pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11 November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4948
The Use of AI In Digital Transformation Ethics and Public
Relations Strategies
Tabitha Gloria Perangin Angin
, Lusy Mukhlisiana
Telkom University, Indonesia
Keywords: Artificial
Ethics,Public Relations;
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a significant
trend in various sectors, including in public relations practice.
This research aims to examine the ethics and strategies of using
artificial intelligence in public relations practice. The research
method used in this research is qualitative, which is based on
literature review studies; data was collected from the Sinta
Journal, Scopus, and Garuda Ristek Dikti databases. The scope
and focus of the article search apply explicitly to the topic of ethics
and Artificial Intelligence-based strategies using search queries
based on the Google Scholar search engine. Supporting data
comes from books and other relevant reference sources. The
research results highlight the importance of maintaining balance
and diversity of data and maintaining its confidentiality by
applicable privacy regulations. Strategically, AI can help parse
text to accurately identify public sentiment, improve interactions
withchatbots and virtual assistants, and use recommendation
systems based on browsing history or user interactions. The
practical implications of this research emphasize the need for PR
practitioners to develop transparent and responsible policies for
managing data processed by AI, as well as ensuring its use is in
line with organizational communication goals and to improve
relations with the public. There are also opportunities for further
research into the ethical and strategic implications of the use of AI
in PR, as well as the development of more sophisticated methods
for applying this technology in organizational communications
The presence and role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed the business and
communication landscape significantly. One of the areas that was greatly affected was
Public Relations (PR). PR is a discipline responsible for building, maintaining, and
strengthening relationships between organizations and various stakeholders, including the
public, employees, investors, and the general public (Nurislamiah & Fauzi, 2023;
Susilawati et al., 2022). The AI era has brought fundamental changes in how PR interacts
with stakeholders, manages information, and measures the impact of communication
campaigns (Fadhilah, 2024).
The Use of AI In Digital Transformation Ethics and Public Relations Strategies
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4949
The development of AI technology in the current digital era is inevitable. The
presence of AI will certainly facilitate human work, but it is also feared that it can
eliminate various types of work, including homework. However, it does not mean that the
role of humans in building PR will be lost entirely. On the contrary, PR is still needed,
especially in qualitative and analytical roles. This will be a great opportunity behind the
challenge (Mahmood, 2023) (Andita & Rafaela, 2023; Bahram, 2023).
One of the important roles of AI in PR is its ability to process and analyze massive
data quickly and accurately. With intelligent algorithms, AI can identify trends,
sentiments, and behavioral patterns in data, including social media, online surveys, and
various other sources. This gives PR more profound insights into what their audience is
thinking and expressing. In other words, PR can use AI to understand better how their
stakeholders respond to specific news, campaigns, or products. With this deeper
understanding, PR can design a more effective and relevant communication strategy. He
explained that PR can utilize big data and AI technology to monitor media and obtain
accurate and fast information. PR must also build a good relationship with the media and
understand emerging media trends. PR must improve the quality of content presented to
the media and optimize media profiling to strengthen relationships with the media and
journalists (Mahmood, 2023) (Novrian et al., 2023; Putriana, 2023). AI also allows PRs
to personalize their messages more effectively. Thanks to data analysis and artificial
intelligence, PR can create messages that suit the preferences and needs of individuals or
groups of audiences. This makes the message more engaging and increases the likelihood
that the message will be received and responded to well by the target.
The Role of Public Relations amid the Development of Artificial Intelligence in
scientific articles explains that Public Relations must strengthen data analysis and various
skills to make the right decisions and solve communication crisis problems. Public
Relations must also improve the quality of media relations to remain relevant and
effective in the AI era. So, Public Relations must respond to communication crises
quickly and effectively. Public Relations must utilize technology and data analysis tools
to identify potential crises and make stand-by statements, press releases, or press
conferences (Mahmood, 2023) (Abdullah, 2020; Hariawan & Adawiyah, 2024). When a
crisis arises, AI also plays a role in helping PR respond quickly and effectively. With
sentiment analysis, AI can detect changes in public view and identify potential
reputational risks. This allows PR to respond proactively, take necessary steps, and reduce
the negative impact on the company's image. AI can also assist PR in identifying fake
news sources (hoaxes) and managing their spread. This is important in maintaining public
trust in the organization in crisis situations.
