pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 9 September 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i9.709 1531
Muhammad Irfan Fauzi
Darussalam Tegalsari Islamic Institute Banyuwangi, Indonesia
: 31-08-2023
: 18-09-2023
: 25-09-2023
The objectives in this study are as follows: (1) To describe and study
more deeply about the principal's management in improving teacher
professionalism in the Muadalah, Wustho Al-Amiriyah Ponpes
Darussalam Blokagung Education Unit (2) To describe the principal's
managerial steps in improving the professionalism of teacher teachers in
the Muadalah, Wustho Al-Amiriyah Ponpes Darussalam Blokagung
Education Unit. The data collection used in this study was observation,
interviews and documentation. This type of research is in the form of
qualitative research. Data is analyzed in the form of data reduction, data
presentation and conclusions. By design take data sources on principals
and teachers. The results showed that the managerial principal of the
Mudari Wustho Al-Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit consisted of 1.
planning, 2. implementation, 3. surveillance, 4. Organizing. The
principal as manager plays the role of 1. educator, 2. manager, 3.
supervisor, 4. motivators, 5. Innovator. The managerial steps taken by
the principal are to carry out 1. supervision, 2. give rewards, 3.
motivating 4. encourage continuing further education. For this reason,
researchers concluded that the principal as a manager carries out his
duties well to improve teacher professionalism can be seen from how the
principal makes efforts to improve teacher professionalism.
Keywords: education;
managerial principal; teacher
The headmaster plays a very important role in influencing and directing all existing
school personnel, in order to work together in an effort to achieve the goals of the school
organization (Sholeh, 2016). No less important is the productivity of school organizations
as seen in the form of effectiveness and efficiency of management as well as the quality
and quantity of graduates, much determined by the existence of a high work discipline in
work performance or performance (work performance) of school personnel (Ahmad
Susanto, 2016). The performance of teachers in a form of carrying out the task of
educating and teaching their students, very much also determined or influenced by their
work motivation. The effective leadership behavior of the principal determines or greatly
influences the performance of teachers (Fitriati & Mulyani, 2015).
The principal has a role as a manager in his school who is responsible as a leader
of the educational process in the school, related to the professionalism of teachers under
the auspices of the principal's manageriality (Syamsul, 2017). The new paradigm of
education management in order to improve quality effectively, needs to be supported by
quality human resources (Nurkomala, Wahyudi, & Faizal Nurmatias, 2021).
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1532
The principal is a teacher who is appointed to a structural position in the school, the
principal is assigned to manage the school (Lazwardi, 2016). Successful principals
understand the existence of schools as complex organizations. The success of the
principal shows that the principal is someone who determines the center point and purpose
of a school. It can be said that the success of a school is the result of the principal
(Kastawi, Nugroho, & Miyono, 2021). The role of the principal as a manager reflects the
responsibility to mobilize all resources in the school, so that a high work ethic and
productivity are born in achieving goals. The principal must have a vision and mission,
as well as a complete education management strategy and be oriented towards teacher
As for the role of managerialism of the principal in the Islamic perspective based
on the Qur'an surah An-nahl verse 90:
It means: Indeed, Allah commands justice, good deeds, and provides assistance to
relatives. He (also) forbade heinous acts, disobedience, and hostility. He taught you a
lesson so that you can always remember.
In the above paragraph there is content that explains the principal to apply
managerialism in the institution or educational institution he leads.
According to (Matondang, 2018), managerial competence is the ability of school
principals in the form of technical abilities in carrying out their duties as education
managers. The managerial competence shown in what he does is clear. That is, activities
that are collected from several fundamental functions into a unique process.
According to (Spinner, Desy, & Amrami, 2016), professionalism is actually a need
for everyone in carrying out all their work, not except for a teacher. This professional
attitude is even one of the main determinants for the success of a profession. Any
profession, if done professionally will give good results. Conversely, even bona fide
work, if not done professionally, only gives birth to losses and bankruptcy. In simple
terms, it can be said that being a professional figure is being an expert in the field of work
done. For a teacher, professionalism is definitely a non-negotiable demand. Because, it is
impossible for a teacher to be able to produce quality students if he does not have expertise
in teaching, lacks mastery and understanding of the subject matter taught, and is
professional in dealing with problems or obstacles that come from students.
From the definition that has been stated above, the author concludes that what is
meant by a profession is a type of work that is not done by relying on physical strength,
but requires higher education for people who enter it, and is based on special knowledge
and skills and gets recognition from others. Continuously develop the strategies he uses
in doing work that is in accordance with his profession.
