pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 3, No. 12 December 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v3i12.731 1376
Mohd Abi Rafdi
, Imelda Chaerani Surnati
Swadaya Gunung Jati University Cirebon, Indonesia
: 09-11-2022
: 14-12-2022
: 15-12-2022
The preparation of this paper is a form of implementation related to the
paper entitled Navigating Amid Uncertainty in Spatial Planning by
Zandvoort, M., and friends in 2017. The paper contains the form of
uncertainty faced by planners in the planning process. Uncertainty is
divided into 3 types, namely ontic uncertainty which does not know a
phenomenon to a certain degree, while epistemic uncertainty is a
phenomenon that can be known to a certain level, and ambiguity
uncertainty is knowledge and different perceptions of a phenomenon.
One form of uncertainty that occurs in planning is climate change. The
phenomenon of climate change is a phenomenon caused by human
activities either directly or indirectly. This activity triggers changes in
the composition of gases in the atmosphere within a certain time. The
countermeasures are in the form of mitigation and adaptation measures.
One form of climate change mitigation and adaptation is the utilization
of biogas. Biogas is a gas that comes from anaerobic activity
(fermentation) from organic materials such as animal manure. The state
of Indonesia has a large number of livestock and of course, produces
manure. If left unchecked it will become pollution. For that, it needs
processing to become something useful. Biogas has benefits as a new
energy that can be utilized. Besides that, biogas can fight the greenhouse
effect, which triggers climate change. In Indonesia, not all provinces
where people process livestock manure into biogas for daily use.
Keywords: Uncertainty;
Climate Change; Biogas.
In the world of planning, planners are faced with several situations and conditions.
One of them is the condition of uncertainty in planning (Christensen, 1985). One form of
uncertainty faced by planners is the risk of climate change. Planners have a compulsion
to assess the impacts of climate change to design spatial interventions for adaptation to
climate change. Although in general climate change can change a local environment in
unpredictable ways (Borron, 2006).
According to Law No. 31 of 2009, the definition of climate change is a change in
climate conditions caused, either directly or indirectly, by human activities and activities
that cause changes in the composition of gases in the atmosphere globally and changes in
natural climate variability that can be observed in a certain time that can be compared.
Utilization Of Biogas As An Effort To Mitigate & Adapt To Climate Change In Indonesia
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While referring to the IPCC (2001), the phenomenon of climate change is a change that
refers to the average variation of a climate condition in a particular place or its variability
that can be statistically accounted for for a long period (usually within a decade or more).
To prevent and reduce the impact of change, a process of adaptation and mitigation
of climate change is carried out (Misra, 2014) (Locatelli, Evans, Wardell, Andrade, &
Vignola, 2011). One form of adaptation and mitigation efforts is the use of biogas. Biogas
is a gas derived from anaerobic activities and activities or fermentation from organic
materials such as human and animal waste, domestic (household) waste, biodegradable
waste, or organic waste that is biodegradable under anaerobic conditions. The main
content in biogas is carbon dioxide and methane. The use of biogas can be one of the
efforts to adapt and mitigate climate change (Farghali, Osman, Umetsu, & Rooney, 2022).
This is because biogas can provide resistance to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse
effect is the effect caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
(Mikhaylov, Moiseev, Aleshin, & Burkhardt, 2020). The gases that accumulate in the
atmosphere can absorb longwave radiation emitted by the sun to the earth, triggering the
phenomenon of global warming which has an impact on increasing the earth's
temperature. Some of the gases included as greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide and
Research Methods
This research uses a qualitative research design with a case study method on the use
of biogas as a mitigating and adaptation factor to climate change in Indonesia. To collect
hidden data, this study conducted surveys and questionnaires from various regions in
Indonesia that already have biogas systems. The case study approach allows researchers
to explore in detail the application of biogas technology, identify success factors, and
provide its impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and environmental benefits.
Therefore, this method provides comprehensive information on the use of biogas in the
context of climate change mitigation and adjustment in Indonesia.
Result and Discussion
Climate change trends and impacts
The natural envelope of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can keep the earth
warm enough for the life of all living things today at a comfortable temperature of 150
C. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases is caused by daily activities carried out
by humans. This results in a thickening of the envelope, which causes the trapping of
thermal energy which triggers global warming on Earth. The average temperature of the
earth has been quite stable in the last 10,000 years and varies less than 10C so that human
civilization can develop rapidly with comfortable temperatures. However, the successful
development of human civilization poses a risk to the balance of the earth's climate. The
problem now faced by humans is that since the start of industrial revolution activities
250 years ago, greenhouse gas emissions have increased and thickened the veil of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a significant rate of increase. This resulted in the
greatest change in the composition of the atmosphere in 650,000 years. The warming
currently occurring in the Earth's climate system is felt, along with overwhelming
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evidence from observations of rising air and sea temperatures, melting snow and ice in
various parts of the world, and rising global sea levels (IPCC 2007) (Singh & Singh,
The rate of warming of the Earth's surface temperature on average in the last 50
years is almost double the average in the last 100 years. Over the past 100 years, the
Earth's surface temperature has increased by about 0.740C on average. If the
concentration of dominant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide,
were to double in pre-industrial times, this would indirectly trigger an average warming
of 30C.
