pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i8.685 1086
Salwa Najiah
, Retno Hanggarani Ninin
, Fitriani Yustikasari Lubis
Padjadjaran University Bandung, Indonesia
: 10-08-2023
: 14-08-2023
: 15-08-2023
Education is a right for everyone including students with special needs
or also called Children with Special Needs (ABK). Teachers must
guide and provide learning facilities for their students to achieve
educational goals. In the learning process, students categorized as ABK
require different services than non-ABK children. Educating ABK is
not easy, the strength of the teacher's character is an important factor
that can support teachers in dealing with ABK. Strength of character
reflects virtue values which refer to positive qualities consisting of
good character and are raised by individuals to deal with certain
conditions, such as when experiencing difficulties. The study aimed to
see an illustration of the strength of character possessed by ABK
teachers in educating ABK. This study uses a qualitative approach. The
sample in the study numbered two people who were willing to become
research participants by collecting data using interview techniques that
were conducted online and the data obtained was analyzed
thematically. The results showed that the typologies possessed by ABK
teachers were creativity, judgment, and teamwork. Even so, each
teacher also has several different strengths.
Keywords: character strengths;
teacher; ABK.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The progress of a nation is when the government and every citizen are aware of
education because education is an important foundation that is the basis of the
milestones of a nation's progress. Weak education will lead to the destruction of a
nation rooted in the intellectual, moral, and personality weakness of every citizen.
Education is any situation that lives and affects a person's growth (Musanna, 2017).
Education is any situation that lives and affects a person's growth. In the
educational process, teachers have an existence in helping the development of students
to realize student learning goals to perform optimally (Pristiwanti, Badariah, Hidayat,
& Dewi, 2022). Teachers must pay attention to students both individually and in groups
because fellow students have very basic differences, from intelligence, talent, interests,
and other psychological states that can affect student performance in school. Teachers
must encourage, guide and provide learning facilities for their students to achieve
learning goals. Teachers have the responsibility to see everything that happens in the
learning process in the classroom to monitor the progress of their students (Rahmi,
Rachman, & Sembiring, 2021). The delivery of subject matter given to students is only
one of the various activities in learning as a dynamic process in all phases and
Strength Of Character In Teachers Of Children With Special Needs
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processes of student development (Sari & Yustiana, 2021). Getting an education is a
right for everyone, including students with special needs, or called Children with
Special Needs (ABK). In the learning process, students in the ABK category require
different services than non-ABK children (Ningrum, 2022).
Data from SUSENAS BPS in 2012 shows that the number of school-age ABK in
Indonesia amounted to 532,130 people, or about 14.56% of the total population with
disabilities in Indonesia in 2011 amounted to 3,654,356 people. In Indonesia, ABK is
constitutionally regulated in the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 article
5 paragraph 2 concerning ABK also has equal rights with other Indonesian citizens,
including in proper special education services (Kadir, 2015). ABK is a term for those
who have deficiencies or experience various abnormalities in physical, psychological,
social, and moral aspects as well as deviations that are not experienced by people in
general (Rezieka, Putro, & Fitri, 2021). ABK needs education, social services,
guidance, and counseling services, and various other services of a special nature to
develop human potential perfectly (Desiningrum, 2017).
In the learning process, students in the ABK category require different services
than non-ABK children. Based on interviews with two ABK teachers, they realized that
there were limitations in teaching and communication skills so there were concerns if
their students could not achieve learning goals and perform optimally (Ni’matuzahroh,
2016). In addition, another difficult factor possessed by ABK teachers is the lack of
parental or family intervention in educating ABK so that ABK education only relies on
teachers at school. Lack of teacher knowledge about handling ABK usually occurs
because teachers do not come from the special education department (PLB). In line
with (Azzahra & Dhona, 2023) which states that class teachers at SDN X are not ready
to handle children with special needs. Lack of teacher readiness because there are
several factors such as lack of teacher acceptance of ABK, negative attitude of
teachers, and lack of knowledge and understanding of teachers about the handling and
implementation of special guidance programs for ABK. This is a challenge for teachers
who teach ABK. It is the strength that exists in the teachers that seems to make them
generally continue to perform their duties even though they do not have a PLB
background (Saihu, 2019).
Character strengths refer to psychological qualities or mechanisms manifested in
thoughts, feelings, and motivations that are ultimately reflected in behaviors that are
evident in (Suralaga, 2021). In their theory, (Kusumaputri, 2018) focus on character
strengths and virtues. Virtue is a core trait valued by philosophers and religious
scholars that is universal and essential for survival. Virtue is classified into six
categories, namely wisdom and knowledge, determination, humanity, and love, justice,
simplicity, and transcendence. While the strength of character is a psychological
element that forms virtue.
