pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.696 1613
Didik Supriyanto
, Suryo Hartoko Minarwanto
, Muhammad Alwiade Pane
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Waskita Dharma Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Public services;
Administrative Services; SKTS.
Landungsari Hamlet is one of the villages in Dau District, Sial Regency
which provides public services at the Village Office. Public services for
population administration in Landungsari Village, Dau District include
making Family Cards (KK), Electronic Citizen Characteristics Cards (e-
KTP), and Reverse Residence Records (SKTS) and there are
recommended services including making birth certificates, marriage
certificates, certificates land, business license (HO), introduction to
making SKCK and SIM. Based on the results of studies that have been
tested regarding the quality of public services from the perspective of
population administration in Landungsari Hamlet, it can be concluded
that Landungsari Village has a room size of 8x6m2 for a capacity of 5
service personnel. The service room has service tables, an activity table,
2 sets of residence description card recording devices, and remote chairs
for people waiting for service. The Landungsari Hamlet office has not
yet fulfilled the necessary service tools to provide services to similar
communities while at least there are chairs in the waiting room, there is
no table for writing in the waiting room, and information equipment is
not yet available. Tools such as generators are not optimized, so when
the power goes out, the service method will also end the totality, which
means that people cannot get service. In terms of reliability, from the
results of a leaked study, the residents of Dau District are satisfied with
the services provided by the Ordinary Services Section of Dusun
Landungsari in terms of reliability. between transactional leadership and
employee performance
The ruler as a facilitator of public services needed by citizens must be responsible
and then try to distribute the best services for the increase in audience services (Satispi &
Si, 2018) (Raharjo, 2022) (Gilman, 2005). On the other hand, citizen happiness is a
measure of the success of public services provided by audience service facilitators,
therefore public services must be focused on venting citizens' desires in the maximum
way both in terms of quality and quantity (Taufiq, 2015) (MAKKA, 2023) (Jarke, 2021).
To be able to calculate the quality of public services, a description is needed that can help
master how this public service agency should be tasked with creating quality output that
matches the level of happiness of citizens (Abdussamad, 2020). SKTS manufacturing
Didik Supriyanto, Suryo Hartoko Minarwanto, Muhammad Alwiade Pane
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1614
services are one illustration of the form of public services submitted by the ruling
apparatus (Saputra, 2019) (Puluadji, Pakaya, & Djafar, 2016) (Simarmata, Simarmata, &
Saragih, 2020). In the chart of creating an orderly population administration and the
continuity of providing population information nationally, the authority is responsible for
providing careful and up-to-date population information. It is expected that the ruling
officers in all of Indonesia will perform public services well is expected by the people
(Rukayat, 2017) (Wuri, Kaunang, & Pioh, 2017). While many must be recommended
from public services in Indonesia and do not close, maybe the Population Bureau and
Public Memo be one of the ruling bodies that become the executive of making SKTS
(Jatmikowati, 2021). Of course, the making of SKTS is legal for all people who are
registered as people in the Landungsari Village area, Dau District, Malang Regency. In
the Population Bureau and Lay Memo in SKTS making services, there are several cases.
Based on the data above, the application of SKTS has not matched the dreams of
residents of the Landungsari Village Office, Dau District, Malang Regency. There are
several cases in SKTS making services, including the management of SKTS consuming
a long duration, complicated methods, and low order actions of employees such as
employees who are not located in place during activity hours. Another case has not been
resolved by the target of Electronic SKTS recording to date. So far, the latest one has
recorded close to 45 thousand people in 3 weeks. Make the number in totality medium
there are close to 200 thousand who have not entered who have SKTS, died on earth, and
changed their place of residence but are being listed. With the number of Malang people
reaching more than 1.3 million people. This proves that many residents have not recorded
SKTS. This matter indirectly affects the quality of services provided by the Landungsari
Hamlet Office to residents.
Another obstacle is the adrift tools and infrastructure that are not sufficient for
operational equipment, physical facilities, and other supporting infrastructure. Such as
limited bandwidth or internet rations, blanks that are less likely to be printed SKTS, and
inadequate waiting places for residents who want to carry out services. The literature
review used in this research is Quality, Audience Services, Population, Audience Bodies,
and Public Management. Then the research method used uses the Descriptive Qualitative
method, which is an approach that sees social reality in its natural setting, without
manipulation by the researcher. Different from the research conducted to test the
hypothesis, this study aims to determine and analyze the quality of public services in the
context of managing SKTS in Landungsari Village, Dau District, Malang Regency.
