p–ISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2 024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5237Study on Optimization of Availability and Demand for CleanWater at Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAM) inJayapura CityDwi Cahya Kurniawan1*, Mujiati2, Dewi Ana Rusim3, Ira Widyastuti4, HarmonisRante5Universitas Cenderawasih, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3,[email protected]4, [email protected]5*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: PDAM, cleanwater, solutions.PDAM Jayapura is a government agency that operates inthe field of providing drinking water services, apart frombeing a profit institution, it is also a social institution.PDAM Jayapura is tasked with providing clean water forthe Jayapura City and Jayapura Regency areas. Thisresearch aims to identify the existing condition of theJayapura City PDAM drinking water distribution system,analyze the availability, needs, and installed (distributionnetwork) clean water needs in Jayapura City, and conductan analysis of other alternatives in meeting Clean WaterNeeds in Jayapura City. The results of this research showthat the coverage of clean water services by Jayapura CityPDAM is still below national standards, using technologicalinnovation to monitor and control the clean waterdistribution network system in real-time using sensortechnology installed at each network point to identify andrepair leaks quickly, based on the results of the planet 2.0analysis, several parts of the pipe have very smallvelocities, therefore, the discharge coming out of the pipe isvery small. The solution that can be made is to reduce thedimensions of the existing pipe so that the flow speed canbe met and also by adding water pumps at various pointsthat have a water speed of 0 m/s so that the water in the pipecan flow properly.IntroductionJayapura City is an urban area where people cannot be said to enjoy clean waterevenly and meet quality requirements. In fact, in Jayapura City, there are many watersources, both in the form of springs, rivers, and lakes (Wegelin, Wensley, McKenzie, Dwi Cahya Kurniawan, Mujiati, Dewi Ana Rusim, Ira Widyastuti, Harmonis Rante
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5238
Bhagwan, & Herbst, 2011). This is evidenced by the fact that some people still use
rainwater and groundwater whose water quality is not qualified for consumption. The
supply of clean water in Jayapura City (North Jayapura District, South Jayapura
District, Abepura District, Heram District, and Maura Tami District) is still far from
what is needed. The expectation is that the water can flow for 24 hours a day without
stopping. However, the water discharge from the river which is the source of spring
water has decreased drastically, so that the volume of water in the intake intake or
reservoir is very unlikely to flow for 24 hours a day (Tanjung, 2013).
The clean water supply system for most of the city of Jayapura is served by the
government through PDAM (Regional Drinking Water Company) which has been
renamed PT. Air Mimum (PTAM) Jayapura, and a small part by private and private
parties. PDAM Jayapura is a government agency engaged in the field of drinking water
service providers, in addition to being a profit institution as well as a social institution.
PDAM Jayapura is in charge of providing clean water for the Jayapura City and
Jayapura Regency areas. PDAM Jayapura as a BUMD engaged in the provision of clean
water is required to be able to provide clean water to meet the needs of clean water.
PDAM Jayapura which was established in 1890 serves the needs of clean water for
Jayapura City (Sari, 2012).
According to the Director of PDAM Jayapura, Dr. H. Entis Sutisna, SE. MM., he
said, the reason for his party is looking for alternatives for the supply of raw water from
Lake Sentani. First, because the need for clean water in Jayapura is increasing day by
day. Since the last 20 years, there has been almost no increase in production capacity.
Meanwhile, the growth rate of the community which has an impact on the demand for
clean water consumption is greatly increasing, especially in urban areas (Nurfaiziya,
Runiawati, & Muftiadi, 2022).
"Now the number of people in the city area alone has reached 420 thousand
people. Meanwhile, our clean water production is only 850 liters per second," he said.
So one of the efforts made by PDAM to meet the need for clean water in the city first
must optimize the existing water sources in several water intakes that have been
produced so far. (pdamjayapura.co.id, 10 Dec 2020).
Therefore, this study will examine the availability of PDAM clean water
distribution in the city of Jayapura and alternatives to meet the needs of clean water in
the city of Jayapura.
