p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254


Rani Santika1*, Dila Charisma2, Ikariya Sugesti3 University of Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia Email: [email protected]






: 10-09-2023

Digital Resources supports learning media that utilize technology in


: 18-09-2023

delivering material such as videos, websites, e-books, and slideshows.


: 20-09-2023

This research aims to investigate the implementation of digital resources

as supporting learning media in teaching narrative writing text. This

Keywords: digital resources; supporting learning media; teaching narrative.

research used qualitative methods by using descriptive qualitative design. The data was obtained through observation and interviews. The subject of this research was two English teachers in Vocational High School Ibnu Khaldun in 10th Grade in the academic year of 2022/2023 who implemented digital resources in teaching narrative writing text. The research findings of this research show that English teachers have used digital resources very well, but they still need to optimize the implementation of digital resources for further learning.


Technology has an essential role as a supporting aspect of human life. Furthermore, digital technology penetrates every aspect of our daily lives, including our interactions at work, school, and in our personal lives (Fullan, 2013). Perhaps because of the tremendous transforming tools that new technology has delivered, our quality of life is improving. In other words, the extension of digital technology into some science fields has elevated digital information skills to a crucial success criterion (Ertl, Csanadi, & Tarnai, 2020). Digital resources in education are also influenced by the transformation process from manual to digital technology as the times develop.

The verse clearly describes natural phenomena that are always faced and accompany the journey of human life to be understood, and studied, so that knowledge and technology are born. Therefore, as hinted at in the verse above, only people who know the essence of nature know, namely those who are intensely engaged in searching because of their high curiosity by maximizing the work of the mind.

Teachers can take advantage of technology as innovation and creativity in delivering material to students. In the 21st century, this is a big challenge that teachers must face in the world of education. Teachers must be able to keep up with technical advancements, which are both changing and improving. If the teacher is unable to keep up with or cope with technological advancements and improvements, the teachers will be replaced by technology. So, the use of technology must be mastered by teachers, from kindergarten teachers to university lecturers (Aji, 2018).

Conventional learning that is monotonous and not stimulating for active learning for learners can result in interest in students to learn, it can result in national education

goals are difficult to achieve optimally (Rehalat, 2014). The role of literacy has a significant influence on improving the quality of education. By mastering literacy, students will be able to understand the material being taught more easily and be able to apply it in everyday life. Indonesia's literacy level is in the bottom six according to UNESCO. The survey stated that Indonesia is number 74 out of 79 or six ranks from the bottom. This happened because one of the factors was the limited facilities and infrastructure for literacy activities, both within the educational environment and outside the educational environment. The birth of digitalization is expected to be able to support literacy activities. With digital learning, the insights gained by students will also be broader, because they do not only depend on physical reading materials or books.

Digital resources in the world of education are no stranger in the era of globalization. According to Guimarães and Hildeblando Júnior (2022), digital educational resources used in education have long been used, Nowadays, it is difficult to conceive educational procedures without containing the benefits provided by digital technologies. According to several studies, industrialized nations have a good implementation of digital tools for education like the USA (Tyler-Wood, Cockerham, & Johnson, 2018), Norway (Instefjord & Munthe, 2017), and China (Wang, Tigelaar, & Admiraal, 2019). That means many developed countries have used digital resources as a supporting media which is an important aspect in the world of education.

One of the applications of digital resources in the areas of education is the use of the Internet and multimedia in the learning process (Akbar & Noviani, 2019). However, the application of digital resources is not only related to the physical contribution of technology but also being able to manage processes and technology resources appropriately which will provide solutions for the development of access, quality, and social justice in the field of education. According to (Nesbit, Belfer, & Vargo, 2002) digital resources are chosen based on procedure, subject-matter understanding, material quality, potential efficacy as a teaching tool, and user-friendliness for both teachers and students.

