Mohd Abi Rafdi, Imelda Chaerani Surnati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2022 1378
evidence from observations of rising air and sea temperatures, melting snow and ice in
various parts of the world, and rising global sea levels (IPCC 2007) (Singh & Singh,
The rate of warming of the Earth's surface temperature on average in the last 50
years is almost double the average in the last 100 years. Over the past 100 years, the
Earth's surface temperature has increased by about 0.740C on average. If the
concentration of dominant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide,
were to double in pre-industrial times, this would indirectly trigger an average warming
of 30C.
One of the biggest impacts of global warming is sea level rise. Sea levels rose by
about 17 cm during the 20th century (Nicholls, 2011). Based on geological observations,
there are indications that this sea level rise is much greater than the events 2,000 years
ago. The global average sea level is projected to increase by 28-58 cm due to ocean
expansion and glacier melt by the end of the 21st century (compared to sea level in 1989-
1999). Meanwhile, in temperate regions, many glacier mountains begin to melt, and the
more severe the snow cover decreases, especially in spring. During the 20th century, the
maximum area covered by snow in winter/spring decreased by 7% in the Northern
Hemisphere. As many as 20-30% of species will face a greater risk of extinction. There
will be stronger heat wave events, new wind patterns, and droughts that will become
more severe in some areas.
Climate change mitigation efforts
Climate change is the change of several climate elements towards a certain trend
that comes out of the average climate conditions in the long term as a result of global
warming (Research and Development Agency, 2007). Action to anticipate climate
change by preparing directions and strategies, programs, and policies to face the threat
of global warming/climate change. Climate change mitigation efforts are known as
mitigation and adaptation actions.
a. Climate change mitigation efforts are an action that aims to reduce the intensity of radiation
forces to reduce the potential for global warming phenomena. Climate change mitigation is
an active form of action to prevent or slow down the phenomenon of climate change by
reducing emissions and increasing the absorption of greenhouse gases (KP3I, Ministry of
Agriculture, 2008).
b. Climate change adaptation efforts are the ability of systems such as ecosystems, socio-
economic, and institutional, to adapt to the impacts of climate change that occur, minimize
the amount of damage due to impacts that arise, take advantage of opportunities, and
overcome all forms of consequences (IPCC, 2001). Climate change adaptation efforts are
various actions as a form of self-adjustment both managerially, technological
developments, and patterns in agriculture so that the impact of climate change can be
suppressed and can even be used to increase agricultural production itself (KP3I-Ministry
of Agriculture, 2010).
History of Biogas and Its Utilization in the World
According to LPLH SDA MUI (2015), Biogas is a collection of gases derived
from anaerobic or fermentation activities and activities from organic materials such as
human and animal waste, domestic (household) waste, garbage, or organic waste that is
biodegradable and in an anaerobic state.
The history of methane gas has long been used by people in ancient Egypt, China,
and Rome as a fuel for combustion and heat generation. The process of fermentation of