An example of message personalization implementation is in email marketing,
where AI is used to design emails tailored to the recipient's preferences and behavior. PRs
must ensure that their use of AI is ethical and compliant with applicable regulations (Putri
& Qurniawati, 2024). This involves careful data management and compliance with their
country's applicable privacy laws. In the increasingly advanced AI era, the role of PR has
undergone significant changes. PRs can now rely on AI to understand and interact with
Tabitha Gloria Perangin Angin, Lusy Mukhlisiana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4950
stakeholders, manage information more efficiently, and better measure the impact of
communication campaigns. However, PR also has to face the ethical and privacy
challenges that arise as this technology evolves. By leveraging AI wisely, PR can continue
to play a critical role in building and maintaining strong relationships between
organizations and their stakeholders in this digital age.
This research will make a significant contribution in understanding how the ethics
and strategies of using AI in PR practices can be viewed from a more specific perspective,
which can help PR maintain integrity, honesty, and public trust in the ever-evolving
digital era (Abdad, 2022). This research has not precisely explored the same topic with
identical approaches and focuses. Based on this, it shows that ethical issues and public
relations strategies based on artificial intelligence are a fascinating objects of study to
review. However, various issues from previous studies related to ethical issues and
artificial intelligence-based public relations strategies need to be considered to know
more deeply and comprehensively on the issue of ethical issues and artificial intelligence-
based public relations strategies. Therefore, based on this, unlike previous research, this
study focuses more on how to use AI in ethical transformation and public relations
This research aims to examine the ethical implications and strategic applications
of AI in PR. Specifically, it explores how AI can be used responsibly to enhance
organizational communication while addressing potential challenges. The research seeks
to provide actionable insights for PR practitioners in developing ethical and strategic
frameworks for AI implementation.
This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with literature review
studies in order to explore and understand the main symptoms related to the use of AI in
public relations practice (Semiawan, 2010). The criteria for selecting literature in this
literature review review include several aspects. First, the selected journal article must
have a strong connection with the research topic, namely ethical issues and strategies in
the use of artificial intelligence in public relations practice. Second, the literature used
must be published in reputable journals and books, both at the national and international
levels, to ensure good academic quality. Third, the selected article must have high content
relevance and make a significant contribution to the understanding of the use of artificial
intelligence in public relations practices. Fourth, the selected literature must be published
within a time frame that is relevant to the latest developments in this field, thus ensuring
the accuracy and relevance of the information presented. The article selection process is
carefully carried out to ensure that the literature used meets the above criteria. This
includes collecting data from the databases of the Sinta Journal, Scopus and Garuda
Ristek Dikti. The scope and focus of article search especially applies to the topic of ethics
and artificial intelligence-based strategies using Google Scholar search engine-based
search queries. As well as supporting data from books and other relevant reference
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sources. So that this method can contribute to future researchers who are interested in this
topic (Dragoi, 2021).
The data collection technique in this study also uses the bibliometrix application.
Bibliometric is an application of mathematical and statistical research to see the
relationship between journal authors and other authors. Bibliometric analysis makes it
possible to find out who cited the journal, what journals were cited, and the number of
authors who cited the journal including the number of terms of one article or in one
abstract in one title. Thus, this approach ensures that the literature selection process and
data analysis process are carried out carefully and systematically, so as to increase
confidence in the validity of this research.