This study uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis methods. This
means that this method will describe various facts in the field so that it can carry out an
analysis that is seen from the various assessments identified. This is done to describe the
performance condition of the clean water network system in various things that affect it
and develop a handling strategy that is by the problems that occur. The stages of
activities carried out are data collection, primary and secondary data processing, and
literature review from previous research from universities and related agencies.
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5239
The preparation of this research was carried out in the Jayapura City area. This
research includes the identification of water needs in the distribution system of PDAM
Jayapura, and analyzing the reservoir capacity and the implementation of DMA from
technical, financial, and institutional aspects.
The stage of collecting data is divided into 2 (two), namely primary data and
secondary data.
Primary Data is data obtained from:
1. Field Survey
2. Interview with PDAM Jayapura City and customers
3. Water usage patterns of PDAM Jayapura City
Secondary data is data obtained from related agencies in the form of
documentation, maps, statistical data, and so on. Secondary data includes:
1. Distribution piping network map
2. Water tariff data per category
3. Customer data and SR
4. Administrative map and contours
5. Data on the quarterly report of PDAM Jayapura City
Results and Discussion
Population Projection Results
The data sources used in projecting the population in Jayapura City for the next 10
years in the preparation of this report are population data from 2010-2018 data from
BPS Jayapura City and data for 2019-2022 from the Jayapura City Dukcapil Office
(Fajri, Sundaya, & Rahmi, 2020). Based on the population projection method above, the
population projection of Jayapura City for the next 10 years is as follows:
Tabel 1
Jumlah Penduduk Kota Jayapura Per Jenis Kelamin Tahun 2023
Source : BPS Jayapura City (2022)2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
1 Muara Tami 9.566 9.732 9.896 8.848 9.071 9.295 18.414 18.803 19.191
2 Abepura 66.306 67.749 69.186 57.505 58.941 60.379 123.811 126.690 129.565
3 Heram 36.551 37.328 38.102 31.556 32.333 33.110 68.107 69.661 71.212
4 Jayapura Selatan 52.874 53.429 53.964 47.307 47.974 48.623 100.181 101.403 102.587
5 Jayapura Utara 49.749 50.118 50.465 43.742 44.177 44.591 93.491 94.295 95.056
Kota Jayapura
(Total) 215.046 218.356 221.613 188.958 192.496 195.998 404.004 410.852 417.611
No Kecamatan
Jumlah penduduk Kota Jayapura menurut Kecamatan dan Jenis Kelamin (Jiwa)
Laki-Laki Perempuan Total
Dwi Cahya Kurniawan, Mujiati, Dewi Ana Rusim, Ira Widyastuti, Harmonis Rante
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Table 2
Jayapura City Population Projection in 2034
Source: Data Analysis, 2024
From the results of the projection calculation, the researcher took the largest
number of projections, namely the results of the projection calculation using the
Exponential method.
Table 3
Results of Jayapura City Population Projections in 2034 with Exponential Method
No District Total Population
1 Muara Tami 24.081
2 Abepura 166.298
3 Heram 90.972
4 South Jayapura 116.645
5 North Jayapura 103.880
Total 500.443Aritmatik Geometrik Ekponensial Aritmatik Geomatrik Ekponensial
1 Muara Tami 19.587 19.587 19.591 23.547 24.026 24.081
2 Abepura 132.505 132.505 132.539 161.908 165.839 166.298
3 Heram 72.798 72.798 72.815 88.653 90.730 90.972
4 Jayapura Selatan 103.785 103.785 103.792 115.763 116.560 116.645
5 Jayapura Utara 95.823 95.823 95.826 103.495 103.843 103.880
Kota Jayapura
(Total) 424.481 424.481 424.537 493.183 499.717 500.443
No 2024 2034
Tahun Proyeksi
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5241
Quantity and Continuity of Clean Water of PDAM Jayapura City
Current Condition of Clean Water Quantity
The drastic decrease in water discharge in several water sources (intake) greatly
affects the smooth distribution of water to customers. Based on data obtained from
PDAM Jayapura, several intakes have experienced a decrease in water discharge, so that
some affected service areas are not smooth, water entering the reservoir is only 50
percent of the normal capacity (Fery, 2023). As in the Borgonji intake, the discharge of
50 liters/second is now only 30 liters/second, and the Entrop I and II Intake with a
discharge of 120 is now only 50 liters/second. As a solution, PDAM Jayapura has
prepared 4 tank cars to serve customers whose areas are affected. As in the final 2022
production report (Nelwan, Kekenusa, & Langi, 2013).
