivables. According to the researcher's analysis,
although the finance minister's regulation is known as a step to eliminate state receivables,
state receivables must still be executed so that efforts to save lost state finances through
the punishment of substitute money can be useful.
The penalty of payment of substitute money to the convict will be useless when the
purpose of the sentence is not achieved. The substance of the law that loosens convicts to
be able to pay or replace them with imprisonment is the cause the purpose of making
substitute money payments to restore state finances is not carried out (Rahim &; Asma,
2020). The tendency of corrupt convicts to choose to replace prison sentences rather than
pay compensation, in addition to legal substance issues also because the assets of the
convicted are insufficient to pay state losses.
The panel of judges in case number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg said that the
Convicted had enriched himself as evidenced by a luxurious lifestyle in daily life, besides
Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1781
that the Panel of Judges also considered if the Convicted Person's wealth increased, but
the judges' considerations regarding the actions that enriched the Convicted were not
perfect. The imperfection of the judges' consideration is that the criminal act of corruption
does not clearly describe the increase in assets or personal wealth owned by the convict.
According to the researcher, it is very important that the panel of judges also consider the
assets owned by the convict during the trial in his capacity as a justice seeker, so that the
criminal verdict on payment of substitute money can be executed and not become an
uncollectible state receivable. The finality or expediency aspect of the criminal
punishment of payment of substitute money in decision number 51/Pid.Sus-
TPK/2020/PN. Smg becomes invisible. The criminal act of corruption is seen as an
extraordinary crime because it can damage the country's economy and social relations
(Witono, 2021), so if you consider decision number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. SMG has
found imperfections, automatically resulting in no efforts to recover state financial losses
and the state again incurs losses.
c) Legal Certainty
Indonesia as a State of Law must prioritize the creation of legal certainty (Priyatno,
2012). The implication is consistent law enforcement (Herdjiono & Damanik, 2016).
Gustav said the consequence is that positive laws should not change easily (W, 2015).
The law can only change if the law is felt to be out of step with the times (McGreal, 2021).
Positive laws related to the payment of substitute money in corruption have been
known since 1960 with Perpu Number 24 of 1960 concerning the Prosecution,
Prosecution, and Examination of Corruption Crimes. Article 16 paragraph (3) of the
Perpu stipulates that the convicted person may also be obliged to pay a substitute amount
equal to the property obtained from corruption. Law Number 03 of 1971 replaced Perpu
Number 24 of 1960, the provisions for substitute money are still regulated in Article 34
paragraph (3), as well as the current Corruption Eradication Law, the provisions for
substitute money are specifically regulated in Article 18 paragraph (1) point b. The
regulation does not clearly explain the meaning of substitute money but only mentions
the relationship between substitute money and property "obtained" from corruption.
Referring to criminal decision number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg, according
to the researcher, the substitute money is interpreted by the panel of judges by Article 18
paragraph (1) b, so that the criminal sanction of substitute money is equated with the
amount of state financial losses. Researchers disagree with the judge's consideration of
the substitute money imposed on the convict because the panel of judges did not describe
in full the amount of money used by convict Joko Sarjono Bin Sudarman Gitodiharjo.
Researchers believe that the calculation of the money used by convict Joko Sarjono Bin
Sudarman Gitodiharjo is not as large as the replacement money charged to him.
Researchers found that the calculation of figures was partly used on behalf of other
witnesses and that the panel of judges did not elaborate in detail on the expert opinion
contained in the inspectorate's report on state financial losses, which according to
researchers could rob the value of legal certainty.
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The convicts were convicted of corruption jointly and continuously. The panel of
judges in its consideration considered that the replacement money for land affected by
tolls was used together with Tri Rahayu and Setiadi, even though there were activities
that had not been budgeted in the APBDES and could not be accounted for. The concept
of payment of substitute money in corruption crimes does not recognize any
reimbursement by directing, therefore the total state loss money is charged to Convicted
Joko Sarjono Bin Sudarman Gitodiharjo. Researchers agree with Iskandar Kamil who
argues that substitute money cannot be rented because criminal responsibility is
individual, if the substitute money cannot be calculated or proven, it cannot be punished
(Herdjiono & Damanik, 2016).