Results and Discussion
Defining the problem
This study focuses on a literature search in the form of research results published
by journals. The search process is done by entering keywords related to the research
problem and the purpose of this research. Several international journals are used to obtain
the results of research and conferences that have been published. The keyword in the
literature search process is "The Utilization of AI in Digital Transformation, Ethics and
Public Strategy Relations(Wardaningsih, 2021).
Table 1. Literature Search Results
Number of Publications
Digital Transformation
PR Digital Transformation
Transformation of PR Ethics
Digital transformation of PR
Digital transformation of PR
The use of AI in ethical digital
Utilization of AI in digital
transformation strategy
Total number of publications
Source: Compiled from the author's research process, (2024)
Tabitha Gloria Perangin Angin, Lusy Mukhlisiana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4952
Figure 1. Literature Visualization
Source: Compiled from the author's research process, (2024)
This visualization provides a clear picture of how ethics is a central theme in
various discussions, both in technology, sustainability, governance, and media. The close
relationship between ethics and artificial intelligence, governance, and sustainability
shows that these issues are particularly relevant in this modern era, where decisions made
in one area have far-reaching implications in another. In addition, with the rise of
digitalization and globalization, discussions about ethics are becoming increasingly
important, both in terms of public policy and in responsible technological innovation.
Based on this visualization, "ethics" or ethics appears to be the center of the keyword
network. This shows that ethics is one of the main topics discussed in many literature
related to other themes, such as artificial intelligence and sustainability. Ethics in this
context can refer to norms, principles, or moral standards held in various fields, such as
media, technology, and government. The red grouping of "ethics" indicates that it is
closely related to many other keywords that appear in the literature. Artificial intelligence
(AI) has emerged as one of the important keywords that are directly related to ethics. This
can be seen from several terms such as "AI Ethics", "machine learning", and "big data"
which are grouped in light blue and light green clusters. In today's era of digital
technology, AI is often associated with ethical issues, especially when it comes to privacy,
transparency, and fairness in automated decision-making. Issues about regulation and
trust also often arise along with discussions about AI, given that this technology affects
many aspects of human life. In addition, another cluster shows the relationship between
ethics and digitalization and globalization. The term often appears together in the context
of technological ethics, especially with the increasing digitalization in various sectors of
life. For example, in the field of public service, ethics also plays an important role,
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especially in the use of social media and influencer marketing. This blue cluster highlights
the new challenges that arise from digitalization, including ethical issues in privacy, data
security, and transparency. One interesting part of this visualization is the emergence of
the themes of media ethics and public relations ethics, which show that the discussion of
ethics is not only limited to technology and sustainability, but also includes ways of
communicating and representing information (Fauziyyah, 2022; Pribadi & Nasution,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science about how to build or
program computers to be able to do what the mind can do (Boden, 1996). Initially, AI
was limited to rules created by humans, but now with the development of Machine
Learning technology, AI can learn from data on its own and improve its performance over
time. In general, Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines or computer
systems to mimic and perform tasks that previously could only be done by humans, such
as decision-making, natural language processing, and pattern recognition.
In its development, AI uses various techniques such as machine learning, deep
learning, neural networks, and others.
The use of AI is increasingly widespread and developing in various fields. For
example, in the field of data processing, AI can be used to conduct data analysis quickly
and effectively, as well as identify patterns and trends that are difficult for humans to find.
In manufacturing, AI can be used to improve production efficiency, improve product
quality, and reduce production costs. In healthcare, AI can be used to help diagnose
diseases, optimize treatment, and predict health risks. However, the use of AI also has
some challenges and risks that need to be considered. For example, in some cases, the
decisions made by AI can be influenced by biases or errors contained in the training data.
In addition, the use of AI can also raise ethical and data privacy issues. In today's digital
era, Digital Transformation is a very important thing for an organization to do. Digital
transformation can help organizations to be more efficient and productive in running their
businesses. One of the technologies that can be used in Digital Transformation is
Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Firmansyah et al., 2022).