Research Methods
To improve the quality of services at the Landungsari Village Office, Dau District,
this research will begin by conducting Field Studies and Observations. Direct surveys
will be conducted to collect data related to the physical condition of facilities such as
chairs in waiting rooms, writing desks, and data tools. Observations will focus on
understanding the use of generators in power outage situations. Furthermore, interviews
will be conducted with officers and visitors to explore their views and experiences
The Quality Of Public Services In The Context Of Managing Temporary Residence Certificates
(Skts) In Landungsari Village, Dau District, Malang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1615
regarding service quality, especially in terms of professionalism. The data obtained will
be analyzed to identify weaknesses in existing services and potential improvements that
can be implemented. Customer satisfaction surveys will help measure customer
satisfaction levels and get constructive feedback from them. Finally, by conducting a
Comparative Analysis, the results of the study will be compared with the service
standards expected by the community to assess the gaps that need to be corrected in the
village office services.
Results and Discussion
Landungsari Village, Dau District, is the ruling institution that continues to
distribute services and improve the quality of services for its special residents in
Landungsari Village, Dau District. The quality of public services aspects of population
administration is known from 5 formats consisting of physical facts (tangible), reliability
(reliability), energy understanding (responsiveness), collateral (assurance), and empathy
(empathy) (Tebay, Fatem, & Wati, 2017). With these dimensions of services,
Landungsari Hamlet, Dau District, seeks to distribute services through the next steps:
a. Physical Evidence (tangibles)
The quality of service will immediately feel good if this direct fact is observed
because this matter is related to the initial evaluation of residents (Hardiyansyah, 2018).
Residents who arrive at the sub-district office will immediately be faced with an
evaluation of the facilities available and the cleanliness of the office, as a result, the
comfort of residents will be immediately felt.
To overcome the shortcomings in the tangibles format (direct facts) it is necessary
to accumulate logistics tables and benches, better preparation of waiting rooms, protect
office cleanliness, try logistics air conditioning equipment ( air conditioner), provision
dirty places, distribute taboos not to smoke in the room, especially to district office
officers, preparation or logistics of data residence or circular or leaflet that can Assist
residents in administrative management at the office.
b. Reliability
The obstacle or deficiency encountered at the Landungsari Village Office, Dau
District, is the slow administration of administration. This is due to the limited number of
employees. The lack of employees causes the handling of administrative management to
be slow because one employee handles or takes care of more than one type of profession
(Fachruddin, 2018). On the side of the number of employees who are lacking, the quality
of the existing employees is also small. Experiencing this problem, it is necessary to
accumulate the number of employees and increase the quality of employees such as
science or knowledge and inventiveness of employees through increased learning or
upgrading nurseries both official and non-formal that refer to laws and regulations that
have been inaugurated and pay attention to the accuracy of targets.
c. responsiveness
The energy understanding view that must be submitted by a service office to
residents is to share good reactions, lightning, and understanding in answering every
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1616
citizen's complaint and distributing maximum services, especially in each service in
Landungsari Village, Dau District. This matter wants to generate a sense of satisfaction
in residents as service users.
d. Assurance
The collateral format is a format of service quality related to the insight and
friendliness of service donor officers and their expertise to inspire confidence and comfort
in service consumers (Adang, 2017). This view is one that citizens expect. Friendly
officers want to be one of the supporting aspects for service consumers to share a good
evaluation of the services served.
The ordinary service requirements should not be limited to circumstances directly
related to the target service income because they have not paid close attention to the
requirements and the ordinary service products delivered, while there is a cliché of
venting all requirements in terms of how the service requires all requirements from the
basis of activity or other relevant authority institutions. This situation makes residents
think that officers are complicated and often disrespectful because they make residents
have to go back and forth to fulfill their files.
