pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 9 September 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i9.729 1503
Rendy Indriyanto
, Diki Gita Purnama
Paramadina University Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected].ac.id
: 12-09-2023
: 17-09-2023
: 25-09-2023
This research discusses the implementation of Continuous
Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) in the deployment process of
the Academic Information System application at Paramadina University,
where the application development process still uses manual methods.
CI/CD is an approach in software development that enables development
teams to automatically integrate code, run tests, and deploy applications
periodically and continuously. The purpose of this research is to
implement CI/CD in the deployment process of Academic Information
System applications so that the development process becomes more
effective and the quality of the resulting application is better and more
adaptable to changes. The method used in this research is the qualitative
method by conducting direct observation to collect data. The results of
the research show that by implementing the stages of CI/CD, the
application deployment process becomes more efficient and can provide
a solution to the problems that arise in the previously conventional or
manual application deployment process. The results of this research can
serve as a guide for development teams and operations who want to adopt
CI/CD in the application deployment process, as well as provide insights
for researchers and practitioners to optimize the use of CI/CD in software
Keywords: information
system; DevOps; ci/cd;
software deployment; academic
The development of technology in all aspects encourages universities to take
strategic steps to remain superior in all fields (Aswati, Mulyani, Siagian, & Syah, 2015).
To achieve this goal, one of the steps taken by higher education institutions is to build a
qualified academic information system. The use of academic information systems can
increase the efficiency and effectiveness of academic administration management,
improve the quality of academic administrative services to stakeholders, especially
students, and increase the competitiveness of universities (Yindrizal, 2021).
In conditions where the demand for a system to have high adaptation to changes
that include changes in business processes, changes in infrastructure needs as well as the
addition of features and other additions, it is important to consider how to determine the
application deployment method that must be implemented (Sutarman, Fadli, & Aliim,
Past software development such as Waterfall methods, Prototyping, Agile, and
RUP, was only discussed when software development was only, there was no topic to
Rendy Indriyanto, Diki Gita Purnama
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1504
discuss how to deploy and install software in the target infrastructure. Even though
current conditions demand that application development must be complete up to the
deployment and maintenance of software releases (Taryana, Fadli, & Nurshiami, 2020).
The process of making software ready for use by end users, as well as by application
testers and other related parties is referred to as deployment or delivery (Ghimire, 2020).
In the previous development of the Academic Information System, the IT team of
Paramadina University was still carrying out the process of deploying applications
conventionally and had not implemented an automation system. The entire process is
done manually where the source code that has been completed is then uploaded to the
production server (Arachchi & Perera, 2018).
The practice of deploying in this way is certainly simpler and easier to do, but
problems will arise when updates or changes are made on the side of the running
application. When the development team makes direct code changes to the application
that is running on the production server, there will potentially be errors that cause the
application to malfunction. Business process changes to the application will be difficult
for the development team to do. Development in traditional ways often leads to problems
such as application delays and product quality (Laksito, 2022).
Another problem that arises is the difference between the device and environment
used on the development team's side with the server side so that there is a mismatch both
from the operating system version, supporting software, libraries, and software package
dependencies which results in the application cannot function correctly when it has been
deployed to the server (Hadian, Hakim, & Fanani, 2023).
From the problems above, other deployment techniques are needed that can carry
out the process automatically starting from the development, testing, and deployment
stages. For this reason, the author conducted research on the implementation of
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) in the process of developing
Academic Information System applications which are being updated at Paramadina
The implementation of CI/CD is part of DevOps principles and practices. DevOps
is a term for a process that focuses on improving collaboration, communication, and
integration between software developers and IT operations (Chapman, 2014). DevOps
reduces the gap between the development team, operations team, and application users
allowing them to detect problems early (Tohirin, Utami, Widianto, & Al Mauludyansah,
By implementing CI/CD, it is useful to monitor a project in terms of the speed of
code generation to deployment to a production environment (Achdian & Marwan, 2019).
The application deployment process will be carried out automatically to the staging and
production server bypassing the testing stage by the system. Coding errors will be avoided
because when the development team makes a mistake, the deployment process will
automatically stop and errors that occur will immediately be identified. Continuous
Delivery (CD) provides many benefits for development teams including process
Ci/Cd Implementation Application Deployment Process Academic Information System (Case
Study Of Paramadina University)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1505
automation, increased developer productivity, improved coding quality, and faster
distribution to customers.
Research Methods
This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, namely research that
intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by research subjects such
as behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc., holistically, and using description in the
form of words and language, in a special context that is natural and utilizes various natural
methods (Hamid & Prasetyowati, 2021).
