Oki Suwandi, Natangsa Surbakti, Muchamad Iksan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1100
narcotics on human nerve cells, so that these narcotics become prohibited items to be
abused (Nurcahyo, Gurusi, Suhartono, & Ernawati, 2020).
To prevent and eradicate the abuse and circulation of narcotics that are very
detrimental and endanger the lives of the community, nation, and state, it is necessary to
change the regulation on narcotics (Hariyanto, 2018). To regulate efforts to eradicate
narcotics crimes, namely through the threat of criminal sanctions in the form of
imprisonment, life imprisonment, or the death penalty. In addition to some of the efforts
mentioned above, one of the efforts to eradicate narcotics is by confiscating or
confiscating evidence in narcotics crimes (Hartanto, 2017).
Destruction is a series of investigator actions to destroy confiscated goods, the
implementation of which is carried out after a determination from the local Chief
District Attorney to be destroyed and witnessed by officials representing, elements of
the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Health, and the Food and Drug Supervisory
Agency (Hartanto, 2017). If the official element cannot be present, then the
extermination is witnessed by other parties, namely officials or members of the local
community. Article 60 of Law Number 22 of 1997 concerning Narcotics which was
updated in Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics Articles 91 and 92 regulate
the destruction of narcotics which one of the causes is related to criminal acts while the
destruction of psychotropic drugs related to criminal acts is regulated in Article 53 of
Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics (Eduward, Mulyadi, Ablisar, &
Purba, 2016).
Confiscated goods are narcotics and narcotic precursors or suspected narcotics
and narcotic precursors or containing narcotics and narcotic precursors and other
chemicals from narcotic crimes and narcotic precursors seized by the Investigator
(Herman, 2017). The destruction of narcotics evidence is regulated in Law Number 35
of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Regulation of the Head of the National Narcotics
Agency (BNN) Number 7 of 2010 concerning Technical Guidelines for Safe Handling
of Narcotic Confiscated Goods, Narcotic Precursors and Other Chemicals (Hariantika &
Sukinta, 2016).
In Indonesia, material criminal law is outlined in criminal law, both the Penal
Code and other special criminal laws that are not codified in the Criminal Code, while
formal criminal law is outlined in Law No. 8 of 1981 concerning the Law of Criminal
Procedure or better known as the Criminal Procedure Code (Sudaryono & Surbakti,
2017). Article 45 paragraph (4) of Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Code of
Criminal Procedure (KUHAP) specifies that confiscated objects that are prohibited or
prohibited from being circulated, seized to be used for state interests or to be destroyed
(Yuniar Fadlilah, 2023). Included in the category of confiscated goods that are
prohibited from circulation include liquor, narcotics, psychotropics, weapons, and
explosives as well as books or pictures and other forms of items that fall into the group
of pornography.
Execution is to forcibly carry out a court decision with general force, to carry out
a court decision that has given permanent legal force. The court decision will have no