pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.753 1741
Universitas Pasundan Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: mathematics
learning; character building;
drama education.
Facing the problem of the Indonesian nation which is being hit by a
'moral crisis', the concept of the national education curriculum contains
a lot of character education concepts. This is a new challenge so that
teachers immediately change the 'mindset' that originally the purpose of
teaching to produce intelligent humans, to having to prioritize teaching
to form character. Mathematical characteristics are abstract sciences,
but the process of understanding must be conveyed through concrete
media. In addition, the psychological development of elementary
school children is in the urge to want to play and do fun activities. This
research aims to get findings of mathematics learning models in
elementary schools to form character. This drama-based learning model
has been found with learning stages through the planning,
implementation, and evaluation stages. At the planning stage, the
teacher prepares a drama script themeonut daily life events related to
mathematical topics and character value competencies to be developed.
At the implementation stage, students role-play according to the theme
of the drama script. As for the evaluation stage, the teacher conducts
assessments during learning or student activities.
Implementing mathematics learning integrated with character development is
currently needed (Firmansyah et al., 2020). For character values to be truly integrated into
learning, teachers must be creative in choosing learning models (Zafirah et al., 2018).
Indeed, to improve the quality of mathematics learning, every material must be related to
the context of children's daily lives (Sulistyani & Deviana, 2019).
Drama can be used as a medium to form social consciousness, as seen in the process
of extracting story ideas. In addition, it can generate responsibility as a member of society,
as seen in production processing that cooperation is needed for the success of a drama
performance (Suprajitno, 2017). As we can see drama is a manifestation of real life, which
is then acted out so that it can be applied in real life in society (Huda et al., 2015). This is
in line with learning mathematics, which is to prepare children to be ready to face changes
in the living environment. Therefore, it will be effective if drama becomes a medium for
learning mathematics (Bahari, 2018).
The nature of drama is that it contains games, therefore it is very effective when
used as a learning medium. In addition, the drama also teaches processing taste and
politeness (Purnama et al., 2020). Thus, drama art which is used as a medium for learning
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1742
mathematics, in addition to being able to form character, will also be able to learn fun for
students, especially in elementary schools.
Teachers are considered to need to be skilled in making lesson plans because
teachers have a role in managing learning (Erwinsyah, 2017). It has been indicated that
teachers are less competent in making lesson plans (Faradilla et al., 2018). According to
Feri et al. (2017), there are several problems for teachers in managing the learning
process, namely: (1) not yet competent in compiling themes and syllabus; (2) not yet
competent in implementing effective learning; (3) not yet competent in carrying out
optimal evaluations; and (4) the absence of proper supervision from school leaders.
In managing the learning process, pay attention to the following: (1) planning, teachers
pay attention to the needs of students and follow the development of science; (2) learning
objectives are properly formulated; and (3) evaluation is carried out at the beginning,
ongoing and end of learning. (Mutia et al., 2016) Thus, to shape the character of students,
teachers must pay attention to the learning process from the beginning to the end of
Research Methods
This research uses theoretical-hypothetical methods, through stages: (1)
preliminary studies; (2) literature review; (3) design learning models; (4) validation
consisting of content validation and implementation validation; and (5) develop learning
models. So basically this research is literacy research, but it is preceded by the emergence
of problems from the findings of preliminary studies.
In the preliminary study, researchers surveyed elementary school teachers, especially
when they were in charge of teaching mathematics. The results of the lecture are a
reference for finding drama-based mathematical learning models for character building.
The subjects of the study were elementary school teachers in Subang Regency, by taking
random samples. After conducting preliminary studies, then conduct research on the next
Results and Discussion
In preliminary research, it has been found that primary school teachers are not ready
to teach mathematics for character building. The unpreparedness of teachers can be seen
from the lack of insight into character education, managing the learning process, and some
of the obstacles they face such as those related to the lack of facilities and support from
school leaders.
The table below illustrates the incompetence of teachers in teaching character-building-
based mathematics in elementary schools. This data is the result of preliminary research
on teachers in Subang Regency.
Table 1
Incompetent Teachers in Teaching Mathematics Based on Character Building
Drama-Based Mathematics Learning Model For Character Building Of Students In Elementary
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Learning Stage
Learning Activities
In the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), most teachers
do not set goals that include character values. But some
include many character values at once in one RPP, for
example, honest character building; Tolerance; social care;
religion; and love of the environment.
Most teachers only give examples of how to answer math
problems, for example, 1/2 + 1/4 =
/4 + 1/4 = 3/4 and
students memorize the ways the teacher solves problems.
Some teachers do not connect the notion of fractional
numbers with their use in everyday life,
The teacher does not observe things related to the attitude of
the learners.
Almost all teachers only give math problems on fractional
number topics, for example,
1/3 +
= ...,
5= ... or 3/4 +
= ...., the teachers do not measure character development
through attitude indicators.
Mathematics Learning Process for Character Building
The human character will have strength in facing problems in living life (Astuti D
S I; Purbani W, 2012). Thus, in the process of learning mathematics consider several
important aspects, namely: (a) internalizing character values that are relevant to the needs
felt by students and needs in society; and (b) integrating mathematical topics in problems
related to community life around the school environment, family and community.