The type of research carried out is by observation, which is making direct
observations to collect data about behavior or events in a particular location. The research
was conducted at Paramadina University and began in the early days of the construction
of a new academic information system application, namely in September 2021.
In this study, the author is directly involved and participates in the CI/CD
implementation process, while the process carried out is as follows:
Data Collection.
Data collection was carried out by making observations at the research location,
namely at Paramadina University, and also conducting literature studies from sources that
provide information related to the research theme.
Tahapan Implementasi.
After the data is successfully collected, proceed with the implementation stage of
the CI / CD system by adjusting the use of tools and technology referring to the data
obtained. In general, the CI/CD workflow process has the following basic stages.
Figure 1. CI/CD Workflow
1) Source: At this stage, the development team begins to integrate the source code by
committing and pushing in the local environment to a central repository that has been
connected to the CI/CD pipeline.
2) Build: Pushing to the central repository automatically triggers the next build
processed by the pipeline used. Another process that occurs at this stage is the testing
stage of the code to be deployed.
3) Staging: At this stage, the application deployment process begins. The result of the
process at this stage is that the application can already appear and can be tested on
the functions of the application.
4) Production: This is the final stage of the CI/CD process. At this stage, the application
can already be used by its users.
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Because this research location uses AWS cloud computing services, most of the
tools used in this study utilize many features and services from AWS. The following are
the tools and technologies used:
a. Laravel Framework
b. VIM text editor
c. SSH remote client
d. Git Version Control System
e. GitHub (https://github.com)
f. AWS CodePipeline
g. AWS CodeDeploy
h. Amazon EC2 Instance
The relationship between the tools used can be illustrated in the diagram below.
Gambar 2. Tools dan komponen CI/CD yang digunakan
Results and Discussion
A. Source
At the initial stage, the author does setup and configuration starting from creating a
repository, adjusting scripts for the auto-deploy application process, creating EC2
instances along with installing the required supporting software.
1) Application repository: The implementation process is carried out by installing a
version control system (Git client) on the developer's side, namely on each work
equipment both laptop and PC used to code applications. After that, a repository is
created using Git Hub so that all team members involved can collaborate. At this
stage, the process of integrating the source code of the application can be done.
2) Script for automating the process of deploying source code: The main script in CI/CD
implementations using AWS CodePipeline and Github is the 'appspec.yml' file. This
script specifies the destination path of the source code files to be deployed, and will
also execute other additional scripts needed in application deployments that use the
Laravel framework. Other additional scripts that will be included in a special
directory and executed during the deployment process include the following:
1. install_dependencies.sh
When this script is run, the system will adjust the web server configuration and
install the PHP composer needed by the Laravel framework.
2. deploy_laravel.sh
Ci/Cd Implementation Application Deployment Process Academic Information System (Case
Study Of Paramadina University)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1507
This script when executed will create several directories including bootstrap/cache,
storage/framework/sessions, storage/framework/view, storage/framework/cache, and
public/cache. Then this script will execute the 'composer install' command in the root
directory of the application so that all the required packages and dependencies are
installed. Other commands performed in this script are database initiation, cache
optimization, changing file permissions, and activating applications.
3. change_permission.sh
As in most web-based applications, files and directories need to be changed
ownership and permissions, so this script will do it.
4. start_server.sh
This script will activate the web server service, in this case, Apache.
5. stop_server.sh
This script will be executed to disable the web server when needed.
All of the above scripts are then pushed to a central repository and merged into the
root directory of the application project.
3) EC2 Instance Installation: For the host server in this study, the authors used an AWS-
provided virtualization service, namely Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and used the
Amazon Linux 2 operating system. Here are the manufacturing steps:
a. Log in with your AWS account to the management console and select EC2 services.
b. Select the launch instances button on the EC2 dashboard page.
c. A page will then appear to specify the name of the instance to be created along with
options to specify the type of Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to use, instance type,
security group, network settings, selection of storage media specifications, and other
options tailored to your needs.
d. Once all options are adjusted press the launch instance button. In this phase, an
instance is formed and automatically activated.
Until the above stage, EC2 instances can run and can be used as needed for
application development, but to be integrated with CI / CD there are still steps to be done,
namely by adding configuration and installation of code deploy agents.
Before the code deploy agent can be installed, an IAM role must be added to the
EC2 instance with the following steps:
a. Sign in to the IAM console via https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/
b. After entering the start page select 'policies' through the navigation panel.
c. Add a new policy by going through the 'create policy' button.
d. On the 'create policy' page select the JSON tab and enter the value as shown below.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1508
Picture 3. Value JSON
1. Select 'next', and 'review policy', then give a name and description for the policy
2. Next, add roles by selecting the 'roles' menu on the navigation panel then select
'create role'.
