pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 9 September 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.36418/jist.xxxx.xxx 1272
Rindina Hundura, Silfia, Zubyan Chaudhary
LSPR Institute of Communication and Business Jakarta, Indonesia
: 02-08-2023
: 14-09-2023
: 25-09-2023
In addition to analyzing the relationship between age, gender, and
frequency of use of the Gojek application in the user's perception of Ariel
Noah as the Gojek application brand ambassador, this study aims to
describe the percentage of respondents' positive responses to Ariel Noah
as the brand ambassador of the Gojek application. A total of 300
respondents were chosen at random to complete an online survey. Data
were descriptively analyzed to determine the percentage of respondents
who thought favorably of Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the
Gojek application and to examine the relationship between age, gender,
and frequency of Gojek usage in users' opinions of Ariel Noah as the
application's brand ambassador. The findings revealed that 77% of the
respondents were interested in Ariel Noah's role as a Gojek brand
ambassador and had a favorable opinion of his ability to promote Gojek
services. The results of the chi-square correlation test indicated that the
factors of age, gender, and frequency of application use were significant
at 0.561, 0.485, and 0.000, respectively. The conclusion that can be
drawn from this research is that 77% of respondents have an interest in
and a positive view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador and his
influence in promoting Gojek services. In the Chi-square test, it was
found that there was no relationship between the age and gender
variables on the views of Ariel Noah's users as the brand ambassador for
the Gojek application. There is a relationship between the frequency of
using the application and the opinions of users of Ariel Noah as the brand
ambassador for the Gojek application.
Keywords: Brand Ambassador;
Gojek Application;
Quantitative; Chi-Square Test;
Ariel Noah.
Every company is impacted by the emergence of a dynamic business environment.
Product innovation and technological advancement are two elements that have a big
impact on business growth. Thus, to promote a more competitive organization, pre-
selected superior strategies are frequently insufficient and the selection and formulation
of new strategies are required (Farida & Setiawan, 2022). The number of internet users
in Indonesia has increased by 17%, or up to 25 million people. In addition, there were
17.1 million internet users in Indonesia in 2019; this represents a 10.2% annual growth
rate or an additional 27 million users. In Indonesia, the number of internet users is rising
in tandem with the size of the online economy.
Companies are competing to use social media as one of their marketing tactics due
to the rapid growth of technology and social media. Gojek, a well-known on-demand
service provider in Indonesia, serves as one illustration. Gojek's mission is to quickly and
creatively address the issues facing the Indonesian people. Gojek offers transportation
The Effectiveness Of Ariel Nola’s Representation As Gojek's Brand Ambassador For Gojek's
Social Media
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services and other services to make users' daily activities more comfortable. Gojek, whose
full name is PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa, has social media profiles on several
websites, including Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Tiktok. The type of engagement
offered by each of these platforms varies. Every social networking site has unique
qualities. The context of use, user activity, and marketing can all be used to understand
this character in both proactive and reactive ways (Lin & Rauschnabel, 2016).
As the social media brand ambassador for the Gojek app, Gojek Possibilities works
with Ariel Noah. Brand ambassadors must be persuasive communicators who can connect
with their target audience. A product's appealing design and high level of product
expertise can create a positive first impression and consumer trust. As a result, well-
known celebrities or significant figures who are well-known to the public on a national
or international level are picked to be brand ambassadors. Because celebrities and public
personalities possess these crucial indications, consumers prefer to trust and be interested
in them as brand ambassadors who can affect consumer purchase decisions.
With the help of social media platforms like Instagram and Youtube, the company
(Gojek) can reach its target demographic by using star artists as brand ambassadors (Ariel
Noah). Using social media as a platform for marketing can be successful (Fellanny &
Paramita, 2023). Using famous people as brand ambassadors can improve brand
perception and affect customer buying behavior. Consumer trust in a brand is significantly
influenced by celebrities who act as brand ambassadors (Lutfhia, 2023). Target audience-
specific marketing messages must be provided through efficient methods. Good
marketing communications can affect consumer buying behavior and raise brand
awareness (Natsir, Rasul, & Khair, 2022). According to (Ryan & Johan, 2022), "Impact
Of Influencer Endorsement, Brand Ambassador, Brand Image, And Brand Awareness On
Purchase Decision (A Case Study Of Erigo Brand)," brand awareness and brand image
have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions, while influencer
endorsements and brand ambassadors have a positive but minor impact. The issue
surfaces. How does Gojek's online reputation result from Ariel Noah's influence as a
brand ambassador? Has Gojek's selection of Ariel Noah as their brand ambassador been
successful and lucrative? By examining several factors, including popularity, customer
trust, and the attractiveness of a product, we will explore public perceptions of Ariel Noah
as Gojek's brand ambassador on social media in this paper (Rahmaniar et al., 2023).
