pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 5, No. 11 November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4838
Optimizing Employee Transfer in an Effort to Get Acceptable
Employees at the Directorate General of Defense Forces
Cecep Usman Akbar Askanta
*, Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Employee
Transfer; Competency; Merit
System; Human Resource
Management; Public Sector;
This research aims to examine the employee transfer system in
order to obtain adequate competence at the Directorate General of
Defense Strengthening. The method used is a qualitative approach
with literature studies and in-depth interviews with employees
within the Directorate General of Customs and Defense. The
results of the study show that the current employee transfer
process has not adopted the merit system optimally, with the
existence of dominant administrative filing and lack of
transparency and accountability. In addition, there are
shortcomings in the assessment of performance and competencies
from previous workplaces, as well as orientation and training
programs that have not been fully effective. These findings
underscore the importance of reforms in human resource
management in the public sector to improve employee
competence and performance. It is hoped that the implementation
of the merit system, competency-based assessment, and
improvement of training programs can overcome existing
problems and optimize organizational performance.
Employee competence is needed in an organization in dealing with a highly
competitive market situation. Where employee competence refers to the traits, skills, or
attributes that employees need to do their jobs more effectively (M. A. Campion et al.,
2011; Soderquist et al., 2010), competence can also increase a person's value and help
predict the success of a job (Flannery et al., 1996). In an organization, having people who
have competence will produce a higher quality product (Ahuja & Khamba, 2008), support
innovation (Siguaw et al., 2006) and reduce employee turnover costs (Joo & Lim, 2009).
This step must be taken by both private and public sector organizations to face the
demands of the strategic environment, such as the development of information and
communication technology, globalization and increasing the nation's competitiveness, as
well as public expectations for the performance of the central and regional governments
that continue to develop, in line with the development and dynamics of society (Sumanti,
2018). So that having a competent number of employees with the required skills, abilities,
Optimizing Employee Transfer in an Effort to Get Acceptable Employees at the Directorate
General of Defense Forces
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4839
knowledge, and experience, to achieve organizational goals is something important
(Sarma, 2009), both in the private and public sectors.
In the public sector, the quality of government largely depends on the quality of the
people who manage the government (Tjiptoherijanto, 2011), if employees improve the
quality, integrity, professionalism and performance of employees in carrying out their
duties, of course personnel reform will run (Prasojo, 2010), because if the personnel
system is bad, there will be internal problems in the country's civil service system
(Prasojo, 2010).
For this reason, in order to get people who have good competence in a public
organization with the right strategy to hire competent people through effective human
resource management strategies, namely recruitment, transfer/mutation, and selection, so
that the goal of selecting the 'right' individuals and rejecting the 'bad' ones is achieved
(Bach, 2009), because success in implementing the arrangement of the human resource
system can realize a clean bureaucracy, quality public services and increasing
accountability for the performance and competence of apparatus resources (Sumanti,
However, unfortunately, Recruitment, which is a step in the process of finding
employees in an organization (Rao, 2009), and is carried out to achieve important public
goals and create public value (Johnson et al., 2022), cannot be carried out optimally due
to the existence of a minimum essential forces (MEF) policy by emphasizing zero growth
personnel since 2010 which requires the acceptance of personnel in the same number as
personnel quitting (Tempo.co, 2010). In addition, the CPNS moratorium in the
organizational restructuring and efficiency of the government employee budget since
2011 through the Joint Regulation on the Temporary Postponement of the Admission of
Civil Servant Candidates signed by 3 (three) Ministers, namely the Minister of State for
State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform, the Minister of Home Affairs,
and the Minister of Finance (Ahdiyana, 2015; Dharmaningtias, 2016; Rakhmawanto,
2011), thus causing the shock of employees who entered the Directorate General of
Strength. This can be seen from the results of the employees who entered the Directorate
General of Strength from the 2018 to 2023 range of only 5 (five) personnel
(simpeg.kemhan.go.id). In fact, during this vulnerable time, the personnel of the
Directorate General of Strength experienced employee depreciation due to retirement,
moving outside the agency, and passing away. So that it causes shortages in quantity and
This was revealed through three annual reports of the Directorate General of
Strength consisting of a work program report, a work program evaluation report, and a
performance report of government agencies of the Directorate General of Strength which
stated that: (a) there has been a shortage of personnel in the implementation of the duties
and functions of the Directorate General of Strength (b) the overall competence of
personnel is still lacking in terms of technical and behavior (c) there is a shortage of
personnel who should be 468 positions, Only 256 people who hold the position or only
56% are filled (d) vacant positions cannot be filled by existing personnel because they are
Cecep Usman Akbar Askanta, Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4840
not in accordance with their competencies. (e) The shortage of personnel causes an
excessive workload on personnel within the Directorate General of Strength. This
situation is in line with the BKN report in 2022 which stated that the measurement of the
ASN Professionalism Index (IP) from 623 agencies, including 34 Ministries, the results
of the measurement or value of ASN IP nationally are 44.60 with a very low category
(CNBC, 2022).
