pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.697 1841
Suryo Hartoko Minarwanto
, Didik Supriyanto
, Deden Faturohman
Waskita Dharma College of Social and Political Sciences Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: implementation;
policy; village development;
social change; community
The issue of village development is an important matter because this
matter is often used as a benchmark to measure the ability of the
government apparatus to carry out the main obligations of the body or
institution that provides services. The ruler of Sudimoro Village,
Bululawang District, Malang Regency is trying to carry out development
obligations by using the resources they have in the maximum way. One
perspective that needs to be reflected in hamlet development activities is
being able to provide satisfying results by improving the socio-economic
life of the residents. This research intends to identify and analyze the
impact of the hamlet development application on socio-economic
changes in the community. The type of research used is descriptive
qualitative research, the research location is Sudimoro Village,
Bululawang District, Malang Regency, and the research focus is 1). An
Ordinary Reflection of Sudimoro Village, 2). Sudimoro Hamlet Regime
3). Development Application. 4). Consequences of Development on
Socio-Economic Citizens. Analysis of the information in this research
consists of 3 interactive activities, namely: Information reduction, Data
presentation, and Concluding. The application of development policies
in Sudimoro village is carried out by programming and agreements
between the authorities and residents through the Village Representative
Body. The development budget comes from the encouragement of the
authorities and self-help citizens. Development activities in the village
of Sudimoro have generally produced quite good results, especially in
increasing the socio-economic conditions of the residents, indicated by
the fulfillment of the construction of tools and infrastructure for worship,
development of learning, sports equipment, and others that are sufficient.
The economic aspect is signaled by the people's livelihoods increasing
and running easily. Per capita income of the head of the family has
increased quite well
The enactment of Law No. 32 of 2004, has special consequences that must be
planned by each region in the chart supporting the application of independence (Saputra,
2007). Some of the consequences that must be planned by the region include Beginning,
the expertise of the base of people's energy, specifically the base of people's energy
Regional apparatus who must have good expertise in technical methods or great
intellectual knowledge and are expected to be able to organize and manage their
households by high inventiveness and energy of innovation Second, the expertise of
regional financial resources to organize and manage their households, Because so far the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1842
sectors of regional development financing are usually very dependent on the central
authority (Rozikin, 2012).
The problem of hamlet development is a significant matter because this matter is
often used as a benchmark to calculate the ability of the ruling apparatus to implement
the main obligations of the part of the agency or institution that distributes services.
(Permana, 2016) said: The insistence on the success of hamlet development is inevitable
along with the expedition duration and progress of the era, this matter is influenced by
the lifestyle of residents who continue to be critical in taking into account a list also related
to the implementation of hamlet development organized by the ruler (Ariadi, 2019).
Residents need the implementation of development not only as an outlet for regular
obligations from the apparatus. More than that, residents need development activities that
are something that can share happiness in other interpretations, the development carried
out should be of quality, or you could say the results of development from duration to
duration continue to share better results in all aspects of life (Cahyono, 2016).
The complex problem of Hamlet's development requires intensity from the ruler to
always strive for real results for the villagers as well as possible. In this effort, the ruler
has produced policies that intend to succeed in the development of hamlets. The policy
issued in essence is the principle for the ruling apparatus in carrying out the obligation of
building hamlets (Hidayat, 2020). The various hamlet development activities tried so far
are principally a reorganization of the development program in the lives of hamlet
residents. For (Fahri, 2017): "Those who are more familiar with the actual situation
regarding the presence of villagers are local village institutions. It can be said that Hamlet
institutions have a big role in supporting the implementation of various forms of Hamlet
development programs. However, within the framework of the implementation of the
Hamlet development is sticking to the opinion reflecting the existence of various
problems of wisdom in the thought of James E Anderson taken by (Goa, 2017) as "a
purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors in dealing with a dilemma
or matter of concern". It means a series of actions that have a specific purpose
accompanied and carried out by an actor or a group of actors to uncover a specific problem
(Mahayana, 2013).
For (Hermawan, 2016), the term policy (policy term) may be used in a big way such
as "Indonesia's foreign policy", or "Japan's economic policy", or it may also be used to be
something more special, such as when talking about the ruler's policy on
debirocarticization and deregulation. But both Solihin Abdul Wahab and Budi Winarno
get along if the term of this wisdom is often interchanged with other designations such as
program goals, statutes, laws, provisions, standards, ideas, and grand design.
