pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 9 September 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i9.724 1541
Rizka Fitri Elawati
, I. Nyoman Suluh Wijaya
, Fauzul Rizal Sutikno
Brawijaya University Malang, Indonesia
: 12-09-2023
: 20-09-2023
: 25-09-2023
In maximizing the benefits of forests and forest areas for the welfare of
the people, all forests and forest areas must be utilized by taking into
account their nature, characteristics, and vulnerabilities, while
maintaining their basic functions that cannot be changed. Land needs in
Poncol District, Magetan Regency continue to increase along with
population growth, and social and economic structure development.
Changes in land use due to continuous development give rise to forest
areas. Although spatial planning and forestry laws prohibit land use
change, forest land conversion still occurs by utilizing instrumental
regulations in the decision-making process. This paper aims to identify
the consistency of the practical decision-making process on land use
change in Alastuwo Magetan City against Law Number 41 of 1999. By
taking a Grounded Theory approach, this paper uses Atlas. ti as a tool to
analyze practical processes and motivation. By comparing policy and
practice, the study found that incomplete documents and discussions
were serious weaknesses in the practice process in Alastuwo District,
Poncol District, and Magetan Regency.
Keywords: praktek; perubahan
fungsi lahan; kabupaten
Officially, for more than ten years, Indonesia has lacked a sufficient legal basis for
land use change in forest areas. Here Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry does
not have regulations that are instrumental enough to its interpretation and practical
implementation (Riduwan, 2022). Although on January 22, 2010, the Government issued
Government Regulation Number 10 of 2010 to provide the relevant legal basis, this
situation still cannot help. In practice, many land use conversion decisions in forest areas
are continuously produced by the government under the prohibition stipulated in Article
38 of Law Number 41 of 1999. This situation shows that there are several gaps in the area
without any improvement by laws and regulations. One of the loopholes is that Law
Number 41 of 1999 (Article 19) still provides the possibility of land use change with strict
requirements. This possibility was used by the Magetan City Government to convert
several forest areas in Alastuwo Village into several government office buildings. This
situation shows the weakness of forest management rules and policies in providing clear
regulation of land use change in forest areas.
Changes in the designation of forest areas often involve social conflicts between
traditional landowners, indigenous peoples, and parties interested in land use (Qatrunnada,
Syarifudin, Adnan, & Syaputra, 2023). Inequities in land use conversion policies and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1542
mismatches between local needs and economic or political interests can trigger conflicts
and social tensions between various parties (Tuakora, Mardiatmoko, & Lelloltery, n.d.).
Conflict between the Regional Government and the Central Government, this
conflict arises when local government authorities want to change the designation and
function of forest areas for the benefit of regional development, while central government
authorities or conservation organizations encourage forest preservation and protection.
Inconsistencies between national policies and regional policies can lead to conflicts in
decision-making related to land use change (Setiawan, Maryudi, & Lele, 2017).
An important problem in Magetan Regency is land use conflicts that result in
environmental damage and will be a challenge as well as an opportunity for regional
development in Magetan Regency that needs to be anticipated and resolved so that
development goals can be achieved. Meanwhile, according to data from Bakesbangpol
Magetan Regency, there have been a series of landslides due to the disruption of the
protection function. In 2009 there were 12 incidents, followed by 29 incidents in 2010, and
27 incidents until November 2011. This disaster event occurred in several sub-districts,
namely Plaosan, Sidorejo, Poncol, and Panekan. Here it is suspected that there has been a
change in the designation of forest areas into built-up areas which resulted in landslides,
especially in Poncol District. Protected forests have an important role in preventing erosion
and landslides. Tree roots act as binders of soil particles. The presence of forests causes
rainwater not to fall directly to the ground, but first falls to the surface of the leaves or seeps
into the soil.
According to research by McNeill et al. (1998), there are factors such as political,
economic, demographic, and cultural that drive land-use change. One aspect that plays an
important role is the political factor, which involves policies implemented by decision-
makers and has a significant influence on patterns of land use change (Lubis, Arismawati,
& Pratama, 2021).