This problem causes the Directorate General of Strength to significantly depreciate
human resources both in quality and quantity, which hampers organizational performance
within the Directorate General of Strength. where an organization should have the right
personnel in the right number in the right position and at the right time (Adryanto, 2014).
Of course, concrete steps are needed to overcome the problem of the Directorate
General of Defense in order to fulfill the list of personnel by getting employees with an
adequate number and competence. Where it uses another human resource management
strategy, namely the employee transfer system, because this policy is not only protected
by regulations with the existence of the Minister of Defense Regulation Number 17 of
2019 concerning the management of civil servants of the Ministry of Defense, the
Telegram Letter of the Commander of the TNI No. ST/902/2020 and No. ST/62/2020
concerning personnel transfers. The policy on employee transfers in each organization
must also have a fair transfer policy and the executive must be responsible for making the
transfer by setting predetermined prerequisites, and can show that the transfer is carried
out based on the competencies and skills of the employees (Sarma, 2009). Criteria must
also be met where they must be in accordance with the needs of the organization, based
on the performance, competence and potential of employees, employee transfers must
also be carried out in a fair, transparent and objective manner. (Armstrong, 2012).
Employee transfer is also a quick and concrete step to get suitable and adequate
employees when carried out with a merit system (Hasibuan, 2016). Correct procedures
will be useful in meeting the needs of manpower in sections or units that are short of
manpower without recruiting from outside, and personnel have higher motivation and job
satisfaction, thanks to the new challenges and situations faced (Simamora, 2006),
although there is still an element of political content when employee transfers are carried
out (Cyan & Pasha, 2017). due to systemic patronage adhesion (Blunt et al., 2012).
Many employee transfers have been made. Several studies on employee transfers
have also been conducted in various countries such as the United States (Prince, 2005;
(Campion et al., 2022; Prince, 2005), Japan (Brunello, 1988), India (Satpathy et al., 2012),
Pakistan (Cyan & Pasha, 2017), Slovenia (Hajnic & Boshkoska, 2021), Hong Kong
(Chan, 1996). and even in Indonesia itself (Budiman, 2018). In addition, most of the
employee transfer research is mostly associated with reducing stress levels and family
reasons (Budiman, 2018; (E. D. Campion et al., 2022), company problems with the
economy (Brunello, 1988), and comparison with external recruitment (Chan, 1996), while
transfer research related to competencies specifically in the public sector has not been
widely carried out, in addition to the employee transfer system carried out by the
Optimizing Employee Transfer in an Effort to Get Acceptable Employees at the Directorate
General of Defense Forces
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4841
Directorate General of Strength has a unique employee character where there are two
types of employees, namely from ASN and TNI (land, sea, and air) in one organization.
