pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.746 1606
Muh. Fauzan Anwar
, Devi Triyana
, Ayu Purnama Sari
, Novayagori Tarmizi
Ayrin Eka Putri A
Universitas Hasanuddin Makasar, Indonesia
Keywords: lean services; lean
consumption map; workshop
service repair.
This research aims to 1. Find out how the community understands the
cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' in
Panakkukang District, Makassar City. 2. Analyze the role of Sipakatau,
Sipakalebbi, and Sigunakannge' in cases of juvenile crime in
Panakkukang District, Makassar City. This research uses a qualitative
descriptive approach to reveal the real situation in implementing the
cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' by the people
of Panakkukang District, Makassar City. The subjects of this research
were informants who were taken by purposive sampling from the
community, cultural experts, and government officials in Panakkukang
District, Makassar City. Data and information collection techniques were
carried out through interviews (in-depth interviews), participatory
observation, as well as document studies and literature studies. The
results of the study were then analyzed using the interactive model of
Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, namely data condensation, data
presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research show that the
cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' as a way of
life for the Makassar Bugis community have a very large role in
preventing intolerant behavior in the Makassar Bugis community.
Society expects adolescents to behave according to prevailing values and norms.
Such as noble character, polite and polite, tolerant, please help, sensitive to the social life
of others who need help, knowing their duties as students, and being oriented to the future
(Mannuhung, 2019). However, due to the influence of sophisticated technology, it is not
uncommon for many teenagers to be swept away due to the negative influence of foreign
cultures that are not by local cultural norms and customs (Andina, 2015).
In the Bugis tribe in South Sulawesi known cultural values of Sipakatau,
Sipakainge, and Sipakalebbi in essence these values become the view of life of the Bugis
people. As a view of life, of course, in the process of social interaction, there will be a
relationship between each other or it can be called give and take both verbally and in
actions that can cause changes in feelings and impressions that exist in the highest crime
rate, which is 10,951 cases in 2022. This is an increase from 2021 with 4,718 cases.
Meanwhile, in Makassar, in the 2023 figures released by the Central Bureau of Statistics
of Makassar City (BPS Makassar), Panakkukang District with 756 cases in 2022, this is
Analysis Of The Role Of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge' As Cultural Values For Juvenile
Crime Cases In Panakukkang Sub-District, Makassar City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1607
an increase from 2021 with 176 cases. The mind then can determine the actions to be
taken (Safitri & Suharno, 2020). So the culture of Sipakatau, Sipakainge, and Sipakalebbi
becomes a design for living or Social control because it has a positive impact that is
followed by the community and believed to be true. Realizing this, this culture can be
used as an effort to prevent intolerance by exploring and instilling the values contained
in it (Rifai, 2018).
The phenomenon of juvenile crime is the impact of the non-realization of values
and norms in the process of social interaction (Al-Gazali, 2022). In Indonesia's statistics
in 2023 figures released by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that South Sulawesi
experienced an increase in crime cases from 12,815 cases in 2020 to 14,636 cases in 2021
(Nadirah, 2017). South Sulawesi in 2023 figures released by the Central Bureau of
Statistics of South Sulawesi Province (BPS SULSEL) stated that Makassar City is in the
first position as a region in South Sulawesi. Intentionally by setting specific criteria for
informants. The subjects of this research are resource persons consisting of the
community, cultural experts, and government officials in Panakkukang District, Makassar
City who are considered to be able to provide information related to research topics.
Research Methods
This research uses qualitative descriptive methods with a qualitative approach that
refers to ethnographic methods proposed by Spradley to reveal and know the learning of
local wisdom values in local communities. Spradley suggests that the ethnographic
method is the work of describing a culture. Bronislaw Malinowski also says that the goal
of ethnography is to understand the point of view of indigenous people and their life
relationships to gain a view of their world (Gonzales et al., 2007). This research uses
ethnographic methods to reveal the facts of local wisdom of the Makassar Bugis
community in Panakkukang District, Makassar City.
1. Research Subject
The subject in this research was determined by purposive sampling technique,
namely the determination of informants determined deliberately by setting special criteria
on informants. The subjects of this research are resource persons consisting of the
community, cultural experts, and government officials in Panakkukang District, Makassar
City who are considered to be able to provide information related to research topics.
