pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.741 1703
Nisa Permata Dewi
Universitas Telkom Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: sapta pesona;
museum mandala wangsit
siliwangi; hospitality; beauty.
Museum Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi is a historical tourist destination
located in Bandung City. One of the management approaches for tourist
destinations in Indonesia is the implementation of Sapta Pesona.
However, in reality, there are inconsistencies, including levels of
beauty, hospitality, and memorable experiences that do not meet
visitors' expectations. Therefore, this research aims to provide
recommendations to the government, the management of the Museum
Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi, and other tourism industries regarding the
implementation of Sapta Pesona. The study also explores the efforts
undertaken by the Museum Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi's management
to enhance Sapta Pesona. This research adopts a qualitative descriptive
method, utilizing interview and observation techniques, supported by
relevant journal literature. The findings reveal a gap in the
implementation of Sapta Pesona at the Museum Mandala Wangsit
Siliwangi, affecting both its application and visitors' experience quality.
This research strives to contribute to the enhancement of Sapta Pesona's
implementation for improving visitor experience quality
In the world of travel, many types of tourism can be chosen by tourists ranging from
tourist attractions, nature tourism, shopping tours, culinary tours, adventure tourism,
clothing tours, sports tourism, and historical tourism. One type of tourism that attracts the
attention of tourists is historical tourism (Wiradiputra & Brahmanto, 2016). Historical
tours allow visitors to learn and explore the cultural heritage and historical events of a
place, providing a wide variety of history. Historical tourism is a type of trip or visit that
aims to explore places, sites, buildings, artifacts, and areas that have high historical and
cultural value (Umagapi & Ambarita, 2018). The main purpose of historical tourism is to
provide an immersive experience for tourists to understand and appreciate the historical
and cultural aspects of a place. Knowing and learning the history of Indonesian
independence will make the younger generation appreciate more what the Indonesian
people have, all the struggles and sacrifices of heroes need to be respected and it would
be better if the next generation of the nation emulates it (Syahputra, Silfeni, & Abrian,
2018). So the younger generation needs to be more familiar with the history of Indonesian
independence. Knowing and learning history independently is not just by reading books
or videos. Heritage and historical buildings deliberately built to celebrate the history of
Independence can also be an interesting place to be used as a source of knowledge
(Assyifa & Tohir, 2017).
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
Likewise with the city of Bandung, the city of Bandung is not only known as the
center of modern development, but also has many tourist attractions, one of which is
historical tourism. With historical tours that show many stories of the past, tourists can
also feel the nuances of the past and understand cultural developments and important
events (Ikhalasani & Syahrul, 2021).
One of the historical tourist destinations owned by the city of Bandung is the
Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum (Setiawati & Aji, 2023). In addition to being a place
to explore historical collections, the Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum is also one of
the historical tourist destinations for visitors to explore past stories that form the essence
of the city of Bandung.
Museum Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi was established by Kodam III / Siliwangi to
preserve and pass on fighting values to the younger generation. This museum stores a
collection of objects related to the struggle of the Indonesian nation, especially in West
Java, as well as the soldiers of the Indonesian National Army (TNI AD) in an effort to
seize, preserve it and defend Indonesian independence. The museum was inaugurated on
May 23, 1966 by Colonel Inf. Ibrahim Adjie, Commander III/8 Siliwangi (Agustiani &
Solihat, 2018).
Recognize and remember the struggle of the hero One of the historical attractions
known in the city of Bandung is the Wangsit Mandala Museum. Mandala Wagsit
Siliwangi Museum located in the city of Bandung is a cultural institution dedicated to
commemorating the struggle for the spirit of change in Indonesian history (Riani, 2021).
This museum was established as a form of respect for important events in the journey of
the Indonesian nation to independence. In its collection, Wangsit Mandala Museum
displays a variety of artifacts, documents, and historical objects that reflect the people's
struggle for independence and inspire visitors to better understand and appreciate the rich
heritage of national history. Therefore, the management of Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
Museum must be carried out properly to provide a sense of comfort to every visitor who
One element that must be applied in improving the quality of tourism in Indonesia
is sapta pecharma. Sapta pesona is the development of a tourism-conscious concept
related to the support and role of the community as a host to create a conducive
environment and atmosphere capable of encouraging growth and for the development of
the tourism industry through the manifestation of seven elements (Nasution et al., 2020).
