p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2 024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4875Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in SouthSumatra Province through the Penta Helix ModelFebri Haryadi1*, Sena Putra Prabu Jaya2, Andy AlFatih3Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2,[email protected]3*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: utilization,health services, JKN-KISparticipants.This study aims to determine whether there is an influenceof the level of knowledge of JKN-KIS participants, theattitude of health workers, and the accessibility of healthfacilities simultaneously on the utilization of health servicesfor JKN-KIS participants at Community Health Centers andtheir networks. The method used in this study isquantitative. A minimum of 99 samples from JKN-KISparticipants in the work area of Pematang Panggang III.bHealth Center, Mesuji Makmur District, Ogan KomeringIlir Regency. In this study, there were two hypothesis tests,namely the Partial Significance Test (T-Test) and theSimultaneous Test (F-Test). The data analysis techniqueused descriptive statistical analysis techniques; and multiplelinear regression analysis. The results showed that the levelof knowledge of JKN-KIS participants did not have asignificant effect on the utilization of health services at thePematang Panggang III.b Health Center, Mesuji MakmurDistrict and its network. The accessibility of health facilitieshad a positive and significant effect on the utilization ofhealth services for JKN-KIS participants at the PematangPanggang III.b Health Center, Mesuji Makmur District. Thelevel of knowledge of JKN-KIS participants, the attitude ofhealth workers, and the accessibility of health facilitiessimultaneously had a positive and significant effect on theutilization of health services for JKN-KIS participants at thePematang Panggang III.b Health Center, Mesuji MakmurDistrict. Prosperous Mesuji.IntroductionAs an agrarian country, Indonesia is rich in natural resources, one of which is theforestry sector. Forests are a gift and mandate of God Almighty given to this nation tobe used as much as possible for the prosperity of the country. Forests that are dense, Febri Haryadi, Sena Putra Prabu Jaya, Andy AlFatih
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green, lush, and biodiverse must be grateful and managed properly by the principles of
sustainable development. South Sumatra Province is one of the provinces on the island
of Sumatra that has a very large forest. According to data from South Sumatra Province,
the number of forests and waters in South Sumatra Province in 2022 was recorded as 3.
334. 316.58 hectares. With the area of the forest, the chance of forest and land fires is
very likely to occur considering that we enter the dry season with hot and dry air
conditions. (Service Forestry Province Sumsel, 2022).
Apart from Indonesia, forest and land fires also occur in several countries in the
continental hemisphere such as Asia, America, Europe, and Africa. Here's a table of the
world's countries hit by forest and land fires in 2019: The handling of forest and land
fires in the United States emphasizes prevention. The fundamental concept of forest and
land fire control is in several elements. These elements include command transfer, a
command unit, a chain of command, primary goal-based management, common
operations overview, learning, and operations planning. In the context of operational
planning, he explained P-planning or P-planning. Integrated planning helps in achieving
goals effectively and quickly (Clark & Pietsch, 2018).
Other countries such as Australia also experience forest and land fires with very
dry air conditions in the areas that experience fires. Australia's outback towns have even
given up their very limited water supplies to fight fires. Firefighters there have used dry
extinguishing techniques, which are to create barriers to prevent the burning of organic
Dry extinguishing techniques are carried out using hand tools including hoes,
making fire suppression lines, and using fire retardants. They used excavators and
bulldozers to create a 20-meter-wide strip around the blaze. This strategy will be even
more important considering that the new summer will last in the coming months. The
Fire Service in the state of New South Wales (NSW) is also considering dry
extinguishing techniques.
Extinguishing techniques with helicopters and water bomb aircraft that are
increasingly used are considered unsustainable and expensive. The fire situation is a
momentum to change the approach in efforts to overcome forest and land fires. Land for
residential housing and how to build houses now need to be reviewed. The landscape in
which we live is increasingly dangerous with the arrival of climate change, Firefighters
have witnessed fire behaviour beyond their imagination and this is not just happening in
Australia. This is what climate change looks like and we need to understand what's
happening (Liputan6.com, 2019).
