p–ISSN: 2723 – 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2024 5156Community empowerment in the management of coastalareas and small islands to be achievedLocal Community WelfareDilla Hariyanti1*, Mugiati2, Badrunsyah3Universitas Borobudur, IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2,[email protected]3*CorrespondenceABSTRACTKeywords: communityempowerment; the welfareof local communities.The government's policy so far, which is more land-orientedand utilizes the potential of coastal areas and small islands,is still not optimal. People's prosperity is the ideal of theIndonesian nation in realizing community (social) welfare,for this reason, the role of government must realize or fulfillthe needs of coastal communities and small islands to get adecent livelihood and realize people's welfare, thegovernment can manage the law and ecosystem in it byempowering local communities based on their potential andcharacteristics, as well as analyzing the needs of thecommunity by considering social, economic, cultural, andenvironmental conditions. The local government encouragescommunity business activities in the management of coastalareas and small islands (PWP-3-K) and conducts guidancethrough guidance, legal assistance, socialization, education,training, and counseling.IntroductionThe Indonesian Sea has an area of approximately 5.6 million km2 with a coastlineof 81,000 km, with the potential for resources, especially marine fisheries, which is quitelarge, both in terms of quantity and diversity. (Sisang, 2024). In addition, Indonesia stillhas the right to participate in the management and utilization of natural resources in theopen seas beyond the 200-nautical mile boundary of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ),as well as the management and utilization of natural resources on the seabed ofinternational waters beyond the boundaries of the continental shelf. (Lisdiana, Hamer,Supardi, & Ulfa, 2019).Considering that the potential of marine resources is very large, this marine wealthmust be Indonesia's competitive power, which can lead the Indonesian nation towards ajust, prosperous, and independent nation. (KEBUDAYAAN, n.d.). Indeed, to realizethese ideals, there needs to be coordination of various parties and support from thecommunity such as the central government, regional beautifiers, and the community aswell as other stakeholders. (SURYANTI, Supriharyono, & Anggoro, 2019). Community empowerment in the management of coastal areas and small islands to be achieved
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Indonesia as a country, with the concept of archipelago insight that is recognized
internationally by the international law of the sea (UNCLOS 82), provides consequences
for the state and people of Indonesia to be able to manage and utilize it optimally while
still paying attention to traditional and international rights. (Marzuki, 2020). The sea and
the ecosystems in it such as fish, coral reefs, mangrove forests, seaweeds, and other
germplasm are part of the natural resources bestowed by Allah SWT as wealth controlled
by the state, whose existence needs to be preserved and utilized for the prosperity of all
people as mandated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. In realizing the
prosperity of the people, one of them is improving the people's economy through the
benefits of marine waters in Indonesia and the ecosystem in it. (Suwondo, 2023).
Indonesian waters which include territorial seas, inland waters, sea island waters,
exclusive economic zones, and the Indonesian continental shelf, both sea level, waters,
and seabed and land below have enormous benefits or functions. In general, one of the
functions or benefits of this sea is as a source of natural wealth. (Suryanti, Supriharyono,
& Anggoro, 2019).
The natural wealth found in the sea includes the waters and seabed areas and the
land below. The wealth found in the waters consists of various types of fish, from very
small fish (anchovies) to very large fish (whales and sharks), from fish that have medium
economic value to fish that have high economic value (bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna).
Other sources of marine wealth include seaweed, pearls, and others. Such marine
resources are referred to as sources of biological wealth" (Arifin, Yusapri, Suherman, &
Putra, 2023).
Furthermore, the natural resources found in the seabed area and the land below, it
is divided into two, namely those found on the continental shelf (national jurisdiction)
and in the area (the area) outside the national jurisdiction. Natural resources found in
seabed areas include mining materials, such as coal, petroleum, gas, copper, tin, and other
polymetallic materials. This natural wealth is referred to as a source of non-biological
wealth, and its nature is non-renewable, meaning that if it is continuously exploited, it
will run out. According to Greenpeace Indonesia, the entire ocean on earth, only two
percent of the ocean area is protected,
"Threats are very vulnerable to occur in the ocean. Environmental damage and
climate change can affect and even reduce the capacity of the oceans. The practice of
overfishing without paying attention to sustainability aspects seriously threatens fish
populations in the ocean. Fishing methods such as tiger trawling, fish bombs, and baiting
are bad examples of environmental damage. Not only fish, but coral reefs also became
victims. Another major threat to the ocean is microplastics. Plastic waste can become
micro-sized plastics as a result of temperature, pressure, and humidity
(photodegradation). Microplastics can be consumed by marine animals. Some studies
show that microplastics have reached the human body. In addition, ocean acidification
can damage coral reef ecosystems. This problem is the cause of slow coral growth and
reduced resilience of coral reefs. Ocean acidification occurs due to an increase in carbon
dioxide absorbed by the ocean and a decrease in the pH of seawater."
