pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.698 1788
Santi Bintara Wati
, Syamsul Sukmono Edy
, Eka Setyowati
Public Administration, Stisospol Waskita Dharma Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: the role of social
services; tackling beggars;
Public Energy Base
Malang City Social Bureau is a place of social services for homeless
people. Homeless people are often placed in poor positions by
economic means and consequently need to be given a boost in the form
of coaching. The events that are intertwined even vagrants and
dumbbells have not been handed over coaching. What exactly is the
strategy for implementing homeless coaching? The purpose of this
research is to identify the contribution of social bureaus in the city of
Malang in overcoming homelessness in the city of Malang and what
factors influence the contribution of social bureaus in overcoming
vagrants in the city of Malang. The philosophy used as an analytical
tool in this research is a philosophy about art, as well as a philosophy
of overcoming. The type of research used is qualitative, a system of
views or an incident in the current era with the meaning of sharing
reflections analytically about reality or events in the field with a
descriptive approach. The method of collecting information uses
questions and answers as well as monitoring. The method of
information analysis used in this research is to describe information
with the results of questions and answers. Based on the results of this
research, the contribution of social bureaus in overcoming
homelessness in the city of Malang does not run efficiently, because
there are efforts that have not been realized by the social bureau in the
city of Malang in overcoming solutions.
Now Indonesia is a growing country that faces various social cases in the area of
citizens such as the subject, the problem of deficiency observed comes from information
collected by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the number of poor people in Malang
City reached 37.03 million people or close to 11.25% of the total number of people in
2017 in Malang City (Huda, Suwaryo, & Sagita, 2020). The shortcomings that are
intertwined in various regions are caused by various aspects that are related to each other.
Aspects that trigger the shortage include having good limitations in physical or
psychological ways, small learning, not having the skills to make an effort, and the lack
of availability of activity squares (Salsabila, Purba, & Saragih, 2022).
In the case of flattened and street children, which is considered to be an important
trigger for the emergence of flattened and street children is a shortage (Jaya, 2017). The
increase in the value of the poor has led to the emergence of flattens and out-of-school
children and a surge in abandoned children and street children. This is evident from the
socioeconomic framework of families arriving from poor areas in rural areas or polluted
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areas in urban areas. However, they always survive and then increase as the pace of
development develops. The rapid development of homelessness, vagrants, buskers, and
street children in Malang City urges the authorities to implement a solution to this
problem by producing and ratifying Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 9 of 2013
concerning the Settlement of Homelessness and Vagrants. This regional regulation is the
initial stage of the ruler's efforts to succeed the target of Malang City free from gembells
and vagrants (Widodo, 2021). The presence of homeless and homeless people is not
without an alibi, their presence is caused by several aspects such as economic, intellectual,
learning, social, customary, let alone religious aspects. Homeless and homeless people
are part of the competitive population. Regional Regulation (Perda) No 9 of 2013
concerning the Settlement of Homelessness and Vagrants. Homeless and homeless people
are mindless citizens, they are unable to fulfill their main desires, lack health concerns,
do not care for values and norms, and have the mindset of 'hands down better' to ask for
the sympathy of love of others without wanting to work hard. Therefore, homeless people
and vagrants (flat) should not be shunned, and thea a need for attention from residents to
alleviate the case of homelessness and homelessness (Laili, 2022).
Public Administration
(Syarifuddin, Mandey, & Tumbuan, 2022) Deddy Mulyadi's novel describes
audience administration as a mixture of environment between philosophy and application
with the aim of advertising descriptions to the ruler about the governed citizens and also
urging public wisdom to be more responsive to social desires. Audience administration
seeks to institutionalize management practices by effectiveness and capability figures.
Public Energy Base Management
The base of people's energy is a translation of "human resources" but there are also
experts who compare the base of people's energy with "manpower". Moreover, some
people balance the interpretation of people's energy summer with individuals (personnel,
staffing, and the like). The base of people's energy is one of the bases of energy that has
ideas of feelings, wills, skills, insights, energy urges, and artificial (comparison, taste, and
For (Sudaryo, Aribowo, & Sofiati, 2019), reporting People Energy Base
Management is programming, organizing, mobilizing, and evaluating human resources
in such a way that on the one hand, HR distributes the greatest participation to citizens
and bodies, and on the other hand HR feels treated fairly as a result of maximum quality
of life and death.
Community Empowerment
For Widjaja, (Sudrajat, 2022) empowerment is the granting of authority to delegate
authority or grant independence to the basic ranks which in essence business
empowerment requires all available expertise to achieve goals and empowerment is held
so that the region continues to be capable and independent, meaning that it can share
opportunities with residents to prove their characteristics as citizens and make the safety
of the residents themselves (Yudianto & Apriliansah, 2023).
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Menurt (Miradj & Sumarno, 2014) citizen empowerment is an effort to independent
citizens and the skills they have. There is also the provision of permanent citizens
regarding 2 groups that are often linked to citizens as empowered parties and those who
pay attention as parties who provide. Community empowerment is an effort to improve
the skills and potential possessed by citizens so that residents can create their original
selves, and transport their degrees and dignity in a maximum way to survive and develop
themselves in an independent way both in the fields of economy, social, religion, and
customs (Grestyana, 2023).
