pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 10 October 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i10.695 1599
Dedi Susanto
, David Kasidi
, Fahruddin Angga Pradana
Stisospol Waskita Dharma Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: Public service;
administrative service;
Ampeldento Village is one of the hamlets in Karangploso District,
Malang Regency which provides public services in the aspect of
population administration. Public services for aspects of population
administration in Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso District include
making Family Cards (KK), Electronic Community Characteristics
Cards (e-KTP), Temporary Resident Messages (SKTS) and There are
recommended services including making birth certificates, marriage
certificates, certificates land, business permit (HO), introduction to
SKCK and SIM. Based on the results of research and reviews that have
been tested regarding the quality of public services in terms of population
administration in Ampeldento Hamlet, it can be concluded that
Ampeldento Hamlet has a large area of 8x6m2 for a capacity of 5 service
personnel. The service room has service tables, activity tables, 2 sets of
Electronic Community Identity Card recording equipment, and remote
benches intended for residents waiting for services. The Ampeldento
Hamlet office does not yet have sufficient service facilities to provide
services to residents such as at least a chair in the waiting room, there is
no table for writing in the waiting room, and data tools do not yet exist.
Facilities such as generators are not maximized, so when the electricity
goes out, the service process will also stop everything, which means
residents cannot get services. Hamlet Ampeldento in terms of reliability
(reliability) in terms of reliability.
The quality of mass services always precipitates the will of legal citizens such as
customers, but so far citizens connote the services provided by the ruling apparatus to
citizens aim at less good and not good (Cahyadi, 2016). The expenditure of mass services
attempted by the ruler again is confronted with services that have not been reasonable and
educated for and the quality of the base of people's resources that have not been fulfilled
(Purwanti, Mahfud, Widjaningsih, & Setiawan, 2021). This can be seen from the many
matches from citizens either by direct or indirect procedures, such as through mass tools
that demand an escalation of the quality of mass services (Gustiawan, 2018).
The escalation of the quality of mass services is one of the most significant
rumors. This is explained because in one part the citizens' insistence on the quality of
services then becomes the opposite of the practice of service executives do not face
significant changes (Hasibuan, 2022). Each citizen has long demanded the services of a
good audience, although the insistence is often not by wishful thinking because the
Dedi Susanto, David Kasidi, Fahruddin Angga Pradana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1600
services of the audience that have been involved so far are environmental, slow,
expensive, and tiring (Sudibyo, 2004).
Legal authorities such as facilitators of public services needed by citizens must be
responsible and thereafter strive to share the best services for the escalation of community
services (Hadi, 2020). On the other hand, the sanctity of citizens is the measure of the
success of public services provided by audience service facilitators, therefore mass
services must be focused on liberating the wishes of citizens with maximum procedures
both in terms of quality and quantity. To be able to speculate on the quality of public
services, a description is needed that can help master how this public service body should
be tasked with creating good output that matches the content of the sanctity of citizens.
The service of making an ID card is one of the scribbles of the form of public services
submitted by the ruling apparatus (Karim, 2017). In the atlas of creating an orderly
population administration and the continuity of providing population information
nationally, the ruler is responsible for presenting careful and up-to-date population
information. Starting from the Ampeldento Hamlet Zone Regulation Number 9 of 2009
concerning Population Administration Expenditure in the general description, it explains
that the Community Character Card, from now on abbreviated as KTP, is the reality of
the legal community as a kind of reality issued by the Legal Administrator Body
throughout the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It is expected that the ruling
officers in all of Indonesia will perform public services well by what is expected by the
people. Again, many must be recommended from public services in Indonesia and do not
close, it could be in the Population Bureau and Memo Lazim to be one of the ruling bodies
that become administrators of making E-KTP. It seems that making this E-KTP is legal
for all people who are legally recorded, such as the natural community of Ampeldento
Hamlet, Karangploso District, and Apes Regency. In the Bureau of Population and Memo
Lazim in E-KTP manufacturing services, there are some cases (Sudrajat, 2021).
Starting from the data above, the application for making e-KTP has not matched
the wishes of residents or the Population Bureau and the Common Memo of Ampeldento
Hamlet, Karangploso District, Sial Regency. There are several cases in e-KTP-making
services including the management of e-KTP eating for a long time, environmental
method rules, and low-order behavior of employees such as employees who are not in
place during activity hours (Rahman, Cikusin, & Sekarsari, 2021).
Another case is Regarding the unresolved target of recording Electronic ID Cards
to date. So far, the latest one has recorded close to 45 thousand people in 3 weeks. Make
the number with totality procedures again there are close to 200 thousand who have not
entered who have ID cards 2 times, go home nature, and change the place of residence
but again printed. With the number of people, Apes reached more than 1.3 million people.