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The impact of threat of environmental damage and climate change in the sea, in
addition to reducing the capacity of the ocean, also has an impact on the lives of coastal
communities and small islands, because these communities mostly rely on the existence
of ecosystems in the sea for their livelihoods. As a result of the destruction of marine
ecosystems, the impact on the welfare of local coastal communities and small islands is
not fulfilled, namely to get a decent livelihood by utilizing the marine ecosystem.
The government's policy so far, which is more land-oriented and utilizes the
potential of coastal areas and small islands, is still not optimal. People's prosperity is the
ideal of the Indonesian nation in realizing community (social) welfare, for it is necessary
to have a role the government in realizing or fulfilling the needs of its people, this was
put forward by the World Economic Forum quoted by Peter Mahmud Marzuki, that: "The
function of the government in the concept of a welfare state is to meet the needs of its
citizens that cannot be met by themselves".
In order to meet the needs of coastal communities and small islands to get a decent
livelihood and realize people's welfare, the government can manage the law and
ecosystem in it by empowering local communities and there is cooperation built by the
government with the private sector to carry out the management of marine resources and
ecosystems in it in accordance with the plan that contains activities that can and cannot
be done as well as activities that can and should not be carried out as well as activities
that can be carried out and activities that can be carried out and that are not allowed to be
carried out and activities that are not allowed to be carried out and that are not allowed to
be carried out and activities that are not allowed to be carried out and that are not allowed
to be carried out and that activities are not allowed to be carried out and that are not
allowed to be carried out and that are not allowed to be carried out and that are not allowed
to be carried out and that are not allowed to be carried out and that are not allowed to be
carried out and that are not allowed to be carried out and that are not allowed to be carried
out and that are not allowed to be carried out and which can only be done after obtaining
a permit.
Empowering local communities as people who can carry out their daily lives in
the coastal environment, to preserve the environment and utilize other ecosystems that do
not damage and pollute the ecosystem in the sea, which is guided by Law Number 1 of
2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning the Management
of Coastal Areas and Small Islands.
Empowering local communities by providing facilities and infrastructure and
encouraging local communities to protect and preserve the marine environment and be
able to utilize marine ecosystems that do not damage and degrade the marine
environment, good management is needed.
Based on the impact of the threat of environmental damage and climate change in
the sea which can reduce the capacity of the ocean and also have an impact on the lives
of coastal communities and small islands, this study will examine how the government's
efforts in managing coastal areas and small islands in realizing the welfare of local
Community empowerment in the management of coastal areas and small islands to be achieved
Local Community Welfare
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Based on the formulation of these problems in this study, we want to study and
examine community empowerment in the management of coastal areas and small islands
to achieve law enforcement and the welfare of local communities.
This research uses a normative legal approach method. Approach is defined as an
effort in the context of research activities to establish a relationship with methods to
achieve in this research. The approach method used in this study is a normative legal
approach method which includes an analytical approach. (Ibrahim, 2008). In this study,
the normative legal approach is research by examining literature (library research),
namely by collecting scientific knowledge materials sourced from legal regulations,
books, and the internet that are closely related to this research material.
This research approach wants to examine and examine community empowerment
in the management of coastal areas and small islands in order to achieve law enforcement
and the welfare of local communities.
Results and Discussion
Local governments have the authority to accelerate economic development in the
development of provincial areas with archipelagic characteristics through marine
management as stipulated in Article 29 paragraph (5) of Law Number 23 of 2014
concerning Regional Government. The development of coastal areas and small islands by
managing natural resources in the sea as well as an effort to preserve and protect marine
ecosystems such as fish, coral reefs, and other ecosystems in them as well as to prevent
pollution and destruction of the marine environment as regulated in Article 55 paragraph
(1) of Law Number 32 of 2014 concerning Marine Affairs.
