pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i8.689 1110
Bambang Dwinanto
, Abdurrazaq Afiif Lubis
, Mochammad Karjadi
, Bambang
, Bambang Harianto
Gunadarma University Depok, Indonesia
: 01-08-2023
: 15-08-2023
The development of microcontroller technology has been implemented
in the robotics industry, particularly in performing tasks that are risky
for living beings, especially humans. In this context, a wheeled smart
car robot can automatically extinguish fires. The fire extinguishing
system is taken over by the robot's system when fire or heat is detected,
and the robot's controller activates the extinguishing system, spraying
water at the fire point. The ESP 32 CAM microcontroller serves as the
processing and controlling unit, handling data and displaying real-time
camera images to ensure accurate fire extinguishing. Additionally, a
mecanum wheel drive mechanism is added to enhance the robot's
movement flexibility.
Keywords: Inverter; Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM);
THD; Pure Sinusoida.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Fires are often caused by small things, it can be from a short circuit or from a fire
that was originally small there is a saying that says small fire, friends, but big fire is the
opposite (Fortna, 2018). The method used to extinguish the fire can be done manually
by humans which we usually see done by professionals or firefighting jobs if the fire is
large or if the fire is only small and medium can be overcome by APAR (light fire
extinguisher). In addition, there is a safer way can reduce the risk of injury, namely by
extinguishing fires automatically in other words, humans can control and monitor from
a safe distance, one of the most popular is done with robotics in the form of smart cars,
robots although not yet fully able to replace the role of anointed humans with large
blazes in skyscrapers (Supriyanto, Sufiyanto, & Kusnadi, 2018).
Today's technology is growing over time, one of which is the Internet of Things
(IoT) which can optimize several tools and devices for the better. The Internet of Things
or better known as (IoT) is a concept that aims to expand the benefits of continuously
connected internet connectivity (Lee & Lee, 2015). As for capabilities such as data
sharing, remote control, and so on, including objects in the real world (Afriansyah,
Essentially the Internet of Things refers to objects that can be uniquely identified
as virtual representations in an Internet-based structure (Atzori, Iera, & Morabito,
2017). Many benefits are obtained from the Internet of Things the work we do becomes
fast, easy, and efficient. We can also detect and control it as long as it is still connected
Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1111
to the network. The Internet of Things refers to the identification of an object that is
represented virtually in cyberspace or the Internet (Akbar, 2019). So it can be said that
the Internet of Things is how a real object in this world is described in cyberspace
(Internet). The Internet of Things has the potential to change the world as the Internet
once did, maybe even better (Suari, 2017)
Therefore, research was made which is a development of previous scientific
writing based on Arduino Uno entitled "4WD automatic fire extinguishing robot system
based on Arduino Uno". In the study, the movement of the robot to reach the fire spot
was fully taken by three ultrasonic sensors and it turned out that after the trial was
obtained, the time obtained was quite slow from the start of the active system to detect
the fire spot (Yoski & Mukhaiyar, 2020). Then extinguishing it is certainly a problem if
it is not overcome, therefore the development of scientific writing is expected to be
optimal and efficient, especially when robots look for fire spots because in testing
previous objects the longer the fire gets bigger (Fathoni, 2017).
For this development, the microcontroller base that used to use Arduino Uno was
replaced with ESP 32 CAM which has been equipped with built-in WiFi and a camera
module with a capacity of 2MP, of course, as the name implies, the Internet of Things
(IoT) must be monitored through a WiFi connection emitted by a microcontroller (Azis,
Pribadi, & Nurcahya, 2020). And the camera module is equipped with an adjustable
flash that can be very helpful in dark conditions. All of the above is displayed on a
smartphone complete with a remote control that has become a system, of course, it can
speed up the robot in reaching the fire point because it can be directly directed without
relying on the navigation system that previously used the HC SR04 ultrasonic sensor
(Hilal & Manan, 2015). Then in this development, the control is entirely on the operator
via a smartphone, remote control, and the last part, namely the extinguishing
component, in this case, the jet of water is now more flexible because it can be directed
with pan and tilt movements assisted by two servo motors.
Research Methods
Currently, robots are developed with various designs with certain purposes, one of
which is a fire extinguishing robot. Fire extinguishing robots are a development of tools
that can help to trace, detect, and of course, as the name implies, it is certainly able to
extinguish fires which are usually in the form of various kinds of wheeled and legged
such as smart cars, hexapods, and various others, of course, this tool can help humans.
