p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6219

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems
Using the Togaf ADM Framework at PT Telekomunikasi

Witel West Jakarta

Wilda Santika1*, Yulhendri2
Esa Unggul University, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]*, [email protected]


Keywords: hygiene,
sanitation, hotel, Sheraton

This study aims to analyze the implementation of hygiene
and sanitation in the Pastry Department of Sheraton Bali
Kuta Resort. The background of this research is the
importance of implementing hygiene and sanitation to
maintain food quality and consumer health. The methods
used include direct observation and interviews with staff to
understand the implementation of standard operating
procedures (SOPs) in the department. The results showed
that the SOP for personal hygiene had been implemented
well, although there were still negligence in some
procedures caused by a lack of staff awareness. The SOPs
for cleaning areas and equipment are also quite good, but the
hotel's high level of busyness causes some aspects of
cleanliness to be often overlooked. In addition, it was found
that the lack of awareness in returning equipment to its
original place caused some equipment to be lost. In
conclusion, although the implementation of hygiene and
sanitation has gone quite well, increased awareness and
training of staff is urgently needed to ensure consistency and
effectiveness of its implementation.


Companies or corporations tend to use information to realize their goals due to
advances in information technology (Udayana, Legionosukmo, & Sundari, 2022). It is
very important for any organization to create a very robust information management
system, as information serves as a valuable asset for the business and has long-term utility
(Priambodo & Suroso, 2023). An information system strategy that is executed effectively
can generate significant benefits for the organization. This strategy revolves around a
vision of the extent to which technology can effectively achieve the requirements of
information systems (Pramudita, Arifin, Alfian, Safitri, & Anwariya, 2021). An
information system strategy is urgently needed by companies to achieve commercial
goals and increase the value of their cooperatives. Implementing this plan will result in

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6220

profits for the company's operations and management (Hakim, Ghozali, Sugiharto,
Nindyasari, & Jazuli, 2018).

Strategic planning refers to the deliberate actions taken by an organization to
formulate a well-defined strategy and distribute resources effectively (Nugroho, 2016).
The main emphasis is on developing effective resource allocation and future plans to
achieve business goals. Corporations can optimize the use of SI/IT by developing a well-
thought-out SI/IT strategy (Lawu, Ali, Bhayangkara, & Raya, 2022). To achieve the
effectiveness of an information system planning process, it must begin by defining the
business architecture of the existing organization (FIRMANSYAH, 2018)v. This is
followed by determining the appropriate data and application architectures for use, so that
the technology is built and implemented to support the system architecture requirements.

The demand for business operations is the main determinant for the utilization of
information technology in business. This has resulted in a competitive environment
among companies to adopt information systems, leveraging technologies that prioritize
immediate requirements and enable the deployment of redundant systems. As a result,
these systems are custom-built and lack integration.

Previous research by (Indey, Hartomo, & Sembiring, 2022) entitled "Strategic
Planning of Information Systems Based on the Zachman Framework at the West Java
Provincial Directorate of Transmigration". The findings of this study involve the
development of an information system strategic plan of the Directorate of Transmigration
of West Java Province (Hizbullah & Salmin, 2021). The findings are presented in a table
detailing the approach to developing information systems in accordance with the
objectives, vision, and requirements of the Directorate of Transmigration. This study uses
the Zachman Framework methodology (Uribe & Feinberg, 2020). This task covers a wide
range of aspects and viewpoints, requiring an in-depth understanding and sufficient
duration to complete. In addition, when applied in practice, there are many obstacles that
need to be addressed, especially if there is not enough help from adequate resources. The
research is titled "Strategic Planning of Sales Information Systems Using the Togaf Adm
Approach (Case Study: Three Sister's House Of Beauty)". The research focuses around
The House Of Beauty of Three Sisters, which currently faces many challenges in data
management and commercial strategy (Destyarini & Tanaamah, 2021). The findings of
the study show that the implementation of TOGAF ADM can improve the development
of information system strategies for this business, making it more effective, cohesive, and
aligned with the desired goals. In addition, the company's process in terms of selling and
promoting products on social media. The TOGAF technique provides the advantage of
providing a systematic and structured approach to developing enterprise architectures
(Manuputty & Wijaya, 2013).
The objectives of this study are:
1. Produce a strategic plan for an information system that is integrated through the use of

the TOGAF ADM Framework.

