pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.748 1580
Alifia Wulandari
, Abdillah Nugroho
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: conflict; mystery;
movie; sociological.
Literary is reading something literature, forming a critical opinion, or
judging someone's criticism based on the theme, figurative language, etc
on the library work. The analysis method is by uncovering topics for
good understanding. Knives Out movie is a criminal and drama film full
of mystery but also the movie that has is a comedy. The type of study in
this research uses a Qualitative Descriptive Approach. The research
objects of this study are characteristics, mystery, speech act, the main
character, the situation, and the story of Knives Out (2019) movie. The
object is based on the movie. The data collection technique divided into
4kinds are watching, reading, taking notes, and observation. The
sociological Approach is used in the Knives Out movie because there
some several social forms example Crime, Family Life, Social Class,
Racism, and Inequality.
Literary is reading something literature, forming a critical opinion, or judging
someone's criticism based on the theme, figurative language, etc literary work. The
sociological approach covers the attitude of someone or each person toward other people.
That is about how respect for each other can make other people respect us. The
sociological approach is telling about humanity, caring, helping other people, etc. The
function we analyzing something is that we can get a lot of data according to what we
want. The purpose of the analysis is to recognize the data obtained, overcome the
problem, and make a good decision. Knives Out movie is a criminal and drama film full
of mystery but also the film that has is the comedy. The film was released in 2019. The
film was held and written by Rian Johnson. This film gets a good and positive rating from
many audiences and critics. A review of R.Tomatoes has a 97% rating and received a
good rating from some sources. After this film aired at an International Film Festival
“Knives Out” successfully got an Oscar trophy. The film received a positive response and
review. The player’s script and the characters support the plot of stories that increasingly
add to the impression of this film with a themed and comedy genre (Thaib & Nofrial,
This research will analyze 1) What is the factor of the conflict in Knives Out movie
based on the sociological approach?, 2) How does the death mystery happen in the Knives
Out movie?, 3) Why sociological approach used in Knives Out movie? The objectives of
this research are 1) This study aims to determine the analysis of the mystery that occurred
in this movie, 2) This study aims to find out what happened in this movie, 3) To know
A Conflict Reveal Killer Of Death Mystery From The Rich Author In Knives Out Movie
(2019): A Sociological Approach
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1581
why this movie can be called be a mystery movie, 4) To identify how the analysis of
knives out movie, 5) To describe the knives out movie analysis.
The writer analyzes the braveness of causes in the Knives Out movie. An object the
writer used is the main character in this movie (Pangestu, Pratiwi, & Buansari, 2021). The
writer analyzes using narrative and storytelling and how police detect the interview
witness using police speak by interpreting and describing the data using speak by police
and narrative storytelling theory (Ananta, 2021). (Windu Gunatika, Komang Dian Puspita
Candra, 2021) the researcher analyzes some types the nonobservation of the maxim
performed by the main character in the Knives Out movie. (Khoiroh, 2021) the researcher
uses a Sociological Approach to literature as the perspective to analyze data and this
research analyzes social stratification and the impact between the upper and the working
class. (Windu Gunatika, Komang Dian Puspita Candra, 2021) analysis of the mystery of
centuries-old stories and evolution in film within the recent decades has been an
interesting phenom to witness. This completely original story with an age-old genre
formula, and wowed audience. (Munthe, 2021) this research analyzes violation maxims
and implicatures used by all characters in the Knives Out Movie. This research uses
qualitative research.
This research used descriptive qualitative which describes the situation factually.
The research found all categories of hedging in the dialogues spoken by the supporting
characters there 2 data found from modal hedges (Fadilah, Fiza Asri, 2020). (Abidona
Revaldo, 2022) this research focused on analyzing the flouting maxims of quantity,
quality, relation, and manner. The researchers used data condensation, data display, and
conclusions to analyze the data. (Muhammad Naufal Shabri Rifansa, 2021) this research
analyzed the behavior and perception of all members Thrombey family. (Wati Kurnia,
2021) this researcher focuses on investigating the reason why Martha Cabera gets racial
treatment, to know how Martha experiences the racial treatment, and to examine form
Research Methods
The type of study in this research uses a Qualitative Descriptive Approach.
Qualitative Approach is a general way of thinking about the conducting of Qualitative
Research. It describes either explicity or simplicity, the purpose of the Qualitative
Research, the role of the researcher, the stages of research, and the method of data
analysis. The research objects of this study are characteristics, mystery, speech act, the
main character, the situation, and the story of Knives Out (2019) movie. The object is
based on the movie. The object data is the main discussion in this research.