One of the biggest impacts of global warming is sea level rise. Sea levels rose by
about 17 cm during the 20th century (Nicholls, 2011). Based on geological observations,
there are indications that this sea level rise is much greater than the events 2,000 years
ago. The global average sea level is projected to increase by 28-58 cm due to ocean
expansion and glacier melt by the end of the 21st century (compared to sea level in 1989-
1999). Meanwhile, in temperate regions, many glacier mountains begin to melt, and the
more severe the snow cover decreases, especially in spring. During the 20th century, the
maximum area covered by snow in winter/spring decreased by 7% in the Northern
Hemisphere. As many as 20-30% of species will face a greater risk of extinction. There
will be stronger heat wave events, new wind patterns, and droughts that will become
more severe in some areas.
Climate change mitigation efforts
Climate change is the change of several climate elements towards a certain trend
that comes out of the average climate conditions in the long term as a result of global
warming (Research and Development Agency, 2007). Action to anticipate climate
change by preparing directions and strategies, programs, and policies to face the threat
of global warming/climate change. Climate change mitigation efforts are known as
mitigation and adaptation actions.
a. Climate change mitigation efforts are an action that aims to reduce the intensity of radiation
forces to reduce the potential for global warming phenomena. Climate change mitigation is
an active form of action to prevent or slow down the phenomenon of climate change by
reducing emissions and increasing the absorption of greenhouse gases (KP3I, Ministry of
Agriculture, 2008).
b. Climate change adaptation efforts are the ability of systems such as ecosystems, socio-
economic, and institutional, to adapt to the impacts of climate change that occur, minimize
the amount of damage due to impacts that arise, take advantage of opportunities, and
overcome all forms of consequences (IPCC, 2001). Climate change adaptation efforts are
various actions as a form of self-adjustment both managerially, technological
developments, and patterns in agriculture so that the impact of climate change can be
suppressed and can even be used to increase agricultural production itself (KP3I-Ministry
of Agriculture, 2010).
History of Biogas and Its Utilization in the World
According to LPLH SDA MUI (2015), Biogas is a collection of gases derived
from anaerobic or fermentation activities and activities from organic materials such as
human and animal waste, domestic (household) waste, garbage, or organic waste that is
biodegradable and in an anaerobic state.
The history of methane gas has long been used by people in ancient Egypt, China,
and Rome as a fuel for combustion and heat generation. The process of fermentation of
Utilization Of Biogas As An Effort To Mitigate & Adapt To Climate Change In Indonesia
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methane gas was first carried out (Demirbas, 2009). Willam Henry in 1806 and Becham
(1868), students of (Faugi & Ariffin, 2017), were the first to demonstrate the
microbiological origin of methane formation.
In 1900 the first anaerobic biogas-producing device was built. At the end of the
19th century, research was carried out to convert methane gas into biogas conducted by
Germany and France in the period between the 2 world wars. During World War II,
several farmers in England and Europe made a small biogas-producing device. This tool
is useful for driving the farmer's tractor engine. However, because it was easy to obtain
fuel (Fuel Oil) at a low price in 1950, the use of biogas began to be abandoned.
Different conditions occur in developing countries. Developing countries need
energy sources that are cheap and always available. Thus, in India, biogas production
activities have continued since the 19th century. Developing countries such as China,
the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan, and Papua New Guinea have conducted several research
and development on biogas-producing equipment. In addition to developing countries,
biogas utilization technology has also been used in developed countries, namely
Entering the 21st century, awareness about the need for energy as a substitute for
fossil energy began to emerge, and various countries began searching for new renewable
energy sources. One of them is the United States which openly pays special attention to
the development of biogas utilization. The United States Department of Energy provided
an injection of US $ 2.5 million to develop biogas in the California area.
Before discussing the use of biogas in Indonesia, it will be discussed related to
biogas in its manufacture. The principle of how to make biogas is the decomposition of
organic materials carried out anaerobically (closed from the entry of free air) which will
produce gas, mostly in the form of methane and carbon dioxide gas. This gas has
flammable properties. The decomposition process is assisted by microorganisms,
especially in the form of methane bacteria. The preferred temperature to carry out this
fermentation process is 300-550C, so microorganisms can change organic materials
more optimally.