Islamy as well as taken (Arfianto & Balahmar, 2014) wisdom must be distinguished
from wisdom. Policy is translated with wisdom which is different from wisdom which
means wisdom. The interpretation of wisdom requires further estimation, whereas
wisdom encompasses the rules contained therein. The policy plan offered by Anderson
for Winarno (2007) is considered more appropriate because it focuses attention on what
is tried and not on what is proposed or intended. Not only that, but in a clear way between
Implementation Of Development In Sudimoro Village, Bululawang Sub-District Towards
Socio-Economic Changes In The Community
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1843
policy and decision which has the intention of determining among the various substitutes
Mazmanian and Sabatier (1983) in Suryana (2013) said that there are 2 perspectives
in application analysis, namely the audience administration perspective and the political
science perspective. From the perspective of public administration, the application was
initially observed as the application of wisdom fittingly and effectively. However, at the
end of World War II, various studies of state administration proved that the administrative
agents of the public were not only influenced by legitimate mandates but also by the
emphasis on the class of needs, the legislature, and various aspects of the political area.
The success of the policy application to achieve results related to program activities that
have been designed and financed is not only influenced by the:
a. The content of the interpreted discretion includes:
a. Needs granted by wisdom (interest affected)
b. of efficacy obtained (type of benefit).
c. Extent of change envisioned
d. The role of the creator of wisdom (site of decision-making).
e. ARA program executives (program implementation).
f. Base of energy deployed (Resources committed).
b. Interpreted application conditions:
a. Power.
b. Interest strategies of actors involved
c. Karakter badan serta penguasa (institution and regime characteristics).
d. Discipline and energy understand executives (compliance and responsiveness).
Grindle Implementation Model
Implementing Activities
Influenced by:
Content of Policy
Intersts affected
Type of benefits
Extent of change envisioned
Site of decision making
Program implementors
Resources committed
Context Implementation
Power, interests, and strategies
of actors involved
Institution and regime
Compliance and
a. Impact on society,
individuals, and
b. Change and its
Policy Goals
Action Programs and
Individual Projects
Designed and
Delivered as
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Source: Merilee S. Grindle (1980) in Arief (2014)
The program is implemented according to the concept. The application of the policy
or program by way of an outline is influenced by the content of the policy as well as
the conditions of the application. The totality of policy applications is evaluated by the
method of measuring program outcomes sourced from policy objectives. The output of
the program is observed through the consequences to the intended target, both people and
groups or citizens. The output of the policy application is the change and acceptance of
the change by the target group.
For Grindle and Quade 1984 in Arief (2014: 12) to measure the ability to apply
something public wisdom must pay attention to the elasticity of wisdom, body, and area.
This attention needs to be shown through the determination of the right policy so that
citizens can participate in distributing maximum participation to achieve the desired goals
when filtered wisdom has been found needed by the executive body because in the body
there is authority and various energy bases that support the application of wisdom for
public services. On the contrary, the area of wisdom is related to its positive or negative
character. If the area exchanges positive views on something wisdom wants to create
positive support, as a result, the area will influence the success of the application of
wisdom. On the contrary, if the area of exchange of views is minus until it is about to be
intertwined by action, as a result, the way the application is prone to run aground.
Next, Mubyarto (2009: 61) states that: "a hamlet is an area inhabited by several
communities as a unit of citizens listed in it legal citizens who have the lowest regime
body directly under the sub-district". After that Kuncoro (2010: 37) shared the
interpretation as follows: "Hamlet is a legal entity where legal citizens who have a regime
reside". Koentjaraningrat (2003: 12) said: "Development is an effort to change and
develop from a condition and community situation that is considered good". Development
as well as what (Habib, 2021) reported: "Development is an effort or arrangement of
development and change that is planned to be tried by awakening by the nation". After
that Arief (2017: 4) said:
"Development is a way of change that is planned and desired, at least development
is usually the will of the citizens who are granted in the decisions obtained by the leader,
about which is then arranged in a program that is then implemented. Development does
not only concern one aspect of life but also various aspects of life that are related one
after another".