It is admitted by the PDAM that the water source managed by the PDAM is in the
Cycloop mountainous area which is currently damaged due to forest encroachment. In
addition to forest damage, the factor of pipe leakage due to old piping and water theft
also affects water discharge (Messakh, Sabar, Hadihardaja, & Chalik, 2015). The efforts
made by PDAM currently are to rotate directly at the water source so that everyday
officers from morning and evening manage directly at the water source, then clean the
filter or filter at the water source so that it will facilitate the distribution of water from
the transmission pipe to the reservoir, as well as cleaning the intake from materials and
rocks. In addition, the impact of the opening of public access to water catchment areas,
trees in forest buffer areas, and even above water sources have become plantation areas,
and many timbers are cut down to be used as firewood (Rembulan, Luin, Julianto, &
Septorino, 2020).
Current Flow Continuity Conditions
The problem of flow continuity is a problem that is still faced by PDAM
Jayapura, the flow hours are erratic and still below 20 hours, even though some service
areas are below 8 hours. If PDAM is able to be consistent with the daily discharge time
at the same time/hour even with a duration of less than 4 hours, customers will actually
be served and meet their daily needs for clean water (Sundarningsih, Mahmudy, &
Sutrisno, 2017).
According to the assistant production manager and water discharge laboratory, the
current water discharge is insufficient for the water needs of the people of Jayapura city,
this is evidenced by the fact that several service areas are concentrated on 24-hour
distribution, but it has started to drop and cannot be 24 hours. As with the government's
program for the affordability of clean water and 24-hour clean water service, PDAM has
a discourse in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
(PUPR) to process Lake Sentani as a new source of clean water, because the current
water discharge into the intake is not able to meet optimal clean water needs. The
optimal intake is currently 14, but some intakes have small water discharge, for
example, the entropy intake water quality is not good because the community is
approaching the water catchment area.
Dwi Cahya Kurniawan, Mujiati, Dewi Ana Rusim, Ira Widyastuti, Harmonis Rante
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5242
Decrease in Quantity Due to Forest Encroachment in Upstream Water Sources
Environmental sustainability of water resources greatly affects the availability of
water resources. The effect of damaging a forest is the destruction of the Water
Catchment Area in the upstream part. Naturally, the upstream area will catch rainwater
through its vegetation and then infiltrate and store rainwater in its groundwater system.
This underground water system will later appear to the surface as a source of springs.
This important function is the reason why this area is often referred to as a production
area, namely producing water from captured rain, production of sediment / natural
erosion, and production of nutrients that are washed from the land surface and into the
river flow. Changes in land use in this area will have major implications for the
production produced so this upstream area has a high level of vulnerability to
hydrological function disturbances. Overexploitation of land has the potential to
increase surface runoff, erosion, and pollutants into river bodies/watersheds.
Exacerbated by extreme climate change factors that are also the cause of hydrological
dysfunction, flooding is a problem that has recently occurred in the Cyloop
mountainous region. Very high rainfall in the Cyclops Mountains exacerbated the
Hydrological disasters are the estuary of the destruction of watersheds. A healthy
watershed can store water so that flooding does not occur in the rainy season and can
provide water in the dry season. Our current watersheds are partially unable to carry out
these hydrological functions. During the rainy season, it is unable to store water, making
groundwater and springs in the dry season. This means that our watersheds are not in a
healthy condition. The inability to store water is what causes a decrease in the quantity
of water which is a source of raw water for PDAM Jayapura.