The following is the amount of manure produced by several types of livestock
within 1 day:
Table 1
Types of cattle
Solid Manure (kg)
Liquid Manure (litres)
Source: Wahyuni, 2009
For manure produced by 1 cow in 1 day, 25 kg of solid manure is obtained. If
this amount of manure is used in biogas, ± 2m3 of biogas is produced in 1 day, where
the amount of 1 m3 of biogas is equivalent to 0.62 liters of kerosene:
Table 2
Gas production per Kg of Dirt
Mohd Abi Rafdi, Imelda Chaerani Surnati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2022 1380
0.023 0.04 m3
0.04 0.0059 m3
0.065 0.0116 m3
0.02 0.028 m3
Source: Wahyuni, 2011
The following are the results of the conversion from livestock manure into
Table 3
Number of farm animals
Biogas yield (m3)
Conversion to oil (liters)
1 sapi
2 horses
8 pigs
20 sheep
620 chickens
Source: Said, 2007
The following is a comparison between the costs incurred for different types of
Table 4
Fuel Type
Unity Fee (Rp)
Cost Incurred
12 Kg
Source: Wahyuni, 2011.
In the process of biogas production, several livestock manure will be obtained that
can be used as organic fertilizer for crops. Waste from processing into biogas is in the
form of livestock manure that no longer has gas (slurry) is an organic fertilizer that is
very rich in substances needed by plants. Such required substances in the form of
protein, cellulose, lignin, and many others, these substances cannot be replaced by the
use of chemical fertilizers.
The calorific value contained in 1 m3 of biogas is equivalent to ±6000watt hours
or half a liter of diesel. So biogas is very suitable to be used as an alternative fuel with
the advantage of being friendly to the environment as a substitute for the use of kerosene,
LPG, butane, coal, and other fuels sourced from fossil processing.
Utilization Of Biogas As An Effort To Mitigate & Adapt To Climate Change In Indonesia
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Figure 1: Unit for processing cow manure into biogas
If properly and correctly cleaning biogas from impurities is carried out, then this
biogas will have similar characteristics to natural gas. If this happens, then biogas
producers can sell the biogas directly to the gas distribution network. However, the gas
must be in very clean condition to achieve pipeline quality, water (H2O), hydrogen
sulfide (H2S), and particulates must be cleaned if they are still contained in large
quantities of the gas. Carbon dioxide must also be removed to achieve pipeline-quality
gas. If biogas is forced to be used without an extensive cleaning process, it will usually
be mixed with natural gas which aims to increase combustion. Biogas that has gone
through a cleaning process to achieve pipeline quality is also called renewable natural
gas. In this form, the gas can be used just like natural gas. Its utilization can be used for
distribution through gas networks, power plants, space heating, and water. Even if
compression, the use of biogas can replace the function of compressed natural gas
(CNG) used to run vehicles.
The use of biogas technology in Indonesia began to be introduced in the 1970s.
This sewage treatment technique using biogas installations was originally developed in
rural areas. The development of the times encourages the application of this biogas
technology to be applied also in urban areas. In 1981, biogas installations in Indonesia
were developed through a biogas development project supported by funding from the
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) by building pilot biogas installations in
several provinces. Then since the 2000s development has been carried out for biogas
reactors on a small scale (household) using simple construction made of ready-to-install
plastic at relatively cheap prices.
When fuel prices increased in 2006, government subsidy policies and energy
scarcity became hot topics in Indonesia. The increase in fuel prices is certainly a burden
for the community, especially the underprivileged. Currently, biogas is developed as an
alternative energy source to replace fuel. Of course, this is especially beneficial for rural
communities. The reason is, that people in rural areas mostly have livestock that have
waste that can be utilized. So that the use of this waste can minimize the amount of
environmental pollution and save expenses within the scope of households. For farming
communities, biogas can produce output, namely in the form of organic fertilizer. This
effort can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to support organic agriculture (Kasem
& Thapa, 2012).
The energy produced from biogas has the potential to be developed further.
According to (Aggarangsi, Tippayawong, Moran, & Rerkkriangkrai, 2013), there are
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2022 1382
several reasons:
1. Biogas production derived from cow dung can be supported by a conducive cattle farming
climate in Indonesia in recent years.
2. The existence of regulations in the energy sector such as increases in basic electricity tariffs
increases in LPG prices, premiums, diesel oil, diesel oil, and fuel oil have encouraged the
development of various alternative energy sources that are more affordable, sustainable,
and friendly to the environment.
3. The increase in several types of organic fertilizer prices and the scarcity in the market began
due to the ineffective marketing distribution process, causing farmers to start switching to
using organic fertilizers.
