Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1111
to the network. The Internet of Things refers to the identification of an object that is
represented virtually in cyberspace or the Internet (Akbar, 2019). So it can be said that
the Internet of Things is how a real object in this world is described in cyberspace
(Internet). The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world as the Internet
once did, maybe even better (Suari, 2017)
Therefore, research was made which is a development of previous scientific
writing based on Arduino Uno entitled "4WD automatic fire extinguishing robot system
based on Arduino Uno". In the study, the movement of the robot to reach the fire spot
was fully taken by three ultrasonic sensors and it turned out that after the trial was
obtained, the time obtained was quite slow from the start of the active system to detect
the fire spot (Yoski & Mukhaiyar, 2020). Then extinguishing it is certainly a problem if
it is not overcome, therefore the development of scientific writing is expected to be
optimal and efficient, especially when robots look for fire spots because in testing
previous objects the longer the fire gets bigger (Fathoni, 2017).
For this development, the microcontroller base that used to use Arduino Uno was
replaced with ESP 32 CAM which has been equipped with built-in WiFi and a camera
module with a capacity of 2MP, of course, as the name implies, the Internet of Things
(IoT) must be monitored through a WiFi connection emitted by a microcontroller (Azis,
Pribadi, & Nurcahya, 2020). And the camera module is equipped with an adjustable
flash that can be very helpful in dark conditions. All of the above is displayed on a
smartphone complete with a remote control that has become a system, of course, it can
speed up the robot in reaching the fire point because it can be directly directed without
relying on the navigation system that previously used the HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor
(Hilal & Manan, 2015). Then in this development, the control is entirely on the operator
via a smartphone, remote control, and the last part, namely the extinguishing
component, in this case, the jet of water is now more flexible because it can be directed
with pan and tilt movements assisted by two servo motors.
Research Methods
Currently, robots are developed with various designs with certain purposes, one of
which is a fire extinguishing robot. Fire extinguishing robots are a development of tools
that can help to trace, detect, and of course, as the name implies, it is certainly able to
extinguish fires which are usually in the form of various kinds of wheeled and legged
such as smart cars, hexapods, and various others, of course, this tool can help humans.
Fire extinguishing robots can be made using hardware and software controlled by
various kinds of microcontrollers, both those that already support the Internet of Things
or commonly called (IoT) or those that do not yet exist also in some cases, control is
done using Bluetooth applied to smartphones with the Android operating system.
ESP 32 CAM is one of the microcontrollers that has additional facilities in the
form of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cameras, and even to a microSD slot. ESP 32 CAM is
usually used for IoT (Internet of Things) projects that require camera features. The ESP