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Transformation is very broad and
can be applied to various business fields. Some examples of business areas that can
leverage AI in Digital Transformation are as follows: (Atmaja, 2024)
1. Manufacturing: AI can help in automating production processes, improving product
quality, and reducing production costs.
2. Finance: AI can help in analyzing risks, detecting fraud, as well as providing
forecasts about financial markets.
3. Public services: AI can help in speeding up responses to customer concerns, such
as chatbots, virtual assistants, and facial recognition.
4. Health: AI can help in disease diagnosis, personalized medicine, and epidemic
Overall, the use of AI in Digital Transformation can have a significant impact on
an organization. However, organizations also need to consider several factors, such as
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cost, expertise, and ethics, before adopting such AI technology (Erwin et al., 2023). The
presence of Artificial Intelligence technology brings a number of challenges that need to
be considered in the context of Public Relations (PR) Public Relations (PR) is an ever-
evolving field that relies heavily on effective communication strategies to build and
maintain relationships between organizations and their audiences. With the rapid
advancement of technology, including the emergence of Artificial Intelligence or better
known as artificial intelligence, the Public Relations (PR) landscape has undergone a
significant transformation. The following is an overview of how Artificial Intelligence
technology is used in the field of Public Relations (PR) and the challenges that can arise
from the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Public Relations (PR):
Benefits of Analytics and Data Insights: Analytics tools powered by Artificial
Intelligence have revolutionized the way Public Relations professionals collect and
analyze data. These tools can process vast amounts of information from a variety of
sources, including social media, news articles, and online forums, to extract valuable
insights into audience sentiment, trends, and influencers. By leveraging Artificial
Intelligence for data analysis, Public Relations practitioners can make data-driven
decisions, refine their messaging, and optimize their communication strategies for
maximum impact. Media Monitoring and Coverage Tracking. Artificial Intelligence
technology enables media monitoring and automatic coverage tracking, allowing Public
Relations (PR) professionals to stay informed of relevant news and mentions in real-time.
Media monitoring tools driven by Artificial Intelligence can scan thousands of online
sources to identify mentions of a brand, product, or key topic, providing valuable
feedback to Public Relations (PR) teams on the effectiveness of their campaigns and
helping them identify issues or crises that arise before they become more severe.
Personalized Communication: Chatterbots and virtual assistants powered by
Artificial Intelligence are increasingly being used in Public Relations (PR) to provide a
personalized communication experience. Chatbots can interact with audiences in real-
time, answer common questions, provide information, and guide users through various
stages of the customer journey. By leveraging Artificial Intelligence chatbots , Public
Relations ( PR) professionals can increase engagement, increase customer satisfaction,
and free up time for more strategic tasks.
Content Creation and Curation: Artificial Intelligence technology is also used to
assist in content creation and curation. Natural language processing (NLP) can generate
written content, such as press releases, blog posts, and social media updates, based on
predefined templates and input data. Additionally, AI-powered content curation tools can
sift through vast amounts of online content to identify relevant articles, images, and
videos that can be shared with the target audience, saving time and resources for Public
Relations (PR) teams.
Crisis Management and Reputation Monitoring: Artificial Intelligence technology
plays a crucial role in crisis management and monitoring of an organization's reputation
(Rahmawati et al., 2023). Artificial Intelligence-based sentiment analysis tools can
monitor social media conversations and news coverage to detect potential crises or
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negative sentiment around a brand or issue. By identifying potential risks early, Public
Relations (PR) professionals can take proactive actions to mitigate damage to an
organization's reputation and develop an effective crisis communication strategy.
Ethics Of Public Relations In Utilizing Artificial Intelligence
Public Relations ethics in the context of using AI covers a number of important
issues, including privacy, transparency, justice, and social impact. It is important for
public relations practitioners to understand the ethical implications of using AI in order
to ensure that this technology is used responsibly and in accordance with strong ethical
principles. Ethics in public relations refers to a set of principles and values that govern
the behavior of public relations practitioners in carrying out their duties and
responsibilities towards clients, the public, the media, and society in general. This
includes honesty, integrity, transparency, and social responsibility.