Character strength is a positive trait consisting of good character and raised by
individuals to face a certain condition, for example when experiencing difficulties.
Good character is an individual quality that makes him morally good and can be seen in
Salwa Najiah, Retno Hanggarani Ninin, Fitriani Yustikasari Lubis
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1088
feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Character strength is an inherent strength that is
realized and often displayed in everyday life to perform optimally. One way to
recognize yourself is to identify character strengths. In addition to identifying strengths
and weaknesses, character strengths can also provide information that individuals have
signature strengths, namely the highest character that exists in each individual.
Teachers need to know and realize their strengths and develop signature strengths that
can support them in dealing with ABK students.
(Susanto, 2021) divide character strengths into six virtues profiles, including 1)
Wisdom and knowledge, namely the ability of individuals to analyze and synthesize
knowledge, how to obtain and use the knowledge they have for good. It consists of
aspects of creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, and perspective. 2)
Determination, which is a strong drive to achieve a goal. It consists of aspects of
courage, perseverance, integrity, and vitality. 3) Humanity and love, namely the ability
of individuals to involve themselves in good interpersonal relationships with others,
which includes caring and caring for others. It consists of aspects of love, kindness, and
social intelligence. 4) Justice, namely the ability of individuals to do justice to all
people and be able to recognize and respect the rights and obligations of each
individual. It consists of aspects of membership in the group, fairness and equality, and
leadership. 5) Simplicity, which is the ability of individuals to control themselves not to
do everything excessively, and consider everything before acting to avoid adverse
consequences that may occur in the future. It consists of aspects of forgiveness,
humility, wisdom, and self-regulation. 6) Transcendence, which is the ability of
individuals to establish contact with the universe and be able to maintain it and be able
to live meaning in their lives. It consists of aspects of appreciation of beauty and
perfection, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality.
Some studies say that strength of character correlates with academic success and
quality of life. (Rahmat, 2021) say that character strength provides a positive
relationship to classroom behavior that can ultimately predict children's success in
school. Park said that strength of character contributes to good outcomes such as school
success, leadership, tolerance, kindness, and altruism. So it can be concluded that the
strength of character possessed by a person is very useful to support daily life. The
purpose of this study is to see an overview of the strength of character possessed by
teachers of Children with Special Needs (ABK).
The research method used in this study uses qualitative methods. The data
collection method used was a semi-structured interview that was analyzed thematically
and observationally. Before the interview, the researcher asks for informed consent from
participants as a sign of willingness to be involved in the research and tells the purpose
and purpose, confidentiality guarantees, and possible consequences of the research. The
interviews were conducted via Zoom for 50-60 minutes and recorded after obtaining
permission from the participants. The results of the Zoom recording will be used to write
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a transcript of the interview and will be analyzed to find out what themes emerged in the
research by coding following the guidelines of Braun & Clarke., (2006). In this study,
there were two coders, namely the researcher as the first coder and the co-author as the
second coder.
The preparation of the interview guideline made refers to theoretical concepts
from Seligman and Peterson (2014) with simple and easy-to-understand questions. The
questions asked contained 6 themes, namely wisdom and knowledge, courage,
humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. In each theme, there are several
character powers and a total of 24 powers.
The participants in this study were two teachers from Children with Special Needs
(ABK). The sampling technique is convenience sampling with the criteria of being a
teacher for children with special needs. The participants who participated were one man
and one woman and had become ABK teachers over 5 years old.
Results and Discussion
Based on the results of interviews with two ABK teachers, namely N (30) and O
(29), an idea of the strength of character that emerged in each participant was obtained.
Table 1
Wisdom and Knowledge Dimension Overview
Mrs. N
Mr. O
1. Provide lessons
by introducing
through visuals
2. Have a method
that can attract
students' attention
so that students
want to learn
3. Looking for other
alternatives so
that students
continue to learn
even at home
1. Try other
methods that
suit the child's
2. Using
media that
aims to
3. Has its way of
and staging
programs that
have not
existed before
1. Have curiosity
and find
information about
ABK by
observing ABK
learning in class
2. Have curiosity
and try to find
answers to his
1. Have curiosity
and want to find
2. Have a
curiosity to get
to know ABK
Salwa Najiah, Retno Hanggarani Ninin, Fitriani Yustikasari Lubis
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1. Consider various
conditions in
deciding the
right teaching
teacher for ABK
2. Collect evidence
that students
have certain
special needs
1. Able to look
at things from
another point of
view by
evidence or
of autistic
2. Able to see
things from
perspective if
you cannot use
the same
approach at
different ages
of crew
3. Considering
during Covid-
3. See other
points of
view and
n first
1. Provide teaching
according to student
needs and focus on
talents and interests.