Previous research conducted by (Muhaimin et al., 2019) that the use of digital resources can help improve education standards, notably for teachers. Few studies have examined the use of technology in rural education, compared to those that have examined its usage in urban and suburban schools. Meanwhile, in this study, the focus is on Open Educational Research (OER) used by teachers on subject writing in Vocational High School Ibnu Khaldun. Other previous research conducted by Goodwyn, (2000) Back in 2000 the teaching of English considered the modifications that digital resources might make to the English classroom and looked at the advantages of utilizing technology in the literature classroom. Researchers' interest in the digital materials utilized in writing classes makes this study different than other research (Anshari, Adeliya, Mendieta, & Dafit, 2023).

In today's digital era, the need for writing skills is very high. The spearhead of the first information provider on the internet is writing. That's why then how important is ideal and quality writing as one of the determinants of success in global competition? The

researcher decided to conduct research in the writing class, One of the reasons is because digital resources and writing are both closely related and both are quite important in today's technological era. This is closely related to writing techniques that meet the requirements of human reading. With good writing skills and adequate technological support, quality writing can be produced or become very high-quality and effective output by students. We can draw a simple conclusion that writing skills are very important in this technological era. It is in line with (Affifa & Barus, 2020) that writing is an important language skill that should be taught from elementary school up to the university level, Some experts and research have proved that writing is the most difficult skill because in producing writing text students need to find the ideas and think about the way to express and arrange a statement and paragraph that is clear to be understood by the reader.

There are numerous facets to good writing. On a more fundamental level, it typically involves the appropriate, skilled, and accurate use of language. It may also include content quality and rhetorical flair. When it comes to the teaching and learning of writing, a student's capacity to write well is built via practice and is aided by the teachers' insightful criticism (Lim & Phua, 2019). This means, that in the teaching-learning process of writing, many aspects need to be considered by an educator, Besides With the development of the era, the emergence of technology can simplify things for teachers to support and improve students' writing skills.

Based on the result of pre-observation through direct experience of the researcher in teaching English. There are many digital resources used and they are quite helpful in the learning process in that class. The teacher's use of digital sources at that time included eBooks, PPT files, YouTube videos, and e-portfolios. The advantage of having digital resources in teaching English is to add references to one object of study being studied. Without digital sources, the learning process is less than optimal because there are bound to be limited references to knowledge and less effective and quality learning. Digital sources can also make it easier for teachers and students to access learning in real-time.

Furthermore, According to (Sorrentino, 2018), with the development of educational resources, particularly in the area of artificial intelligence, educators and policymakers have been more interested in using technology, like a Linguistic Feedback Tool (LiFT), to assist students in increasing their English skills. Considering the importance of digital resources are needed to support education. Students are expected to be able to benefit from this research to improve their abilities in English Subjects by using digital resources and teachers can also improve their teaching process. This research aims to know how digital resources can help the teaching process and the implementation of digital resources to support their skill in English.

Research Methods

The appropriate research approach for this research is qualitative. Qualitative research is aimed to explain or express the experience of the respondents. According to (Rahmat, 2009), a qualitative research approach "produces descriptive data as a form of utterance and script from a responder," according to the dictionary. It implies that a

description will be the outcome of qualitative research. This provides a much richer, deeper, and more nuanced understanding of many of the phenomena and issues under investigation by employing the more observational and human‐centric techniques available through the use of qualitative methods (Garcia & Gluesing, 2013).

The researcher used a descriptive qualitative research design for this study. The objective of the descriptive qualitative approach is to explain using information about the link between interpretation and data to look for comprehension of observation in addition to seeking the truth. Descriptive qualitative data are usually collected by questionnaire or interview. It is in line with (Lambert & Lambert, 2012) that the goal of qualitative descriptive studies is a comprehensive summarization, in everyday terms, of specific events experienced by individuals or groups of individuals. Data collection of qualitative descriptive studies focuses on discovering the nature of the specific events under study. Thus, data collection involves minimal to moderate, structured, open-ended, individual or focus group interviews. However, data collection also may include observations, and examination of records, reports, photographs, and documents.

The research will be conducted in 2023, The research subject of this research is Vocational High School Ibnu Khaldun Cirebon. The samples of this study are English Teachers from the first grade of Vocational High School Ibnu Khaldun. The researcher chooses the subject with consideration that (a) the English teachers in Vocational High Schools have experienced both offline and online teachers so they can give feedback to the research data from multiple perspectives, and (b) Teachers have experienced at least one or two years of teaching in writing class at the school so they are among a group of teachers that experienced in implementing digital resources in teaching English writing.