The opinion expressed by Iskandar Kamil is in line with that conveyed by Sudikno
Mertoksumo, namely legal certainty as a real strength for justice seekers against arbitrary
acts to get something expected. According to the researcher, the convict as a justice seeker
should get legal protection for the sentencing efforts carried out by the panel of judges by
not clearly outlining the considerations in the verdict, the verdict on the occurrence of
corruption crimes together in which the punishment of payment of substitute money is
only borne by the convict. So it is increasingly clear that there should be a clearer
description in the judge's consideration of the amount of money used by Joko Sarjono Bin
Sudarman Gitodiharjo, Tri Rahayu, and other parties.
The researcher did not agree with the judge's consideration of using Article 5 of
PERMA No. 05 of 2014 concerning Substitute Money as the basis for imposing payment
of substitute money because according to the researcher, article 5 of the PERMA seemed
to justify the panel of judges to convict substitute money by not clearly describing the
amount of money used by the convict. The phrase of the article: has been transferred to
another party the substitute money can still be imposed on the accused as long as the other
party is not prosecuted either in the criminal act of corruption, or other criminal acts such
as money laundering, very contrary to the phrase of Article 18 paragraph (1) point b the
payment of substitute money can be made as much as the same as the property obtained
from the criminal act of corruption. According to the Researcher, the State has tried to
provide legal certainty from Article 18 paragraph (1) point b through the phrase
mentioned above, requiring substitute money that is "equal to" all profits from corruption.
The word equal can be interpreted as the situation of a balanced calculation with the
amount of state financial losses. So when the judges' deliberations only contain
concurrence but do not clearly describe the property obtained from the criminal act of
corruption committed, then the punishment of payment of substitute money cannot be
carried out.
2. Islamic religious views on the additional criminal payment of substitute money
in decision number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg.
Corruption is wrong and every religion forbids it. In Islam, corruption can be
categorized as theft or taking of other people's property. In addition to QS. Al Baqarah
Verse 188, the prohibition of corruption is also in QS. Al Maidah Verse 38, QS. Ali Imron
Verse 161, QS. An Nisa Ayar 29.
Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1783
The proceeds of corruption are haram, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) once advised Ka'ab's companions:
Meaning: O Ka'ab bin Ujroh, surely no flesh (limb) grows out of something unclean
unless it is more entitled to be burned in hellfire. (HR. Tirmidhi, no. 614. Al-Hafizh Abu
Thahir says that the sanad of this hadith is hasan).
From Jabir ibn Abdillah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, meaning: O mankind, fear Allah, and take a good
path in seeking sustenance, for surely no servant shall die until he has truly received all
his sustenance, even if it is too late. So fear Allah, and take a good path in seeking
sustenance. Take the streets in search of halal sustenance and leave the haram. (HR. Ibn
Majah No. 2144, said to be shahih by Shaykh Al Albani).
According to ijma‟ (opinion of fiqh scholars), corruption is haram because it is
contrary to the maqashid principles of sharia. The haram seen in terms of corruption is a
fraudulent and fraudulent act that has the potential to harm state finances and public
interests (society) which is condemned by Allah SWT with appropriate punishment in the
hereafter (Utomo, 2003).
Based on the severity of the sentence, Islamic criminal law recognizes three types
of offenses, namely hudud; Qisas &; Diyat; and ta‟zir. (Rusian, 2012). Regarding the law
applied in Indonesia in the criminal act of corruption, it is included in the category of
ta‟zir, namely the sanction for corruption crimes is handed over to the head of the
judiciary. Existing legal sanctions can be more severe than Hudud sanctions because it
depends on the judge's ijtihad in seeing the losses of corruption. The results of ijtihad
judges can also be unfair, so the key to a ze is the ability of ijtihad judges (Zainuddin,
2012). So in criminal case Number 51/Pid.Sus-TPK/2020/PN. Smg, the judge has the
authority to decide the case with ijtihad. The judge's ijtihad includes the imposition of
additional criminal payments instead of money, looking at state financial losses due to
corruption. The judge in handing down the verdict must also provide justice, both fair to
the defendant and fair to the state (as a victim).