2. Thinking about the
circumstances and
needs of others
1. Willing to listen
to other people's
input and think
about the needs of
2. Provide the view
that if the child
studies in a special
school it will be
more focused and
The dimension of wisdom and knowledge is the ability of individuals to analyze
and synthesize the knowledge they have and how to obtain that knowledge. In this
dimension, all aspects of character strength appeared in all participants except the love
of learning aspect. In the curiosity aspect, namely the desire to find information and be
interested in dissecting something, both subjects have a curiosity to find information
related to ABK, and handling it can be through observation in class, asking more expert
teachers, or looking for references from the internet. In the aspect of creativity, namely,
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the ability to generate ideas that can be used in everyday life, these two participants
have various learning methods for ABK students according to student needs. Mrs. N
usually uses visual aids (videos) to teach new material and immediately practice it while
Mr. O usually uses visuals in the form of pictures such as flashcards to introduce
something to students and has a unique way of evaluating student progress in class,
namely by taking small notes and making stages to achieve programs that did not exist
In the judgment aspect, namely the ability of individuals to look at things from
various sides or consider various existing evidence and be able to be critical. Mrs. N
always considers the condition of ABK through the results of assessments and looks for
teachers who can handle ABK in the hope that ABK students feel comfortable with their
teachers. Mr. O can look at things from various points of view with the evidence he
collects either through the Internet or from experts. If you cannot use one approach in
dealing with ABK, you will look for other alternative treatments according to student
For the perspective aspect, namely the ability to understand yourself, think about
the needs of others, and be able to listen to other people's input. Mrs. N tends to focus
ABK students on their interests and talents, while Mr. O can listen to other people's
input regarding the condition of ABK and give the view that ABK students will focus
more on learning if they enter special schools.
Table 2
Overview of the Courage Dimension
Mr. O
1. Dare to tell parents
about taboos that
should be avoided
for the good of ABK
2. Dare to express an
1. Have the desire to
take challenges
outside the field
of education and
be able to
persevere until
they can handle
1. Honestly said
that it feels more
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teaching ABK
2. Be honest in
expressing your
true desires
Have the spirit to
achieve student
success indicators
The dimension of courage is the values contained in individuals who have a
strong desire to achieve a goal. In this dimension, all character powers appear, namely
bravery, perseverance, honesty, and zest. The bravery aspect is the courage to say or do
something right, even if it doesn't apply in general. Both participants dared to express
their opinions to others, either parents or worthy parties. The perseverance aspect is the
desire that individuals have to take challenges in working on difficult tasks and
complete them according to the plan that has been made. Mrs. N makes handling ABK a
challenge and motivates herself to try to optimize the potential of ABK students to be
useful for others, at least beneficial for herself, such as becoming a more independent
student. As for Mr. O, he dared to enter the world of ABK even though he did not have
an ABK educational background but tried to survive as an ABK teacher even though he
initially felt desperate and wanted to stop.
The aspect of honesty is that individuals can speak the truth to others, appear as
they are, and have a sense of responsibility for the thoughts and feelings of others. Both
participants had an honest attitude toward their condition. Mrs. N feels that she is more
comfortable when teaching ABK and prefers to teach ABK than students in general. Mr.
O felt that he would have a greater chance of becoming a civil servant if he became an
ABK teacher and said that in addition to helping ABK, the reason for becoming an
ABK teacher was to prosper himself and his family.
The aspect of honesty is that individuals can speak the truth to others, appear as
they are, and have a sense of responsibility for the thoughts and feelings of others. Both
participants had an honest attitude toward their condition. Mrs. N feels that she is more
comfortable when teaching ABK and prefers to teach ABK than students in general. Mr.
O felt that he would have a greater chance of becoming a civil servant if he became an
ABK teacher and said that in addition to helping ABK, the reason for becoming an
ABK teacher was to prosper himself and his family.
Table 3
Overview of the Humanity Dimension
Mrs. N
Mr. O
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Feel happy
to help
*Have a feeling of
pleasure when
*changes siswa ABK
compliant Targets
*Have positive
feelings when
educating ABK
1. *Have a desire to do
good to others
*Willing to help
others voluntarily
*Able to realize the
feelings of ABK
students and find
ways to restore the
mood of ABK
The dimension of justice is the ability of individuals to do justice to all people,
able to recognize and respect the rights and obligations of each individual. In this
dimension, all aspects or strengths of character emerge, namely teamwork, fairness, and
leadership. The teamwork aspect is the ability of individuals to work hard as members
of a group, be loyal to the group, and carry out obligations as members of the group.
Both participants had good cooperation with group members, namely teachers.
Whenever there is a problem, always coordinate and decide a decision by deliberation,
especially related to the condition of the crew.
Fairness is an individual's ability to give everyone an equal opportunity. The
distribution of duties among teachers is considered fair because it is by the expertise and
ability of the teacher. The leadership aspect is the ability of individuals to be good
leaders, be able to organize activities in the group, and ensure that everything goes well.
