Rendy Romansyah, Bianca Nurul Azzahra, Akbar Winasis, Agung Prasetyo
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5380
From the results analysis condition of the irrigation network, namely with a good
classification of 12%, moderate of 67%, and damage of 21%, it can be concluded that the
condition of the irrigation network in the Katiga Dam irrigation area is slightly damaged.
Then, for the number of management personnel available, only seven people, while the
actual need is 12 people, indicating a shortage of power managers, namely five people,
with a percentage of 42%, so that service to condition channel is not fulfilled enough.
The AKNOP analysis shows that operational and maintenance costs in 2025 will increase
from the previous year, so it can be said that budgeting for Operations and maintenance
in irrigation areas Weir Third is not good enough.
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