(Sudarwani & Ekaputra, 2017) also revealed that land cover change is not only
influenced by natural and man-made factors (such as proximity to human settlements,
convenient transportation, or supportive natural environments) but also influenced by
various constraints.
Constraint factors can be summarized into three main types according to the scope
of impact: local constraints, regional constraints, and global constraints. Local Constraints:
These refer to factors that affect or limit a particular region or area. Local constraints can
be associated with the physical, economic, social, political, or cultural environment of a
particular area. Examples of local constraints include lack of natural resources, lack of
infrastructure, social conflicts, or changes in government policy at the local level. Regional
Constraints: These refer to factors that have a broader impact, cross regional boundaries,
and affect multiple regions within one larger geographic area. Regional constraints can be
issues such as conflicts between countries, climate change that has far-reaching impacts in
a particular region, the spread of infectious diseases, or regional economic crises. Global
Constraints: These are factors that have a widespread impact and span the globe. Global
constraints often involve issues on a global scale, such as global climate change, global
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financial crises, global environmental damage, the widespread spread of pandemics, or
conflicts involving multiple countries. Global constraints affect many countries and human
populations as a whole (Yu, He, and Pan, 2010). In the same sense, land use change refers
to the change in function of part or all of the land area from the initial designation
(according to planning) to other designations that cause negative impacts (problems) on
the environment and the environment. the potential of the land itself (Hasibuan, 2015).
Unclear regulations allow forest area management practices, especially conversion
of functions. Here, decision-makers use the ambiguity of the rules to make multiple and
different interpretations.
As a role of stakeholders, of course, it contributes to the change in the function of
protected forests into government buildings in Poncol District, Magetan Regency. This
contribution will influence the policies and actions taken. This decision will have an impact
on forest resources and the socio-economic lives of local communities living in previously
protected forest areas. In addition, each stakeholder also has their interests involved in this.
Policies regarding changes in the designation of functions and use of forest areas are
still a controversial debate. Several factors can cause this situation, including weak
regulatory tools, principles of preservation of environmental functions that have not been
implemented in policies, challenges in policy integration between sectors, regions, and
stakeholders, deviations or violations in the field, and potential abuse of authority by parties
involved in decision-making. Therefore, efforts are needed to overcome this through
studies that analyze motivations and decision-making practices related to changing the
designation of forest areas to governance.
Building, to identify weaknesses and provide recommendations for improvements
to the policies that are the basis for its implementation.
This study aims to: identify the process of changing the designation and function of forest
areas into government buildings; and identify consistency of practice and motivation for
decision-making processes regarding the change of designation and function of forest areas
into government buildings.
Research Methods
Qualitative research examines human events, phenomena, or experiences to answer
questions about why something happens, how it happens, and what causes it. The purpose
of qualitative research is to develop concepts, help researchers understand social
phenomena in natural (rather than artificial) settings, and emphasize the meaning,
experience, and views of all participants. Qualitative research also aims to: (1) find
theories, (2) improve concepts, (3) understand how people construct meaning in their lives
and explain that meaning, (4) empower informants, for example in research on gender and
class action (Miles & Huberman, 1992).
The purpose of this study is to identify changes in the designation and function of
forest areas in government buildings based on changes in spatial imagery and identify the
consistency of procedural practices and motivations for the decision-making process
regarding changes in the designation and function of forest areas in government buildings.
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Moleong (2000) defines that qualitative methods are qualitative methods as research
procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of people
and observable behavior (Johan, 2021).
The variables used in the study of Changes in the Designation and Function of Forest
Areas in Poncol District, Magetan Regency are determined based on the stages of changes
in the designation and function of forest areas. This study to determine research variables
based on theories related to the theme and objectives of the study. The variables used in
this study are as follows: change in designation/function; Effectiveness; efficiency; and
Policy impact.
The selection of respondents was carried out using sampling techniques with the
sampling technique used was snowball sampling. The snowball Sampling technique is one
of the developing sampling techniques. The snowball sampling technique has the
advantage of being able to find hidden or difficult-to-determine respondents and being able
to reveal specific things or taboos in the social world. Nevertheless, this technique still has
weaknesses in its implementation. The use of the snowball sampling technique requires
high independence in thinking and acting in the field, high creativity to be able to express
something as expected, patience-sensitivity-social skills and high empathy from
researchers, a friendly attitude, trustworthy attitude, and careful in interviewing
respondents, so they are willing to disclose the information needed by research.