Improving Teacher Professionalism Through Managerial Principals At The Muadalahwustho
Education Unit, Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung, Banyuwangi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1533
The professionalism of teachers according to the Islamic perspective in the Qur'an
surah Al-Isra' verse 84:
Meaning: Say (Prophet Muhammad), "Everyone acts according to his own nature." Then
your Lord knows better who is more righteous in his ways.
Based on the redaction of the above paragraph has content that contains instructions
that an action or work, should be done professionally, and the redaction of the above
paragraph is related to the professionalism of the teacher, a teacher should carry out his
work must be in accordance with the professionalism of the teacher.
Based on preliminary observations made by researchers in January 2022 about the
principal's managerial in improving teacher professionalism at the MuadalahWustho Al-
Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit, the principal has done all his duties well because
he has been able to manage or manage the system in the school well. The principal is able
to manage based on appropriate management procedures and steps, the principal in
improving teacher professionalism requires teachers to be able to carry out their duties
professionally with their competencies (Hamalik, 2002).
In terms of improving the professionalism of their teachers, the principal also
requires his teachers to be orderly in making lesson plans, controlling the implementation
of learning and evaluating learning periodically. The principal's efforts to achieve the
goals of the school organization are one of them by optimally empowering his teachers,
namely the principal always involves teachers and provides opportunities to actively
participate in Subject Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) activities and participate in Teacher
Working Group (KKG) discussions, workshops, seminars, upgrades, education and
training (training) for each subject, and provide opportunities to continue education. In
addition, the principal also conducts coaching improvement efforts to teachers by
motivating teachers to improve knowledge, skills and insights in order to improve their
performance and professionalism. Because here teachers must have passed the S1
program and teachers must master Computer Technology Science (ITC).
Thus, the principal must have a managerial role in improving teacher
professionalism. So that the teaching and learning process is not saturated or monotonous
and produces quality graduates. Based on the explanation above, it can be seen that the
managerialism of the principal in the Muadalah, Wustho Al-Amiriyah Blokagung
Education Unit starts from planning, programing, implementing programs and evaluating
programs assisted by all components in the Muadalah, Wustho Al-Amiriyah Blokagung
Education Unit, in order to achieve the program well.
Research Methods
In this study, researchers used qualitative research methods. According to (Zuchri,
2021), qualitative research can be used to examine temporary problems, and will develop
after a researcher has started to go into the field to conduct research. Qualitative research
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1534
method is an appropriate research method because the research to be studied is a
discussion that will change and develop at any time in accordance with the existing social
This research uses one of the types of qualitative research, namely descriptive
qualitative. Descriptive qualitative research aims to provide an overview of a particular
group or a symptom or the relationship of two or more symptoms. The qualitative-
descriptive research method can help researchers to determine the managerialism of
school principals in improving teacher professionalism in the Muadalah, Wustho Al-
Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit.
Results and Discussion
The results showed that the managerial principal of the Mudari Wustho Al-
Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit consisted of 1. planning, 2. implementation, 3.
supervision, 4. organizing. the principal as a manager acts as 1. educator, 2. manager, 3.
supervisor, 4. motivator, 5. innovator. The managerial steps taken by the principal are to
carry out 1. supervision, 2. reward reward, 3. motivate 4. encourage continuing further
1. Analysis of Principal's Managerialism in Improving Teacher Professionalism in the
Mudari Education Unit Wustho Al-Amiriyah Ponpes Darussalam Blokagung.
In principal managerialism the things that need to be done and need to be prepared
are planning, organizing, implementing and supervising.
a. Planning Principal's Managerialism in Improving Teacher Professionalism
The principal's managerial activities in improving teacher professionalism in the
MuadalahWustho Al-Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit are as follows, namely,
determining planning by determining various stages of stages including: formulation of
school vision and mission, formulation of work programs, formulation of school rules.
According to Uzer Usman (2015: 14) Planning is a process of preparing a series of
decisions to take action in the future directed at achieving goals with optimal means.
Planning is the first activity to be carried out in administration. A good plan should be
directed at what kind of goals will be achieved with regard to goal setting, why they are
needed with respect to the reason or motive for the need for the activity, how it will be
carried out with respect to work procedures, objectives, and costs. When it will be carried
out in respect of persons involved in the implementation of activities. conduct an
assessment regarding which activities, which have been jam, are, and will be completed.