It is hoped that the ruling officer can be more unchanged in performing services by
not discriminating against the citizens served as a result of residents being satisfied with
the services of the audience obtained. It is hoped that there will be a standard of service
inaugurated by the ruler who regulates the hospitality and courtesy of officers as long as
they serve residents who want public services.
e. Empathy
Ordinary service methods must be informed openly so that they are easily known
and understood by citizens, whether requested or unsolicited. The will of the citizens is
to be served honestly (Iswarini, 2021). Therefore, the working apparatus must share the
description honestly, of what is contained in the regulations or norms, not scare the nakuti,
do not feel meritorious in distributing services so as not to raise the will to want a reply
from citizens.
It is hoped that the officers will send a special order for Landungsari Village, Dau
District, to be able to further improve the friendliness and quality in serving residents in
various managements, as a result, they can establish a good bond between the executive
officer of public services and residents who carry out the management of population
administration services.
This research is a descriptive research on the quality of public service sponsorship
in the aspect of population administration in Landungsari Village, Dau District, as a
result, researchers tried to dig, uncover, and then describe it. The results of this research
are in the form of data obtained through questions and answers, elections, and
Public service is now part of the wishes of every citizen. Each public bureaucracy
needs to try to share the best quality of service with service consumers. The services of
the ruling audience in this matter the Landungsari Village office, Dau District, are
currently experiencing to continue to be in need to be addressed and improved, especially
The Quality Of Public Services In The Context Of Managing Temporary Residence Certificates
(Skts) In Landungsari Village, Dau District, Malang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1617
in this kind of time. Efforts to improve the quality of public services are a must that must
be quickly tried to produce services that are more efficient, efficient, and by the wishes
and expectations of citizens.
It can be recognized that the problem of the willingness of the authorities to serve
residents has been good with many assumptions that residents who report are quite good.
The provision of services to the willingness of officers to share data is a matter that needs
attention. The willingness of employees to provide data to residents who want services
will be able to justify the service method in the eyes of residents. So in producing
excellent services, residents need to be assisted by the presence of empathetic employees
in helping the wishes of residents who need data.
In carrying out its duties as an ordinary service, the Landungsari Village Office of
Dau District experienced several cases in the way of sponsoring its public services, which
include: With the limited number of employees in the ordinary service department, as a
result, it can limit public service activities to residents because employees are required to
double the profession, the closeness between the ruling officer and the citizen is indeed
obliged to support to achieve the expected goals, either from the residents or from the
ruling officer himself, waiting rooms that have not matched the loading capacity of tourist
presence, lack of availability of leaning places and tables or places to write tourists,
restrooms or restrooms and dirty places.
There is a case for improving the quality of public service delivery as mentioned
above, the author seeks to share efforts to deal with it as follows:
1. Conducting counseling programs through village heads to residents, to help
disseminate and describe data to residents, regarding conditions related to service
2. Organizing services that do not burden and ignite Landungsari residents.
3. Improve the professionalism of each employee in Landungsari Village, Dau District.
4. Propose logistics means of cagak servant audience.
Physical facilities at the Landungsari Village Office of Dau District need to be
improved, especially in terms of facilities such as chairs in the waiting room, desks for
writing, and necessary data tools. The use of generators must also be optimized so that
services remain available when the power goes out so that people can get services without
interruption. Services from the Public Service Section of Landungsari Village, Dau
District are considered reliable in handling residents' complaints and have a good level of
professionalism in terms of duration and accuracy of service. The recommendation is to
continue to maintain this standard of reliability. The responsiveness of employees in
helping the community, especially those who need special services, is seen positively by
the good interaction between officers and visitors. This step needs to be maintained and
improved to maintain customer satisfaction.
Efforts to improve the quality of service by providing a sense of security and
comfort to residents, such as the placement of parking attendants and handling neglected
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goods, have yielded positive results. This needs to continue to be done to maintain
residents' trust in services. The empathetic approach applied by Landungsari Village, Dau
District, such as clearly explaining service procedures and receiving criticism and
suggestions well, has created a good relationship between waiters and customers. The
recommendation is to continue to provide services that prioritize this aspect of empathy.
By implementing the above recommendations, it is hoped that the Landungsari
Village Office of Dau District can continue to improve the quality of its services and
better meet the needs and expectations of the community.
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(Skts) In Landungsari Village, Dau District, Malang Regency
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