This research needs to be carried out because it will provide information about how
the employee transfer system can be used to find and get people who have adequate
competence. In addition, the findings of this study can be a source of input for other
research in the future, the results can also be used by the private sector and the public
sector in obtaining employees according to the organization's wants, especially those who
have the uniqueness of similar or similar employees. Therefore, the purpose of this study
is to explore the transfer of employees who have been running in fulfilling adequate
competencies at the Directorate General of Strength.
Research Methods
The research conducted by the researcher uses a qualitative method through a post
positivism approach. This is done so that the researcher can get a broader and deeper
picture of the employee transfer system at the Directorate General of Strength so that the
advantages and disadvantages of the transfer system carried out by the Directorate
General of Strength can be analyzed so that input can be given in the future so that it can
be perfected in accordance with existing theories. The research was carried out for 30
days from November 2023 to December 2023.
The research instrument was carried out using literature studies related to transfer
activities at the Directorate General of Strength and interviews with people who are
competent in handling the transfer of employees within the Directorate General of
Strength. In order to get more detailed and comprehensive information, the researcher
also interviewed the Jab Bag Karpeg Subdivision of the Personnel Bureau, the Ministry
of Defense assessor team. The researcher also gave a questionnaire to the sub-directorate
of tampat where the results of the transfer of employees who have been and are being
placed are placed.
The research interviewed employees in the minpeg subdivision because they knew
the direct flow of transfer activities at the Directorate General of Strength. Because this
employee transfer system involves the personnel bureau administratively, the researcher
also interviews employees from the subdivision of the jab bag karpeg of the Ministry of
Defense's personnel bureau, the position subdivision is the person who directly handles
personnel transfers or transfers at the Ministry of Defense. The researcher also
interviewed the assessor team at the Ministry of Defense as a team that provides
assessments or examiners for people who will be placed to work units, and finally we also
gave a questionnaire to the sub-directorates at the Directorate General of Strength who
have been or are getting personnel as a result of employee transfers carried out to
strengthen the results obtained.
The collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis, enabling the
identification of recurring patterns, themes, and insights across the interview transcripts
and questionnaire responses. This approach ensured a structured interpretation of
qualitative data while maintaining flexibility for emerging themes. For questionnaire data,
Cecep Usman Akbar Askanta, Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4842
descriptive statistical analysis was employed to summarize responses and identify trends.
These analyses were performed using qualitative coding software and statistical tools to
enhance accuracy and reliability.
Results and Discussion
The results of the analysis of interviews and document reviews revealed several
important findings related to the employee transfer process at the Directorate General of
Defense Strength. First, there is no selection based on the merit system, there is only
administrative filing, this shows that the principle of meritocracy has not been applied
optimally in the employee transfer process. In fact, the principle of meritocracy is
important to ensure that transferred employees have competencies and performance that
are in accordance with the needs of their new positions (Perry & Wise, 1990; (Kim &
Choi, 2017; Rahayu, 2015). In addition, the existence of a merit-based selection process
is also very important to prevent the placement of incompetent individuals in roles where
they may have difficulty meeting the demands of the job (Steed et al., 2021) which can
ultimately improve organizational efficiency (Ismail, 2019).
Second, there is an element of "spoiler" in the transfer process, where the personal
"closeness" between the transferred employee and the authorities affects the transfer
decision, highlighting the lack of transparency and accountability in HR management,
especially in employee transfers. This practice not only has the potential to cause injustice
but can also damage the morale and motivation of other employees who feel that they are
not treated fairly (Berman et al., 2019).
The absence of performance appraisals and competency assessments from previous
workplaces as a reference in the transfer process shows that transfer decisions are often
not based on an objective assessment of employee capabilities and contributions, which
has the potential to hinder the development of competencies and optimal employee
performance. Whereas competency assessments are crucial during the recruitment
process to select competent employees, ensuring that individuals with the necessary skills
and qualifications are hired for specific roles (Arifin et al., 2021). Assessments also
provide valuable insights into an employee's abilities, skills, and knowledge, which is
crucial for matching individuals with appropriate roles and responsibilities (Goh et al.,
2024). By evaluating employee competencies, organizations can identify areas that need
to be improved and make appropriate decisions regarding training and development
initiatives to improve overall performance (Minbaeva, 2005).