The seven elements in this charm sapta include clean, safe, orderly, memorable, beautiful,
friendly and cool.
Research Methods
The research method applied to analyze the concept of Sapta Pesona at Wangsit
Siliwangi Mandala Museum is a descriptive qualitative research approach. The purpose
of this writing is to reveal facts, situations, phenomena, variables, and conditions that
arise during the research process, and the results will be presented objectively in
accordance with the facts in the field (Hendriyati, 2020). Qualitative methods are suitable
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
for use in researching phenomena that occur in the social environment, with this
qualitative approach method the author can focus more on extracting perceptions or
experiences from visitors, so that they are subjective. This qualitative approach aims to
obtain information about attitudes, and actions about "Implementation of Sapta Pesona at
Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum".
Data collection was carried out by in-depth interview method to visitors and direct
observation. Data sources (resource persons) will be written with initials including RD,
UM, FL who are visitors at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum.
Results and Discussion
Profile Museum Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi
Picture 1 Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum
Source: Google.com 2023
Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum is a military museum in Bandung, West Java.
The name "Siliwangi" refers to the regional military command of the Indonesian National
Army (TNI-AD) in West Java and Banten, taken from the name of the king of the Sunda
Kingdom who was famous for his power and wisdom. "Mandala Wangsit" is a place to
store the messages and advice of past warriors to the next generation through the objects
they leave behind. The museum was inaugurated on May 23, 1966 by Colonel Ibrahim
Adjie, commander of the Siliwangi division. This museum is located on Jalan Lembong,
Sumur sub-district, Bandung, and was originally built during the Dutch colonial period.
The street name is taken from Lt. Col. Lembong, a Siliwangi soldier who became a victim
in the Ratu Adil Army (APRA) coup d'état. Previously, this street was known by the name
"Oude Hospitaalweg" which means "old hospital street". This museum is managed by
Kodam III / Siliwangi.
The Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum building has a late romantic architectural
style and was originally built between 1910 and 1915 to accommodate Dutch officers in
the colonial period. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia in 1942, this building
served as a Japanese hideout. After Indonesia's independence, this building was taken
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
over by the Siliwangi army and became the headquarters of the Siliwangi Division
(Bandung Military Academy) from 1949 to 1950.
The museum building is located on an area of ?? 4,176 m2 with a building area of
1,674 m2. On May 23, 1966 this building changed its function to Wangsit Mandala
Siliwangi Museum which was inaugurated by Colonel Ibrahim Adjie, Commander of the
8th Division of Siliwangi. In 1979, the building was renovated and converted into a two-
story building. On November 10, 1980, the museum building was re-inaugurated by the
15th Commander of Siliwangi, Maj. Gen. Yoga Sugama, with the signing of President
Through the course of diverse history, the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum
building underwent a transformation from a colonial official's residence to a military
headquarters and finally became an important museum in the preservation of historical
values and heroism of the Indonesian nation.
Safe is a condition around in tourist attractions or tourist destinations that can
provide a sense of calm to tourists, there is no fear and anxiety by tourists who travel
these tours (Hadi &; Widyaningsih, 2021a). Data from the interview results show that the
application of charm septa was found in the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum which
will then be discussed in each paragraph.
One of the speakers, RD (visitor) expressed his opinion that the safe component of
the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum is quite safe. Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
Museum is managed directly by Kodam III / Siliwangi which makes it strict about its
security so that visitors who come feel calm without any fear and anxiety when visiting
the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum.
UM resource persons (visitors) expressed their opinions regarding the sense of
security at the Wangsit Mandala Museum that in his opinion it was quite safe. The sense
of security provided is a factor of guarding tourist attractions by the TNI and being in the
TNI area, so that the Wangsit Mandala Museum tourist attraction area is said to be safe.
The FL resource person (visitor) also said in his narration that the security at the
Wangsit Mandala Museum is safe because the area is under the auspices or managed by
the Indonesian National Army (TNI-AD).
The results of observations made by the author in the Wangsit Mandala Museum
area for the Sapta Pesona element of security is quite safe because considering that this
museum is dekola by Kodam III / Siliwangi Indonesian National Army (TNI-AD), it can
be seen from the entrance that this museum has been guarded by several employees who
are on duty and need to report for what purposes tourists come to visit this place.
