pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.750 1694
Meylani Nurul Hidayah
, Hary Christady Hardiyatmo
, Agus Darmawan Adi
Universitas Gadjah Mada Jogja, Indonesia
Keywords: pvd-phd
connection; discharge capacity;
hydraulic gradient; overburden
An important factor for increasing the effectiveness of the PVD
(Prefabricated Vertical Drains) is the value of sufficient discharge
capacity so that the PVD can work optimally. The use of PVD is usually
accompanied by the use of PHD (Prefabricated Horizontal Drains) as
horizontal drainage and combined with preloading. In the field, the
connection is made by winding the PVD to the PHD and then tying it
with cable ties. The connection system can cause deformation at the top
of the PVD thereby reducing the effectiveness of the PVD discharge
capacity. This study aims to find the optimal PVD-PHD connection
system for the discharge capacity which is affected by confinement
pressure, overburden pressure, and hydraulic gradient with a PVD-PHD
connection system discharge capacity tester. The test specimens used
were PVD (5mm thick; 100mm wide) and Ph.D. (20 mm thick; wide:
100 mm, 200mm, and 300mm). 4 types of connection systems have been
tried, namely connections A1 and A2 where the PHD is connected in a
horizontal position, and connections B1 and B2 where the PHD is
connected in a vertical position. Of the four connection systems B1, the
connection system has the largest discharge capacity value and a
significant increase in PHD width from 100 mm to 300 mm with an
increase of 7.694% at 50 kPa overburden pressure and 1.0 hydraulic
gradient the highest compared to other connection types.
Ground improvement is a way to improve the technical properties of soil, such as
shear strength, stiffness, and permeability (Nakhe, 2021). The properties of soft soil can
disrupt the stability of the infrastructure that stands on it. To prevent damage to
infrastructure before development, it is necessary to consolidate the land (Azevedo de
Almeida & Mostafavi, 2016) (McFarland, Larsen, Yeshitela, Engida, & Love, 2019).
However, the low permeability of soft soils causes the consolidation process to take a
long time, so soil improvement that may be carried out is vertical drainage combined with
preloading. Vertical drainage that is often used is prefabricated vertical drainage (PVD)
which is ribbon-shaped with a rectangular appearance and made of geosynthetics. The
function of PVD is to facilitate the radial flow of water from the consolidated soil,
transporting it in a vertical direction and discharging it into the drainage layer with the
smallest possible hydraulic resistance (Chung, Kweon, & Jang, 2014). Usually pore water
in the soil that flows out through PVD is received by the sand blanket as horizontal
drainage, and then flowed into the sewer.
Review Of The Punishment Of Substitute Money And Its Consequences In The Criminal Act
Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1695
The use of PVD has been widely researched and applied worldwide in soft soil
improvement projects over the past few decades (Bo, Arulrajah, Horpibulsuk,
Chinkulkijniwat, & Leong, 2016) (Jang, Kim, & Lee, 2015)(Nguyen & Kim, 2019) (Lam,
Bergado, & Hino, 2015). PVD is considered more effective, efficient, and economical
than other types of vertical drainage. In addition to PVD, horizontal drainage is also
developed, namely PHD (Prefabricated Horizontal Drains). The use of PHD is more
recommended to be used as horizontal drainage in vertical drainage systems to channel
to the sewer because it can save costs and be more measurable. The use of PHD in the
field is usually used instead of or combined with a sand blanket (PANJAITAN, 2021).
The connection of the PVD and Ph.D. in the field is usually done by hooking the
PVD to the Ph.D. or by winding the PVD to the Ph.D. and then tying using cable ties.
Regarding the type of PVD-PHD bond, there is no specific standard that can be used as a
reference. In Bina Marga (2016) the installation of PHD on PVD has not been explained
about the connection procedure. (Chrismaningwang et al., 2022) PVD-PHD connection
by tying with cable ties has a large enough reduction in discharge capacity both on clean
and dirty sand media due to deformation in the connection so that the connection is not
recommended for use in the field due to deformation at the top of PVD, so the connection
is not recommended.
PVD deformation due to folding, wrinkling, bending, and twisting due to a large
decrease in consolidation can have a considerable influence on the effectiveness of PVD
(Chrismaningwang, Hardiyatmo, Adi, & Fathani, 2021). and reduce discharge capacity
and significantly or totally (Cao, Zhang, Xu, & Xu, 2021) (Bo et al., 2016). also explain
that under clay confinement, PVD discharge capacity can also be significantly reduced,
due to channel deformation and blockage. Discharge capacity is one of the factors
influencing PVD behavior (Hansbo, Jamiolkowski, & Kok, 1981) (Miura & Chai, 2000).