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems Using the Togaf ADM Framework at
PT Telekomunikasi Witel West Jakarta

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6221

2. Produce a blueprint that includes the design of the system architecture and
requirements to ensure that the information system is well integrated in support of the
company's business strategy.

Research Object

PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) is a government-owned enterprise
(BUMN) operating in the information and communication technology (ICT) services
sector and telecommunication networks in Indonesia. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk,
also known as Telkom Indonesia or Telkom, is a comprehensive telecommunications
company and a leading provider of telecommunications networks and services in

Population and sample

1. Population

PT. Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta employs around 500 people. However, this
study specifically focused on the population of 100 employees from PT. Telkom Wital
West Jakarta which directly utilizes the information system.

2. Sample

This study uses a Non-Probability Sampling strategy, namely Convenience
Sampling. This technique was chosen because it was easily accessible to relevant
participants, i.e. managers and employees who were available during the study.
Convenience sampling allows researchers to quickly collect data from sources that are
easily accessible and willing to participate in research. While this method may not
accurately represent everyone, it nonetheless provides helpful and practical insights. One
of the main advantages of using this method is the efficiency of the time and resources
required to obtain data relevant to the research subject. There are 100 employee samples
used in this study.

Data Collection Techniques

The data collection procedure refers to the specific efforts that are carried out to
gather the information necessary to address the research challenges. To ensure the
accuracy and reliability of data, it is essential to utilize valid data collection technologies
and adhere to certain criteria in the data acquisition process.


Direct observation was carried out to obtain information related to the content of
PT. Telkom Indonesia in West Jakarta. This observation is carried out in order to
understand and analyze the issues that arise.


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This method requires obtaining information about PT. Telkom Indonesia West
Jakarta through the use of questions and responses or face-to-face conversations with
managers and staff. It is beneficial to get information from individuals who understand
and have the necessary expertise.

Data Analysis Methods

Researchers conduct qualitative data analysis to find out how the relationships
between variables work, which can then be used to find answers to research problems.
The relationship between semantics is very important because researchers do not use
numbers for quantitative analysis. Processing and analyzing collected data into structured,
systematic, and organized, and meaningful data is the basis of qualitative data analysis

Results and Discussion
Defining the current business architecture

Information system-based business solutions can be found by identifying current
conditions. As shown in the following attached table:

Table 1

Identify current conditions


Problems Solution
Type of

1 Acceptance
of Service

High service requests
can lead to backlogs
and longer response

Investments in
scalable digital
platforms such as
systems to increase
processing capacity.

Service and

2 Maintenance

Disrupted services,
such as slow or
disconnected internet,
can be caused by
network disruptions.
As well as slow
response: Customers
may be dissatisfied
due to slow responses
to technical issues and

Implement a real-
time network
monitoring system
to detect and deal
with outages before
customers are aware
of them.

schedules that
use automated
systems to find
repair needs
occur to ensure
functioning of
network and

The process of
recording and
reporting the

Automation of the
use of information
system applications

Procurement of
an integrated
Valins data

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems Using the Togaf ADM Framework at
PT Telekomunikasi Witel West Jakarta

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6223

completion of valins
data validation is still

in the process of
recording relevant


The process of
monitoring data the
daily provisioning
process is still manual

Automation of the
use of information
system applications
in the process of
recording data,

Procurement of
data logging

3 Human

There is a lack of
between employees
and management, so
the process to ensure
the attendance of
employees who are
WFO (Work From
Office) and WFH
(Work From Home) is
still done manually.

Utilization of
software to
automate the
process of


4 Marketing
and Sales

The company is
already using digital
marketing. But for
competition from
companies that offer
comparable services
at competitive prices.

By using market
analysis tools and
surveys to find out
the needs of
consumers and the
position of

There is
already digital
marketing with
various media.
One of them is

5 Service Customers experience
long wait times for
help or resolution of
their problems.

Use chatbots and
automated queue
systems to handle
initial requests and
direct them to the
right employees.

Procurement of
24/7 customer
support and

This business process is described with the BPMN tool. Below is an explanation of

the current business process at PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta.
Service Request

PT Telkom customers request services through various means, such as call centers,
websites, or applications, as depicted in Figure 4.3 Customer Service verifies customer
data and ensures that all required data is correct. Before being sent to the next meeting, a
new customer service report is generated and submitted to ensure compliance and
accuracy (Anu, 2022). Team Leader Area generates customer service reports and assigns
Work Orders (WOs) to the appropriate technology. Then, for scheduling and employee
management, Work Orders are assigned to the appropriate technology by BIMA

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Information Systems. The new service process ensures that customers receive service
quickly and consistently. In addition, this process allows the use of all available resources
and ensures a high quality of service and a positive customer experience.