So it was concluded that the safe component of one of the charm sapta has been
implemented optimally in the Wangsit Mandala Museum tourist attraction. The factor
that supports this safe component is that by being managed by Kodam III / Siliwangi
which is part of the Indonesian National Army (TNI), the security at the Wangsit Mandala
Museum has been implemented optimally.
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
Orderly refers to conditions that are specifically regulated to carry out self-
regulation through attitudes and actions, aiming to form an environment that offers a
sense of security and comfort (Amin, 2011). Order is the awareness to carry out a task
with order and order, in accordance with applicable norms, with full responsibility,
without pressure from any party (Yuliantika, 2017). Data from the interview results
showed that elements of the application of the sapta persona were found in the Wangsit
Siliwangi Mandala Museum which will then be discussed in each paragraph.
One of the speakers (visitors) expressed his opinion regarding the order in the
Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum, such as the opinion of RD (visitors) revealed that
the order around the museum area already looked good and good.
UM resource persons (visitors) also said that UM was not bothered by the presence
of traders selling in the museum area because the arrangement was quite neat and did not
interfere with the activities carried out in this museum.
The FL resource person (visitor) in his narration expressed his opinion regarding
the order of traders selling in the area around the museum was slightly disturbed, and in
his narration FL gave suggestions that the arrangement of traders selling in the area be
improved again to make it look better in front of it.
As for the results of observations made by the author directly at the Wangsit
Siliwangi Mandala Museum, seeing that the order of some traders selling around this
museum is good enough, it only needs to be fixed by several traders so that the
arrangement of the place to sell is more well organized.
Based on the analysis that has been researched and the data collected, from the
perspective of discussions about discipline at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum,
several conclusions were formed which were reflected in the views of the speakers and
the results of observations that had been made. RD resource person expressed his view
that order within the scope of the museum area has seemed orderly and good. Meanwhile,
UM resource persons did not feel disturbed by the presence of traders around the museum
area because the arrangement carried out was neat. However, FL sources expressed that
the order related to the presence of traders in the museum environment sometimes still
causes discomfort, and provides suggestions for improving the arrangement to make it
look more optimal. On the other hand, observations made directly by the author also note
that most traders have implemented rules of conduct in the arrangement of places to sell,
although some areas still require improvement. Thus, the conclusion that can be drawn is
that although various views arise regarding the presence of traders in the museum area,
efforts to improve and maintain overall order remain a crucial aspect to maintain a
positive experience in a visit to the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum.
The concept of beauty is closely related to the understanding of knowledge; an
object is considered beautiful if it is able to provide visual satisfaction for its observer
(Hasnidar, 2019). regarding the elements of Sapta Pesona Cantik by exploring the
interview data that has been collected are as follows.
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
RD resource person (visitor) explained that the beauty of the Wangsit Siliwangi
Mandala Museum needs improvement, it is very important to consider improving current
conditions, especially related to cleanliness. Many areas look dirty, therefore, it is better
if given more careful attention, especially inside museum rooms to make them look
UM resource persons (visitors) also stated that in terms of the beauty in the
museum, several aspects require more attention. Although the condition of the building
from the outside is quite good, there are some things that are not satisfactory when
entering the museum. Some areas look dirty and dusty, therefore, repairs may be needed
inside the museum.
The FL resource person (visitor) said that it is likely that a further stage of
renovation is needed. This is because painting images that use wooden frames have been
partially damaged by termite attacks, resulting in a slight reduction in the impression of
And the results of direct observations made by the author in the museum related to
the beauty of indeed some items in the museum that use wooden frames eaten by termites,
the room inside is dusty and the lighting is not so bright making the beauty in this museum
look less so good.
The results of the exploration of interview data showed that the opinions of the
speakers underlined several aspects related to the beauty of the Wangsit Siliwagi Mandala
Museum. RD resource person described the need for improvement in terms of cleanliness
and museum appearance. UM speakers expressed the expansion of attention to aspects of
beauty in the museum. FL speakers emphasized the possibility of renovation to overcome
damage and add to the impression of beauty. The author's direct observations also reflect
damage to the wooden frame due to termites and lack of lighting, which has an impact on
decreasing the impression of beauty.
Overall, observations of the Sapta Pesona Cantik element at Wangsit Siliwangi
Mandala Museum indicate the need for improvement in various aspects to improve the
visual experience and impression of the beauty of Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum.