Portugal, which has been hit by forest and land fires, prompted Portugal's Interior
Minister to resign after dozens of people died in major wildfires. Portugal's second
major wildfire this year – after last June – left 41 people dead and hundreds injured
others. Four other people died in Spanish territory, which borders Portugal. Portugal's
president, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has called for the government to be given a strong
mandate to implement reforms in forest fire management and forest management to
prevent similar incidents from happening again. The wildfires in June left 64 dead and
250 injured, making it by far the worst wildfire in Portugal. (BBC, 2017)
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Forest and land fires that occurred in Indonesia from June to October 2015 cost
financial losses of up to Rp 221 trillion. This amount is outside the calculation of losses
in health, education, germplasm, carbon emissions, and other sectors. The loss is higher
than a similar incident in 1997 where forest and land fires cost the country up to Rp 60
trillion. As is known, during that period there were compact forest and land fires in
Jambi, Riau, South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, and East
Kalimantan. The causes are deliberate burning, new land clearing by some
communities, poor management of peat swamp ecosystems, long dry seasons due to El
Nino, and weak supervision.
To overcome this, BNPB spent Rp 720 billion on firefighting. The cost is outside
of the funds issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), the Ministry
of Public Works and Public Housing (Kemenpupera), and the Ministry of Health. The
impact of forest fires, he continued, recorded 24 deaths, more than 600 thousand people
infected with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (ISPA), 60 million people exposed to
smoke, and as many as 2.61 million hectares of forests and land burned. Of the 2.61
million hectares of land that were burned, 33 percent were affected by peatland, aka an
area of 869,754 hectares. Meanwhile, the fire in mineral land covering an area of
1,741,657 hectares or 67 percent of the (Diar et al., 2016).
The geographical condition of the South Sumatra region where the land is partly
peatty causes fires during the dry season to be very difficult to extinguish. Ogan
Komering Ilir, Musi Banyuasin, Ogan Ilir, Banyuasin, Muara Enim, Penukal Abab
Lematang Ilir (PALI), Musi Rawas, Musi Rawas Utara are areas that have peat. With
many peatland areas, the potential for forest and land fires to expand is very likely.
Based on the report on the implementation of the haze disaster emergency
response task force due to forest and land fires in 2019, the area of fires with peatland
types covers an area of 254,164 hectares, and non-peatlands cover an area of 174,192
hectares. This indicates that fires in peatlands are larger and will take a long time to deal
with them and require more resources in terms of funding, facilities and infrastructure,
human resources/personnel, and the right strategy. Forest and land fires are a natural
phenomenon that often occurs because they include various factors, data shows that the
main factor causing forest and land fires is humans. This comes from land-clearing
activities carried out by the community for the management of agricultural fields to
improve the economic level of the community itself. The next factor that causes forest
and land fires is the dry season. The weather will become very hot in the dry season
which causes the soil to dry out very quickly and lose moisture, so that it can trigger
fires until forest and land fires occur. In addition to these two factors, other factors
cause forest and land fires, but still come from human hands, for example, due to the
disposal of cigarette butts. (TATA et al., 2018); (Thoha et al., 2019); (Kumalawati et
al., 2021); (Oktoriana & Hazriani, 2020).
From the phenomenon of forest and land fires that occur, both in Ogan Ilir
Regency and other areas, there will be a lot of impacts and losses for various aspects.
However, the negative impact is much more starting from the health sector, which
causes respiratory tract infections. Then from the economic sector, the state has to
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spend a lot of funds which has an impact on people's incomes (Purnomo, 2017).
Furthermore, forest and land fires have an impact on the aviation sector, namely limited
visibility of pilots due to haze caused by forest and land fires and worse caused violent
protests from neighboring countries, as happened in 2015 Indonesia received protests
from Singapore and Malaysia due to the large amount of smoke from forest and land
fires to obscure the view (Marlina, 2020).
The number of forest and land fires in South Sumatra tends to increase every year.