This ensures that many residents have not recorded their ID cards (Nim, 2015). This in
an indirect way affects the quality of services provided by the Population Bureau and the
Common Memo of Ampeldento Hamlet to residents. (Apes. antaranews.com) Another
obstacle is the adrift of tools and infrastructure that has not been fulfilled by good
operational tools, body equipment, and other supporting infrastructure. Such as
The Quality Of Public Services In The Context Of Managing Identity Cards (Ktp) And Family
Cards (Kk) In Ampeldento Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1601
bandwidth or limited internet parts, blanks that are lacking as a result of e-KTP being
slow to print, and inadequate waiting places for residents who will perform services.
Starting from the explanation of the reverse framework above, until the observer was
fascinated to learn about, "The Quality of Public Services in the Atlas of Management of
Community Character Cards (KTP) and Family Cards (KK) in Ampeldento Hamlet,
Karangploso District, Apes Regency''.
For Joseph Juran, the interpretation of quality is fitness for use. In other words, a
product (object or service) should match what is needed or expected by its client. For
Philip B. Crosby, quality is conformity with requirements or standards that have been set.
In other words, a product is considered good if the specifications match the quality
standards that have been set. For Vincent Gaspersz, quality is the thing that paints the
direct character of a product. This includes appearance, reliability, ease of consumption,
and others (Andithapuri, 2016).
Definition of Service
Community services must always shift to the assumption of citizen progress
because citizens are actively educated. In this case, the ruler is obliged to carry out
negotiations and collaborate with various wishes of citizens. As a result, the services of
the audience have a quality that matches what is expected by residents. Community
services are carried out in an orderly activity structure that is generally educated, open,
easy, appropriate, complete, natural, and affordable. For (Indahingwati, Yazid B, &
Nuzlal MR, 2017) services are each legal or activity that can be offered by one party to
another party, which is formless and does not give rise to any ownership.
Public Understanding
The definition of citizens is a compel of people (people) who each have desires in
the fabric accompanied by people (sociological). For Herbert Blumer, a person who is
faced with a problem with various views on the way to go of the problem, and participates
in the discussion about the problem is the audience. In contrast, Emery Bogardus defines
an audience as several people who are united in one relationship and have a uniform
stance on a social problem. Frank Jefkins (1995: 71): The public is a sedompol or many
people who dialogue with a body either by internal or external methods.
Research Methods
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, which is an approach that views
social reality in its natural framework, without rotten ideas on the part of observers.
Different from studies that try to make assumptions, this study means to identify and
analyze the quality of public service in the management plan of Citizen Characteristic
Cards (KTP) and Family Cards (KK) in Ampeldento Village, Karangploso District,
Malang Regency Observers compare phenomena that act like a comparison or act like a
data triangulation method as a result of obtaining data that can be accounted for.
Observers also group phenomena by ending standards or norms (normative surveys),
investigating the position (status) of events or views, and looking at the relationship
between one view and another (in this regard, the rules of the descriptive method are also
Dedi Susanto, David Kasidi, Fahruddin Angga Pradana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1602
said status study). Therefore tools (instruments) mean that this study is the observer
Results and Discussion
Observed from the aspects of development that are related in Ampeldento Village,
from year to year there are many escalations both in the economic, social, or zone views.
In the past, Ampeldento Village was dominated by dirt roads that remained problematic
during the rainy era. Buildings and ordinary houses, as well as tools, are very limited.
Similarly, from an economic aspect, income is usually quite small with perfunctory
human resources. Slowly through the hard activities of all parties and the desire of the
people of Ampeldento Village to crave the emendation of the quality of life, until now
the results of development in various views can be felt positive impacts. the origin of the
idea of Ampeldento Village development either financed by self-help methods, Village
Calculations, Regional Budget, Private Sector or free development programs available.
From the information, it appears that productive aged residents at the age of 20-49
years old in Ampeldenro Village are close to 2120 people, or almost 48%. Regarding this,
it is a valuable capital for productive energy equipment and human resources. The level
of shortage in Ampeldento Village is large. Of the total 1410 families above, some 159
families are listed as valid as Pre Comfortable, 866 families are listed as Comfortable
Family I, 380 families are listed as Comfortable Family II, 3 families are listed as
Comfortable Family III, and 2 families are listed as Comfortable Family III Plus. When
Pre-safe KK and KK group I are classified as poor KK, up to more than 50% of
Ampeldento Village KKs are poor families.
Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso District, is legal, a kind of ruling body that
continues to distribute services and improve the quality of services for its special residents
in Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso District. The quality of public service of population
administration thinking is known from 5 forms consisting of body reality (tangible),
reliability (reliability), understanding (responsiveness), collateral (assurance), and
empathy (empathy). With these service dimensions, Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso
District, seeks to distribute services through legal steps such as the following:
1. Reality Body (tangibles)
The quality of service will immediately feel good if this direct reality is observed
because this is related to early evaluation from residents. Residents who arrive at the sub-
district office will be immediately faced with an evaluation of the equipment contained
and the cleanliness of the office, as a result, the comfort of residents will be immediately
felt. Overcome the shortcomings in the form of tangibles ( direct reality) requires
hoarding equipment tables and benches, better classification of waiting rooms, avoiding
office cleanliness, trying air conditioning equipment ( air conditioner), providing dirty
places, distributing taboos not to smoke in the room, especially exclusively to district
office officers, classification or data address equipment or circulars or leaflets that can
help residents in administrative management at the subdistrict office.
2. Kehandalan (reliability)
The Quality Of Public Services In The Context Of Managing Identity Cards (Ktp) And Family
Cards (Kk) In Ampeldento Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1603
The obstacles or shortcomings encountered at the Ampeldento Hamlet Office,
Karangploso District, are slow administrative management. This is due to the limited
number of employees. At least the number of employees makes administrative
management enforcement slow because one employee handles or manages more than one
type of profession. In the section of the number of employees who are lacking, the quality
of the employees there is also small. Facing this problem, it is necessary to hoard the
number of employees and increase the quality of employees such as science or knowledge
and energy to make employees through the escalation of training or upgrading of
fertilization nurseries, both legal and non-formal, which refers to laws and regulations
that have been formalized and observes the accuracy of targets.
3. Daya Paham (responsiveness)
The view of understanding that must be submitted by a service office to residents
is to share good reactions, lightning, and understanding in answering each citizen's
complaints and distributing maximum services, especially in each service in Ampeldento
Hamlet, Karangploso District. This is to create a sense of satisfaction in legal citizens
such as service users
4. Jaminan (assurance)
The form of collateral is a manifestation of the quality of services related to the
insight and friendliness of service donor officers and their expertise to inspire religion
and comfort for service clients. This view is one that residents expect. Friendly officers
will be one of the supporting thoughts for service clients to share a good evaluation of the
services served. General service requirements should not be limited to situations that are
directly related to the target service income because they have not paid attention to the
requirements and the general service products submitted, again there is a cliché of
exemption from all requirements in terms of service procedures requiring all requirements
from the basis of activity or other related ruling bodies. This atmosphere makes residents
assume that environmental officers and often immoral because it makes residents obliged
to go back and forth to fulfill their files. It is hoped that the ruling officer can be more
unchanged in performing services with no special citizens who are served as a result of
residents being satisfied with the services of the audience received. It is hoped that there
will be a standard of service inaugurated by the ruler who regulates the hospitality and
morals of officers as long as they serve citizens who want public services
5. Empati (empathy)
Public service procedures must be informed openly so that they are easily known
and understood by citizens, whether requested or unsolicited. The will of the citizens is
to be served honestly. Therefore, the working apparatus must share the description
honestly, of what is contained in the regulations or norms, not scare the nakuti, do not
feel meritorious in distributing services so as not to raise the will to want a reply from
citizens. It is hoped that the officers will instruct the special Ampeldento Hamlet,
Karangploso District, to improve further the friendliness and quality in serving residents
in various managements, as a result, they can establish a good relationship between the
administrator of public services and residents who carry out the management of
Dedi Susanto, David Kasidi, Fahruddin Angga Pradana
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1604
population administration services. This research is descriptive educated research on the
quality of public service expenditure for population administration thinking in
Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso District, as a result, observers try to dig, uncover, and
then describe it. The results of this research are in the form of data obtained through
questions of answer, determination, and control.
Based on the results of research and observations on the quality of population
administration services in Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso District, it can be concluded
as follows:
1. Dusun Ampeldento's service room facilities are not fully adequate with a shortage of
chairs and tables in the waiting room, as well as incomplete data equipment. The use
of generators also needs to be optimized to overcome interference when the power
goes out.
2. The reliability of the services offered by the Public Services Section of Ampeldento
Hamlet is considered good, especially in handling citizen complaints,
professionalism, and accuracy of service.
3. The responsiveness of employees in helping residents, especially those who need
special services, is seen well with good communication between officials and
residents who have problems with services.
4. The security guarantee in the parking area has increased the comfort of residents, and
the handling of abandoned belongings is also well-regulated
5. There is empathy in service with the attitude of officers who provide clear
explanations of service procedures and accept criticism and suggestions well for
service improvement.
6. There are obstacles in budget management for public services in Ampeldento
Overall, Ampeldento Hamlet, Karangploso District, has tried to improve the quality
of population administration services well, but there are still several aspects that need to
be improved to provide better services to the community.
The Quality Of Public Services In The Context Of Managing Identity Cards (Ktp) And Family
Cards (Kk) In Ampeldento Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 10, October 2023 1605
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