What possibilities may affect the implementation and activities of making adjustments
and changes in plans.
Based on the results of the research, the first thing done by the principal in the
implementation of planning is to determine the goals as a manifestation of the school
towards the vision and mission, explain what is to be achieved in the school development
efforts in the middle period as outlined in the work program, and the formulation of
targets that are the school's targets, namely short-term goals, good improvement, quality
Improving Teacher Professionalism Through Managerial Principals At The Muadalahwustho
Education Unit, Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung, Banyuwangi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1535
improvement, Effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency, priorities are always
considered seriously and made specifically.
The main purpose of planning is for the organization to be able to see objectively
the internal and external conditions so that the organization can anticipate changes in the
external environment. From the researcher's response that in planning the implementation
of management carried out all are carried out properly based on the documentation
obtained when conducting research.
b. Organizing Principal's Managerialism in Improving Teacher Professionalism
Organizing activities for the principal's management in improving teacher
professionalism, carried out by the principal of the Muadalah Wustho Al-Amiriyah
Blokagung Education Unit by dividing the work programs of education personnel in
accordance with their abilities.
Organizing according to (Hidayat & Syam, 2020) includes dividing the components
of activities needed to achieve goals into groups, dividing tasks to hold groupings
designed to enable humans to work together effectively to achieve common goals. Taking
into account this opinion, all planned work programs will succeed well if the program is
organized, appointed the person in charge, given clear instructions and task descriptions.
With the clarity of the person in charge and the corridor of duties, overlap and vagueness
can be avoided (Djollong, 2015).
c. Principal's Managerial Implementation in Improving Teacher Professionalism
Actuating or implementation has an important meaning in the implementation of
organizational activities because it is also the core of management. Without
implementation, the plan that has been compiled cannot be implemented because there is
no driving force for the implementer to carry out his duties and be willing to cooperate.
In the implementation of actuating carried out, among others, is the provision of
motivation, guidance, relationship building, communication implementation,
development or improvement of implementers (developing people)
Based on the results of an interview with the Principal of the Mudari Wustho Al-
Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit Mr. Muhammad Ma'ruf Arwani, S.Pd, in the
implementation program, the principal provided opportunities for teachers by providing
guidance to participate in trainings according to the fields held by teachers to improve
teacher professionalism. Trainings both conducted by external and internal parties can be
carried out and included according to the abilities of each teacher. In addition, the
principal motivates teachers to include or continue their studies to further deepen the
knowledge set. In addition to deepening knowledge, it can add new experiences for
According to Budi Suhardiman (2012: 44) said that management is a special
process consisting of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising carried out to
determine and achieve predetermined targets through the use of human resources and
d. Supervision of Principal Managerialism in Improving Teacher Professionalism
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In every implementation of organizational work, supervision is a major factor in
achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Supervision is the process of
determining what will be achieved, namely standards. What is being produced, namely
implementation, assessing implementation and if necessary taking corrective actions so
that implementation can proceed according to plan, namely standards. Also formulate
supervision (controlling) as an effort to examine the activities that have been carried out.
The principle of effective supervision helps our efforts to organize planned work to ensure
that the execution of the work takes place according to plan.
Supervision can only be carried out if the manager can be responsible for the
implementation of the plan. Effective supervision should be aimed at prevention,
deviation, planning that will occur, both now and in the future. The most effective
supervision technique is to strive for the presence of good quality subordinates.
Supervision can be carried out through predetermined stages based on pre-prepared
planning. The supervisory process can be carried out through stages as follows:
determining standards or bases for supervision, measuring work implementation,
comparing implementation with standards and determining deviations, taking corrective
actions if there are deviations so that implementation and objectives are in accordance
with the plan.
Based on the results of an interview with the principal of the Muadalah, Wustho
Al-Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit under the supervision of the principal visits
every school day to see the attendance of teachers and ask for reports to teachers as well
as reports on learning activities. The general supervisor visits the classroom to see the
activities carried out by the teacher and collaborates with the principal to conduct a
supervision, in addition the principal as the supervisor at the school provides an
assessment to the teacher by looking at the completeness of the syllabus, annual program,
semester program, KKM, RPP, daily agenda, education calendar, effective days, lesson
schedule, class attendance, and grade list. The supervision carried out by the principal to
the teacher is to see the professionalism of the teacher. The headmaster improves teacher
professionalism by providing guidance and direction to teachers.