In dealing with the haze disaster caused by forest and land fires, it is necessary to
involve all elements of the government (including the TNI & Polri), the community, the
business world, the media, and even universities known as the Penta helix model.
Dealing with haze disasters caused by forest and land fires requires complexity and the
involvement of all elements. Synergy with related parties is a form of collaboration in
overcoming any disasters, including forest and land fires that often occur in the South
Sumatra Province area in particular.
To control forest and land fires, the South Sumatra Provincial Government has
made Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2016 concerning Forest and/or Land Fire Control.
This policy is expected to be a reference in the implementation of forest and land fire
control. For this reason, it is considered necessary to measure the extent to which the
implementation of the policy is implemented in practice in the field, considering that
forest and land fires continue to occur every year.
Various efforts have been made by the government in overcoming haze disasters
caused by forest and land fires, all elements must be involved in forest and land fire
management. Based on data on forest and land fire disasters in South Sumatra Province
in 2022, the number of forest and land fire incidents was recorded at 609. So far, the
handling of forest and land fires seems to be only sporadic and mobile when emergency
response situations are carried out. As a result, forest and land fires are not resolved and
the pressure on Indonesia is increasing. Indonesia's inability to overcome forest and
land fires will have a bad effect on diplomacy with other countries, both economic,
social, political, and even drought diplomacy. Forest and land fires can occur every dry
season, and they can occur every year. The actions as mentioned earlier must be
organized starting from pre-disaster, emergency response, and post-disaster. Moreover,
as a consequence of this external strategic environment, it is very possible to involve
various countries in preventive efforts. This confirms once again that the problem of
forest and land fires is a cross-country problem, this will and has even become a global
issue. (Agus et al., 2020).
Forest and land fire control involving multiple sectors is considered more optimal.
By using the Penta helix concept, forest, and land fire control is intended to be even
better. Research on the concept of pentahelix related to forest and land fire management
is considered an ideal tool and the context of forest and land fires whose problems are
more complex and until now have not found the right formulation in the management of
forest and land fires that occur every year in the South Sumatra region.
The important results and recommendations of this study are that the collaboration
of the Pentahelix model in the development of the Harapan Jaya Tourism Village needs
Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra Province through the
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special attention and the lack of communication between actors regarding the Harapan
Jaya Tourism Village. The low funding and management ability as well as the creativity
of skilled human resources in striving to make local tourism industry products,
especially regarding the handicraft and souvenir industry, also affect the suboptimal
level of penthelix collaboration in the development of the Harapan Jaya tourism village.
The research of the pentahelix model related to forest and land fire management has not
been researched or the study is still very minimal, so the author is interested in
conducting research on forest and land fire management from a pentahelix perspective.
The concept of pentahelix was taken by researchers because this model is considered
suitable and more complex in dealing with forest and land fires that occur every year in
South Sumatra Province. From the description above, the author wants to better
understand and analyze forest and land fire management in South Sumatra Province
through the Penta helix model. For this reason, the author is interested in taking the title
"Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra Province through the
Penta Helix Model".
The purpose of this study is to find out the strategy of forest and land fire
management in South Sumatra Province from the perspective of penta helix; to find out
what factors cause forest and land fire management in South Sumatra Province that are
not optimal; to find out the efforts to control forest and land fires in South Sumatra
Province from the perspective of penta helix.
This research uses a qualitative method. The focus of the research will sharpen
the discussion of the research questions so that data collection, both interviews,
secondary data, observation, and analysis of research results is more directed. This
research unit is the provincial government (BPBD, Plantation Service, Agriculture
Service, Plantation Service, Forestry Service, Village Community Empowerment
Service, Environment Service, Sumatra Regional Climate Change Control Center,
Korem 044 GAPO and South Sumatra Police), Business World (Indonesian Forest
Entrepreneurs Association and the Association of Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association),
Academics (Sriwijaya University), Community Organizations (WALHI) and mass
media (Sumeks, Detik Sumbagsel). The technique of withdrawing informants is carried
out by purposive sampling, which is by the characteristics that have been made by
researchers, including the government, the business world, academics, the community,
and the mass media. (Creswell & Poth, 2016). The primary data of this study was
obtained by conducting interviews. In-depth interviews will be conducted with all
informants in this study. Secondary data is data that is not obtained directly from the
data source. The data and information that have been collected are then analyzed using
the data analysis techniques used by Miles and Huberman.