2. Data Collection Techniques
Data is the most important part of research. In this research, data was obtained from
various sources using data collection techniques, namely:
a. Observation of participation
b. Interview
c. Study documents
d. Literature study
3. Data Analysis Techniques
The data analysis technique used in this research is the interactive technique of
Miles, Huberman, and Saldana with data analysis components, namely:
Muh. Fauzan Anwar, Devi Triyana, Ayu Purnama Sari, Novayagori Tarmizi, Ayrin Eka Putri A
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1608
a. Data condensation
b. Data presentation (Data display)
c. Conclusions drawing
Results and Discussion
1. Cultural Values of Sipakatau
Sipakatau or humanizing each other is a basic form that underlies all manners,
meaning that we as humans, should humanize each other with other humans, regardless
of background. We do not look at a person's position, material, or social attributes, simply
because he is a human being and must be addressed, personed. So it's not because he is a
rickshaw driver, he is mistreated and humanized (Salim, Salik, & Wekke, 2018). As in a
Bugis philosophy about humans (Tau), namely "Sipakatauwwi tauwe nasaba tauwi"
(Humans humanize each other because they are humans). The adagio mentioned above
comes from the epicenter of the Bugis life principle called "Siri". Because behavior and
manners must always reflect the characteristics contained in the philosophy of "Siri".
"Siri" is a Bugis view of life that aims to maintain and increase the self-esteem and dignity
of human beings, both as individual beings and as social beings. Man (Tau) in the view
of the Bugis man of Makassar, not only sees only his body but deeper than that (Ilyasin,
The element of Sipakatau nature in the culture of the Makassar Bugis tribe aims to
maintain and preserve cultural values in community life (Syarif, Sumarmi, Fatchan, &
Astina, 2016). This comes from the Bugis human life principle called "Siri". That's why
every bugis human is required to make "Siri" his soul. Because it is the soul of "Siri" who
can determine whether he still deserves to be called a human or not. So it becomes a must
for them to always obey and obey "Ade' (law), "Pangaddereng" (civilization), and "Ampi
kale" (always guard themselves against ethical and moral nature).
2. Cultural Values of Sipakalebbi
"Sipakalebbi" comes from the word "lebbi" in the Bugis language which means:
more, and also means: noble. The two meanings of this word have a relationship that
explains each other. This means that a new human being can be considered to have excess,
if he has a noble nature, or a new man can be said to be noble if he has an exaggerated
nature from other humans. The meaning of glory itself cannot be measured in terms of
wealth, lineage and nobility, name, title, position, or status that makes him someone who
is glorified, liked, and loved by those around him. Glorifying each other is essentially a
value and norm that applies to an ethnic group which is expressed in the form of culture
and becomes a guide in speaking and behaving daily. In other words, glorifying each
other is the ability to respond to and empower the potential of the noble values of local
culture. Therefore, mutual glorification is very decisive about the dignity and dignity of
the Bugis people in their environment.
3. Sipakainge Cultural Values
Sipakainge' which means to remind each other. This is a guide for every Bugis
human who aims to remind each other. Sipakainge' is needed in life as a critique and
Analysis Of The Role Of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge' As Cultural Values For Juvenile
Crime Cases In Panakukkang Sub-District, Makassar City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1609
suggestion of each other. Man is the place of delusion and sin. Therefore, sipakainge'
became a means used by Bugis humans to issue criticisms and suggestions to always do
good in all rules. This criticism and suggestion is certainly needed to make improvements
to the mistakes and shortcomings made. (Razak, 2015). This is also expected to make
each individual able to remind each other when doing actions outside existing norms and
4. Implementation of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge Cultural Values
In the life of the Bugis community, the cultivation of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and
Sipakainge cultural values in the Panakkukang District of Makassar City is currently still
difficult to realize due to the lack of understanding given from one generation to the next.
This is evidenced by the lack of understanding of adolescents in Panakkukang
District, Makassar City related to the cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and
Sipakainge'. From the results of an interview conducted with Andika (16 years old),
understanding cultural values is indeed taught in the family environment, but only limited
to saying that Bugis people must be Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' without
providing an understanding of how Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' are applied
in life.