Results and Discussion

  1. The Implementation of Digital Resources as Supporting Learning Media in Teaching Narrative Writing Text

    In this section researcher uses observational study to answer a research question based purely on what the researcher observes. According to observation to answer the second question of this research “How is the implementation of digital resources as supporting learning media in teaching narrative writing text?”, the researcher divided it into some parts. Even so, it is a unity part of the teaching process carried out by English Teachers in implementing digital resources in narrative writing text. Some of part following are: (a) Teachers’ preparation before class meets (b) Explaining the topic in the class (c) Implementing digital resources (d) Teacher’s ability (e) Reviewing learning. Furthermore, it is in line with Georgetown.edu that Teaching is fundamentally a process, including planning, implementation, evaluation, and revision.

    1. Teachers’ preparation

      Teaching can be a challenging but rewarding profession that allows to guide students as they learn about important topics and materials. If teachers want to help students develop skills and competencies for success, preparation can be an important part of the teaching journey. Based on observation, the implementation of digital

      resources as supporting learning media in teaching narrative writing text, T1 and T2 prepare several teaching resources/materials including educational digital resources as supporting media to accommodate their students' needs for teaching materials. That is attached to the e-module of each teacher. E-module of each teacher is part of a series on planning in teaching. E-module helps the teacher to guide the teaching process according to the plan for the achievement of the learning objectives themselves. Firstly, the T1 and T2 check the suitability between e-module and teaching materials including digital resources that will be used in the teaching-learning process. Secondly, T1 and T2 bring the teaching tools that will be used when presenting material in implementing digital resources like a laptop, in-focus projector, Soundsystem, etc. and teachers also check including internet/Wi-Fi in the school area.

      Based on the results of these observations, it can be concluded that teachers T1 and T2 have tried optimally in preparing for the application of digital resources as supporting media in learning in narrative text writing class. T1 and T2 have the same ways and steps in preparing for the application of digital resources in narrative text writing class.

    2. Teachers’ explanation

      Based on observation, T1 provides explanations regarding topics and materials through PowerPoint (PPT). While T2 uses an introduction to learning material through a narrative text explanatory video.

      T1 used PowerPoint that has been made previously, PowerPoint contains general material related to the notion of narrative text whose references come from Wikipedia, then there is an additional definition of narrative text, then on the next slide, there is an example of a narrative story with the title "the woodcutter and the golden ax.", and finally contains a quiz that should be answered by students. While T2 use learning video that has access to YouTube directly, the teacher takes material from Madame English Channel with the video titled “Narrative Text”. The video opens with a definition, structure, characteristics, an example story of narrative text, and questions about that.

    3. Teachers’ implementation of digital resources

      1. The implementation of digital resources by T1

        Based on observation, the researcher found that the teachers used laptops, in-focus Projectors, and speakers as a tool for delivering material in the teaching process. In the teaching process while observing in the class the students were directly enthused and focused on the LCD projector through the PowerPoint while the teachers displayed materials. In delivering material the teacher brought the material about the narrative text, Students were enthusiastic in gathering material in learning. Students’ enthusiasm increases when the teacher delivers the narrative story in YouTube video form.

        In some parts of the video, the teacher stops the video to ask response/perception of students. The teacher also gives some additional knowledge about the structure and characteristics of narrative text. In the next step, Students are given a written narrative text that sources from the Education Website with the same story as the one in the videos to read individually. After watching the video, the students are asked to answer some questions through Quizzes (e-Quiz) that are given by the teacher. After the first meeting

        finished, the teacher gave assignments for students to find and read narrative text stories from other sources (Apps Learning) that were recommended by the teacher for learning in the next meeting. Apps Learning that are recommended by teachers are Fairy Tale Apps. In the next Meeting about narrative text writing, Students were asked to provide feedback from the video narrative text they had watched from Apps Learning Their Own House. Then, Students are asked to make a simple narrative text based on personal experience. In the last session, there were group discussions, and essay work as a reflection of learning.

