Achmad Wildan Zakariya, Trischa Relanda Putra
Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4408
reactions occurring in the system, increasing the size and mass of the particles.
Understanding crystal growth and subsequent controlling crystal product may use
method response surface methodology to determine the optimum response with the
additive concentration and the stirring speed factors. Response Surface Methodology
(RSM) is a mathematical and statistical technique for modeling and analyzing problems
with many variables to optimize responses. (Sartini, Fitriani, & Lubis, 2018). Central
Composite Design (CCD) and Box-Behnken Design are experimental designs frequently
used in research. These designing experiments are more efficient with fewer trials.
(Nurmaya, Sunaryo, Algorithm, & Programming, 2013). Thus, this study investigated
strontium chloride and ferric chloride additives to inhibit crystal growth and controlled
stirring rates affecting the formation of barium sulfate crystals using RSM to determine
the optimal crystal growth conditions.
Furthermore, barium sulfate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula
. An insoluble crystallized substance, barium sulfate is odorless and white. Barium
sulfate is non-toxic and non-explosive (Subyakto, 2011). The barium sulfate compound
can precipitate from solutions containing barium chloride and sodium sulfate. The
reaction occurs when barium chloride is mixed with sodium sulfate, resulting in barium
sulfate. (Dera, 2018), as follows:
+ BaCl
O → NaCl + BaSO
+ H
O (1)
Naturally, barium sulfate (barite) can crystallize when sulfate ions in seawater
interact with barium ions in the water. (Karaman, Jamari, Bayuseno, & Muryanto, 2017).
The diffusion process of barite crystal growth occurs on the solid surface. Solute
molecules or ions diffuse through the liquid phase to reach the growing crystal surface.
(Pinalia, 2011). Supersaturation is one of the crystallization conditions. In particular, the
use of additives affects the crystallization process. Additives inhibit the barite crystal
growth by combining the structure on the crystal surface and disrupting the addition of
growth units. (J. W. Mullin, 2001). Increasing the concentration of additives reduces the
rate of settling. (Karaman et al., 2019). According to (Dera, 2018), the effect of acid
additives lauric from 10 ppm to 20 ppm on the growth of barium sulfate crystals with a
concentration of 3500 ppm was a decrease in the rate of crystal growth. Here additives of
lauric acid can inhibit crystal growth resulting in a reduced crystal mass. Further factors
that affect the process of crystal formation may include the stirring rate shortens the
distance between particles, which results in more frequent contact and collisions. A higher
stirring speed will also increase the amount of contact between reactants.
Further, (Karaman et al., 2019), investigated the effects of five green inhibitors on
barite crystal growth in flow-induced vibration in a pipe under the influence of varying
vibration frequencies, namely 0, 4, 8, and 10 Hz. After converting these frequencies to
600 rpm, barium crystal growth was significantly reduced, which can serve as a reference
in the present study. The formation of barite crystals was studied using the batch
crystallizer method at 600 rpm for a stirring time of 120 minutes with sampling every 15
minutes (Prayuga, Aruba, & Karaman, 2022). As a result, in this study, the time variable
was used in the design box- Behnken design with an upper limit of 30 minutes and a lower