Position of Social Bureau
Everyone certainly wants to have a position in this life, for example in the
community area, in that area, there certainly wants to be a position obtained by each
person, such as a position as the head of the hamlet, a position as a submissive position,
a position as a citizen body, and others like it. However, this review will be limited to the
position of the Social Bureau. The time before mangulas is further it would be great if we
recognize what the definition of the position itself is.
Social Safety
In the usual way, the term social welfare is often referred to as a safe situation
(initial conception), which is a condition of fulfillment of all forms of life desires,
especially those with basic characteristics such as food, clothing, housing, learning, and
health care.
For Law Number 11 of 2009, social security is a situation of fulfilling the material,
mental, and social desires of the people of the country so that they can live properly and
be able to improve themselves, as a result, they can do their social benefits.
Lack in an etymological way starts from the word poor which means not rich in
goods and all lacking. (Hamdani, 2015) describes deficiency as the lack of some goods
and services needed to achieve an appropriate standard of living, while for Schiller
(1979), lack is the inability to obtain some goods and services that are sufficient to meet
limited social desires. And with a similar sound Salim (1980) in the version describing
shortcomings as a lack of income to fulfill the main desire for life.
Research Methods
This research uses a descriptive type with a qualitative approach that emphasizes
expressing the meaning and ways related to the attitudes and social actions of residents
and city authorities. A qualitative approach is a way of research and description that
comes from a methodology that investigates something great, social, and people's
problems. In this approach, Qualitative research is tested on natural situations and
character findings. In qualitative research, researchers are key instruments. Therefore,
researchers must have a large philosophy and knowledge so that they can question,
analyze, and construct supervised objects to be more real. This research emphasizes more
on meaning and is tied to numbers. Qualitative research is used when the problem is not
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yet real, to improve philosophy, to justify informed evidence, and to study the origin of
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of research at the Malang City Social Bureau, researchers found
a reply to the conclusion of the problem related to the position of the Social Bureau in
Overcoming Homelessness in Malang City. And the supporting aspect as well as the
barrier aspect that influences that wisdom. Until then is the result of research and research
reviews on the Position of Social Bureaus in Overcoming Homelessness in Apes City
along with its supporting and inhibiting aspects.
1. The position of the Social Bureau in overcoming homelessness in Malang City.
Homelessness arises due to several aspects, aspects that influence the emergence of
homelessness include; The weight of the legs trying, physical disabilities, the high cost
of learning, the lack of activity squares, helplessness, careful economic problems, and the
inability to fulfill the main desires that are expensive. Until the need for special action for
the problem.
2. The efforts of the Malang City Social Bureau in tackling homelessness in
Malang City.
The settlement of homelessness by the Social Affairs Bureau has procedures that
are the method of data services for the enforcement of homelessness and the method of
data on the enforcement of raid activities. The method of data services for enforcing
homeless raid activities in the initial point of designing street PMKS raid activities, where
this activity was tried because the initial point data services were information from
residents. The settlement of homelessness with PMKS raid activities has been held with
an explanatory message submitted to the secretary which is the second point in the data
service method of enforcing homeless raids. PMKS raid activities were carried out, social
bureau officers of the enforcement section of raid activities identified homeless people
who had been handled, recorded self-evidence, and carried out references to the UPT.
3. Supporting and inhibiting factors
a. Supporting aspects
The supporting aspect is the stirring hands of the central authorities and the Malang
City Area, rulers, Non-Citizen Organizations (NGOs), other entrepreneurs (CSR) who
move on to social aspects, students, aged people, people's energy bases, and infrastructure
b. Inhibiting aspects
1. Changes or parts of conformity
There is also an aspect of the barrier to observe from the perspective of Change,
this is said to be an obstacle if the method of Change cannot be lived as well as it should.
For example, the budget is not used properly, insufficient energy base, duration, and tools.
2. Facilities
Positivity which is interpreted as something that has not been maximized in the
system. Sharing something good for the wishes of street children is not yet maximized,
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such as activities in how to practice and other facilities are not sufficient for the situation
Based on the results of observers from the analysis, researchers found that there are
also other barrier aspects, including bureaucratic forms, these aspects are related to
coordination patterns.
3. SOP (standard operational method)
The film stars executive wisdom. The pattern of coordinating the policy of cracking
down on vagrants in the city of apes links some institutions in the area of the city ruler of
apes. However, in Silvertech, the coordination that is carried out is not good enough
among the ruling bodies with other institutions or with homeless shelters. After that, the
SOP in the coordination was also not there, as a result, the agencies carried out efforts in
tackling homelessness in the city of Malang running independently.
The trigger for the occurrence of homelessness is caused by internal aspects in the
form of heavy character legs, not wanting to work, psychological that is not strong and
there are physical or psychological disabilities, and external aspects in the form of social,
cultural, economic, learning religious areas and geographical positions. Not only that,
they also don't have special skills or abilities that they can use to make money. An aspect
of the position of the Social Bureau in overcoming vagrants in Malang City is the issuance
of Malang City Regional Regulation Number. 9 Year 2013. This supporting aspect is the
stirring of the hands of the ruler with private parties or other bodies. The barrier aspect is
a problem, obstacle, obstacle, and obstacle and the challenge that arises to implement the
regulation by the Malang City Social Bureau is in its practice that the coordination carried
out is not good enough among the ruling bodies with other institutions or with street child
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