Challenges and Measures to Counteract Passport Data Falsification in Indonesian Migrant Workers: A
Review of the Circular Letter of the Director General of Immigration of the Republic of Indonesia
Number: IMI-GR.01.01-0252 of 2023
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4939
falsifying identity documents. This is because when Indonesian Migrant Workers want to
improve the data on their passports, the Indonesian migrant workers must also change all
the documents they have in Hong Kong, such as work contracts, residence permits, etc.
(Constable, 2024). The good intentions of the migrant workers to comply with the
regulations of the Indonesian Government, became a negative thing for him, because
based on the regulations of the Hong Kong Government, Indonesian migrant workers can
be charged with fraud for falsifying identity data on passports (Utami, 2016).
For Indonesian Migrant Workers who survive by using false data on their passports,
they end up living in Hong Kong without having a valid identity card and passport,
because they cannot replace their passports. When they are sick, the migrant workers
cannot get health services, because they cannot show their valid identity documents to the
hospital. In addition, when the migrant workers wanted to carry out the remittance
process, the migrant workers did not have access to the remittance process at the bank,
because they did not have a valid identity card and passport (Soraya, 2021). Passports are
an important document for everyone who wants to travel abroad, including migrant
workers. A passport is considered an internationally recognized identity document, and
also has an important role for its owner. Without a passport while abroad, a person cannot
be recognized for their citizenship status (Starke in Rachman, 2021).
Passports are considered a means to ensure protection for Indonesian Migrant
Workers who are working abroad. However, many problems experienced by many
Indonesian Migrant Workers are related to false identities listed on their passports. This
makes migrant workers there vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking, as
well as vulnerable to becoming victims of the policies of the recipient country related to
immigration and employment issues (Kanwil Kemenkumham Kalbar, 2023). As a form
of protection for migrant workers, the Directorate General of Immigration is trying to
apply biometric technology in its efforts to reduce Indonesian Non-Procedural Indonesian
Migrant Workers who use fake identity data. Biometric data is stored with the aim of
ensuring that the passport holder is really the rightful owner and entitled to the passport
(Kanim Batam, 2023). However, even though it has been recorded biometrically, there is
still an opportunity for the migrant workers to continue to use other people's data in the
passport making process. As long as there are still non-procedural worker delivery service
providers who assist Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates in obtaining population
documents such as birth certificates, ID cards, family cards, etc., then there is still a
possibility for these prospective workers to be able to get a passport using the population
document provided by the non-procedural worker delivery service provider (Constable,
With the many administrative requirements that must be met, the length of the
process that must be taken, and the absence of fees, it is considered a factor that
encourages prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers to take non-procedural actions in
their efforts to obtain passports (Gaol et al., 2023). As one of the requirements that must
be met to be able to work abroad, a passport is an important thing for an Indonesian
Migrant Worker. However, due to incomplete supporting documents, usually the