4. Reduce the effects caused by greenhouse gases, reduce unpleasant odors, and prevent the
spread of disease.
5. Implementing agriculture by carrying out the concept of zero waste is more friendly to the
environment and can be sustainable.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia started a biogas program under the
name Home Biogas Program (BIRU) in 2009. This program received assistance from
Hivos, which is an experienced non-governmental organization from the Netherlands.
The Home Biogas Program is implemented by Yayasan Rumah Energi (YRE) in
collaboration with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and has support from
the Norwegian Embassy, EnDev (Energizing Development) program and partners
tasked with promoting modern and sustainable forms of renewable energy for all people
in Indonesia. The BIRU program strives to continuously promote the use of biogas
reactors as a form of local energy source that can be sustainable by developing markets.
This program will also work to develop the biogas sector commercially market-oriented
and lead to the growth of new jobs. The BIRU program began in May 2009 and until
November 2015 had built 16,015 biogas reactors in 9 provinces in Indonesia.
Many people in Indonesia have limited access to energy sources that are
economical and convenient to use. While sustainable energy services will not address
the underlying causes of poverty, limited energy availability will stand in the way of
their path to prosperity.
In 2008, the Directorate General of Electricity and Energy and Mineral Resources
Utilization, Government of Indonesia, requested the Dutch Embassy to examine biogas'
potential in Indonesia more deeply. The results of the study show the potential of biogas
in Indonesia can reach one million units and the favorable financial rate of return (FIRR)
for farmers.
Based on the feasibility study that has been conducted by BIRU, Java Island, West
Sumatra Province, and Bali are the initial focus of program implementation. This is
because the area has a fairly large livestock population. Currently, BIRU operates in 10
provinces in Indonesia, namely Lampung, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Special
Region of Yogyakarta, East Java, South Sulawesi, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East
Nusa Tenggara.
The results of a BIRU survey in 2013, where BIRU users said their home
environment became healthier. There is less smoke in the kitchen (79%), the kitchen is
cleaner (72%) and the livestock shed is cleaner (69%). The smell is already reduced by
75-80%. villages in Indonesia have transitioned to using biogas energy:
a. Cabbeng Bone Village, South Sulawesi
Utilization Of Biogas As An Effort To Mitigate & Adapt To Climate Change In Indonesia
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 3, No. 12, December 2022 1383
Cabbeng Village has an area of 6.8 kilometers. This village has been utilizing
biogas since 2013. This process began with information and assistance from the
Environment Agency, Residents of Cabbeng Bone Village used biogas to become the
main source of energy for their household needs.
Currently, there are 30 livestock chitosan waste processing devices in Cabbeng
Village. According to the community, the existence of biogas is very helpful for them.
The manure produced from 2 cows, is enough to help them to be able to cook up to 8
hours. In addition, the pulp from biogas processing is dried and used as organic fertilizer.
b. Bengan Village. Bali
Penyabengan Village in Bali has also moved to use biogas. 44 houses already use
biogas. Before using biogas, Penyabengan Village used firewood for cooking. This
village with the majority of the population as farmers started using biogas in 2011.
1) Medowo Village, Kediri
Medowo village is located at the foot of Mount Anjasmoro. The majority of
Medowo Village people work as dairy farmers. Of course, people easily get livestock
manure to be processed into biogas. After using biogas, villagers can reduce river water
pollution by up to 90% in their environment which was previously polluted by livestock
manure waste.
2) Argosari Village, Malang
In the past, the people of Argosari Village cut down trees to be used for cooking.
The existence of biogas changes people's mindset. The forest that used to be cut down
is now well cared for.
3) Pasuruan
Pasuruan is one example that has used biogas for a long time. There are 4 villages
where 100% of the people use biogas as an energy source for daily cooking activities.
The villages are Gunung Sari, Ngempiring, Cemoro and Kumbo. The community says
they can save up to Rp 400,000 every month.
The main cause of climate change and its associated disasters is the increasing
consumption of fossil fuels in Western countries. Developing countries are experiencing
more severe impacts due to their increased sensitivity to climate-related changes, such as
the increased use of levees to protect themselves from the threat of robbery. The use of
biogas is the single best solution to mitigate and adapt to climate change. By replacing
fossil fuels in the process of heating, cooking, cleaning, and cooling, biogas can reduce
household gas emissions. The process of making biogas also converts methane gas which
is the main cause of home impacts into carbon dioxide. In addition, biogas can increase
forest vegetation and produce bio-slurry that harms long-term telecommunications
networks. Indonesia can reduce carbon emissions, reduce energy needs, and help prevent
climate change by using biogas effectively. The utilization of biogas is the only
innovation currently used in the field of climate change that has the potential to reduce
the rate of climate change and help create a more favorable future for the general public
and the planet.
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