The data is from watching the movie Knives Out and the data comes from many
sources that are on the internet. The method of collecting data is from the dialogue in this
movie. The collecting data is more discovery than any existing data. The data collection
technique is divided into 3 kinds: watching, reading, taking notes, and observing. The
analysis of data by interpretation and description of the data. The analysis data is from
the analyzing method. The analysis was from the Qualitative Research. The research
Alifia Wulandari, Abdillah Nugroho
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1582
looking for a journal related to the Knives Out movie, creating a research result
framework, and making a finding report.
Results and Discussion
The factor of the conflict in “Knives Out” with Sociological Approach. Sociological
has 3 main approaches. In my research only two approaches. There are the Functional
Structural Approach and Conflict Approach. The functional Structural Approach explains
that people with different backgrounds then work together to maintain the stability of
society. There are economic, study, and family. The conflict Approach explains social
change, gaps that can lead to conflict, and conflicts that bring prosperity.
The factor of the conflict in Knives Out movie based on the Sociological approach
All the family have been asked by Detective Letnan Elliott, his assistant, and Mr Blanc a
famous private investigator a consultant on Harlan’s death mystery. First, the detective
asked some of Harlan’s family about Harlan’s 85th birthday party before the incident of
Harlan’s death. Linda is the first that ask the detective to tell all the characters or Harlan’s
family at the birthday party. From the stories told the first conflict is with Harlan’s
younger child named Walt. And the second is from Richard Linda’s husband. And the
third is Joni, Harlan’s daughter-in-law. On the night before Harlan slept, he said that he
was disappointed that he didn’t ask Walt to write his books, he was a good father as a
provider to Joni, and he could be better to Linda and Ransom, he wanted to fix it before
he death as he said. Upon that, it was told that Marta wrongly injecting drugs and the
doses given were very high. But Marta didn’t find rescue medicine so it can make Harlan
wouldn’t die in 10 minutes. But Harlan didn’t want Marta to be blamed by the family and
Harlan prevented her from calling the ambulance and telling the family.
In that picture, as explained at the film's beginning, all the suspects are likely to kill
Harlan. Harlan has a list of his family's behavior. Richard and Linda's household
breakdown, Walt who can't manage his company, Joni's fraud, and Ransom who likes to
waste money. The picture tells about all the detectives interrogating the suspects and
searching Harlan's entire house
The death mystery can happen in the Knives Out movie because first of all the death
mystery occurred. After all, Marta was a family maid and especially a nurse for Harlan
the writer a famous criminal novelist. The thing that caused Harlan to die is one of the
giving of drugs and he committed suicide. The death mystery can happen in this movie.
A Conflict Reveal Killer Of Death Mystery From The Rich Author In Knives Out Movie
(2019): A Sociological Approach
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The initial guess was that Harlan was murdered. The death mystery could have occurred
because of the expression of who caused Harlan to commit suicide. All due to help from
Blanc. Marta which turned out to be initially framed by Ransom. Ransom made a scenario
as if he saved Marta because she was thought to be the Harlan killer by Blanc. Finally,
Mr.Blanc is the one who tells the truth about things to happened. Eventually, Ramson
was imprisoned.
The sociological Approach is used in Knives Out movie because there some several
social forms that use a sociological approach. Examples are Crime, Family life, Social
Class, Racism, and Inequality. In the Knives Out movie, several social forms use a
Sociological Approach. First of all were some crimes for example Ransom who
exchanged and concealed Harlan's medicine, Ransom who tried to kill Marta with stage
knives, trapping Marta on Fran's murder, and Fran Morphin'sfluid. The second is a family
life. Their family life is harmonious, they help each other, they tell each other if there is
an error, they are happy when they party and chat with each other, hard work to build a
business of Harlan, and their family life suddenly changes because of knowing the legacy
that turns out to be given to Marta. Third, fourth, and fifth are Marta whose mother is an
illegal immigrant. Walt wanted to persuade Marta so she wanted to submit her inheritance
to Harlan's family. Marta was threatened by Walt and would be reported by police because
her mother of illegal immigrant.
The researcher found 2 main approaches of sociological in the Knives Out movie.
First is the Functional Structural Approach and second Conflict Approach. The functional
Structural Approach is about maintaining the stability of society in the story of Knives
Out movie the example is about the family. Conflict Approach tells about the gaps that
can be a conflict in Harlan’s death mystery. The conclusion of Rian Johnson, Knives Out
movie has shown that the conflict reveals the killer of the death mystery we can conclude
that the conflict in this movie is from the story, dialogue, the characters, and the situation
described in this movie. This movie uses the Sociological Approach to literature as a
perspective to analyze data. Because from this research tells about the social something,
and analyses the social stratification. This study shows the characteristics of strong,
serious, loud voice, and stubbornness. The method of the Sociological Approach is about
the moral value that we can take in this movie.
Alifia Wulandari, Abdillah Nugroho
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