Coastal areas and small islands have a high potential for natural resources and
environmental services and can be used as basic capital for the implementation of
Indonesia's development in the future. Coastal areas and small islands provide productive
natural resources such as coral reefs, sea grasslands, mangrove forests, fisheries, and
conservation areas and also provide great environmental services because of their natural
beauty that can drive the marine tourism industry. The management of coastal areas and
small islands needs to be carried out in the context of developing community welfare that
is not optimal, by preserving marine ecosystems that are guided by laws and regulations
and the people's economy.
Local governments manage coastal areas and small islands by strengthening the
participation of local communities and encouraging local community initiatives in the
management of coastal resources and small islands to achieve justice, balance, and
sustainability and increase the social, economic, and cultural value of the community
through community participation in the utilization of coastal resources and small islands.
Local governments empower local communities through planning, utilization,
supervision, and control activities on human interaction in utilizing coastal resources and
small islands as well as natural processes in a sustainable manner as stipulated in Article
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1 number 1, Article 5 of Law Number 27 of 2007 jo Law Number 1 of 2014 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and
Small Islands as a systematic and integrated effort carried out to preserve the function of
the marine environment and prevent pollution and damage to the marine environment and
the ecosystem in it.
Provincial governments empower local communities through the provision of
facilities and encouragement or assistance through the following activities:
1. Planning activities
Planning activities for the management of coastal areas and small islands within the
scope as regulated in Article 7 paragraph (1) of Law Number 27 of 2007 jo Law
Number 1 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning
Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands.
Planning for the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands as intended in
Article 5, consists of:
a. Strategic Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands hereinafter referred to as
b. Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands hereinafter referred to as RZWP-
c. Coastal Area and Small Islands Management Plan hereinafter referred to as
RPWP-3-K; and
d. Action Plan for the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands hereinafter
referred to as RAPWP-3-K.
The preparation of planning for the management of coastal areas and small islands
is regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 23/Permen-Kp/2016 concerning Planning for the
Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. According to the provisions of Article
1 number 1: "Planning is a process to determine the appropriate future action, through the
order of choice, taking into account the available coastal resources and small islands".
The Provincial Government conducts the preparation of the Strategic Plan for
Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RSWP-3-K) as a Regional Long-Term Development
Plan (RPJPD), the content material is included in the preparation of the RPJPD, which is
mandatory to consider the interests of the Central Government which is a policy direction
in the preparation of the Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RZWP-3-K),
the Management Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RPWP-3-K) and the
Management Action Plan Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RAPWP-3-K) as regulated in
Article 5 of the Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 23/Permen-Kp/2016 concerning Planning for the
Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, with the following provisions:
a. Strategic Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RSWP-3-K)
The stage of preparing the strategic plan document for coastal areas and small
islands (RSWP-3-K) includes:
1) Establishment of working groups;
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The formation of the working group is carried out by the Governor with the
composition of the working group consisting of the head of the Service as the
chairman, the head of the agency that organizes affairs in the field of regional
development planning as the secretary, and the members consist of related
agencies/agencies by the dominant authority and characteristics of the region
2) Data collection and processing
Data collection consists of:
a) Secondary data:
(1) Data on coastal resources and small islands and their utilization activities.
(2) Social, economic, and cultural data.
(3) Infrastructure data.
(4) Planning documents in coastal areas and small islands.
(5) Strategic issues.
b) Primary data:
(1) Screening the aspirations of coastal community stakeholders.
(2) Observation of the physical and socio-economic conditions of coastal
areas and small islands
3) Public consultation
The document that has been prepared, for the next stage is a public
consultation which aims to get feedback and suggestions for improvement from
related institutions or main stakeholders and the results of the public consultation
are used as material for the preparation of RSWP 3 K documents.
4) Preparation of documents between
In compiling documents between RSWP-3-K, the working group improved
the initial RSWP-3-K document
5) Public consultation
The document between RSWP-3-K was re-conducted public consultation
which aimed to get feedback and suggestions for improvement from related
institutions or main stakeholders.
6) Preparation of final documents.
The results of the public consultation of documents between RSWP-3-K
were used as material for the preparation of the final document of RSWP-3-K.