Fire extinguishing robots can be made using hardware and software controlled by
various kinds of microcontrollers, both those that already support the Internet of Things
or commonly called (IoT) or those that do not yet exist also in some cases, control is
done using Bluetooth applied to smartphones with the Android operating system.
ESP 32 CAM is one of the microcontrollers that has additional facilities in the
form of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cameras, and even to a microSD slot. ESP 32 CAM is
usually used for IoT (Internet of Things) projects that require camera features. The ESP
Bambang Dwinanto, Abdurrazaq Afiif Lubis, Mochammad Karjadi, Bambang Yulianto,
Bambang Harianto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1112
32 CAM module has fewer I/O pins than the previous ESP 32 Wroom module, ESP 32
Wroom. This is because there are already many pins used internally for camera
functions and microSD card slot functions. In addition, the ESP 32 CAM module also
does not have a dedicated USB port (sending programs from the USB port of the
computer). So to program this module you have to use USB TTL or we can add a
module in the form of a special downloader for ESP 32 CAM.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano is a small board open-source microcontroller board and single
board based on ATmega328P Microchip technology released in 2008. It offers the
same connectivity and specifications as the Arduino Uno board in a smaller form
The Arduino Nano is equipped with 30 male I/O headers, in a DIP-30-like
configuration, which can be programmed using the Arduino Software integrated
development environment (IDE), which is common to all Arduino boards and runs both
online and offline. The board can be powered via a USB type B mini cable or from 9 V
batteries. In 2019, Arduino released the Arduino Nano Every, the pin-equivalent
evolution of the Nano. It features a more powerful ATmega4809 processor and twice
the RAM.
Driver Shield L298N
It is a motor regulating module using the H Bridge range. The shape of this
module is already in the form of a shield so it is suitable for use directly to various kinds
of microcontrollers. Today, DC motors are used in the manufacture of many tools and
fixtures. So, the speed and direction control of this motor is very common. The half-
bridge circuit is one of the simplest methods of controlling a DC motor. This method
not only controls the direction of the motor but can also be used to control the speed.
Results and Discussion
The fire extinguishing system with a distance from the fire spot can be said to be
extinguishing the fire using the help of tools in this case in the form of a smart car robot.
And full control on the operator for control the smart car for process blocks as can be
depicted in the block diagram shown in Figure 1.
Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1113
Figure 11. Block diagram system
In the block diagram above, ESP 32 CAM functions as the main processor of the
controller with an activator in the form of a DC battery that outputs an output of 5V DC.
Then input to run all commands based on the remote control smartphone displayed on
the web server. There is a real-time camera captured by the camera module on the ESP
32 CAM then at the output, there are two servo motors and a drive, namely four DC
motors controlled by the L298N driver based on the ESP 32 CAM command.
The components of the "Prototype Smart Car Fire Extinguisher Mecanum Wheel
Based on ESP 32 CAM with Bluetooth Combination" have components, namely the
ESP-32 CAM microcontroller, L298N shield motor, pan and tilt servo, DC water pump
whose functions and explanations can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1
ESP-32 CAM +
Shield L298N
System control
Pan servo
Moving and
transmitting the
camera module on the
Tilt servo
Moving and
transmitting the
camera module on the
DC water pump
Spraying water
In Table 1 there are components used in the tool made for this writing including
an ESP 32 CAM microcontroller, two servo motors, and a dc water pump. The table
also describes the functions and descriptions of each component used.
The system process when it will be run or started will first connect to the WiFi
emitted by the microcontroller in this case using ESP-32 CAM then if the connection is
Bambang Dwinanto, Abdurrazaq Afiif Lubis, Mochammad Karjadi, Bambang Yulianto,
Bambang Harianto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1114
connected, the robot system will enter idle mode or be ready to use, otherwise the
system will try to reconnect to the WiFi signal emitted earlier. In system idle mode,
which means the connection is connected to a smartphone device, the system will wait
for user commands or controlled users using a web server from the ESP-32 CAM
microcontroller itself, which includes controlling the robot with the process as seen in
the system process flow diagram Figure 2
Figure 2. System flowchart
1. Network Schematic
The schematics needed for this "ESP 32 CAM Based Fire Extinguisher Smart Car
Prototype with Bluetooth Combination" are as follows.