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Results and Discussion
Model Penta Helix
In the Penta helix model used for forest and land fire management, the
government plays a central role as a coordinator and policy maker. The involvement of
various government agencies such as BPBD, Forestry Service, Plantation Service, and
others as outlined in this study illustrates the important role of the government in this
model as follows:
1. The role of regulators and policymakers
The government is responsible for making and enforcing regulations that support
the prevention of forest and land fires, such as land use supervision, prohibition of forest
burning, and sanctions against perpetrators who violate the rules. In this case, the
government through the Forestry Service and the South Sumatra DPRD has initiated the
creation of Regional Regulation (Perda) of South Sumatra Province Number 8 of 2016
concerning Forest and/or Land Fire Control. On the other hand, the South Sumatra
Regional Police has issued a Joint Proclamation on the prohibition of clearing land by
2. Inter-Agency Coordination
The government acts as a liaison between various elements in pentahelix. They
facilitate coordination between the community, academia, the business world, and the
media, ensuring that each party plays its role in a joint effort to prevent and overcome
forest and land fires. Coordination between Institutions is overseen by the Governor's
Decree on the establishment of the Haze Disaster Emergency Preparedness Command
Post due to Forest and Land Fires. In the post, all elements have been involved.
However, in this structure, the involvement of community organizations in forest and
land fire management has not been seen. This is important because the occurrence of
forest and land fires occurs in areas/villages, for this reason, it is considered necessary
to involve community organizations such as Rawang Nusantara and WALHI who are
engaged in the environmental sector and are intensely concerned about the occurrence
Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra Province through the
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of haze in South Sumatra. With the involvement of these organizations, at least there is
a contribution from the community in providing appropriate and effective solutions in
handling forest and land fires.
3. Capacity Building and Technology Facilitation
The government can provide training to the community and increase the capacity
of human resources at the local level to be more responsive to potential disasters. This is
a form of capacity building in the community, such as the formation of the Fire Care
Community (MPA) initiated by various agencies such as the Plantation Service
involving the Company, BPBD through the Disaster Resilient Village Program. The
government can also facilitate the use of technology such as drones, satellites, and forest
fire monitoring applications such as the Songket Application (Forest and Land Fire
Control Operating System) developed by the Communication and Informatics Service
and involving related agencies such as the Forestry Service.
4. Provision of Resources and Infrastructure
The government provides budgets, tools, and other resources to support efforts to
prevent and extinguish forest and land fires. BPBD has disrupted extinguishing facilities
such as the provision of pumps, hoses, and personnel in ground firefighting operations.
In addition, it is also the role of the DPRD to approve the budget for forest and land fire
management in various agencies such as the Environment Agency through the forest
and land fire prevention campaign program. The Forestry Service and the Plantation
Service encourage the role of companies to assist in building supporting infrastructure,
such as the provision of water reservoirs, forest fire stations, watchtowers, and
evacuation routes.
5. Education and Socialization
The government has an important role in socializing the dangers of forest and land
fires and encouraging changes in community behavior through forest fire prevention
campaigns. This can be through direct education programs or in collaboration with the
media. Socialization of forest and land fire prevention carried out by the Environment
Service, TNI, POLRI, Forestry Service, Agriculture Service, and BPBD in general has
been carried out to the maximum. The use of technology digitally through social media
is often carried out by BPBD, Kominfo, TNI, POLRI, Environment Service, Plantation
Service, and Forestry Service.
