The Role Of Social Services In Tackling Beggars In Malang City (Study At Malang City Social
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1789
areas in urban areas. However, they always survive and then increase as the pace of
development develops. The rapid development of homelessness, vagrants, buskers, and
street children in Malang City urges the authorities to implement a solution to this
problem by producing and ratifying Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 9 of 2013
concerning the Settlement of Homelessness and Vagrants. This regional regulation is the
initial stage of the ruler's efforts to succeed the target of Malang City free from gembells
and vagrants (Widodo, 2021). The presence of homeless and homeless people is not
without an alibi, their presence is caused by several aspects such as economic, intellectual,
learning, social, customary, let alone religious aspects. Homeless and homeless people
are part of the competitive population. Regional Regulation (Perda) No 9 of 2013
concerning the Settlement of Homelessness and Vagrants. Homeless and homeless people
are mindless citizens, they are unable to fulfill their main desires, lack health concerns,
do not care for values and norms, and have the mindset of 'hands down better' to ask for
the sympathy of love of others without wanting to work hard. Therefore, homeless people
and vagrants (flat) should not be shunned, and thea a need for attention from residents to
alleviate the case of homelessness and homelessness (Laili, 2022).
Public Administration
(Syarifuddin, Mandey, & Tumbuan, 2022) Deddy Mulyadi's novel describes
audience administration as a mixture of environment between philosophy and application
with the aim of advertising descriptions to the ruler about the governed citizens and also
urging public wisdom to be more responsive to social desires. Audience administration
seeks to institutionalize management practices by effectiveness and capability figures.
Public Energy Base Management
The base of people's energy is a translation of "human resources" but there are also
experts who compare the base of people's energy with "manpower". Moreover, some
people balance the interpretation of people's energy summer with individuals (personnel,
staffing, and the like). The base of people's energy is one of the bases of energy that has
ideas of feelings, wills, skills, insights, energy urges, and artificial (comparison, taste, and
For (Sudaryo, Aribowo, & Sofiati, 2019), reporting People Energy Base
Management is programming, organizing, mobilizing, and evaluating human resources
in such a way that on the one hand, HR distributes the greatest participation to citizens
and bodies, and on the other hand HR feels treated fairly as a result of maximum quality
of life and death.
Community Empowerment
For Widjaja, (Sudrajat, 2022) empowerment is the granting of authority to delegate
authority or grant independence to the basic ranks which in essence business
empowerment requires all available expertise to achieve goals and empowerment is held
so that the region continues to be capable and independent, meaning that it can share
opportunities with residents to prove their characteristics as citizens and make the safety
of the residents themselves (Yudianto & Apriliansah, 2023).