This study intends to refine/improve PVD and PHD splicing systems to determine
the most effective connection to vertical drainage performance of discharge capacity
affected by confining pressure, overburden pressure, and hydraulic gradient as well as
sand blanket bridle media that present conditions in the field. Studies on PVD-PHD
splicing are still very limited, for that it is necessary to conduct more in-depth studies.
These studies, it is expected to contribute to and complement previous studies.
Research Methods
Discharge Capacity
Hansbo (1983) describes discharge capacity (qw) as the volume of water per unit
of time that can flow along the PVD core in the axial direction under the unit hydraulic
gradient (Tran-Nguyen, Edil, & Schneider, 2010). The discharge capacity regulating PVD
performance thereby affects the consolidation rate (Lee, Yang, Kang, Park, & Choi, 2022)
(Deng, Liu, Lu, & Xie, 2014). Flow capacity or discharge capacity (qw) is a very
important parameter in determining PVD design and performance. PVD must have
sufficient tensile strength and discharge capacity to be used effectively in the soil
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1696
improvement process. PVD discharge capacity will decrease when the filter is depressed
by lateral ground pressure. The discharge capacity is expressed by the following equation:
q_w=Q/i (1)
where Q is the volume of water released by PVD per unit of time (m3/sec) and i is
the hydraulic gradient. The qw value will be used to formulate the relationship between
qw and restraint pressure and hydraulic gradient, as well as to determine the equivalence
value of PHD with a sand blanket.
Test Equipment
PVD and PHD system discharge capacity testing was carried out using a special
tool developed by Chrismaningwang 2022 which was designed to refer to ASTM D4716
standards. This test tool aims to determine the effect of the PVD-PHD connection method
on its discharge capacity. In this study, the test equipment can present conditions in the
field, where PVD experiences restrained pressure in the form of lateral soil pressure, and
PHD experiences overbuden pressure in the form of heap soil (Siswanto, Wijaya, &
Widawati, 2023) (Aini, Maulana, & Santoso, 2023).
Test Specimen
PVD and PHD are geocomposite materials consisting of an outer casing generally
made of non-woven geotextiles to envelop the plastic core and core consisting of plastic
folds or knitted plastic threads or other materials (Gries, Raina, Quadflieg, & Stolyarov,
2016). The Directorate General of Highways (2016) also explained that the function of
the core is to support the filter layer and allow the passage of water flow along the
drainage and the function of the blanket is to separate the core from the surrounding soil
and filter to limit the escape of soil to the core. Menon et al. (2021) conducted a study on
the process of PHD-induced consolidation in clay deposits investigated with a numerical
approach. PHD was found to significantly speed up the consolidation process in soft soils,
and its effects were found to be most pronounced in highly plastic soils
Various PVD-PHD Splicing and Test Methods
Discharge capacity testing on various PVD and PHD connection systems is carried
out to determine the effectiveness of various PVD and PHD connection systems. Testing
the discharge capacity of this connection system using PVD-T5 test specimens wrapped
in a latex membrane (as a separator for test specimens with bridle) with a length of 0.50
m mounted on a compression tube with water bridle media with an extension of 0.30 m
without a latex membrane then connected with PHD-W100, PHD-W200, and PHD-W300
with a length of 0.30 m in the compression box, The test sketch can be seen in Figure 1
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1697
Figure 1. Test sketches
Tests are carried out with variations in specimen dimensions, hydraulic gradient,
and overburden pressure. The bridle pressure (σ_c) applied to the fixed / constant
compression cylinder is 100 kPa. The overburden pressure (σ_ov) is applied to the PVD-
PHD connection system and the sand blanket is applied gradually from 50 kPa to 200
kPa. The hydraulic gradient used is 0.2; 0,5; and 1, Chai and Miura (1999) argue the
hydraulic gradient suggested for discharge capacity testing should range between 0.1-1
used to keep the flow in PVD always in a laminar state.
Results and Discussion
1. Discharge Capacity Test on PVD-PHD Connection
From the test results of various types of connections, the value of discharge capacity
varies even with the same PVD and PHD width. The following graph of the relationship
between discharge capacity and PHD width in various connection types is presented in
Figure 7 10.