From data from the Papua Natural Resources Conservation Center, encroachment
in Jayapura City covers an area of ± 418.44 hectares and Jayapura Regency covers an
area of ± 640.49 hectares. The discovery of residential areas and the opening of gardens
in locations that indicate encroachment, the conversion of timber forest land into
agricultural land for food crops, livestock, and other land-use activities. Throughout
2020, the Papua Natural Resources Conservation Center found 20 forest burning points
in the Cycloop Nature Reserve area. This is by secondary data obtained from the Papua
Natural Resources Conservation Center in the following table:
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5243
Table 4
Vast CA Encroachment Data. Cyclops Mountains
Sumber : Balai Besar KSDA Papua, 2023
Eksistensi Pegunungan Cycloop sangat penting bagi sumber air bersih, oleh
karena itu diperlukan adanya konsistensi terpadu dan upaya serius untuk seluruh
pemangku kepentingan sehingga mengantisipasi degradasi atau kerusakan hutan
diwilayah ini. Jika terjadi kerusakan di Pegunungan Cycloop maka akan berdampak dan
berakibat kerugian besar bagi layanan PDAM Jayapura. Namun Saat ini sudah terjadi
kerusakan cukup parah di Pegunungan Cycloop yang berdampak ke sumber air. Mulai
dari pembukaan lahan secara masif, penebangan pohon secara liar dan aktivitas
gangguan lainnya. Indikasi perambahan ditaksir sebesar 1058,93 Ha. Berikut Gambar
Peta yang menggambarkan indikasi perambahan kawasan pegunungan Cycloop.
Water Needs Analysis
Water demand projections are carried out for the next 10 years. By taking 2024 as
the beginning of the plan, the water demand in Jayapura City is projected to be until
Table 5
Water Needs in Jayapura CityJayapura
Selatan Heram Abepura Muara
Selatan Heram Abepura Muara
1 Jumlah Total Penduduk Jiwa 95,826 103,792 72,815 132,539 19,591 103,880 116,645 90,972 166,298 24,081
2 Kebutuhan air untuk tiap 1
orang per hari lt/hr/org 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
3 Kebutuhan air domestik Kd)
(Jml Pend. x Keb. Air) lt/dt 66.546 72.078 50.566 92.041 13.605 72.139 81.003 63.175 115.485 16.723
4 Kebutuhan air non domestik
(15% x Kd) lt/dt 9.982 10.81 7.58 13.81 2.04 10.82 12.15 9.48 17.32 2.51
5 Kebutuhan air baku rata-
rata lt/dt 89.837 97.31 68.26 124.26 18.37 97.39 109.35 85.29 155.90 22.58
6 Kebutuhan harian
maksimum lt/dt 103.312 111.901 78.504 142.894 21.122 111.996 125.758 98.079 179.290 25.962
7 Kebutuhan air pada jam
puncak lt/dt 140.146 151.796 106.492 193.838 28.652 151.925 170.593 133.047 243.211 35.218
KeteranganNo Satuan
Dwi Cahya Kurniawan, Mujiati, Dewi Ana Rusim, Ira Widyastuti, Harmonis Rante
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5244
Table 6
Recapitulation of Clean Water Needs in 2034
No District Unit Sum
1 North Jayapura lt/dt 97.388
2 South Jayapura lt/dt 109.355
3 Vikram (Waena) lt/dt 85.286
4 Abepura lt/dt 155.904
5 Muara Tami lt/dt 22.576
TOTAL lt/dt 470.509
Source: Data Analysis, 2024
Hydraulic Analysis
The piping network is limited to a steady flow or its claim called steady flow in a
closed conduit. Steady flow in closed conduit includes:
(1) Energy loss formulas (pipe friction formulas)
(2) Energy gradient and pressure gradient (hydraulic gradient)
(3) Series pipes & equivalent pipes
(4) Parallel pipe
(5) Branched pipe
(6) Pipeline
In this study, the hydraulic analysis uses the help of the Epanet 2.0 application so
that the hydraulic equations can be fulfilled in terms of provisions. The following are
the results obtained along with the provisions of the pipeline network distribution
design in Jayapura City.