Sample addition can be stopped if the data is saturated. From various informants,
both old and new, there is no new data. If the selection of samples or informants mastered
the social situation studied, then there is no need for a large number of samples so the
research is quickly completed. So what concerns qualitative researchers is the completeness
of obtaining information with various variations that exist, not the number of data samples.
This study uses the qualitative research method Grounded Theory which is very
relevant because this study aims to identify changes in forest areas and parodeur gaps with
reality that require interaction with participants. Grounded Theory is a research strategy in
which the researcher "produces" a general and abstract theory of a particular process,
action, or interaction derived from the views of participants. The in-depth nature of the
intensive interviews encourages each participant's interpretation of the experience. The
grounded theory method can complement other approaches to qualitative data analysis;
notes called memos on storytelling code help develop ideas (Robert and Brown, 2004).
Technical data analysis using Thematic content analysis, analysis has three stages,
namely pre-analysis, exploration, and interpretation. The first stage (pre-analysis) involves
the selection of documents to be analyzed to form hypotheses and research objectives as
well as developing indicators to strengthen the final interpretation. At this stage, a thorough
reading of empirical data consisting of:
Transcripts, documents, images, audio, or video are performed. All data collected for
research must be considered, including data obtained through interviews, observations, and
documentation studies (Soratto, Pires, & Friese, 2020).
This research uses qualitative methods, namely observation, interviews, or document
review. This qualitative method is used for many reasons. First, adapting qualitative
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methods is easier when dealing with multiple realities. Second, this method is more
sensitive and more adaptive to the many sharpening of mutual influences on the pattern of
values encountered (Johan, 2021).
From the above theories, it can be concluded that qualitative descriptive research uses
research steps from observing phenomena that can be explained in detail and scientifically.
This qualitative approach is taken because in this study the purpose or object of research is
limited so that the data collected can be explored as much as possible and so that in this
study it is not possible to expand the object of research. Research is carried out directly in
the field, problem formulations are found in the field, and the data will likely change
according to the data in the field.
The validity of the data is done to prove whether the research conducted is scientific
research as well as to test the data obtained. Data validity tests in qualitative research
include credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability (Abdussamad & Sik,
For data in qualitative research to be accounted for as scientific research, it is
necessary to carry out data validity. One of the data validity tests that can be done in this
study is a credibility test or trust test of research data submitted by researchers so that the
results of the research carried out are undoubtedly scientific work being carried out.
Credibility tests can be done in various ways, including; a. extension of observation; B.
Improve accuracy in research; c. triangulation; d. negative case analysis; e. Using reference
materials; f Conduct Member Check. In this study, the validity of the data was tested by
triangulation credibility test of sources.
Results and Discussion
Poncol is a sub-district in Magetan Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Poncol
District is located in the western part of Magetan Regency, about 14 kilometers from the
southwest of Awasan Regency through Plaosan District. The center of government is in
Alastuwo Village. Poncol District has an area of 51.31 km². The area of Poncol District
consists of highlands and mountains with an altitude between 612 and 1,104 meters above
sea level. The total population in Poncol District is 31,487 people with a population density
of 613.78 people per km².
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Administrative capacity and time variables are very important to consider in the
analysis of changes in the designation and function of forest areas to understand the
dynamics, influences, and sustainability of land use and forest management in the long
term. Changes in government policies related to land use and forest management can affect
changes in the designation and function of forest areas. New policies or regulatory changes
can influence land conversion decisions and cause changes in the function of forest areas
within a certain period.
This involves a conflict between the official status of Protected Forest Areas and the
fact that community settlements have property rights. This conflict can arise due to
differences in the legality of territorial designation and reality on the ground.
kantor kelurahan
Kantor Koramil
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Such issues often pose complex legal, administrative, and social challenges.
Adequate resolution requires a good understanding of applicable regulations and policies,
as well as taking into account the rights and interests involved, both in local communities
and in the context of environmental protection.