      2. The implementation of digital resources by T2

        Based on the results of observations made in narrative writing class and how teachers apply digital resources in their teaching. Obtained data that the teachers used laptops, in-focus Projector, and speakers as a tool to deliver material in the teaching process. The students were directly enthused and focused on the LCD projector through the screen while the teachers displayed materials. In the first meeting, the teacher delivered a Video on YouTube containing material about narrative text. In the last session of the video, some questions should be answered by students. So, the teacher gives reinforcement knowledge from e-books that are used as primary references to delivering narrative material. Next, the teacher provides an example of written narrative text that resources from an Education Website to read by students. After that, the students were asked to answer some questions related to the story through G-form (e-Quiz) that was shown by the teacher. In the second meeting, the Teacher provided tasks for students to look for references to make simple narrative texts based on students’ personal experiences/imagination. Lastly, students make discussion groups and learning closed by filling essays as reflections on learning.

    4. Teacher’s ability to implement digital resources

      Teaching materials not only show text but also multimedia content of each description as well as applications and simulations. 'Teaching material' is at the same time an expression of teacher performance. T1 and T2 in this case are seen as users of existing digital resources, not acting as redesigns. Internal factors play a very important role, especially the attributes possessed by each teacher because of their respective competencies and experiences. The importance of digital resources in education and the large contribution made by teachers, assuming a different role in handling digital resources due to the internal influences mentioned earlier.

      Based on observation, T1 and T2 can properly place the digital resources they use. The teacher also can influence the teaching-learning process by using his didactic skills and taking into account the current situation, thus contributing to his innovation. Both of them can implement digital resources appropriately. Some of the conclusions about teacher’s ability to implement digital resources: (1). Teachers can utilize many digital resources in the teaching process; (2). Existing digital resources can be utilized as well as possible and are by existing principles; (3). Teachers use various digital resources to support learning (PPT files, YouTube videos, e-Quiz, e-books, Apps Learning/podcasts, Education Websites); (4). Digital resources that are packaged simply (because of the

      teacher's ability to choose them accordingly and fit), make learning more interesting, fun, and meaningful.

    5. Teachers’ reviews on the learning process

The review process after the class finishes is an opportunity for symbiotic learning between teacher and student to enhance subsequent learning. Review or evaluation is one of the ways in a continuous process and a periodic exercise in the teaching and learning process. Based on Observation, firstly the teacher asks some of the things to students related to the learning process of narrative text material. During the implementation of learning, I saw a lot of positive responses from students. That is also directly proportional to some of the student's answers to the teacher's questions regarding the review of the learning process. Some question related to the review of the learning from teacher to student has been written by the researcher or observer.

Here's the list of questions of T1, 1. Did you pay attention to the subject matter delivered by the teacher? 2. Do you write down material that is considered important when the teacher explains it? 3. Did the subject matter interest you? 4. Are you satisfied with your learning process today? The majority of students answered positively ‘yes’ to these four questions. While T2 only asks two questions; 1. Do you (students) understand about narrative text material today? 2. Did the teacher present the lesson very fun and easy-to-understand way? A positive response is given by the majority of students.

The research findings show the implementation of digital resources as supporting learning media in Teaching narrative writing text by English teachers. As a result of observation, it can be concluded that: Firstly, English teachers have prepared and implemented digital resources as supporting learning media in teaching narrative classes very well. Second thing, English teachers have to explain the material based on the topic and use various digital resources appropriately. Thirdly, English teachers can implement various digital resources in teaching narrative writing text. So, the class is more interesting, fun, and attractive. Lastly, English teachers review the learning process by asking the question directly to the student as one of the ways to know the benefits or challenges of digital resources that have been used on the material by the student.

Teaching resources and materials are some of the factors that can assist in the implementation of effective teaching and learning. Hence, (Oliva, 2005), also recommended that the materials to be used in teaching must be properly prepared and collected before any teaching begins. There are many teaching resources and materials that can be applied in lessons. However, this research focuses on teaching digital resources. Usually, before starting to teach, the teacher prepares material including its supporting media. It’s an important thing to achieve effectiveness in the teaching process overall. Preparation can also be seen not only through observation but when it can also be seen by making lesson plans or modules by teachers.