Based on the Ordinary Principles of Management of the Hamlet or Village
Development Budget (DPD or K) in 2003 which was issued by the Internal Affairs Unit
of the Republic of Indonesia, the amount of budget allocated directly to each hamlet or
kelurahan is used in the chart to improve tools and infrastructure services to residents, the
budget is held for:
a. Support administrative activities and operational payments for hamlet or kelurahan
b. Institutional strengthening of villagers
Implementation Of Development In Sudimoro Village, Bululawang Sub-District Towards
Socio-Economic Changes In The Community
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1845
c. Development of financial management agencies and people's efforts
Increasing the energy base of people and supporting PKK activities, including the
development of children and young people.
That way in the development program for Koentjaraningrat (2003: 119) it is
necessary to know 5 main things:
a. Problems in the development of a country or society related to sources of
development that can be pursued, in this case, economic energy sources and other
energy sources.
b. Goals and targets of the concept to be achieved
c. Wisdom and methods to achieve the goals and targets of the concept by looking at
the use of resources and determining the best replacement
d. Translation into concrete programs or business activities.
e. Time, duration of achievement, goal.
f. As a bonus scribble on the way of development programming, something is presented
in the form of paintings.
In this connection the design of people development becomes relevant. From
UNDP's perspective, human development is formulated as the expansion of options for
society (enlarging the choice of people), which can be observed as the "formation" of
people's expertise through the correction of their health, insight, and skills. This
development plan is larger than the economic development plan that emphasizes
economic development (economic growth), low desires (basic needs), community safety
(social welfare), or the development of the energy base of people (human resources
development). UNDP's people development plan has 4 factors, namely productivity,
equity, sustainability, and empowerment.
Research Methods
In this research the type of research used is qualitative descriptive research, David
D. Williams in Irawan (2001: 48) suggests that this type of qualitative research has an
identity as the next:
( 1) research and information gathering are tried on a natural framework (); ( 2)
researchers act as research instruments; ( 3) many want to tell; ( 4) prioritizing means
over results; ( 5) information analysis is attempted by inductive means; ( 6) looking for
the meaning behind people's best-selling actions; ( 7) hook researchers directly in the
square; ( 8) triangulate; (9) research subjects are considered contestants; ( 11) only put
forward hypotheses; ( 12) illustrations obtained in a logical purposive way; (13) using
quantitative and qualitative information.
With the meaning that in the way of searching for the meaning behind the incident
can be tried analysis in a thorough, deep, natural way and what it is and without much
hand stirring from researchers. Another estimate is that the implementation of the Hamlet
development program not only says real incidents that can be quantified, but more than
that the results are expected to reveal the hidden state of the application of the program.
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Analisa informasi ialah bagian yang amat berarti dalam tata cara objektif sebab
dengan analisa informasi bisa diberi maksud, arti yang bermanfaat dalam membongkar
the research problem itself. For Sarwono (2002: 41): "Information analysis in qualitative
research is inductive and prolonged in character whose conclusion aims to create
understandings, concepts and the development of the latest philosophy, illustrations of
the form of qualitative analysis, namely regional analysis, taxonomic analysis,
componential analysis, cultural theme analysis, and consistent comparative analysis
(grounded theory research)"
Analysis of this information is based on an effort and estimation if after the
information is combined from the research position, then the information is analyzed to
describe the actual condition as a result is expected to be useful in uncovering the
problems experienced. The form of qualitative analysis of research is a form of interactive
information analysis that has been raised by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014) using
the next form.
Qualitative data analysis that is interactive in the process of data analysis is as
a. Data Collection
b. Data Presentation
c. Data Reduction
d. Conclusion drawing
Results and Discussion
Implementation of Village Development carried out in Sudimoro Village,
Bululawang District, Malang Regency
Hamlets are the lowest level of government in Indonesia and have special
characteristics. This special characteristic of Hamlet continues to strengthen the
assumption that the development strategy of Hamlet is a development strategy that can
match the goals of equitable development of economic development and the achievement
of regime stability. Therefore, it means that there is a strengthening of the position of
institutions in the hamlet in the sponsorship of development. The term hamlet regime
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Socio-Economic Changes In The Community
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body can refer not only to the body or body in the hamlet that carries out special efforts
but also to have an established pattern of attitude of the hamlet residents. Therefore, the
use of the draft Hamlet regime body does not only refer to the Hamlet ruler but also covers
other Hamlet bodies such as the presence of Hamlet’s consultative body, the Hamlet
social body, or the Hamlet economic body. The body is understood as the playing
provision of a citizen to regulate interaction with the citizen's body person.