For example, when teaching basic mathematics lessons on the triangle, it is not
enough for students to simply memorize the formula for the area of a triangle is 1/2 an x-
height, and learn to calculate it. However, they must understand the relationship between
the understanding of the triangle area formula in real life in the community in the future.
In addition, the most important thing is the impact on the development of the child's
attitude after skillfully calculating the area of the triangle. After children follow the broad
learning process of the triangle, for example, the child's character becomes formed into a
meticulous and honest character. This character development must be observed by the
Managing Drama-based Mathematics Learning
Managing drama-based mathematics learning for the character development of
students in elementary schools, in principle, is learning using drama scripts as the main
medium. The script can be prepared by teachers or in collaboration with expert
playwrights. However, it is different from drama scripts in general because the theme of
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the script must contain several aspects that are relevant to the learning objectives. When
playing drama using the script, the psychological condition of students is that they are
having fun. When children are practicing play, they are unwittingly in the process of
understanding mathematical concepts while internalizing character values. In addition,
the theme of the drama script tells about daily life which is indicated to be often
experienced by children of elementary school age.
In the learning process when students play drama, to achieve learning objectives
with several objectives as follows:
1. By playing drama learning becomes fun;
2. Students are given attitude learning, which is sharpening of taste
3. The concept of mathematical topics is associated with the events of everyday life;
4. Learners are given the knowledge that 'dishonest' is a bad deed that can harm
themselves and others; and
5. Learners are given knowledge about the concept of mathematical topics, namely
fractional numbers.
About the concept of fractional numbers, learners come to understand that the
definition of the number 1/4 is "one of four parts". For more details, it is illustrated in the
image below.
Figure 1: The Concept of One-Quarter Fractional Number
Management of drama-based mathematics learning for the character-building of
students in elementary schools through the stages of planning, implementation, and
evaluation. The three stages are a system, if one is not done then the learning objectives
will not be achieved.
Planning Phase
The preparation of the teacher is as follows:
1. Formulate the character competencies of students to be developed.
2. Determine mathematics teaching materials related to the compatibility planned to be
Drama-Based Mathematics Learning Model For Character Building Of Students In Elementary
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3. Compile assessment instruments and prepare drama scripts to be given to each group,
for example from 40 students divided into 8 groups.
Implementation Phase
In the initial learning process, the teacher assigns students to play drama activities
in their respective groups. Each group was given a drama script with a different theme.
Furthermore, in the process of implementing this learning through the following stages:
1. Students discuss to divide roles and learn the content of the script;
2. Learners begin to act playing roles that correspond to the content of the script. At this
stage, they try to act like they fit the character of the actors in the script. For example,
how is the expression of regret experienced by a child who has behaved dishonestly
to his mother?
3. When students are playing drama, teachers observe and record the behavior of
students individually and in groups, especially focusing on attitudes and behaviors
that are by the indicators of character competency values developed and formulated
in learning objectives.
4. Students are given practice math problems with topics that are relevant to the
character values developed and that are by the learning objectives. For example, to
develop honest character and tolerance of students, the relevant topic is 'Fractional
Evaluation Phase
To assess the character development of students, conservation techniques are used.
Assessment is carried out during the learning process when students do drama activities
and exercises to solve math problems.
Below is an example of the results of a teacher's assessment of one of the students
during the mathematics learning process. The purpose of this assessment is to determine
the development of disciplinary character. The score is determined as follows.
Score 1 5: Not Appeared (BM)
Score 6 10: Starting to Appear (MM)
Score 11 20: Start Consistently (MK)
Score 21 25: Already Consistent (SK)
Table 2
Examples of Assessors of Student Character Development
Student Name: Dani Setiawan
Attitude Competence: Discipline Character
Mathematical Topics: Operations on Fractional Numbers
Day / Date: Thursday, January 1, 2018
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1746
Carry out activities according to instructions from
teachers and group leaders
Obey all rules made based on the results of group
member agreement
Dress neatly by school rules
Do assignments according to the teacher's instructions
Pay close attention to something described by the
Assessment Conclusion: The development of the disciplinary character of a student
named Dani Setiawan has been indicated to be consistent (MK).
The characteristic of mathematics is abstract science, but in the process of
understanding it must be conveyed through concrete media. This is very understandable
because children of primary school age's cognitive development is still concrete. In
addition, the psychological development of elementary school students is still in the urge
to want to play and do fun activities. Learning mathematics in elementary school to please
children and at the same time form character, can use a drama-based mathematics learning
model. The learning model in question is carried out through the planning stage,
implementation stage, and evaluation stage. At the planning stage, the teacher creates a
drama script themed on daily life events related to mathematics subject matter and
character development value competencies. At the implementation stage, children role-
play according to the theme of the drama script. As for the evaluation stage, the teacher
conducts assessments during learning or student activities.
Drama-Based Mathematics Learning Model For Character Building Of Students In Elementary
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