6. Quick Response and Emergency Response to Forest and Land Fire Incidents.
In emergencies, BPBD is responsible for mobilizing disaster response teams and
resources to extinguish fires and evacuate residents if needed. In terms of response to
forest and land fires, the government through air and land task forces has tried to
extinguish them as early as possible. This can be seen from the number of fire
helicopters and the presence of personnel in the field in terms of following up on forest
and land fire information. The following is data on the Water Bombing Operation in
South Sumatra in 2024.
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Table 1
Number of Water Bombing Helicopters Flying
Elements of the Business World
The Indonesian Forest Entrepreneurs Association (API) and the Association of Oil
Palm Entrepreneurs (GAPKI) have an important role in forest and land fire
management, especially in South Sumatra, because they represent two main industrial
sectors that are often involved in large-scale land use, namely oil palm plantations and
The Role of GAPKI in Forest and Land Fire Management
GAPKI as an association of the palm oil industry is responsible for ensuring that
its members comply with government regulations related to land clearing, land
management, and fire prevention. Based on the results of the interview, some of the
important roles of GAPKI in forest and land fire management include:
1. Environmental Education and Awareness: GAPKI plays a role in educating its
members on best practices in sustainable land management and free-from-burning
2. Supervision: GAPKI seeks to ensure that its members follow safe and law-abiding
operating standards, and encourages companies to actively participate in forest and
land fire prevention efforts.
3. Cooperation with the Government: GAPKI supports government programs in terms
of extinguishing and preventing forest and land fires, and is involved in the
preparation of regulations related to environmental protection.
The Role of APHI in Forest and Land Fire Management
APHI represents the forestry industry and has a major role in preserving forests
while reducing fire risk. The role of APHI in forest and land fire management includes:
1. Sustainable Forest Management: APHI is responsible for encouraging its members
to apply the principles of sustainable forest management, including fire risk
2. Participation in Patrolling and Early Detection: APHI is involved in forest patrol
efforts as well as the use of technology for the early detection of fires. They are
Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra Province through the
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working closely with governments and other agencies to detect and extinguish fires
before they become larger.
3. Stakeholder Cooperation: APHI works with various stakeholders including
governments, local communities, and international agencies in forest fire mitigation
and mitigation efforts.
Although GAPKI and APHI have formal roles in forest and land fire management,
both often face criticism regarding their effectiveness. Some of the key challenges
1. Non-compliance of Members: Not all companies that are members of GAPKI and
APHI comply with the rules related to no-burn land clearing or have adequate fire
suppression systems. Not all plantation companies in South Sumatra are members of
the GAPKI organization. Of the 287 companies in South Sumatra (rubber, palm oil,
and sugarcane), only 78 companies are members of GAPKI. This means that only
27% of companies are new members of GAPKI.
2. Conflict of Interest: There is an assumption that some association members are more
concerned with economic benefits than environmental conservation, so the
commitment to forest and land fire management can be weak.
3. Weak Law Enforcement: There is often inconsistent enforcement of laws against
companies that violate environmental rules, which reduces the effectiveness of the
association's role in keeping its members accountable.
Overall, GAPKI and APHI play an important role in reducing and managing
forest and land fires through policies, education, and cooperation with the government.
However, to increase effectiveness, there needs to be a stronger commitment from
members and stricter law enforcement against violations.
Community Elements
1. Farmers in Muara Baten Village, Jejawi District, OKI Regency
Farmers in Muara Badung Village, like many other farmers in the OKI (Ogan
Komering Ilir) area, play an important role in local agriculture, whether in terms of rice,
rubber, or oil palm. The condition of soil and waters in the OIC is often challenging, so
farmers are faced with various obstacles such as land fire risk, water access, and
sustainable natural resource management.
One of the main challenges for farmers in this area is the threat of forest and land fires
which are often triggered by improper land clearing methods and climate change.
Farmers admit that they often burn the remains of crops or clear the land for agriculture
because this is still considered easy and cheap. There is no other alternative not to burn
related to the cost factor, but in general, they are ready to help extinguish forest and land
fires, this is seen from the availability of water pumps to water plants used to extinguish
fires. In addition, they also help village officials in terms of informing them of forest
and land fires.