In the context of public relations, ethics plays an important role in ensuring that
communications conveyed to the public are accurate, relevant, and not misleading, and
that the practice of public relations does not harm the interests of the public or society at
large. Ethical public relations practitioners understand the importance of adhering to the
code of ethics and professional standards in carrying out their duties with integrity and a
sense of responsibility (Wilcox et al., 2019). In addition, in the context of public relations,
ethics also includes the protection of individual privacy and the security of information
provided to PR practitioners. This means that public relations practitioners must ensure
that the data collected and used in the communication process does not violate the privacy
of individuals or threaten the security of personal information. This protection of privacy
has become increasingly important with the increasing use of technology in public
relations, such as the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence, where public
relations practitioners must ensure that consumer data is obtained and used ethically and
in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
By considering this aspect of ethics, public relations practitioners can build strong
and sustainable relationships with the public, which underlie trust and integrity in every
communication interaction (L'Etang & Pieczka, 2006). Furthermore, in facing the ethical
challenges associated with the use of AI in public relations, public relations practitioners
must ensure that these technologies are used with due regard to the ethical principles
underlying their profession. This includes the imperative to ensure that the use of AI not
only optimizes communication efficiency, but also pays attention to the relevant moral
and social aspects. This involves critical thinking about the long-term impact of using AI
technology in creating messages and designing communication strategies. Public
relations practitioners must be responsible for ensuring that the use of AI in public
relations does not ignore ethical values such as honesty, integrity, and justice, and does
not harm the interests of the public or society at large. Thus, while AI can be a powerful
tool in strengthening public relations practices, it is important for practitioners to continue
to consider ethical aspects in each stage of its use (Adi, 2021).
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Deep context development intelligence artificial (Artificial Intelligence/AI),
ethical debates are influenced by various perspectives, methodologies, priorities, and
emphasis. There are a variety of ethical proposals from a wide range of actors, from
countries and international organizations to companies, academics, individuals, and civil
society. While there are some common ethical principles, there are also differences in
conceptions and ethical principles that depend on traditions, cultures, ideologies, systems,
and countries. The legal approach is also important in harmonizing and balancing various
ethical conceptions. While there are similarities between ethical principles and legal
principles, it is important not to confuse an ethical approach to AI with a legal approach.
Therefore, there is a need for cooperation between various countries and stakeholders in
developing an ethical framework that encourages trustworthy, ethical, and resilient AI
(Robles Carrillo, 2020) (Putri & Qurniawati, 2024).
As in previous research conducted by Hagelstein et al. (2021) which stated that,
in public relations, ethics is defined as a collection of values such as honesty, openness,
loyalty, justice, respect, integrity, and honest communication. This ethics is a companion
to legal regulation, because it focuses more on the question of what should be done, not
just about what should be done legally. Morals, on the other hand, are principles related
to human actions and behavior, while ethics consists of descriptive or prescriptive
reflections on morality, such as in scientific publications or professional codes of ethics.
Communication professionals are often faced with moral challenges in their day-to-day
work and they solve them by referring to ethical guidelines.
These challenges arise when public relations practitioners find it difficult to meet
the values mentioned above. Organizations in their communication practices seek to
influence the knowledge, attitudes, and/or behaviors of their stakeholders, also known as
stakeholders. However, moral challenges arise when the interests of stakeholders conflict
with the organizations represented by public relations practitioners. A massive ECM
survey among communication professionals in Europe shows that many of them face
moral challenges, with most agreeing that social media communication brings new moral
challenges. In the rapidly changing digital communication environment, the importance
of ethics for accuracy, honesty, and full disclosure is increasing (Hagelstein et al., 2021).