A travel destination that presents a cool atmosphere for visitors who are active in
the location, through efforts such as planting trees around the tourism area and creating a
sense of coolness not only in the tourist environment, but also in various facilities such
as hotels, restaurants, and other facilities and infrastructure (Mintardjo, 2022).
The results of observations made by the author directly to the Wangsit Mandala
Museum are related to the elements of sapta charm, one of which is that coolness is good
enough, there are several plants and trees that also help create a sense of coolness around
the museum area.
Based on interviews, resource persons and observations at the Wangsit Siliwangi
Mandala Museum related to the elements of Sapta Enchantment, especially coolness,
seem to have received quite positive attention. RD resource person mentioned that in
terms of coolness, this museum feels quite cool. UM speakers confirmed that the
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
existence of large trees provides shade and comfortable temperatures in the museum. FL
speakers also admitted that the presence of trees in the museum area provides a
comfortable and cool atmosphere.
In the author's direct observation, the element of coolness also seems to have been
well observed. Some plants and trees around the museum area help create a cool
atmosphere. Therefore, it can be concluded that the element of Sapta Pesona coolness in
the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum is quite fulfilled, with the presence of trees and
plants that help create a comfortable and cool atmosphere for visitors.
The atmosphere that appears in tourist destinations or tourist destinations is the
result of the attitude of the local community. This situation creates a warm, friendly, and
inclusive atmosphere, where tourists feel welcome and feel comfortable, as if they were
at home (Pratiwi, 2017).
FL resource persons (visitors) also expressed their opinions about the hospitality in
the museum In FL's view, the problem lies in the lack of employees which can lead to a
lack of hospitality.
According to the results of observations made by the author at the Wangsit Mandala
Museum related to the elements of the charm of the palace in the museum are not so
friendly, some officers at the location do not pay too much attention to visitors well,
starting from officers who lack information when asked for information related to the
museum, and officers who welcome the arrival of visitors not with a smile, Say hello,
greetings. So that this makes hospitality at Wangsit Mandala Museum very lacking and
will cause disappointment to visitors who visit.
Through analysis through data exploration, interviews and observations of the
Wangsit Mandala Museum revealed that the Sapta Pesona element of hospitality still
faces obstacles. RD resource persons highlighted the lack of hospitality that could be
caused by complex management demands, leading to unfriendliness towards visitors. UM
resource persons also reported a lack of friendliness in interactions with museum staff.
Nevertheless, the parking attendant looks friendlier. FL sources suggested that the
problem of lack of employees could affect friendliness.
Through direct observation at Wangsit Mandala Museum, the author found that
some officers were less responsive to visitors. From providing inadequate information to
not welcoming with a smile, greeting, or greeting, the impression of hospitality in this
museum is minimal and can disappoint visitors.
Memories are a memorable feeling so it becomes a pleasant experience to have
visited the tourist spot. Memories are one of the important points that become the final
value for tourists after they visit a tourist destination because this component is a
combination of all components of charm so as to get a conclusion in the form of
memorable feelings.
RD resource person (visitor) gave his opinion on the impression obtained after
visiting the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum, he said that during his activities visiting
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum was quite memorable, but because of the
unfriendliness obtained from the museum management made his visit less memorable.
RD also said that if the museum manager can give a friendly impression to visitors, it can
definitely provide good memories, especially since the museum's collection is very good.
The opinions of UM speakers (visitors) expressed their impressions of the visit to
the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum. The first impression obtained is the terrible
atmosphere that surrounds this museum because it uses buildings and collections that are
quite old. Another impression arises because of the perceived unfriendliness of the
museum manager, so the impression becomes less good. Another thing mentioned by UM
is the good impression he felt from the collections in the museum that are varied and open
insights related to the history presented in the museum.
The FL resource person (visitor) after visiting the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
Museum gave his explanation regarding the impressions obtained on his visit. He stated
that his visit had a good impression and a bad impression. A good impression is obtained
from the collection and historical explanation in the complete museum, but a bad
impression is obtained from some museum ornaments made of wood found to have been
damaged by termites. Another less memorable thing is from traders who must be fixed to
be separated from the museum area so as not to disturb the order of the museum area and
the management who do not provide hospitality.
Through the observations made by the author did not get a good impression after
visiting the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum. The author found the manager less
friendly and less informative, and the cleanliness in the museum that was not considered
so less memorable. The historical collection in the museum still gives a good impression
to the author because it exceeds expectations that the collection at the Wangsit Siliwangi
Mandala Museum can provide a very broad historical insight.