2. Head of Deling Village, Pangkalan Lampam District, OKI Regency
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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4884
Deling Village is one of the areas prone to forest and land fires because it has land
with peat characteristics. Social and environmental issues that occur in the area, such as
the handling of forest and land fires, natural resource management, and the
implementation of government programs. Village heads are often involved in
facilitating cooperation between communities, governments, and organizations in
maintaining village sustainability. The facts on the ground are that the Head of Deling
Village is actively involved in handling forest and land fires, such as the existence of
community groups handling forest and land fires, and often urges residents not to carry
out activities that trigger forest and land fires. It's just that the problem in Deling Village
is that there is no adequate fire pump. This is a challenge for village heads to overcome
forest and land fires. For this reason, it encourages the use of village funds to allocate
fire extinguishers such as water pumps to prevent the spread of fire.
3. Rawang Nusantara Organization
Organizations like Rawang Nusantara often face challenges in terms of funding,
community participation, and bureaucratic obstacles or major economic interests. They
also work to raise public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment
while facilitating sustainable solutions. Rawang himself has conducted training for
firefighters, and discussions on the impact of smog.
These three elements are interconnected in maintaining sustainability and welfare
in OKI Regency. Farmers depend on the land they manage, village heads are tasked
with ensuring that village management runs well, and organizations such as Rawang
Nusantara support advocacy and empowerment activities for environmental protection.
Elements of Academics
Academics can research to understand the causes of forest and land fires, their
impact on the environment, as well as effective prevention and control methods.
Technological innovations, such as fire early detection tools, ecosystem-based
extinguishing techniques, or the development of environmentally friendly fuels, can be
born from academic research. Academics have a role in increasing public awareness
about the dangers of forest and land fires, sustainable agricultural practices, and the
importance of preserving forests. Unsri often organizes educational programs, seminars,
or campaigns involving local communities, students, and other elements. Universities
can play a role as consultants in formulating policies related to the prevention and
management of forest and land fires. They provide scientific data-driven input to
governments and related organizations to design more effective and sustainable
Academics are often a bridge between the government, society, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), and the private sector. With this collaboration, academics can
help align the interests of various parties to deal with forest and land fires more
comprehensively and sustainably. But despite all this, even though academics produce
data-driven research, the results of the research are not always translated directly into
policy. There is a gap between academia and decision-makers, where academic
recommendations may not be prioritized by governments or policymakers for political
Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra Province through the
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or economic reasons. Sometimes isolated from the reality and needs of the local
community. When scientific solutions do not consider the culture, traditional practices,
or socio-economic context of the community, they may not be well adopted by the
communities involved.
Elements of Mass Media
Mass media is the main source of dissemination of information about forest and
land fires to the public. The media in South Sumatra, both print, broadcast, and digital,
play a role in providing updates related to the status of the fire, the affected locations,
and preventive measures that must be taken by residents. Education about the causes of
forest and land fires, their impact on health and the environment, as well as prevention
methods, is also delivered through various media platforms. The mass media in South
Sumatra also plays a role in spreading early warnings about the potential for forest and
land fires. With the cooperation between government agencies, such as BMKG, BPBD,
and the TNI/Polri, the media conveys information on extreme weather, fire risk levels,
and disaster status in various regions, so that the public and related parties can be more
vigilant. For example, online news portals and social media from media organizations in
South Sumatra often provide the latest information about fire spots detected by
satellites, so that people can avoid dangerous areas.
The mass media has the power to shape public opinion about the importance of
protecting the environment and preventing forest and land fires. Through opinion
articles, investigative coverage, and social campaigns, the media can advocate for
stricter policies in forest and land fire prevention, including law enforcement against
companies or individuals involved in illegal forest and land burning. Local media such
as local newspapers often carry articles and investigative reports exposing the
companies responsible for forest fires. They also contain expert opinions on how to
reduce the incidence of forest and land fires. Mass media in South Sumatra helps
encourage transparency and accountability, both from the government and plantation
companies operating in areas prone to forest and land fires. The media often reports on
local government actions, and law enforcement against land burning perpetrators, and
highlights the failure or success of forest and land fire management programs carried
out by various parties.