Furthermore, in previous research conducted by (Barocas, 2016) where fairness is an
important aspect in ensuring PR ethics in the use of AI. AI algorithms tend to reflect
biases from the training data used. Therefore, public relations practitioners need to ensure
that the data used is balanced and reflects the diversity of society in order to avoid
unintentional discrimination or inequality. This can be done by critically examining and
evaluating data sources and using appropriate techniques to reduce bias in AI analysis
(Barocas, 2016). This can provide valuable insights for public relations practitioners in
understanding and addressing the ethical risks associated with using AI technology in
their practice. By considering these ethical implications, public relations practitioners can
ensure that the use of AI is carried out with due regard to justice and social responsibility,
thereby supporting positive relationships with the public and society. In addition, as stated
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by (Hanna Buss, 2010), the issue of privacy is the main focus of the use of AI in public
The use of AI in data analysis can involve the collection and processing of an
individual's personal information. Therefore, public relations practitioners need to ensure
that the data used in AI is kept confidential and processed in compliance with applicable
privacy regulations. This includes obtaining the necessary permissions from the affected
individuals and ensuring adequate data security to prevent misuse or invasion of privacy
(Hanna buss, 2010). From this, it indirectly states that privacy is not only a legal issue but
also an important moral and ethical aspect in the relationship between organizations and
the public. By understanding these views, public relations practitioners can design
privacy policies that align with strong ethical principles, ensuring that the use of AI
technology in communication practices does not violate the privacy of individuals. In
addition to privacy issues, a public relations person must also consider the social impact
of using AI. As discussed (Floridi & Cowls, 2022), it is stated that while AI can improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of communication, its unwise or irresponsible use can
hurt society at large.
The social implications of AI strategies in public relations can include increased
inequality of access to information, reduced human employment, and potential public
alienation from communication processes perceived as inauthentic. Therefore, public
relations practitioners need to carefully consider these social implications in designing
and implementing communication strategies that involve AI and strive to minimize their
negative impact while increasing their positive benefits to society. From this, public
relations practitioners can integrate ethical principles and broad social considerations in
the use of AI, thereby ensuring that the technology is used to support the well-being of
society as a whole and strengthen positive relationships between organizations and the
public. Based on what has been described, the main way a public relations person
addresses the dilemma of using AI in public relations practice is to consider the ethical
aspects of data collection, processing, and use.
Public relations practitioners must ensure that the use of AI does not violate the
privacy or confidentiality of individual data. This can be achieved by adhering to
applicable privacy standards and implementing appropriate security measures. In
addition, public relations practitioners must also consider the ethical implications of using
AI in decision-making, especially in the context of fairness and accountability. In this
case, ensuring that the algorithms used do not introduce discrimination or unintentional
bias is important.
Public Relations Strategy In Utilizing Artificial Intelligence
Strategy in public relations refers to an organized plan designed to achieve specific
communication objectives in support of the interests of the client or organization. A
public relations strategy includes the selection and use of various communication
channels, messages conveyed to the target audience, as well as concrete steps taken to
build a positive image, increase brand awareness, or manage relevant issues. This strategy
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is designed by considering the characteristics of the target audience, communication
goals, and the external and internal environment that affect public relations practices
(Sriramesh & Vercic, 2019). In addition, strategies in public relations also include
identifying risks and opportunities that are relevant in the context of communication. It
involves a thorough analysis of the internal and external environment of a company or
organization, as well as a deep understanding of industry trends, market dynamics, and
public responses to specific initiatives or policies. By considering these factors, public
relations strategies can be designed to anticipate and respond to rapid changes in the ever-
changing business and social environment (Gregory, 2015). Furthermore, strategy in
Public Relations also involves the use of metrics and measurements to evaluate the
success of a campaign or communication program.
