pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 9 September 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i9.714 1563
Edi Suwito
*, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah
, Ketut Sunaryanto
Universitas Esa Unggul Jakarta, Indonesia
: 01-09-2023
: 14-09-2023
: 25-09-2023
A different laundry business service exists in Indonesia, especially in
Jakarta and its surroundings. This business plan offers a special
premium laundry service for 4 and 5-star hotels. PT. Luxury Indah Jaya
(Luxury Laundry) as a provider of premium laundry services for 4 and
5-star hotels focuses on B2B but still pays attention to the needs of the
end user. This marketing plan will be formulated and explained
regarding marketing goals and objectives, STP marketing strategy,
marketing mix with the NICE approach, sales activities, and calculation
of income streams and Investment Feasibility Analysis. This research
was conducted using qualitative methods aimed at determining the
feasibility of a premium-class laundry business marketing plan
specifically for 4 & 5-star hotels. With good marketing planning,
companies can conduct in-depth analysis and evaluation of new
business opportunities or investment projects. This is certainly very
helpful in assessing investment feasibility, market growth potential,
income potential, and associated risks.
Keywords: premium laundry;
a marketing plan; stp; nice;
sales activity.
In this modern era, the busyness of urban people is increasing, so time has become
a very valuable asset (Putra, SE, & Ak, 2019). Amid a busy daily life, one of the basic
needs that is often overlooked is clothing care (Griffin, Elangovan, Mundell, & Hezel,
2012). Washing and caring for clothes requires significant time and effort, which busy
individuals may not be able to accommodate (Haryanto, 2017).
PT. Luxury Indah Jaya, as a company that is committed to providing solutions in
terms of clothing care, understands how important high-quality service is in the laundry
service industry (Manobe, Arjana, & Se, 2021). By understanding the potential and
challenges in this market, PT. Luxury Indah Jaya is determined to provide superior and
exclusive laundry services that meet the needs of customers who require special care for
their clothes (Susanti, Syah, & Sunaryanto, 2020).
With the number of 4 and 5-star hotels spread across the Greater Tangerang and
DKI Jakarta areas and the lack of interest in establishing and managing in-house
laundry by 4 and 5-star hotels, certainly, the need for laundry services with premium
services and the best quality assurance in Tangerang Raya and DKI Jakarta is still
lacking (Pourkhani, Abdipour, Baher, & Moslehpour, 2019). Moreover, driven by the
hotel occupancy rate after the easing of the Implementation of Community Activity
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, Septemer 2023 1564
Restrictions (PPKM) related to the Covid 19 epidemic, this business opportunity is very
open and promising.
Today's hotel business trends prefer to outsource laundry rather than in-house
laundry. The results of in-depth interviews conducted by the author with several star
hotels in Jakarta and its surroundings found data that most 4 and 5-star hotels choose
third parties to wash and care for their towels and linens (David, 2011).
The types of needs and treatment of towels and linens needed for hotel services,
especially star hotels with international standards, include:
1. Sufficient availability of towels and linens.
2. Top-notch quality towels and linens
3. Care and treatment (treatment) of towels and linens to maintain quality.
4. Periodic replacement of towels and linens.
Research Methods
This research was conducted using qualitative methods aimed at determining the
feasibility of a premium-class laundry business marketing plan specifically for 4 & 5-
star hotels. The feasibility of this investment is analyzed through a marketing plan
reviewed from market and marketing aspects, and by weighing aspects of revenue and
other marketing costs as well as through finance in the form of Payback Period, Net
Present Value, and Index Profitability analysis. The results of the qualitative analysis
show that the marketing plan of PT. Luxury Indah Jaya is acceptable and worth running.
PT Luxury Indah Jaya's business requires strategic marketing planning to develop
markets in the DKI Jakarta and Greater Tangerang areas. The formulation of the
strategic marketing plan is illustrated in the following framework:
Figure 1
Marketing Planning Framework
Marketing Planning, Goals, Objectives and Strategies
1. Marketing Goals and Objectives
These marketing goals and objectives are useful in helping to develop the market,
increase PT Luxury Indah Jaya's business awareness for laundry service entrepreneurs
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in the DKI Jakarta and Tangerang Raya areas, as well as expand the market, and search
for potential partners to realize the company's vision and mission.
NICE Marketing Mix Strategy
Business PT. Luxury Indah Jaya focuses on the hotel industry, especially in
Jakarta and Tangerang Raya according to the Lean Model Canvas of the customer
segment, our marketing can be categorized as B2B (Business to Business). For that, we
use NICE tools namely Networking (Place), Interaction (Promotion), Common Interest
(Price), and Experience (Product).
1. Networking
The business run by PT Luxury Indah Jaya is business-to-business (B2B), where a
direct approach is needed to reach consumers. In addition, the parent of PT Luxury
Indah Jaya, PT Indah Jaya Textile, and several sister companies, has a very wide and
strong network and business relationships in the hotel industry. The parent company and
several sister companies have more than 55 serving the hospitality industry, both
domestically and in the global market as a provider of premium towels and linens.