From the results of interviews and observations, the author can conclude that the
memories given from the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum are still not good. This
bad memory has two main factors, namely in terms of hospitality, poor management, and
museum cleanliness that has not been considered. Good memories in this museum are
obtained from the museum's collection that opens visitors' insights regarding the history
of Indonesian independence.
A state or condition that displays a clean and healthy (hygienic) nature is essential
in the context of tourism. Cleanliness should always be reflected in an orderly and neat
tourism environment and facilities. The use of equipment must be well maintained, clean,
and free from bacteria or pests. Food and beverages served must meet hygiene standards,
and service personnel must have a physical appearance and clean clothing.
The hygiene aspect includes several aspects, including:
1. Environmental cleanliness, where the environment visited by tourists must be kept
clean and free from garbage, waste, and other contamination.
2. Cleanliness of the ingredients used, including food, beverages, and various other
ingredients needed in serving. All ingredients must be clean and by health standards.
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
All of these contribute to an overall positive tourist experience and ensure the health
and satisfaction of visitors are well maintained (Saputri & Dewi, 2017).
The results of interviews from RD (visitors) resource persons related to the hygiene
component found that he stated that the cleanliness of the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
Museum was still lacking and needed attention. Factors that need to be considered include
figurines from paintings and other collections made of wood and then eaten by termites
so that it is less enjoyable to enjoy because it looks dirty. RD suggested that the figures
eaten by termites could be refurbished with materials other than wood without losing their
historical side.
UM resource persons (visitors) gave their opinions regarding the cleanliness
component at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum. The cleanliness of this museum
still needs to be considered, because there are several dirty floors and the roof of the
museum is attached to many cobwebs. Other parts that look dirty are also in the diorama
which is dark because the lights go out and the inside of the diorama has a lot of dirt in
the form of dust and cobwebs.
FL (visitors) as resource persons emphasized that cleanliness in this museum is very
lacking. This is due to the wooden frame of historical paintings that use wood that has
been eaten by termites, thus reducing the essence of cleanliness and beauty of the
museum. FL stated that the best advice for Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum is to
replace the porous wooden frame so that it does not look dirty so that service to visitors
can be better.
The author made direct observations at the museum which found that some parts of
the wood in the museum collection looked porous because they were eaten by termites,
making the atmosphere inside the museum look dirty. Some sides of the museum look
dusty on the floor and diorama so it gives the impression of being less clean.
From the results of interviews and the author's observations on the cleanliness
component at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum, it can be concluded that the
cleanliness at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum still needs to be considered and
updated. Things to note are the cleanliness of dioramas and areas in the museum that still
have dust and cobwebs so they look dirty. Wooden frame frames that are already porous
due to termites can be refurbished using other better materials and are termite-resistant
without the need to leave the historical value of the collection.
The conclusion of the discussion of this first problem formulation is that In the
overall analysis of observations made by the author, Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum
has succeeded in implementing several components of Sapta Pesona well, especially in
terms of safety and coolness. However, there are still certain aspects that require
improvement, such as hospitality, beauty, and cleanliness. By making improvements to
areas that need improvement, museums can provide a more positive and satisfying
experience for their visitors.
Efforts of Wangsit Sliwangi Mandala Museum Management to Improve the Quality
of Visitor Experience in the Future
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
Data collection for the formulation of this second problem uses the method of in-
depth interviews and observation of tourist attractions. The source of the data (resource
person) in the explanation of this problem formulation will be written with initials,
namely RD, UM, and FL as visitors to the Wangsit Siiwangi Mandala Museum. The
following is a presentation of the results of data analysis related to the efforts of the
management of the Wangsit Sliwangi Mandala Museum to improve the quality of the
visitor experience in the future.
Immersion is defined as consumer involvement while consuming services, which
causes them to forget time and focus on the tourism they do (Artha, 2020). Visitor
engagement with the services provided by this manager is one indicator for tourists to get
a good quality experience.
RD (visitors) resource persons said that this involvement was not felt directly
between the manager and visitors. This is because visitors can only engage with inanimate
objects in the museum. This was also stated by UM resource persons (visitors) that
interaction in activities at this museum is only limited to visitors with inanimate objects.