Figure 3 . Overall schematic
The schematic of the system circuit on the ESP-32 CAM and L298N Driver
"Prototype Smart Car Fire Extinguisher Mecanum Wheel Based on ESP 32 CAM with
Bluetooth Combination" looks like in Figure 13 with an explanation of the connection
in Table 2 and the process on each pin and the connection to the microcontroller that has
been adjusted to the commands as in Table 2.
Table 2
Koneksi ESP 32 CAM pada L298N Driver
Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1115
IO 2
IO 2
IO 12
IN 1
IO 13
IN 2
IN 3
IN 4
Table 2 explains that there is a connection between ESP 32 CAM on the L298N
driver which is a connection for rotation and motion control of four DC motors by
utilizing the H Bridge is a circuit that can adjust the voltage at the output with the
reference to the PWM input given (Amanatiadis et al., 2020).
The servo motor used is the SG 90 type, a total of two pieces consisting of upper
and lower servos mounted on pan and tilt brackets and the two servo motors can move
the maximum bracket at 180 degrees in the left, right, up, and bottom directions in front
of which is pinned with an ESP 32 CAM microcontroller so that when displaying a real-
time camera on the web server, it can be controlled to look around by only moving the
bracket assisted by two servo motors like a scheme in Figure 14. It has a 3-pin interface
to the microcontroller with connections which can be seen in Table 3.
Figure 4. Bracket drive scheme
In Figure 14 there are two servo motors so that when installed on the bracket it
will produce up and sideways movements.
Table 3
Koneksi ESP 32 CAM Pada Motor Servo
ESP 32
Motor Servo
IO 14
PWM pan
IO 15
PWM tilt servo
Bambang Dwinanto, Abdurrazaq Afiif Lubis, Mochammad Karjadi, Bambang Yulianto,
Bambang Harianto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1116
There are two connections between the servo motors on the ESP 32 CAM
1. Magnum Wheel Drive
Due to its unique shape, the mecanum wheel allows omnidirectional movement
(forward, backward, sideways, diagonal, rotating, etc.). This wheel works by applying
force at a 45-degree angle to the rotation of the wheel. The combination of these forces
allows the robot to move in different directions. Due to the mecanum shape of the
wheel, turning the wheel causes it to apply force at a 45-degree angle to its rotation. The
direction of rotation determines the direction of the force. The Mecanum wheel system
is a wheel drive system used to drive this smart car. The design of the mecanum wheel
system is done by making modifications to the wheel drive system or chain that was
originally used in urban robots (Yeo, Balakrishnan, Selvaperumal, & Nor, 2022). The
limitation of wheel or chain drive systems is the difficulty of changing the direction of
movement of vehicles with a narrow bend radius. This greatly limits the flexibility of
urban combat robot vehicles because routes for urban areas, especially dense
settlements, have narrow and twisting road conditions.
2. Blackout with Bluetooth
Figure 5 Block Blackout System Diagram
The Water Pump schematic uses a water pump that works at a voltage of 3-6 V
DC because the microcontroller temperature is hot when given a voltage of 5V, then the
inlet voltage is lowered to 3.7 V, but this makes the performance of the water pump
used not optimal because the output voltage on each pin of the ESP 32 CAM
microcontroller drops by the amount of voltage entering the VIN making the strength of
the burst weaken because it will be maximum at a voltage of 5-6V so that the water
spraying circuit is made separately but still controlled and integrated as a whole and can
be controlled via smartphone with process and flow diagram blocks as in Figure 6.
Table 4
Komponen sistem pemadaman
Arduino Nano
System control
Control the
Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1117
entire system.
Relay Channel
As a
switch and
commands to
turn on and off
the water
Module HC 05
The command
turns the water
pump on and
DC Water
Spraying water
Spraying water
from the water
storage tank.
Figure 6 Schematic of the blackout system
Table 5
Koneksi sistem pemadaman
Arduino Nano
HC SR 05
Arduino Nano
Relay Channel
D 10
IN 1
Pompa Air
Relay Channel
Normally close
VCC voltage source
Bambang Dwinanto, Abdurrazaq Afiif Lubis, Mochammad Karjadi, Bambang Yulianto,
Bambang Harianto
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1118
1. Web Server Design Robot Fire Extinguishing Car
Robot control includes control of movement, limits on the rotational speed of DC
motors, servo motors, and lights on microcontrollers controlled using a simple HTML
web with the initial design as seen in Figure 7
Figure 7 Web Server Design
In Figure 17, the initial design of the control includes the direction of rotation of
the DC motor with movement controlled by the symbol of four arrows in the direction
up, down, left, and right then there is speed, which aims to give a limit or limit on the
rotation of the DC motor after that the control of the lights in the last light word control
on two servo motors named pan and tilt. Pan itself is an upper servo motor that moves
the bracket up and down while tilt is a servo motor that moves the bracket left and right.