This aspect only appears in Mrs. N. Mrs. N can lead the course of meetings and can
make decisions based on the opinions of other teachers.
Table 5
Overview of Temperance Dimensions
Mrs. N
Mr. O
*Used as an exercise for patience
Self Regulation
*Able to divide time
*Able to refrain from making decisions quickly
The dimension of temperance is the ability of individuals to control themselves
not to overdo everything and consider everything before acting. The aspects that appear
in this dimension are prudence and self-regulation, while those that do not appear are
forgiveness and humility. Prudence is an individual's ability to manage themselves to
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achieve their long-term goals. This strength of character only appears in Mrs. N. Mrs. N
makes the experience of teaching ABK used as a form of training for patience. Self-
regulation is an individual's ability to restrain himself, emotions, passions, and other
impulses within himself. Both participants had self-regulation in managing their
activities and could divide time between work and family matters.
Table 6
Transcendence Dimension Overview
Mrs. N
Mr. O
Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence
appreciation to the
success of ABK
students when
doing something
*Feel grateful for
the child's
development from
not being able to
become can.
*Able to be grateful
for the experience
*Giving thanks for
the progress of
child development
even though the
process is long.
*Able to be
grateful and enjoy
being an ABK
*Have hope for the
future of ABK
*Hope that ABK
students will not
trouble others
*Expect that ABK
can match the
expectations of
parents and be able
to socialize like
students in general
*Have hope that
ABK students
achieve success
indicators in
*Seeing the positive
side of something
*Giving jokes to
*Believe in getting
back if you do good
*Awareness of
*Make confidence
the basis for
*Having the belief
that belief
(religion) leads to
something better
The temperance dimension is the ability of individuals to establish relationships
with the universe and be able to maintain it and be able to live meaning in their lives. In
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this dimension, all aspects or strengths of character emerge, namely Appreciation of
Beauty & Excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality. The aspect of
appreciation of beauty & excellence is the ability of individuals to realize and give
appreciation for beauty and perfection. In this aspect, Mr. O gave appreciation to ABK
students for their success in doing something like "You are great" so that students want
to repeat the same thing and be more enthusiastic when learning. The gratitude aspect is
the ability of individuals to realize and be grateful for everything that has happened in
their lives, and always take the time to express gratitude. Both participants were aware
and felt grateful for the things that happened to them, both themselves and about the
development of ABK.
Hope is an individual's ability to achieve goals or desires and adapt to challenges
in life. Mrs. N hopes that ABK students can be useful to others, especially to herself,
and hopes that if ABK students have graduated they can work in schools such as
guarding the cafeteria, cleaning, or at least can teach skills to underclassmen or other
ABK students in school such as painting. Mr. O hopes that ABK will be able to achieve
the success target by the expectations of his parents. Humor is a pleasant thought, a
happy outlook that allows the individual to see the positive side of things. In this study,
Mrs. N was able to see things from a positive perspective, such as "doing good to
anyone if it is evil, it's okay, we must do good. Just do good, there are still people
talking about it, so just take the positives". While humorous aspect of Mr. O
occasionally gives jokes to researchers that make researchers smile.
Spirituality is the belief that individuals have about the existence of something
larger than this universe. Mrs. N has a belief that in religion if we do good, we will get
the same reward as well as the desire to make ABK students better such as reminding
them to pray five times a day, throwing garbage in its place, praying before starting
lessons, and so on. While the aspect of spirituality that arises in Mr. O is believing that
one must be able to educate, teach and practice his knowledge. Mr. O also wants to
instill religious values in ABK students by shaping their morals to be better and
This study explains the picture of character strength possessed by teachers of
Children with Special Needs (ABK) who still survive to become ABK teachers despite
the obstacles they experience, one of which is because participants do not have special
educational backgrounds and cannot handle ABK students. Both participants admitted
that they felt comfortable teaching ABK even though at first becoming an ABK teacher
was not of their own volition but a factor of support from the environment. All
dimensions of character strength appear in this study, but some aspects do not appear.
The dominant character strengths that often appear in both participants are creativity
and judgment in the wisdom and knowledge dimension and teamwork in the justice
dimension. The most dominant character possessed by Mrs. N is bravery because she is
brave in expressing opinions, daring to talk to parents if parents are not in line with the
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school in educating children such as disciplining autistic children in learning to sit,
being able to make decisions based on the results of deliberation, daring to refute others
who demean ABK and so on. While the strength of character that appears in Mr. O is
creativity because he has various ways to invite ABK students to learn, use various
learning methods, make child evaluations by writing in small notes and given to other
teachers as discussion material, and make stages of program achievement that did not
exist before from school.
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