UM explained that direct interaction between managers and visitors is only at the
beginning of the visit where they meet to fill out the visit book before entering the
UM resource persons (visitors) revealed the resource person's statement that the
experience at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum felt minimal interaction. Visitors
only interact with inanimate objects such as weapons and paintings inside the museum.
Direct interaction between managers and visitors is considered rare, except at the
registration stage for museum admission. It shows a focus on exhibiting collections of
historical and art objects, with little personal interaction that is felt to be lacking.
Based on the analysis of the quality of visitor experience, it can be concluded that
Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum still faces challenges in the aspect of visitor
engagement. RD, UM, and FL resource persons are in line with the view that interaction
between managers and visitors is still limited. Visitor interactions tend to focus on lifeless
objects within the museum, such as weapons and paintings, with direct interaction with
managers only occurring at the admission stage.
UM, resource persons stated that the lack of personal interaction at the museum
made visitors feel less involved in the visit experience. FL resource persons highlighted
the lack of guides in the museum who can provide an in-depth understanding of the
collection of Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum, which is expected to improve the
quality of the tourist experience.
Surprise refers to freshness or something new, specialty, or uniqueness (Artha,
2020). The privileges offered by the manager to visitors by providing something new are
one of the indicators for tourists to get a good quality experience.
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
RD resource persons (visitors) expressed their opinions about the quality indicators
of tourist experience with elements of privilege that RD did not know because this was
RD's first visit to Museum Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi.
UM resource persons (visitors) said that the speakers did not know about this
because they did not often visit the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum. And according
to UM, as far as the resource person visited, never found any indicators of privilege at the
The FL resource person (visitor) also revealed that the resource person also did not
know about this because FL's visit to the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum was only
twice. FL revealed that the source admitted that so far there has never been any privilege
in the destination
The results of observations made by the author were also made directly to the
museum when visiting the museum, the author did not find any indicators of privilege at
the tourist site.
From the information provided by RD, UM, and FL speakers, as well as the
observations made by the author, it can be concluded that until now the Wangsit Siliwangi
Mandala Museum has not succeeded in fulfilling the quality elements of visitor
experience related to privilege. The interviewees revealed that they found no indicators
of privilege during their visit to the museum. RD, UM, and FL share the view that they
lack knowledge or have never experienced a moment of privilege at the location.
The observations made by the author also reflect the lack of privilege indicators at
the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum. This conclusion shows that the quality of the
visitor experience, especially in terms of privileges, may still need to be considered and
improved by the management of the tourist destination. Further efforts in creating special
and memorable moments for visitors can help improve the quality of their experience at
the museum.
Participation (Partisipasi/Interaksi)
Participation (participation/interaction) relates to the interaction between tourists
and services. The interaction provided by the manager to visitors by providing good
interaction is one indicator that tourists get a good quality experience.
RD resource persons (visitors) mentioned that in RD's opinion, especially in terms
of interaction and provision of information, this museum still needs to be improved.
Museum management can be further strengthened by the presence of officers who are
ready to provide information and answer visitors' questions directly in the museum. The
presence of officers available inside the museum can provide a more interactive and
immersive experience for visitors.
UM resource person (visitor) mentioned that several aspects need attention from
the museum management. When visitors arrive, the reception and hospitality from the
reception staff still needs to be improved. In addition, the lack of guides or guides within
the museum makes visitors feel less accompanied, and difficult to get detailed information
about the collections on display.
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
FL resource persons (visitors) mentioned that there was a feeling of dissatisfaction
with the level of hospitality and service in the place visited. The involvement of a tour
guide or tour guide is considered important to provide a more in-depth explanation of the
history and information related to the destination. Own experience without a guide leads
to a desire to understand more deeply about the history and details of tourist attractions.
Therefore, improvements in terms of hospitality, service, and availability of tour guides
can provide a more satisfying and immersive experience for visitors (Handayani, Trisoko,
Yanti, Syaiful, & Febdarina, 2021).
According to the results of observations made by the author in this museum for
indicators of the quality of visitor experience, namely interaction, it is still quite poor and
needs efforts to improve service and fame at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum.
From the analysis of resource persons and observations that have been made, it can
be concluded that the interaction between museum managers and visitors still needs to be
improved. RD, UM, and FL speakers agreed that the interaction experience at the Wangsit
Siliwangi Mandala Museum still has shortcomings. Especially in terms of reception,
hospitality, as well as the availability of guides or guides inside the museum. Managers
need to strengthen efforts to provide information and better answer visitors' questions.