In the book Latoa written by Prof. H. A. Mattulada it is said that, in Panggaderreng
there is a system of norms that reflect the Bugis culture of Makassar, that is, if you want
to visit the house of a familiar person, the guest must declare his presence before setting
foot on the stairs. To declare his presence, he should say a greeting. If people in the house
hear it, then peek to find out who the guest is, and the person above the house appears,
then the guest can ask if the person he wants to visit is at home. Male guests are expected
to ask whether the head of the household, i.e. father or eldest son in an adult family is at
home, if neither of the two is in the house, then the male guest is considered to be violating
custom when climbing stairs, let alone entering the house (H. A. Mattulada, 2015).
What is considered impolite is if the younger person precedes the older one in
opening the conversation. Therefore, it is the person who feels older who should start a
conversation even if it is just lip service. Women, both married and even more respectable
girls, are less polite to appear in front of male guests when they are not called. Minors are
prohibited from approaching at all. A guest is usually entertained, even if only with hot
water, tea, or coffee. When the guest comes when people in the house are eating, then
when he is accepted he is directly invited to join the meal. The invitation shouldn't be
rejected (H. A. Mattulada, 2015: 63-64)
Furthermore, the results of participation observations show that most adolescents
in Panakkukang District no longer reflect the behavior of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and
Sipakainge'. This is evident from how teenagers speak to parents who use high tones and
disrespectful body language.
Based on an interview conducted with Prof. Nurhayati, a cultural expert, said that
for cultural values to be preserved, the previous people not only taught through speech
but there needed to be concrete examples of how cultural values were implemented. The
Muh. Fauzan Anwar, Devi Triyana, Ayu Purnama Sari, Novayagori Tarmizi, Ayrin Eka Putri A
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1610
role of parents and the community environment is an important part of efforts to preserve
cultural values.
According to Hamsul (a resident of Pampang Village), the intensity of adolescent
time that tends to use gadgets more than social interaction becomes sal
ah one cause of the non-implementation of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge
cultural values. Thus, innovation is needed in instilling these cultural values, for example
by creating cultural educational content that can be accessed through social media.
5. The Influence of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainga Cultural Values on
Juvenile Crime Cases
The cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' have a very
important role in preventing crime. The behavior reflected by the Makassar Bugis
community who still make the cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge
as guidelines in social interaction shows the low potential for committing crimes.
Meanwhile, people who no longer implement the cultural values of Sipakatau,
Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' have a high potential for crime, such as brawls, scattering,
theft, persecution, and even murder.
This is evidenced by the results of an interview conducted with Mr. Rusli who is a
community leader in Pampang Village as well as a cultural observer said that by
reimplementing the cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge' is a solution to
suppress crime committed by the community, especially among teenagers.
Therefore, as a form of preserving cultural values in Pampang Village, Mr. Rusli
together with community leaders supported by the Panakkukang Regional Police tried to
form a forum for the people of Pampang Village, namely the Police and Community
Partnership Forum (FKPM). This forum aims to reduce crime in Pampang Village
through the preservation of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge's cultural values.
Based on information obtained from resource persons, since the establishment of
FKPM in Pampang Village, crime began to decline within four months of the
establishment of this forum. People in Pampang Village said that the implementation of
Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge cultural values carried out by the Police and
Community Partnership Forum (FKPM) was very effective in reducing the high crime
rate in Pampang Village, Panakkukang District.
The cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge' as a guideline for
the life of the Makassar Bugis community have a very large role in preventing intolerant
behavior in the Makassar Bugis community. However, the existence of Sipakatau,
Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge cultural values has now begun to fade so preservation efforts
are needed by teaching and reinstilling Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge cultural values
in the community, especially among adolescents.
The role of family, community, and government is indispensable in efforts to
preserve the cultural values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge'. One example of
the preservation of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge cultural values is the
Analysis Of The Role Of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, Sipakainge' As Cultural Values For Juvenile
Crime Cases In Panakukkang Sub-District, Makassar City
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1611
establishment of the Police and Community Partnership Forum (FKPM) carried out by
community and government leaders supported by the Panakkukang Regional Police in
Pampang Village which has proven to be able to reduce the high crime rate by reinstilling
the values of Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakainge'.
Muh. Fauzan Anwar, Devi Triyana, Ayu Purnama Sari, Novayagori Tarmizi, Ayrin Eka Putri A
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1612
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