Ari Yunus Hendrawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2022 1386
careers (performing multiple activities simultaneously), seeking various experiences,
familiarity with advanced gadgets, active engagement in social media, online shopping,
an affinity for new technology, a fear of missing out on trends, and the use of smartphones
to stay connected with anyone they desire. However, concerns have arisen that
smartphones can sometimes reduce social interaction among Generation Z
(Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas 2016). Teenagers' behavior regarding social media has
been extensively studied. In addition to seeking information online, they also play video
games and listen to music simultaneously. Internet dependency has become
commonplace, especially in areas with internet access. The report from the Indonesian
Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) notes that 91% of internet users in society
are under 25 years old (Christina, Yuniardi, & Prabowo, 2019).
JWT Intelligence in 2012 stated that there is a trend among children using the
internet leading to the fear of missing out (FOMO), which is categorized as one of the
disturbances in teenage behavior, affecting up to 40%. One effect of FOMO is anxiety
and the fear of missing the latest news, leading them to feel disconnected from the positive
aspects of social media (PUTRI, Purnama, & Idi, 2019). Przybylski noted that the
consequences of FOMO include the fear of missing out on the latest news. FOMO has
become a phenomenon among teenagers, causing restlessness and anxiety when they
cannot see or know what their friends or acquaintances are doing through their social
media (Przybylski et al. 2013).
Another impact of FOMO is psychological distress. A survey conducted by the
Healthy Minds Network for Research on Adolescent and Young Adult Mental Health and
the American College Health Association among 18,764 Generation Z individuals found
that the prevalence of depression among Generation Z increased during the COVID-19
pandemic, reaching 40.9%. In the past 12 months, similar anxiety-related factors affected
27.8%. It was reported that five features of psychological distress, including depression
(20.2%) and stress (34.2%), significantly influenced their academic performance and
disrupted their schoolwork. Symptoms of depression and anxiety were also found to
significantly contribute to psychological distress (Devi Jatmika 1390). Previous research
has identified that indifferent behavior toward socializing with others can affect their
interpersonal relationships, leading to discomfort, internet addiction, gaming addiction,
fear of missing out (FOMO), lack of self-control, and anxiety (Al‐Saggaf & O’Donnell,
2019). Given these issues, the Church can address them by maximizing Personal
Discipleship for Generation Z, following what the Lord Jesus did for His disciples, and
building spirituality like Christ's.
Adhika Tri Subowo mentioned that digital spirituality can be used to build the
spirituality of Generation Z. The study used a literature review as the research method.
The result is that cyberspace has become a part of the development of Generation Z's
spirituality. The Church can play an active role in guiding Generation Z, helping them
find the spiritual strength to face their challenges (Utami & Aviani, 2021). The inactivity
of the Church could result in the loss of Generation Z within the Church. Generation Z
often discusses issues on social media, and social media has a significant influence on