Overall, the mass media in South Sumatra plays a strategic role in building
awareness, providing up-to-date information, and encouraging concrete actions to
combat forest and land fires. By strengthening the synergy between the media, the
government, and the community, the problem of forest and land fires can be handled
more effectively. The mass media often highlights the dramatic or negative impacts of
forest and land fires, such as forest destruction or health impacts, without discussing in
depth the countermeasures or prevention solutions that are or can be implemented by
the government. Focusing on these sensations can distract the public from the
constructive efforts needed to address the problem. For example, news about casualties,
environmental damage, and poor air quality often dominates more than coverage of
efforts made by officers on the ground or early detection or local initiatives in
preventing forest and land fires.
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The mass media has more often focused on reporting when fires occur, such as the
number of fires that occurred or the damage they caused, but paid less attention to
preventive measures that can be taken by the community and the government. News that
is too reactive without prevention reduces the positive impact of the media in
suppressing the occurrence of forest and land fires in the future. For example, media
coverage could be more on major ongoing fires, but little or no attention is paid to fire
prevention campaigns or public education about sustainable practices. These
weaknesses show that the mass media, although it has an important role in forest and
land fire management, also needs to improve its approach to be more effective in
providing accurate, balanced, and solution-focused information. Closer collaboration
with local communities, governments, and related organizations, as well as increased
journalistic accountability, can help remedy these weaknesses.
Based on the analysis and discussion of the data that has been collected, it can be
seen that the indicators of forest and land fire management strategies through the penta
helix model, namely the goal of forest and land fire management, are quite successful in
terms of prevention and there are still many forest and land fire incidents, the
environment is quite good, the direction is good, the action is not optimal and the
learning is not optimal. From the penta helix side, the government element in forest and
land fire management has not been well committed, the role of the business world has
not been optimal, community participation in forest and land fire prevention has not
been optimal, the role of mass media has not been optimal, and the results of academic
studies have not been optimally used as they should. Therefore, it can be concluded that
the Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra through the Penta
Helix Model has not been successful. The factors that affect it are related to the lack of
maximum role of the government in tackling forest and land fires, forest and land fires
continue to recur which are closely related to the dry season factor and even increase
when there is an El Nino phenomenon and low community participation in preventing
forest and land fires.
The factors that cause forest and land fire management in South Sumatra Province
are the habit of people who still clear land by burning, the extent of peatland in South
Sumatra which is not proportional to the number of officers in the field, weather
conditions, and the El Niño phenomenon cause a high level of drought and increase the
risk of fire. In the dry season, flammable peatlands become very dry and difficult to
extinguish. In addition, there is a lack of law enforcement for arsonists, a lack of public
awareness, conflicts of interest such as the economy, and a lack of supporting
infrastructure. In general, the implementation of the Penta Helix model in South
Sumatra has given positive results but has not eliminated the threat of forest and land
fires, especially during the peak conditions of the dry season and the El Nino
phenomenon. The efforts to control forest and land fires in South Sumatra Province are
seen from the perspective of the penta helix, namely the Government has a central role
in making regulations, and policies, and supervising efforts to prevent and overcome
Forest and Land Fire Management Strategy in South Sumatra Province through the
Penta Helix Model
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4887
forest and land fires, academics have a role in research, technology development, and
innovation to overcome forest and land fire problems, companies, especially those
engaged in the plantation and forestry sectors, has a great responsibility in land
management, while local communities, especially farmers, are often involved in the
practice of land burning as a fast and cheap method to clear land, so the role of the
community in efforts to prevent forest and land fires is very crucial and finally the
media plays a role in informing the wider community about the condition of forest and
land fires, including putting pressure on the responsible parties and most importantly
educating the public.
Febri Haryadi, Sena Putra Prabu Jaya, Andy AlFatih
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4888
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