Political support, and strategic location variables will help make better decisions
about changes in the designation and function of forest areas, taking into account the impact
on economic, ecological, regional, and cultural aspects in a particular location. The main
reasons for choosing this location are: first, the area is enough to become a district
government area, and second, easy access because of its location which is very close to
Plaosan and has good roads and is easy to reach. At that time the Perhutani land to be used
had also been cultivated by local communities for plantations and was no longer a forest
area, so the process of exchanging land with Perhutani was easier to do.
Pressure on interests and the need for land for the construction of sub-district offices
has encouraged changes in the designation and function of forest areas, rapid economic
development is an important factor in determining the need for new land outside forest
Practice of Procedures for Changing the Designation and Function of Forest Areas
into Building Government
The effectiveness of forest area change, designation, and function policies can be
interpreted as the ability of policies implemented to achieve the expected results in the
management of changes, designations, and functions of forest areas. The effectiveness of
this policy is related to the extent to which the policy can have a positive impact in
maintaining and maintaining the sustainability of forest areas, encouraging sustainable use,
and achieving the desired ecological, social, and economic goals.
In regulations or policies that regulate the process of changing the function of a land
from its original function to a different function. This is related to changes in land use
designation in forest areas with a forest area exchange mechanism including stages of
administrative requirements, field checks as well as legality and formalization.
Efficiency in policy evaluation is the ability to conduct assessments or measurements
more efficiently and effectively. This means maximizing the desired results by using the
available resources optimally. In the context of policy evaluation, efficiency means
identifying and adopting the most appropriate methods for measuring policy impacts and
outcomes while minimizing the cost, time, and effort required. Thus, a focus on efficiency
helps ensure the evaluation process runs smoother, and more accurately, and provides
maximum benefits for all parties involved.
Institutional legitimacy can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as history,
tradition, the success of the institution in achieving its goals, public participation,
accountability, and responsiveness to the needs and aspirations of the people served by the
The importance of institutional legitimacy lies in the stability and sustainability of
the institution itself. When an institution has strong legitimacy, society will be more
inclined to respect and obey the authority and decisions taken by the institution. It can also
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1548
strengthen the relationship between institutions and communities, thus enabling institutions
to carry out their duties effectively and obtain the necessary support for their sustainability
and long-term success. In the context of changes in the designation and function of forest
The statement from an informant from the Magetan Regency Research and
Development Agency also highlighted the importance of having evidence or documents
that can be used as a basis to validate or acknowledge the MoEF's role in addressing
specific issues. Without strong evidence or documents, claims related to MoEF
involvement are unlikely to be officially accepted or recognized.
Table 1. Results of Analysis of Land Transfer Policy and Practice Evaluation
Sub Variables
Existing Concessions
Analysis results
Existence of
The existence of regulations
from Undang- undang number 41
year 1999,
compliance with
• Location suitability with RTW
under other designated areas
The mechanism
of the process of
changing the
allocation and
functioning of the
forest area
• The mechanism used is to
change the forest area,
because there is
no supporting
The purpose of
land use change is
The purpose of the land use
change is to build the Poncol
District Government Office
The availability of resources at
that time did not involve related
parties, only deliberations carried
out by the District Leadership
Certainty of land
Certainty of land certificate
status in the form of Right of Use
because there has been no release
of forest areas
there must be a
Release Letter
Forest Area
between the
proposed location
and the specified
The suitability of the location is
determined that the replacement
land has been included in the
RPKH, while the land developed
by the Poncol Kantor District
Government has not been released
from the Forest Area
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Stages of the mechanism for changing the designation and function of forest areas by
juxtaposing the rules and those practiced by the community. Through research, gaps can
be found between land use change and those practiced in the community, including
administrative requirements no supporting data, legality, and formalization have not
received a decree on the release of forest areas but have received a certificate.
Can provide effective management and policy insights in managing changes in the
designation and function of forest areas. Research findings can identify best practices,
sustainable approaches, stakeholder engagement, effective regulation, and successful
management strategies.
The advice for the Government is that the Government must develop sustainable policies
in changing the designation and function of forest areas. The policy should include the
protection of ecosystems, biodiversity, and important functions of ecosystems, as well as
consider the socio-economic aspects of communities.
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