Other activities that can be done to form networking are entering and becoming
members of associations related to the hospitality business such as APLI, IHKA, and
IHGMA. Holding regular meetings with associations that are held on a rotating basis at
the event venue of each association so that we can discuss together, establish new
networks, and share solutions to existing problems, especially regarding hotel towels
and linen problems.
In addition, the company prioritizes business strategies with a Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) approach, where this business strategy combines
processes, people, and technology. Bringing communication between the company and
customers closer and helping to attract sales leads, retain existing customers, and
maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty.
2. Interaction
PT Luxury Indah Jaya always interacts with customers and potential customers.
Interaction is one of the most effective ways of promotion in running a business.
Haryanto (2017) said, there are 3 (three) parties whose interaction and communication
must be maintained and always maintained properly, namely:
1) Shareholder
Shareholders have an interest in the sustainability of the company, both minority
shareholders and majority shareholders will always monitor how the company's
performance is achieved. Shareholders need to ensure that the company has
implemented good and correct corporate governance, shareholders also need to ensure
that management can achieve the targets that have been set. Therefore, interaction with
shareholders must be maintained properly.
2) Employee
Employee interaction must be well maintained and communication must be of
high quality. Conflicts that occur in the world of work can adversely affect productivity,
where they will not be comfortable undergoing routines that affect the quality of work
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, Septemer 2023 1566
produced. Companies should ensure that the entire ecosystem within the office is
interconnected and well coordinated. Interaction is not only within the scope of the
office but must also be established outside the scope of the office such as customers,
partners, suppliers, and relationships.
3) Customer
In building trust, good interaction with customers is also a must-do. This
interaction includes service, ways of working, speech, and behavior toward customers.
As a company engaged in laundry and rental services, good service and interaction with
customers will be a good promotion for the company. Interaction with association
members, regular meetings, and joint discussions can create solutions to existing needs
and problems.
3. Common Interest
Common interest refers to the similarity of interests between consumers and
producers that may bring value to both parties. PT Luxury Indah Jaya will always
prioritize consumer needs on top priority, maintain the best product and service quality,
and maintain the fulfillment standards of star hotels. Common Interest is an emotional
bond that exists between consumers and marketers to achieve values and goals
(Haryanto, 2017).
Results and Discussion
Revenue Stream
From the sales scenario of PT Luxury Indah Jaya in Table 5.7, projections and
assumptions of revenue streams in the next 5 years can be produced as follows:
Table 1
PT Luxury Indah Jaya Revenue Stream Projections
PT Luxury Indah Jaya's financial projections are universal standards and contain
information related to the company's assets, liabilities, and capital presented in the form
of financial statements. A company's financial statements contain assets and liabilities
that expire in a period, known as the balance sheet (Syah, Alimwidodo, Lianti, & Hatta,
2022). The report consists of assets, debt liabilities, and capital. Assets are wealth
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1567
owned by a business, liabilities are positions that must be paid to other parties, and
capital is money owned by a company (Mahulae, 2020).
Investment Feasibility
To convince capital owners, companies need to conduct investment feasibility
studies by preparing investment feasibility studies from the beginning so that investors
can determine the rate of return that investors will receive by providing capital (Ichsan,
SE, Lukman Nasution, & Sarman Sinaga, 2019)v. This is certainly related to the image
or prospect of investors who make decisions to accept or reject the investment (Syah et
al., 2022). There are several calculation analyses used, including Return On Investment
(ROI), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period
Table 2
Return On Investment PT Luxury Indah Jaya
Table 3
Net Present Value dan Internal Rate of Return PT Luxury Indah Jaya
Table 4
Payback Period (PP) PT Luxury Indah Jaya
Table 5
Profitability Ratio of PT Luxury Indah Jaya
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With good marketing planning, companies can conduct in-depth analysis and
evaluation of new business opportunities or investment projects. This is certainly very
helpful in assessing investment feasibility, market growth potential, income potential,
and associated risks. PT Luxury Indah Jaya's return on investment grew from the first
year to the fifth year, with an average of 9%. The ROI value above shows the company
is in a good category because this shows the ability to utilize all assets to generate
profits. PT Luxury Indah Jaya's five-year NPV is the Indonesian Rupiah.
12,545,820,892 is greater than zero (NPV > 0), meaning that the investment has
favorable prospects for the company. The IRR calculation also shows a value of
22.86%, higher than the current exchange rate (9%), which means this investment has
good potential to continue. The smaller the PP value, the faster the return and the more
worthy the investment. PT Luxury Indah Jaya has a payback period (PP) of 3 years and
8 months which is quite fast for new businesses. The profitability ratio shows the
percentage of profitability with an average gross margin of 32% and a net margin of 8%
which indicates that the business is good and can continue.
With a better understanding of investment feasibility, companies can make
smarter decisions and reduce the risk of investment failure. Good marketing planning
can help companies achieve better results, in terms of high revenue, cost efficiency,
competitive advantage, marketing effectiveness, and investment feasibility. This enables
the company to achieve sustainable growth and long-term success.
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