2. Analysis of Principal's Management Steps in Improving Teacher Professionalism in
the Mudari Wustho Al-Amiriyah Education Unit for the 2022/2023 school year
Based on Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, article 1
states that teachers are professional educators with their core obligations being to carry
out education, teaching, guidance, direction, training, assessment, and evaluation of
students in formal early childhood education, primary, and secondary education. While
article 7 states that the teaching profession and the lecturer profession are fields of work.
Teachers as a profession have a series of important tasks consisting of education,
teaching, and training. Educational activities mean continuing and deepening various
values of life. Teaching activities mean continuing and developing science and
technology and training activities to develop various talents and abilities in students.
Teacher professionalism in learning is a manifestation of work results in planning,
implementing, and evaluating student learning outcomes. In carrying out this
Improving Teacher Professionalism Through Managerial Principals At The Muadalahwustho
Education Unit, Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung, Banyuwangi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1537
performance, there are several competencies that determine the success of a teacher in
carrying out their duties. The competencies applied refer to the Regulation of the Minister
of National Education Number 16 of 2007 concerning Standards of Academic
Qualifications and Teacher Competencies, including competencies in the pedagogic,
personality, social, and professional fields.
The principal becomes the decisive party for the development and progress of a
school. In view of national education policy, referring to the Regulation of the Minister
of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2007 concerning
Education Management Standards by Primary and Secondary Education Units, there are
7 duties and functions of school principals, namely principals as educators, managers,
administrators, supervisors, leaders, innovators, and motivators. To be able to carry out
these duties and functions, the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2007 concerning Principal Standards explains that
school principals should have 5 main competencies, namely competencies in the fields of
personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision, and in the social field.
Based on interviews, and documentation with the principal of the Mudari Wustho
Al-Amiriyah Education Unit of Banywangi Regency, Mr. Muhammad Ma'ruf Arwani,
S.Pd, that the principal's managerial steps in improving teacher professionalism have the
following objectives:
a. Improve the quality of teacher teaching;
b. Improve and develop teaching materials in teaching and learning activities
c. Develop teaching methods; d. Improve the assessment of the media;
d. Develop the teacher's attitude towards his duties.
The steps taken by the principal of the Mudari Wustho Al-Amiriyah Education Unit
in improving teacher professionalism are:
a. Carry out supervision;
b. Provide rewards;
c. Motivate and encourage education;
d. Teacher development through assignments
Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Ady Yahya S.Sos, one of the
teachers of the Muyang Wustho AL-Amiriyah Education Unit, the steps taken by teachers
in improving their professionals independently include: attending seminars, training,
workshops, MGMP, continuing education, and learning from various media. According
to Cucu Suhana (2016: 16) to improve teacher professionalism can also be done by
participating in scientific activities, attending educational courses and participating in
teacher organizations. With the increase in teacher professionalism, it is expected to
improve the learning process in the classroom for the better. If the learning process goes
better, the learning outcomes will increase.
In the context of the Mudari Wustho Al-Amiriyah Blokagung Education Unit,
Banyuwangi, East Java Regency, the principal's managerialism is seen through the stages
Muhammad Irfan Fauzi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1538
of planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. The planning process carried out
by the principal includes the preparation of a vision, mission, and work program that
includes teacher duties, the implementation of discipline, and curriculum and lesson plans
(RPP). Evaluation is carried out through daily assessments, with assessment aspects
including syllabus, annual programs, semester programs, KKM, RPP, independent
curriculum assessment, daily agenda, education calendar, effective days, lesson
schedules, class attendance, and grade lists. The principal's role includes educator,
motivator, innovator, supervisor, manager, and leader. The principal's managerial steps
in supporting the improvement of teacher professionalism involve several aspects. This
includes the implementation of teacher working group meetings (KKG) which are held
periodically every month, while teachers are also directed to take part in education and
training programs (training), seminars, Continuous Professional Development (PKB),
and workshops. These activities can be organized by the education office, independent
training institutions, or through participation in seminars that are in accordance with
teacher competence. The headmaster also coordinates the participation of teachers in
trainings and seminars according to their respective fields of study. In addition, the
principal encourages teachers to use interesting and effective learning methods in the
teaching and learning process.
Improving Teacher Professionalism Through Managerial Principals At The Muadalahwustho
Education Unit, Darussalam Islamic Boarding School, Blokagung, Banyuwangi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 2023 1539
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