2. Effect of Overburden Pressure, Hydraulic Gradient, and PHD Width on
Discharge Capacity in PVD-PHD Connection
Figure 6-10 shows that all connection types have the largest discharge capacity
value at i = 0.2 and PHD width W = 300 mm. The effect of Ph.D. width in general, also
has something in common, namely the wider the Ph.D., the greater the discharge
produced. The effect of overburden pressure and hydraulic gradient on discharge capacity
in PVD-PHD joints. The effect of hydraulic gradients on all variations, in general, has
something in common, namely when the value of the hydraulic gradient is small and the
discharge capacity is high. For the effect of overburden pressure on discharge capacity,
which is when overburden pressure increases, discharge capacity decreases. The
following is similar to the statement Bergado 1996 which says discharge capacity
decreases at times of high I because energy loss and flow decrease almost linearly as
ground pressure increases (Bergado, Manivannan, & Balasubramaniam, 1996).
When viewed from the variation in PHD width, the B1 connection type on average
shows a significant increase compared to other connection types in all overload pressures.
Increased discharge capacity value at all joints from Ph.D. width 100 mm to 300 mm at
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overburden pressure 50 kPa and hydraulic gradient 1.0; 0,5; and 0.2 A1 (0.811%; 2.034%;
4.889%), A2 (0.600%; 2.908%; 5.404%), B1 (3.248%; 5.767%; 7.694), and B2 (1.816%;
3.393%; 6.1.01%).
Figure 1
Variation of discharge capacity in various types of PVDT5-PHD connections to
PHD width at an overburden pressure of 50 kPa
Figure 2
Variation of discharge capacity in various types of PVDT5-PHD connections to
PHD width at an overburden pressure of 100 kPa
0 100 200 300
Kapasitas debit
Lebar PHD (W, mm)
PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,2
0 100 200 300
Kapasitas debit
Lebar PHD (W, mm)
PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,2
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Figure 3
Variation of discharge capacity in various types of PVDT5-PHD connections to
PHD width at an overburden pressure of 150 kPa
Figure 4
Variation of discharge capacity in various types of PVDT5-PHD connections to
PHD width at an overburden pressure of 200 kPa
The effect of overburden pressure and hydraulic gradient on the discharge capacity
of PVD-PHD joints is described as follows. The results of the test show that when the
overburden pressure increases, the discharge capacity decreases. This is due to the
reduction in the cross-sectional area of PHD so that it narrows and disrupts the flow of
0 100 200 300
Kapasitas debit
Lebar PHD (W, mm)
PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,2
0 100 200 300
Kapasitas debit
Lebar PHD (W,mm)
PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-A2, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B1, i=0,2
PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=1,0 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,5 PVDT5-PHD-B2, i=0,2
Romli Mukayatsyah, Natangsa Surbakti, Muchamad Iksan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1700
water. For hydraulic gradients, the results show that when the hydraulic gradient is high,
the value of the discharge capacity decreases due to the loss of flow energy. The type of
A1 connection and A2 connection have relatively the same discharge quality value, this
proves that the connection by attaching the PVD filter with PHD both outside and inside
does not have a big effect. Connection B1 and connection B2 have different discharge
capacities, connection B1 has a greater value than B2. This proves that the entry of PVD
cores into the PHD and flanking them is not effective in increasing the value of discharge
capacity, but only by attaching between PVD cores and PHD can produce better discharge
For PVD-PHD connections horizontally (A) and vertically (B) in each PHD width
variation both produce a fairly good discharge capacity, but connections with vertical
variations, especially B1 produce the best connection performance. The use of horizontal
connections (A) is less recommended because when the horizontal position is wide, the
cross-section that affects the pile load or overburden pressure is wider so that if the load
is uneven, it will easily deform. This research is still in the early stages because there are
still many variations of research that need to be tried. Like testing time, testing is still
done with a short-term time (short-term) so it is very necessary to do with long-term
testing (long-term). Tests on PVD compression cylinders still use water bridle media that
has not described the situation in the field, namely with clay bridle, so the effect of fine
grain infiltration on PVD is not yet known. There is no consideration of the effect of soil
disturbance (smear zone) on the discharge capacity of the connection.
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Of Corruption (Study Of Decision Number 51 / Pid. Sus-Tpk/2020/PN. SMG)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1701
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