The presence of officers who are ready to provide direct guidance inside the museum can
enhance the interactive and immersive experience for visitors.
Fun (enjoyment) is related to the happiness and enjoyment felt by tourists. The
sense of Fun or pleasure that can be felt after a tourist visit by providing a good experience
to visitors is one indicator for tourists to get a good quality experience.
Narasumer RD (visitor) said that the experience at Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
Museum was considered ordinary. Although it does not provide a significant feeling of
happiness, it also does not make you feel unsatisfied. Visitors have the impression that
aspects of hospitality and service still need to be improved, but the collection of historical
items on display is considered quite pleasing to the eye. In measuring the overall
experience, there is room for improvement in terms of hospitality and service, while the
visualization aspect of history is considered quite satisfactory.
UM resource persons (visitors) said that from this experience was that the pleasure
or enjoyment felt by UM was not satisfactory. The experience begins with an unpleasant
initial impression of interacting with a less friendly and less pleasant manager. This
causes the overall experience to be less memorable and does not provide the expected
sense of enjoyment.
FL resource persons (visitors) said that overall, the visit experience had not met the
expected level of enjoyment. Several factors contributed to the view, including lack of
hygiene, unfriendliness on the part of museum management staff, and damage to the
painting's wooden frame. The suggestion from FL is to renovate definite stages to
improve the modern impression while still maintaining the historical value of the
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
And the results of observations made by the author related to the quality indicators
of tourist experience, namely immunity, it can be conveyed that terms of hospitality at
the tourist location are still not good, especially for hospitality from the manager,
cleanliness in the museum area, and also the beauty in the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
The speaker's summary concludes that the experience of visiting the Wangsit
Siliwangi Mandala Museum is considered ordinary, without giving a significant feeling
of happiness but also not disappointing. The overall experience still has room for
improvement, especially in terms of hospitality, service, and cleanliness. Although the
collection of historical items is considered quite pleasing to the eye, the pleasure or
enjoyment expected by visitors has not been fully fulfilled.
From the perspective of the quality of the visitor experience, especially enjoyment,
there seems to be a lack of hospitality and service, which has an impact on the overall
impression of the visit. The suggestion put forward by the resource person is to carry out
definite stages of renovation to combine the impression of modern while maintaining
historical value. The author's observations also indicate that aspects of enjoyment,
including hospitality, cleanliness, and beauty at Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum,
still need to be improved to improve the quality of the tourist experience.
The conclusion of the discussion of this second problem formulation is that Overall
this is that Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum still has room for improvement in terms
of visitor involvement, privilege, interaction, and enjoyment. Management efforts need
to be focused on improving interaction, service, hospitality, cleanliness, and creating
special moments so that the visitor experience becomes more satisfying and meaningful
when visitors come back to this museum for a tourist trip.
Based on the results and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that 1) The
research shows a gap in several elements of the Implementation of Sapta Pesona at the
Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum. There is a relationship between the gap in the
implementation of Sapta Pesona and the decline in the quality of the visitor experience.
The results of direct observation by the author also strengthen this finding by showing the
existence of elements of Sapta Pesona that have an impact on the quality of the visitor
experience. 2) The role of management of Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala Museum,
especially in terms of officers or employees working at the location, has a significant role
in improving the visitor experience. It is important to pay attention to and improve some
elements of Sapta Pesona that have not reached the maximum level, such as cleanliness,
hospitality, and beauty in the museum. As an effort to improve the implementation of
Sapta Pesona and the quality of the tourist experience at the Wangsit Siliwangi Mandala
Museum, based on the results of the study, several suggestions can be proposed, including
1) An in-depth evaluation of the elements of Sapta Pesona that is not optimal is needed,
such as cleanliness in the museum and hospitality from the manager or officer. 2) Physical
renewal of the museum area is important. 3) Efforts to maintain regular cleanliness in the
Nisa Permata Dewi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
museum should be a priority. 4) Training officers to be more friendly and knowledgeable
will have a positive impact. 5) Suggestions for further research are to be able to conduct
in-depth studies on other variables that also affect the implementation of Sapta Pecharma,
such as interactions between officers and visitors and hygiene and sanitation
Implementation Of Sapta Pesona At Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023
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