The control display includes the direction of rotation of the DC motor with
movement controlled by the symbol of four arrows with directions up, down, left, and
right then there is speed, which aims to give a limit or limit on the rotation of the DC
motor after that controlling the lights on the last light word control on two servo motors
named pan and tilt. Pan itself is an upper servo motor that moves the bracket up and
down while tilt is a servo motor that moves the bracket left and right.
1. Testing
Testing on this tool aims to test the circuit used and the work of the tool as a
whole to know whether the tool that has been made can work as desired or not (Esario
& Yuhendri, 2020). The test covers the performance of the components used including
DC converter modules, servo motors, network coverage distances on ESP 32 CAM
microcontrollers, DC motors, and DC water pumps.
ESP 32 CAM Network and Range Testing
The best and worst network range tests using this test distance parameter were
conducted because almost all performance features depend on the WiFi network emitted
by the ESP 32 CAM microcontroller. The test was carried out with two scenarios,
namely with a barrier and without a barrier the barrier mentioned, which can be in the
form of walls or partitions in the room, obtained test results as seen in Table 6.
Table 6
Pengujian Jarak WiFi Pada ESP 32 CAM
Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1119
No Barriers
With Barrier
1 M
- 46 dBm
- 51 dBm
Good enough
5 M
- 47 dBm
- 55 dBm
Good enough
10 M
- 51 dBm
- 59 dBm
Bad enough
15 M
- 55 dBm
- 61 dBm
Bad enough
20 M
- 60 dBm
Bad enough
- 65 dBm
25 M
- 75 dBm
- 83 dBm
Very bad
In Table 6 experiments were conducted six times with distances ranging from 1, 5,
10, 15, 20, and 25 meters with two scenarios namely without obstruction and with
obstruction obtained the best results at a distance of 1, and 5 meters with unobstructed
conditions obtained signals with strengths of -46, and -47 dBm (milliwatt decibels).
While the worst signal is obtained at the farthest distance of 25 meters with a barrier
obtained with a strength of -83 dBm (milliwatt decibels).
DC Motor Testing
Testing the condition of the DC motor is divided into two, namely the low
condition (0) when the DC motor is not moving and the high condition (1) when the DC
motor is active or moving (Bahari & Sugiharto, 2019). The voltage is measured on the
output and ground lines, the results of the DC motor test data are carried out four times
because the DC motor used is four pieces of DC motor capacity, the DC motor itself
works at a minimum voltage of 3V, while if you want to get the maximum rotation, the
DC motor must get an input voltage of 6V.
Pump and relay testing
Testing DC water pumps and relays aims to determine the performance condition
of the relay and whether it is working normally or not. The test is carried out by giving
commands on input signal 1 and off input signal 0 to turn on and off the relay so that it
can be seen whether the relay can work properly according to its function obtained test
results as seen in Table 7.
Table 7
Pump and Relay Testing
Bambang Dwinanto, Abdurrazaq Afiif Lubis, Mochammad Karjadi, Bambang Yulianto,
Bambang Harianto
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In Table 7, after three experiments were carried out by adjusting the conditions of
the input signal on the relay, quite good results were obtained, namely, all experiments
got results that were by the conditions.
The results of system design testing show that after development with the addition
of the Internet of Things (IoT) system, the system becomes better and more accurate
compared to the previous version which relied on navigation from three ultrasonic
sensors. The WiFi connection distance emitted by ESP 32 CAM shows the best signal at
a distance of 1 meter without obstructions, with a signal strength of -46 dBm (Very
Good), while the worst signal occurs at a distance of 25 meters with obstructions, with a
signal strength of -75 dBm (Very Poor). Despite this, the robot can still be controlled
well at a distance of 15-20 meters with even barriers.
Prototype Smart Car Mecanum Wheel Fire Extinguisher Based On Esp 32 Cam With Bluetooth
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