3. On the 'create role' page, the AWS service to be used is EC2.
4. Make a selection on the policy that was created earlier and also add a policy with the
name Amazon SSM Manage Instance Core.
5. Enter the name of the role that has been created on the review page, then select the
'create role' button.
After completing the addition of roles, the installation of the service code deploy
agent on the EC2 instance can be carried out with the following steps:
1. Access the EC2 instance console via remote SSH.
2. Download the CodeDeploy Agent installer from your Amazon bucket by region.
3. Change the permissions file so that it can be executed, then run the installer.
4. After successfully performing without errors make sure the codedeploy agent service
is running.
Gambar 4. Service codedeploy-agent aktif.
B. Build
At this stage, the pipeline setup is carried out to be used. This pipeline will later be
connected to the application repository that was created in the previous stage.
1) AWS CodeDeploy
Ci/Cd Implementation Application Deployment Process Academic Information System (Case
Study Of Paramadina University)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1509
a. Login to the AWS console at
https://console.aws.amazon.com/codesuite/codedeploy/home address
b. As a first step, an application and group deployment are first created which will later
be assigned to the pipeline to be created. Select Deploy > Applications on the panel
menu, then select the 'Create Application' button.
c. Enter the application name on the application name form and select the platform
option used which is EC2/On-premises.
d. After selecting the 'Create Application' button it will then be directed to a page to
create a deployment group of the created application.
e. Select the 'create deployment group' button and enter a name. Then select the service
role that is AWS CodeDeploy, For the deployment setting option select
CodeDeployDefaultAllAtOnce. The load balancer did not need to be selected in this
2) AWS CodePipeline
a. The next step is to create a pipeline, namely by selecting the Pipeline menu on the
navigation pane, and then selecting the Create Pipeline menu, or it can also be
through the wizard provided on the Getting Started page.
b. Name the pipeline to use, choose a name that is relevant to the name of the application
to be built so that it will be easy to distinguish from other pipelines. In this study, the
author named the pipeline "pipeline-dev-and". In this process, it will automatically
establish new service roles needed in the pipeline creation process.
c. In the next step is to determine the source provider used, in this case, it is the central
repository that has previously been created, using the GitHub repository. Connect the
GitHub account you want to use via the Connect to GitHub button.
d. After the account is connected, select the name of the connection that has been
created and navigate to the name of the application repository and the name of the
branch that will be integrated into the staging server. For other options, there is no
need to change it and leave it by default.
e. After clicking the next button on the previous page, the next page will appear to select
the build provider tools to be used. Because this is optional, the author skipped this
stage because for this research applications with the Laravel framework do not
require a build process using a third-party provider.
f. The next process is the deployment stage. That is, choosing the Deploy provider to
use in this case is AWS CodeDeploy. Select a region and then navigate to the name
of the application and deployment group that asŽQOe created before the pipeline
creation stage.
g. After all settings are correct, pipeline creation can be processed by selecting the
Create pipeline button. With the formation of the pipeline, it will automatically
execute the build and test process against the source code connected to the central
repository. The results of the execution will be seen through the event log which
informs that the script and source code deployed through the pipeline is successful
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1510
or failed so that tracing the source of the deployment process failure can be carried
out and then corrections and improvements can be made.
From the series of processes above, will then produce the source code of the
application that has been built and tested through the pipeline. The source code of this
application will then be deployed to staging and production servers.
C. Staging
As a continuation of the build/test stage in the CI/CD workflow, the staging stage
can already be seen as the results of the application source code that has been successfully
deployed in the root directory on the preconfigured web server. However, when access is
made through the public IP server using an internet browser, the application still cannot
be displayed correctly or error, It happens because the source code deployed has not been
set to the .env file which is the main configuration file needed by Laravel framework-
based applications.
For this reason, the author will configure the required .env files and at the same
time demonstrate how adding and changing files in the local repository can automatically
execute the deployment process to the staging server. Here are the steps taken:
1. When you first initiate a Laravel framework-based application project in the local
repository, by default it will generate a.env. example file in the root directory of the
application. This file will be copied into a separate file named env. Before copying
the author first make sure that the .env file name is removed from the. git ignore file
because otherwise by default the .env file will be ignored by the Git system.