Hydraulic Analysis of Jayapura City
The following is a map of the distribution of pipeline networks in Jayapura City.
Figure 1
Map of PDAM Clean Water Distribution in Jayapura City
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5245
Figure 2
Jayapura City Epanet Plan
Based on the results of the epanet for the distribution area in Jayapura City that
has been presented, there are several small water velocities, therefore, an epanet
analysis is needed where if the water velocity is less than 0.3 m/s, the pipe will
experience wear and deposition. Therefore, the dimensions of various pipes need to be
done so that the water speed in the pipes is safe.
The following is a picture of the pressure at each node and the speed at each pipeline in
Jayapura City.
Figure 3
Pressure and Speed of Pipes in Each Node of Jayapura City
Dwi Cahya Kurniawan, Mujiati, Dewi Ana Rusim, Ira Widyastuti, Harmonis Rante
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5246
Koya Hydraulics Analysis
The following is a map of the distribution of pipelines in Koya.
Figure 4
Jayapura City Epanet Plan
Based on the results of the planet for the distribution area in Koya that has been
presented, several water velocities are small and even reach 0 m/s. Therefore, an epanet
analysis is needed where if the water velocity is less than 0.3 m/s, the pipe will wear out
and sedimentation occurs. If the speed of the pipe reaches 0 m/s, the water in the pipe
does not flow, so it is useless to plan a clean water network in the area. Therefore, the
dimensions of various pipes need to be done so that the water speed in the pipe is safe
and sufficient so that the pipe speed is not less than 0.3 m/s or even 0 m/s.
The following is a picture of the pressure at each node and the speed at each
pipeline in Jayapura City.
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5247
Figure 5
Pressure and Speed of Pipes in Each Koya Node
Alternatives in Meeting Jayapura City's Clean Water Needs
Based on the results of the pipeline hydraulic analysis that has been carried out,
several alternatives have been carried out in meeting the needs of clean water in the city
of Jayapura, namely:
1. Jayapura City has a good topography so the clean water distribution system can use a
gravity system, based on the results of the planet 2.0 analysis, several sections of the
pipeline have a very small speed, therefore, the discharge that comes out of the pipe
is very small. The solution that can be made is to reduce the dimensions of the
existing pipe so that the flow speed can be fulfilled so that water can flow to the
house connection properly. If the water demand is greater, an alternative can be made
by reducing the service time from 24 hours to 8 hours.
2. For the problem in Koya, Koya has a topographic area that tends to be flat.
Therefore, water cannot flow properly. The solution that can be suggested is to add
water pumps at various points that have a water speed of 0 m/s so that the water in
the pipe can flow properly.
Based on research on optimizing the availability and need for clean water in
PDAM Jayapura City, several conclusions were found. First, the coverage of clean
water services by PDAM is still below national standards, with a service achievement of
89% in 2022, while the national target in 2024 is 100%. Second, the high rate of water
loss due to pipe leaks and theft requires PDAMs to implement technological solutions
that can monitor the water distribution network in real-time, so that leaks can be
identified and repaired faster, reducing operational costs. Third, based on the hydraulic
analysis of the pipeline, it was found that Jayapura City with a hilly topography can
Dwi Cahya Kurniawan, Mujiati, Dewi Ana Rusim, Ira Widyastuti, Harmonis Rante
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5248
utilize the gravity system for water distribution, although some pipes need dimensional
adjustment to increase flow. In Koya, which has a flat area, the suggested solution is to
add pumps at points where the flow is stagnant so that the water is more evenly
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5249
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