By utilizing data and analysis, public relations practitioners can assess the extent
to which communication goals are being achieved, identify areas that need improvement,
and adapt their strategies as needed. The use of metrics such as the amount of media
coverage, the level of engagement on social media, or consumer satisfaction surveys helps
public relations practitioners to measure the impact and effectiveness of their
communication efforts (Zahrah & Dwiputra, 2023). In the context of using artificial
intelligence (AI) in Public Relations (PR), the strategy involves integrating AI technology
into the communication process and data analysis. An effective public relations strategy
in using AI involves identifying opportunities to optimize efficiency and accuracy
through automating routine tasks, deeper data analysis, and personalizing messages to
audiences. Public relations practitioners need to design strategies that leverage the power
of AI to strengthen their communication efforts, while considering ethical and data
privacy aspects in the use of these technologies. Public relations strategy plays an
important role in strengthening organizational communication, increasing interaction
with the public, and optimizing efficiency in achieving public relations goals.
By utilizing AI, public relations practitioners can process data more efficiently,
better understand audience behavior and preferences, and design more targeted
communication campaigns. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in data analysis
and processing by public relations practitioners has a significant impact on understanding
relevant audiences and trends (Adi, 2021). One of the main contributions of AI
technology in this regard is its ability to process large amounts of data quickly and
efficiently, which is impossible for humans to do manually. As in previous research
conducted by (Tinati et al., 2014), where the use of AI technology in data analysis also
allows public relations practitioners to identify public sentiment more accurately.
By leveraging improved algorithms, AI can parse text from various sources to
identify the emotions, attitudes, and opinions contained in those messages. This allows
public relations practitioners to understand how audiences respond to a particular brand
or topic, thus allowing them to tailor their messages and communication strategies more
effectively. By leveraging the data analysis capabilities enhanced by AI technology, PR
practitioners can develop communication strategies that are more targeted, responsive to
market trends, and based on a deep understanding of their audience. This can result in
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more relevant messages, more engaging content, and more effective communication
campaigns overall, which contribute to better achieving the organization's goals. The next
strategy is to utilize chatbots and virtual assistants, which like previous research
conducted by (Perdana & Irwansyah, 2019) states that utilizing chatbots and virtual
assistants in AI can increase interaction with the public.
Chatbots are AI applications that can respond to questions and requests from users
automatically, allowing organizations to provide fast and efficient customer service, as
well as answer common questions from the public (Simon, 2019). So that this can
indirectly increase responsiveness and public involvement, and be able to provide more
personalized services through digital communication platforms. In addition, previous
research conducted by (Zhou & Liao, 2020), where strategies that can be carried out in
utilizing AI are to improve the user experience through content personalization and
interaction. This is by utilizing AI technology, so that managers can present content
tailored to the individual preferences and behaviors of their audience. This strategy can
be carried out through the use of an AI recommendation system that suggests content
based on search history or previous interactions, or through personalization of content
based on user profiles. By providing users with a more relevant and valuable experience,
public relations practitioners can increase public engagement and loyalty to their brand
or organization.
By considering all of these aspects, public relations practitioners can design more
effective and responsive communication strategies by utilizing artificial intelligence. The
integration of AI in public relations strategies can help strengthen relationships with the
public, improve understanding of the audience, and improve the overall performance of
communication campaigns. Based on various strategies used in the application of AI, it
can help public relations in playing a significant role, so that it can improve the
effectiveness of organizational communication and achieve public relations goals more
By considering the various aspects discussed, public relations practitioners can
optimize the use of AI technology to strengthen relationships with the public, generate
more relevant information, and improve the overall performance of communication
campaigns. Furthermore, the main way a public relations person overcomes the dilemma
in the context of using AI in public relations practice, especially in implementing the
strategy of using AI in public relations practice, of course, can vary depending on the
purpose and context (Nasution et al., 2022). One commonly used strategy is to use AI to
analyze data and identify trends or patterns that are relevant to the organization. For
example, AI can be used to analyze public sentiment towards a particular brand or
product, so PR practitioners can design communication strategies accordingly. In
addition, the use of chatbots and virtual assistants is an increasingly popular strategy in
increasing interaction with the public. By utilizing chatbots, organizations can provide
more responsive and efficient services to customers or stakeholders.