2. Zoning Plan for Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RZWP-3-K)
The stage of preparing the zoning plan document for coastal areas and small
islands (RZWP-3-K) is the same as the stage of preparing the strategic plan document
for coastal areas and small islands (RSWP-3-K), namely the following stages: a. data
collection and processing; b. preparation of initial documents; c. public consultation;
d. preparation of intermediate documents; e. public consultation; f. preparation of final
documents; and g. the stipulation stipulated in Article 22 of the Regulation of the
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number
23/Permen-Kp/2016 concerning Planning for the Management of Coastal Areas and
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Small Islands. The zoning plan for coastal areas and small islands (RZWP-3-K), is
stipulated through the Regional Regulation on the Zone Plan for Coastal Areas and
Small Islands (RZWP-3-K) by the provisions of laws and regulations.
The location of the Detailed Zoning Plan (RZR) is prioritized and outlined on a
map with a scale of at least 1:10,000, containing the carrying capacity, capacity, and
space utilization of coastal areas and small islands such as general utilization and
conservation. The procedure for preparing a Detailed Zoning Plan (RZR) is regulated
by the Regulation of the Director General.
3. Coastal Area and Small Islands Management Plan (RPWP-3-K)
In preparing the Coastal Areas and Small Islands Management Plan (RPWP-3-
K), the provincial government refers to RSWP-3-K and RZWP-3-K.
According to the provisions of Article 52 paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number
23/Permen-Kp/2016 concerning Planning for the Management of Coastal Areas and
Small Islands, the Preparation of the Management Plan for Coastal Areas and Small
Islands (RPWP-3-K), functions to:
a. Overcoming conflicts in the use of coastal areas and small islands;
b. Direction of priority scale to be able to encourage regional economic growth;
c. Framework of procedures and responsibilities for decision-making;
d. Integration of management between stakeholders; and
e. Protecting coastal areas and small islands from pollution and environmental
The Coastal Area and Small Islands Management Plan (RPWP-3-K), can be
prepared in each area, zone, or sub-zone based on its biogeophysical characteristics
and environmental carrying capacity. The working group has the following tasks:
equalize perceptions based on strategic issues and inventory and coordinate
management activity plans for the management of coastal areas and small islands.
4. Action Plan for the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RAPWP-3-K)
The preparation of the Action Plan for the Management of Coastal Areas and
Small Islands (RAPWP-3-K) of the Provincial Government refers to RSWP-3-K,
RZWP-3-K, and RPWP-3-K by considering:
a. Ability in financing, human resources, and facilities in the implementation of
action plans by local governments or Key Stakeholders.
b. The suitability and ability to implement program activities by other related sectors
as stated in the relevant Regional Development Work Budget Plan (RAKPD); and
c. Ability and availability of science and technology.
The determination of the final document of the Action Plan for the
Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands (RAPWP-3-K) is stipulated by the
Governor's Regulation on the Action Plan for the Management of Coastal Areas and
Small Islands (RAWP-3-K). The Action Plan for the Management of Coastal Areas
and Small Islands (RAWP-3-K) is valid for 1 (one) to 3 (three) years starting from the
time it is established.
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5. Utilization activities
The use of coastal areas and small islands is intended for various sectors of
activity, one of which is the management of coastal areas and small islands in
empowering local communities. The Regional Government is obliged to facilitate the
granting of location permits and management permits to local communities for the use
of space and marine resources and ecosystems in them to meet the needs of daily life
that are more feasible to realize the welfare of local communities.
The government and local governments in empowering local communities take
steps as stipulated in Article 63 paragraph (3) of Law Number 1 of 2014 concerning
Amendments to Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning the Management of Coastal
Areas and Small Islands, that:
In the effort of Community Empowerment, the Government and Local
Governments realize, grow, and increase awareness and responsibility in:
a. Decision;
b. Implementation of management;
c. Partnership between the Community, the business world, and the
Government/Regional Government;
d. Development and implementation of national policies in the field of environment;
e. Development and implementation of preventive and proactive efforts to prevent
the decline in carrying capacity and carrying capacity of Coastal Areas and Small
f. Utilization and development of environmentally friendly technology;
g. Provision and dissemination of environmental information; and
h. Awarding to people who have contributed to the management of coastal areas and
small islands.