Considering the limitations of hamlet authority, budget, energy base, and
ambivalent organizational roles between the ruling body ( hamlet) and community bodies,
the hamlet ruler needs to practice the strategy of developing the improvement of the
institutional position of the hamlet that is tried in the current period of regional
independence, is as follows:
a. Increase leadership capacity (leadership rules) It is by improving the leadership of
the head of the hamlet or the hamlet consultative body, preparing the maturity of the
hamlet residents, protecting the intimacy of the bonds of the hamlet regime, and
mastering the vision and goals carried.
b. Increase the institutional capacity of the Hamlet regime (regime rules) It is by
improving institutions in terms of authority, bodies, personnel, finance, tools,
programming, supervision, and elections for the Hamlet ruler. Increase the
accumulation and pronunciation, budgeting, supervision, and legislation for the
Hamlet regime.
c. Increase the capacity of the base of social energy (societal rules), is to improve:
d. The base of people's energy: learning and health;
e. The base of socio-political energy: political participation of citizens, stability of
security and discipline, the existence of community bodies;
f. Socio-economic energy base: hamlet economic infrastructure and rural economic
g. The base of indigenous social energy: beauty and beauty bodies, customs and
customary bodies; The basis of religious social energy: openness of religious life and
tools of worship.
The Impact of Village Development Implementation on Community Socio-
Economic Change
To overcome the cases experienced and at the same time fight for an increase in the
amount of budget in development and its utilization in an efficient way for the time to
come, as a result, it can share a fairly large role in the development of Sudimoro hamlet
to the steps that are considered necessary, among others, are improving the position and
programming agency and the application of hamlet development (LP3-D). This position
and body must be improved by linking all parts contained as a result in the hamlet
development program can ensure the right direction and policy for the hamlet
development blueprint by the wishes of residents and is expected to distribute
participation to residents. In the chart, improve the position and the Agency for
Programming and Application of Hamlet Development (LP3-D) can be tried by:
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a. Increase communication with the lord of the hamlet or both parties.
b. Improve the coordination of the hamlet lord or the two torn parties.
Improve the position and in making programming and policy of Hamlet
To support these efforts, the ruler wants to primarily function to provide initiatives,
active positions, and participation of citizens and the earth in development sponsorship.
Citizen empowerment is tried through efforts to provide residents to be able to access the
base of data and development resources so that residents can streamline all their potential
to function and regulate and benefit from all ways and steps of development in Sudimoro
Hamlet, through empowerment strategies, namely:
1). Family Empowerment, 2). Institutional Strengthening, 3) Social Safety.Internal and
External Aspects of Hamlet Institutional Development Organizing and Implementing
Hamlet Policies for Professors. Sadu Wasistiono (2006), some issues that become aspects
of Hamlet's institutional barriers in organizing and implementing various programs and
Hamlet policies, are external obstacles and internal obstacles.
Research on the application of Hamlet development tried in Sudimoro Hamlet,
Apes Regency, formulates that:
The Development Application in Sudimoro hamlet in the usual way shares pretty
good results especially in the socio-economic improvement of residents with some hints
about Religious Aspects, Learning Aspects, Livelihood Aspects
The application for the development of hamlets in Sudimoro village distributes changes
to the social economy of residents, which is a change in the view of the per capita income
of the head of the family. There continue to be more people who have income between
Rp. 1. 500. 000- Rp. 2. 000. 000 is facing an escalation of 38 men. After that, make a data
collection of Rp. 2. 000. 000- Rp. 2. 500. 000 also faced an escalation of 22 people.
Especially for 2020 residents with an income of more than Rp. 2. 500. 000 also faces an
escalation is 15 people.
Implementation Of Development In Sudimoro Village, Bululawang Sub-District Towards
Socio-Economic Changes In The Community
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