Based on Observation, there are many types of digital resources used by English teachers, among others: PPT File, Video YouTube, e-Quiz, eBooks, Apps Learning, and Education Websites. Roles of teachers is to implement digital resources appropriately. Accuracy in the implementation of digital resources requires the ability of the teacher

himself. That is why, English teachers must have the ability when implement digital resources. The ability of a teacher is influenced by some factors. According to a previous study (Wang et al., 2019), the effect size (standardized coefficients) indicates that teachers' age, attitude toward using Digital Educational Resources (DERs), and knowledge and skills are more strongly related to their use of DERs. The finding that DERs are more intensively used by teachers who have more years of experience in using DERs, is in agreement with the finding of Tondeur et al. (2012), indicating the importance of technological learning experience in technology integration.

Other factors are also conveyed by Blömeke et al. (2015), highlighting situation-specific skills that mediate between cognitive dispositions (e.g., teacher knowledge) and teacher performance in the classroom. Situation-specific skills are regarded as more proximal to teacher performance than teacher knowledge (König et al., 2021a). Several approaches have adopted this modified focus on teacher competence. Current research on teacher competence is challenged to relate to and expand its frameworks and models to the new professional demands that teachers must meet in the transformative process of digitalization at school (McFarlane, 2019; Selwyn, 2012). As far, as English teacher indicates their ability or competency to implement digital resources as long as well and appropriately. Digital resources can be used to support the delivery of the main material for students. The result is that the teacher created an effective, fun, and more meaningful class in teaching narrative writing text. It can be validated through teachers’ review of learning from students’ perspectives in the last session.

In another case, failure to implement digital resources can happen in the teaching process. Researchers such as (Bingimlas, 2009), Brandl (2002), Cüre and Özdener (2008), (Karamustafaoğlu, Sevim, KARAMUSTAFAOĞLU, & Cepni, 2003) have proposed that this circumstance rests largely on the failure of classroom teachers to effectively integrate digital learning tools in their practice; therefore, a great deal of attention has been focused on understanding the reasons for this failure. In this respect, Bingimlas (2009) refers to two distinctive types of impediments that impair language teachers’ use of technology and contribute to their lack of digital literacy: (1) “intrinsic” barriers, which concern teachers’ confidence, beliefs, and attitudes toward using digital learning tools; and (2) “extrinsic” factors, including limitations in terms of training, institutional support, time, and access to computer resources.

Intrinsic barriers to technology use. About intrinsic factors, a deficiency in digital literacies, or insufficient knowledge of technical tools and how to apply them for instructional purposes have frequently been cited as leading factors in EFL teachers’ failure to incorporate digital materials in their practice. As Hockly (2012) points out, language teachers “may not feel confident with technology themselves or have received little or no training in how to use technology”. This shortcoming may significantly impair teachers’ capacity to provide an instructional environment that allows language learners to take advantage of these valuable educational resources (Cüre & Özdener, 2008; Özdener & İmamoğlu, 2005).

Failure in the implementation of digital resources can occur if teachers do not have experience and do not know how to use digital resources to support learning media proficiently. From the things above it can be concluded, that the importance of preparation material, suitability of digital resources that be used with the material presented by English teachers, teacher abilities or competencies (their experience) to implement digital resources in teaching, and students' perspectives through review on learning including the use of digital resources in class.


The implementation of digital resources by English teachers in Vocational High School Ibnu Khaldun in 10th Grade in the academic years of 2022/2023, it can be concluded that First, English teachers have prepared and implemented digital resources as supporting learning media in teaching narrative class very well. Second, English teachers have to explain the material based on the topic and use various digital resources appropriately. Third, English teachers implement various digital resources in teaching narrative writing text. So, the class is more interesting, fun and attractive. Fourth, English teachers reviewed the learning process by asking questions directly to students as one way to know the advantages or challenges of digital resources that have been used by students.


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