Community empowerment in the management of coastal areas and small
islands (PWP-3-K) is regulated through the Regulation of the Minister of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40/Permen-Kp/2014
concerning Community Participation and Empowerment in the Management of
Coastal Areas and Small Islands. Local community empowerment is carried out based
on potential and characteristics, as well as analysis of community needs by considering
social, economic, cultural, and environmental conditions. Ministries and Local
Governments are obliged to encourage community business activities in the
management of coastal areas and small islands (PWP-3-K) through:
a. Capacity building
Capacity building by facilitating the implementation of:
1) Education to local communities by providing scholarships for the community to
get an education and providing materials about PWP-3-K, including planning,
conservation, disaster mitigation, rehabilitation, reclamation, entrepreneurship,
utilization of coastal resources and small islands, and the use of environmentally
friendly technology.
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2) Training to local communities such as entrepreneurship training and training in
planning, conservation, disaster mitigation, rehabilitation, and reclamation as well
as training on the use of environmentally friendly technology in the utilization of
marine resources and ecosystems.
3) Counseling to local communities by:
a. Establishment of business groups
b. Assistance from production to marketing
c. Business feasibility analysis assistance
d. Partnership assistance with business actors
e. Providing conservation counseling materials, disaster mitigation,
rehabilitation, reclamation, and other materials related to empowerment.
f. Providing access to technology and information to local communities
Access can be provided by disseminating science and technology,
environmentally friendly facilities and infrastructure, as well as developing business
networks and communication systems. Meanwhile, the provision of information such
as means of production, commodity prices, climate forecasts, education, training,
counseling, market access, and partnership opportunities. Information can be provided
through print media or electronic media.
b. Capital
Providing capital to local communities by providing credit schemes with low
interest, providing subsidies for program credit interest or guarantee service fees,
and the use of social responsibility funds as well as partnership and environmental
development program funds.
c. Infrastructure
Infrastructure is carried out by providing business infrastructure for the local
d. Market Assurance
Market assurance by facilitating marketing access, and marketing facilities,
developing cooperation (partnerships), developing marketing systems, and
providing market information.
e. Other productive economic assets are carried out by facilitating and providing
business facilities.
6. Surveillance activities
The Regional Government has the task of conducting supervision by
coordinating with relevant agencies the authority of the implementation of coastal area
management activities and small islands.
7. Control activities
The Regional Government carries out control by conducting Accreditation for
the management program of coastal areas and small islands. Accreditation is a
procedure for recognizing an activity that has consistently met the standard standards
of coastal areas and small islands management systems. The Regional Government
Community empowerment in the management of coastal areas and small islands to be achieved
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assesses local communities in marine and ecosystem management activities and
provides awards and incentives for local communities that are managed by the standard
standards of a good and correct management system. This accreditation activity is a
forum for local governments and communities to interact in utilizing coastal resources
and small islands as well as natural processes in an ongoing manner to improve
community welfare and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of
If community empowerment activities in the management of marine resources
and ecosystems are carried out by laws and regulations and the awareness of local
communities and the responsibility of local governments to encourage community
business activities in the management of coastal areas and small islands (PWP-3-K)
through capacity building, provision of access to technology and information, capital,
infrastructure, market guarantees, and other productive economic assets Through
facilitating and providing business facilities, as well as coaching through guidance,
legal assistance, socialization, education, training and counseling, the realization of a
prosperous local community will be achieved. This is in line with Edi Suharto in his
legal theory haha:
"Social welfare is an institution or field of activity that involves organized
activities organized by both government and private institutions that aim to prevent,
overcome or contribute to solving social problems and improving the quality of life of
individuals, groups and communities".
Improving the quality of life of individuals, groups, and communities involves
activities organized by the Regional Government in the management of marine
resources and the ecosystem by empowering local communities. The condition of
people's prosperity can be measured by good health, good economic conditions,
education, facilities and infrastructure, happiness, and good quality of life or getting a
decent livelihood.
To meet the needs of coastal communities and small islands to get a decent
livelihood and realize people's welfare, the government can manage the law and
ecosystem by empowering local communities based on their potential and characteristics,
as well as analyzing community needs by considering social, economic, cultural, and
environmental conditions. In addition, it is the responsibility of the local government to
encourage community business activities in the management of coastal areas and small
islands (PWP-3-K) and provide guidance through guidance, legal assistance,
socialization, education, training, and counseling.
Dilla Hariyanti, Mugiati, Badrunsyah
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