2. Change the contents of the .env file, and adjust the endpoint of the database to be
3. After customization, the .env file is saved and then experimented with accessing the
application through a browser. As a result, the application can be displayed as shown
Figure 5. App View in an on-premises environment
4. After the application can run in the local environment, all changes that have been
made are then committed and pushed to the central repository. In the commit process,
Ci/Cd Implementation Application Deployment Process Academic Information System (Case
Study Of Paramadina University)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1511
the author gives the message "setup.env" as a message of changes or additions that
have been made before pushing.
5. From the push process above, trigger the CI / CD pipeline that has been formed to
automatically carry out the build/test process and then continue with the deployment
process to the staging environment. Here's what CodePipeline's output looks like a
few moments after the push indicates that the additions or changes made have been
successful or successful.
Figure 6. Pipeline Staging View
6. Results in the staging environment can be directly viewed through an internet
browser with the IP address of the staging server. The image below is a view of the
application that has been successfully deployed and opened through an internet
Figure 7. Application View on Staging Server
From the demonstration above, the application deployment process to the staging
environment carried out through the CI / CD pipeline has been successful and then can
be tested functionally by Quality Assurance (QA) to ensure that the application has
functioned correctly and there are no bugs so that it can then be launched in a production
D. Production
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1512
At this stage, all changes and additions to the application that have been tested in
the previous stage are integrated into the product that is ready to use. Then the product is
deployed to a production server and ready for end-user use.
For the implementation of the production stage, a separate pipeline is needed and it
is also necessary to create branches or branches in the application's source code
repository. In addition, a server is also needed as a host for the application production
1) Production Server: As with server staging, for production servers setup and
configuration are carried out starting from the web server, PHP, and its extensions,
as well as libraries and dependencies needed. All use software versions that are
identical to server staging.
2) Git Branch: Git branch is a feature in Git that allows developers to create branches
or versions of existing source code that can be changed and developed separately
from the master branch. With this branch feature, it can be created more than two
versions of the main source code.
Thus, for applications in the production environment, branches will be created and
sourced from the main source code that has previously been integrated into the staging
environment. The following are the steps taken in creating a new branch:
a. Run the git branch command and the branch name that will be used in the root
directory of the application source code. In this case, the new branch is named
Figure 8 Create Branch Production
b. To check the branch that has just been created, run the git branch command so that it
produces output as shown below, where there are now two branches, namely main
and production.
Figure 9. Git Branch result view
c. After the new branch is successfully created in the local repository, it will also be
created in the central repository. To do so, first, perform "git checkout" to the new
branch and then run the command "git push origin production".
Ci/Cd Implementation Application Deployment Process Academic Information System (Case
Study Of Paramadina University)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1513
Figure 10. Push view to the production branch
d. With this command, a new branch with the name production will be formed on the
side of the central repository. This branch is then connected to the new pipeline which
is then integrated with the production environment.
3) Production Pipeline: The steps are the same as in creating a pipeline for the build
stage, only the pipeline naming is differentiated. In addition, it is necessary to create
additional deployment groups for the integration process into the staging
a. Re-create the deployment group named "Prod-Asik-Group" in the DevAsik
application. Details of the configuration as shown in the image below.
Figure 11. Production Group Deployment View
Noteworthy is that the environment configuration section specified for the EC2
Instance is a server used to integrate source code in production environments.
b. Then the next step creates a new pipeline with the name "pipeline-prod-and". For
detailed configuration, the author displays in the form of screenshots as below.
Figure 12. Production Pipeline View
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1514
Figure 13. Source Provider Production Display
The source provider uses the same repository as staging, but the branch uses the
name of the production branch.
c. After the pipeline is formed, the deployment process to the production environment
can be immediately seen through the active pipeline page as well as in the staging
Furthermore, the mechanism of integrating applications from the staging
environment to the production environment can be done simply by merging from the main
branch to the production branch using the branch merging feature available in the Git
Before doing the git merge process into the production environment, it must be
ensured that the application in the staging environment has no problems or bugs. After
the git branch process to the production branch is carried out, the CI / CD process will
automatically run and the results will be identical to the results in the staging environment.
The process of deploying the source code of academic information system
applications to the production environment is successfully carried out by implementing
the appropriate stages in the CI / CD workflow using available tools and technologies.
Thus, the process of deploying application source code that was previously entirely done
manually can be replaced with a CI / CD system. Although the process of integrating
application source code can be done automatically both in staging environments and in
production environments, there are still processes that require human intervention,
namely setup, and configuration of "env" files in the Laravel framework that still have to
be done manually. CI/CD implementation speeds up the application deployment process,
minimizes the possibility of bugs, and the development team becomes easier to make
updates and changes at any time when needed.
Ci/Cd Implementation Application Deployment Process Academic Information System (Case
Study Of Paramadina University)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1515
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