Developing enterprise architecture for the future

After the business architecture planning is completed, the BPMN tool is used to
describe the upcoming business process. After conducting business architecture planning,
several business processes have undergone changes at PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta
(Andrianti, Astri, Aryani, & Novianto, 2021). Eventually, process steps that reduce
efficiency and effectiveness will be replaced with more computerized processes that are
easier for users to ensure customer satisfaction. The replacement process will be marked
with a blue box. Each image below will describe the upcoming business operations that
the company will undertake.
a. Service Request

The upcoming business process for new service installation requests is that
Customer Care can automatically review new request reports, and the Provisioning and
Migration Helpdesk can receive automated reports indicating that there are issues in the
installation of new services and need to be resolved immediately.

Figure 1

Business Process of Proposed Request for Installation of New Services

b. Maintenance and Technical Support (Operation)

The upcoming business process for maintenance and technical support is Helpdesk
Assurance automatically reviewing outage reports to later be forwarded to the area team
leader so that they can share work orders and immediately complete the fix of this

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems Using the Togaf ADM Framework at
PT Telekomunikasi Witel West Jakarta

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6225

Figure 2

Business Process Proposed Maintenance and Technical Support

c. Personnel Monitoring

Judging from the current business process, the development of business processes
for the future is that there will be a business process to monitor employee attendance
through an attendance monitoring information system for the future. So that employees
do not need to list in their respective unit groups. This system is useful for supervising
employee attendance.

Figure 3

Business Process of Proposed Personnel Monitoring

d. Marketing and sales services

The upcoming business process for the marketing and sales process of services is
improved on subscription requests, customer services that can automatically review
service installations, as well as prepare and send invoices for customers automatically.
Future Business Strategies

To achieve the vision and mission of PT. Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta, various
business strategies have been designed to optimize the company's performance and
increase its competitiveness in the telecommunications market. Each strategy is designed
to target critical areas that need improvement and improvement, and is combined with
gap analysis to ensure optimal target achievement.

One of the key strategies to transform manual business processes into digital
automation is the digitization of business processes. This is expected to increase
operational efficiency and accuracy. Based on the analysis of current conditions, many
business processes are still carried out manually, such as the use of google sheets. To
overcome these differences in technology and processes, companies can redesign their
processes and adopt new technologies to be able to integrate with more efficient digital

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PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta can also improve IT infrastructure for more
efficient services. Companies can collaborate with technology companies to develop and
provide innovative digital services. The company will also prioritize human development
and innovation, to develop innovative solutions. The company will expand its market
reach. The company will also focus on digital transformation, leveraging digital
technologies across business operations and leveraging big data and analytics for faster

Companies can also design more flexible systems and improve their ability to adapt
to technological and business changes because current conditions suggest that existing
system architectures may not be flexible enough and that current systems and processes
are less able to adapt to new technologies.

PT. Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta can use the TOGAF framework to design and
implement a more efficient and competitive information system strategy by conducting
an in-depth gap analysis.
GAP Analysis

TOGAF gap analysis is used to analyze the gap between current and future business
architectures. Further details can be found in table 2.

Table 2

Business Gap Analysis

Business Gap Analysis

Browse Limited communication channels between
departments that can affect collaboration and
strategy implementation.

Process Certain processes may not be optimized
effectively, which can lead to long cycle
times and ineffective use of resources.

Tools There are still automated processes
Information The problem is to ensure that relevant

information is easily accessible so that
decision-making can be made quickly.

Current Conditions
The results of the study show that PT. Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta currently has

several data entities in the Attendance, obstacle monitoring, and new installation
applications. These entities are outlined in the Figure below:

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems Using the Togaf ADM Framework at
PT Telekomunikasi Witel West Jakarta

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6227

Figure 4

Current Class Diagram

Proposed Improvements

And compiling data manually at PT. Telkom Indonesia, West Jakarta. In this study,
a diagram class is used to describe the data architecture of PT. Telkom Witel West Jakarta.
The data architecture of PT. Telkom Witel West Jakarta can be depicted using a class
diagram, and this involves identifying and identifying data modeling on applications used
for PT. Telkom Witel West Jakarta. The data classes and their attributes are depicted in
the diagram class below. The data architecture of PT. Telkom Witel West Jakarta is
depicted in the following figure 4.7:

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Figure 5
Class Diagram

There is a difference between the proposed data entity and the current one when
compared. Data architecture today performs several business process activities without
using information systems. There are 6 data entities in the current data architecture, but
the proposed data architecture target would create 17 new data entities.
Data Linkage

An analysis of PT Telkom Indonesia's data architecture in West Jakarta shows that
data entities are still being used in their current conditions for applications such as
attendance, obstacle monitoring, and new installations. However, in the proposed
improvement, PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta's data architecture must be improved
by using a more comprehensive data model to support business processes more

A comparison between the current conditions and the proposed target shows that
the current data architecture has only 6 data entities and does not have adequate
information systems to carry out many business process activities. On the other hand, the
proposed data architecture has 17 new data entities that are more integrated and can meet
a wider range of business needs.

All of these entities are connected through relationships, or relationships, which
show how they interact in business processes. For example, a "Customer" entity may
relate to a "Service" entity to indicate what services are used by that customer. In addition,
entities such as "Report Requests" may also relate to the "Customer" and "Service"
entities because each report request can originate from a customer and be associated with
a particular service.

Simple applications to perform basic tasks such as monitoring attendance,
monitoring constraints, and installing new services are limited to the interconnectedness
of the data in today's existing data architecture. Data entities currently operate separately,
making data integration and analysis ineffective. Conversely, the interconnectedness
between data entities will be more structured and complex in the proposed data

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems Using the Togaf ADM Framework at
PT Telekomunikasi Witel West Jakarta

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6229

architecture. For example, customer data will be linked to other entities such as services
received, outage reports, and troubleshooting. This will allow for better data integration
so that various data entities can support each other and provide a more complete picture
for deeper analysis. It is hoped that this transformation will improve operational
efficiency and the quality of services provided by PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta to
its customers.
Future Business Strategies

To achieve the vision and mission of PT. Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta, various
business strategies have been designed to optimize the company's performance and
increase its competitiveness in the telecommunications market. Each strategy is designed
to target critical areas that need improvement and improvement, and is combined with
gap analysis to ensure optimal target achievement.

One of the key strategies to transform manual business processes into digital
automation is the digitization of business processes. This is expected to increase
operational efficiency and accuracy. Based on the analysis of current conditions, many
business processes are still carried out manually, such as the use of google sheets. To
overcome these differences in technology and processes, companies can redesign their
processes and adopt new technologies to be able to integrate with more efficient digital

PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta can also improve IT infrastructure for more
efficient services. Companies can collaborate with technology companies to develop and
provide innovative digital services. The company will also prioritize human development
and innovation, to develop innovative solutions. The company will expand its market
reach. The company will also focus on digital transformation, leveraging digital
technologies across business operations and leveraging big data and analytics for faster

Companies can also design more flexible systems and improve their ability to adapt
to technological and business changes because current conditions suggest that existing
system architectures may not be flexible enough and that current systems and processes
are less able to adapt to new technologies.

PT. Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta can use the TOGAF framework to design and
implement a more efficient and competitive information system strategy by conducting
an in-depth gap analysis.

PT Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta has the ability to improve operational
efficiency, expand digital services, drive innovation, and achieve a comprehensive digital
transformation while remaining focused on sustainability and social responsibility
through this business strategy.


Taking into account the data collected and the results of the analysis carried out on
PT. Telkom West Jakarta. There are several problems in business and IT faced by PT

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Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6230

Telkom Indonesia West Jakarta. Internally, the company's key strengths include extensive
network infrastructure, a large customer base, and a strong reputation in the
telecommunications industry. However, the company has some drawbacks, such as
complex business processes and a lack of data integration between departments.

Although PT Telkom Witel West Jakarta has built an IT system in each division,
the provisioning process is still done manually using Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.
This shows that the existing system has not supported the company's business
performance optimally.
To address this issue, the company has adopted the TOGAF (The Open Group
Architecture Framework) framework. This framework aims to develop and implement
more efficient and integrated information systems, which will improve the company's
management and operational capabilities. Needs analysis, development of data
architectures, applications, and technologies that fit business needs are all part of these
strategic steps.

Analysis and Strategic Planning of Information Systems Using the Togaf ADM Framework at
PT Telekomunikasi Witel West Jakarta

Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 12, December 2024 6231


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