Justice in determining the law is said by Allah SWT in QS. An Nisa verse 58:
Meaning: Truly, God commands you to deliver commissions to those who deserve
them, and when you establish laws among men you should establish them justly. Truly,
it is God who best teaches you. Truly, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
In line with QS. In Nisa Verse 58, Ibn Taymiyah defines justice as the act of giving
the rights of every member of society fairly and voluntarily and maintaining a balance
between rights and obligations. The purpose of upholding justice is not only considered
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as the fulfillment of expectations for humans but also related to the implementation of
God's commands in the Quran (Nasution, 2019). So in short, justice according to Ibn
Taymiyyah is not to give tyranny to others. Justice must be able to prevent acts of harming
or harming others (Khafaie & Rahim, 2020). So if it is related to decision Number 51 /
Pid.Sus-TPK / 2020 / PN. Smg, justice will be seen if the sentence imposed on the convict
does not punish the convict, but also continues to carry out the commands of Allah SWT
in the Quran.
The sentence imposed by the judge on the convict in Decision Number 51/Pid.Sus-
TPK/2020/PN, according to the author, has been fair to the state, especially in the criminal
imposition of substitute money because state financial losses can be covered by the
criminal payment of substitute money. However, it has not been fair to the convict,
considering that the panel of judges did not consider the economic value of the 12
replacement lands that have been recognized as belonging to the Tanjungsari Village
Government which came from compensation money for the construction of the Toll Road
in Tanjungsari Village, Banyudono, as well as the money enjoyed by the convict.
Property obtained unreasonably while serving in government (proceeds of
corruption) had to be handed over to the state, this was also applied during the time of
Caliph Omar ibn al-Khaththab (ra):
"It was Abu Hurairah (ra). Appointed guardian (governor). He saved a lot of wealth
from halal sources. Getting information about it, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khaththab (ra)
summoned the governor to the caliph's state capital, Medina. Arriving in the city of
Medina, Caliph Umar ibn al-Khaththab (ra) said to the governor: "O enemy of Allah and
enemy of His Book! Have you not stolen God's treasure?" Governor Abu Hurairah (ra).
replied, "Amir al-Mukminin, I am neither an enemy of Allah nor an enemy of His Book.
I am the enemy of anyone hostile to both. I am not the one who stole the treasure of
Allah", Caliph Umar ibn al-Khaththab (may Allah be pleased with him) asked him, "Then
where did you collect the treasure of 10,000 dinars?" Abu Hurairah (ra). answered, "From
a rapidly growing uptake and from several successive gifts to come". Caliph Umar ibn al-
Khaththab (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Hand over your treasure to the Baitul
Mal of the Muslims!" Abu Hurairah (ra). immediately gave it to Caliph Umar ibn al-
Khaththab (ra). He then raised his hands to heaven and said softly, "O Allah, forgive the
Amir al-Mukminin." (Thoha, 2004, p. 253)."
The narration explains that state treasures are the treasures of Allah SWT which are
mandated to officials to be guarded and cannot be used inappropriately, so they are
involved in stealing the treasures of Allah SWT to assert their haram. Officials who take
the treasure of Allah SWT are enemies of Allah and His Book because they ignore the
prohibitions of Allah SWT. If it is related to Decision Number 51 / Pid.Sus-TPK / 2020 /
PN, the Convicted as a state official is obliged to return the property obtained improperly
during office (the result of corruption) to the state because the property belongs to Allah
SWT which is mandated to be used properly and for the welfare of the community. So
for additional criminal payments, the substitute money imposed by the panel of judges to
Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1785
the convict should also consider the property owned by the convict, so that justice,
expediency, and legal certainty are realized.
As a result of the judge's legal considerations, decision number 51/Pid.Sus-
TPK/2020/PN. SMG, which does not clearly describe the calculation of state money used
by convicts, can be said to be imperfectly flawed and does not achieve the objectives of
the law, namely justice, expediency, and legal certainty. Additional penalties for payment
of substitute money according to Islam can be imposed on the convict in Decision
Number 51/Pid. Sus- TPK/2020/PN. Smg, because the convict is a government official
who is entrusted with the property of Allah SWT to be used properly. However, the
amount of the additional penalty for payment of substitute money should be based on the
calculation of the convict's property that is improperly owned.
Romli Mukayatsyah, Natangsa Surbakti, Muchamad Iksan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1786
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