In addition, although the Directorate General of Strengthening the Ministry of
Defense has conducted orientation for transferred employees, the effectiveness of this
orientation needs to be further evaluated to ensure that employees can adapt and
contribute optimally in their new positions. This is important because orientation plays
an important role in helping new employees integrate into the workplace and align
themselves with organizational goals (Mahmood et al., 2023), Mahmood et al (2022) also
emphasized that orientation training not only helps new employees to feel part of the
organization, but also contributes to increased organizational commitment and job
Optimizing Employee Transfer in an Effort to Get Acceptable Employees at the Directorate
General of Defense Forces
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4843
satisfaction, which is closely related to motivation (Mahmood et al., 2022), where
research shows that higher levels of organizational commitment and job satisfaction can
lead to greater identification with organizational goals, values, and culture, which
ultimately improves employee competence (Yi et al., 2022).
The training and development program managed by the Ministry of Defense
Badiklat already exists in line with Riyanto et al. (2021) who emphasized the importance
of implementing employee training and development programs effectively to achieve
maximum results, but there is no specific training and development program for new
employees transferred or transferred as a result, even though it is important for
organizations to identify training needs as the first step in developing training programs
to improve employee competence (Anam, 2023). In addition, Mahmood et al (2018)
suggest that organizations focus on planning and developing training programs to align
employees with the organization's vision and mission, which can ultimately improve their
Lastly, there are regulatory and budget constraints that hinder the implementation
of feedback is also an important issue that needs to be addressed, considering that
effective feedback is an integral part of employee competency and performance
development (DeNisi & Murphy, 2017).
With the results of research as mentioned above, leaders at the Directorate General
of Strength need to implement selection stages that use competency-based assessments to
get qualified people (Sim et al., 2004), whether it is using CAT (Albariu & Amalia, 2022)
or other systems that can be relied on as a decision support platform(DS) (Hajnic &
Boshkoska, 2021). Leaders at the Directorate General of Strength also need to supervise
the implementation of selection during employee transfers.
This research has limitations where the research is carried out only covering the
units of the directorate of defense forces which are part of the Ministry of Defense, the
research samples taken are also only from people who are directly involved with the
transfer of employees at the Directorate General of Strength. The samples and locations
used are only limited to the environment in the Personnel Bureau and the Directorate
General of Strength. The obstacle in this study is that during the in-depth interview, there
are still some things that are not conveyed because there is still "confidentiality" data
because it concerns the issue of state defense.
This research is very useful for the organization of the Directorate General of
Strength in making the right decisions in a good employee transfer process so that it can
be a solution to the problems that exist at the Directorate General of Strength, namely
getting adequate personnel as needed. Because this employee transfer process is carried
out at any time every year and is carried out by many organizations so that it can be an
input for any organization as decision-making in human resource management strategies
in general and employee transfers in particular, both by private and public organizations.
Cecep Usman Akbar Askanta, Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 4844
This study has revealed several important findings regarding the employee transfer
process at the Directorate General of Strengthening the Ministry of Defense, with a focus
on the implementation of the merit system, transparency, and employee competency
development. The results of the analysis show that the employee transfer process still
relies heavily on administrative filings without merit-based selection, and there is an
element of "spoiler" that shows a lack of transparency and accountability. Performance
and competency assessments from previous workplaces are not used as a reference in the
transfer process, which has the potential to hinder the development of competencies and
optimal performance of employees. In addition, even though orientation and training
programs have been carried out by the Ministry of Defense's Badiklat, its effectiveness
still needs to be improved. Existing performance evaluations indicate the need for quality
improvement, and regulatory and budgetary constraints hinder the effective
implementation of feedback. These findings emphasize the importance of reforms in
human resource management in the public sector to optimize employee competence and
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