This study aims to describe the percentage of respondents' positive responses to
Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the Gojek application and to analyze the
relationship between age, gender, and frequency of use of Gojek in the user's view of
Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the Gojek application. A similar study was
conducted by Andriana & Setiono (2011) entitled "The Effectiveness of the Ariel Noah
Version of Go Instant Ads @Gosenindonesia Using the Epic Model," which stated that
the Ariel Noah version of the Go Instant Go Send advertisement was considered adequate.
The differences between this research are the research objectives, the variables studied,
and the different data analysis techniques. In addition, similar research was conducted by
Syahidah & Rachmi (2021) entitled "The Influence of Brand Ambassadors and Brand
Rindina Hundure, Silfia, Zubyan Chaudary
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, Septemer 2023 1274
Image on Purchase Decisions at Tokopedia". Based on the results of the study, the
variables brand ambassador and brand image have a partial or simultaneous effect on
purchasing decisions at Tokopedia. The difference between this research and this research
is from the application under study. This research uses the Tokopedia application, while
this research focuses on the Gojek application. The benefit of researching Ariel Noah's
role as Gojek's brand ambassador on social media is to provide an overview of the positive
views of society that companies can use to determine the success of Gojek's marketing
strategy, primarily through social media.
Research Methods
This study uses quantitative analysis by conducting an online survey of Gojek
consumers to determine the level of trust and influence of brand ambassadors on their
purchasing decisions. Quantitative research focuses on evaluating and quantifying factors
to produce findings. It entails the use of numerical data and statistical tools to analyze that
data to provide answers to queries like who, how much, what, where, when, how many,
and how. It also describes how to obtain facts in numerical form to explain a problem or
phenomenon (Apuke, 2017). A total of 300 respondents were randomly selected to fill
out an online questionnaire. The Guttman scale questionnaire consists of 10 statement
items containing aspects of attractiveness, expertise, trust, and strength. The formulation
of indicators can be seen in Table 2 below.
Table 2.
Aspects of Positive Response to Brand Ambassadors
I am using the Gojek
app because I am
interested in Ariel
Noah, who serves as a
brand ambassador for
Ariel Noah conveyed
information on the
advantages of using
the Gojek application
Ariel Noah
reflects a
dynamic, modern,
and bold soul
Ariel Noah has an
attraction that makes
me want to watch an ad
he stars in
Ariel Noah was able
to convey the features
of the Gojek
application well
Ariel Noah has an
exciting charisma
that influenced me
to use the Gojek
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The information and
programs conveyed
by Ariel Noah were
accessible for me to
Ariel Noah has an
exciting charisma
that influences me
to access and open
the Gojek
The data were analyzed descriptively to see the percentage of respondents positive
views of Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the Gojek application and analyzed
using the chi-square correlation test to see the relationship between age, gender, and
frequency of use of Gojek on users' views of Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the
Gojek application. The hypothesis in this research is as follows:
H0: There is no significant correlation between age, gender, and frequency of using
Gojek on the views of users of Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the Gojek
Ha: There is a significant correlation between age, gender, and frequency of using
Gojek on the views of users Ariel Noah as the brand ambassador for the Gojek application
The chi-square test is used to determine whether there is a correlation between non-
numeric variables that are often used in statistical studies. The specific purpose of the chi-
square test is to test the hypothesis that there is no correlation between two or more
groups, populations, or criteria, and to test the extent to which the distribution of observed
data matches the expected distribution. The requirements that must be met before
conducting the chi-square test are as follows: Observed and expected observations should
be collected at random, all members (or items) in the sample must be independent, none
of the groups must contain very few items (less than 10), and the number of respondents
must be large enough (minimum 50) (Turhan, 2020).
Data obtained from the Chi-Square correlation test were then interpreted by
comparing the chi-square values obtained with the chi-square table values (with a
significance level of 5%) and by comparing the significance values obtained. The
interpretation of the Chi-Square correlation test can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Interpretation of Chi-Square Outputs
Chi-Square Value
Chi-Square Significance
Ha was rejected
Chi-square table < chi-
square calculated
Significance of chi-square <
Ha accepted
Chi-square table > chi-
square calculated
Significance of chi-square >
Results and Discussion
Rindina Hundure, Silfia, Zubyan Chaudary
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In this study, data findings were obtained from 300 respondents who had filled out
a questionnaire containing 10 statement items which were then analyzed descriptively to
see the percentage of respondents positive responses to Ariel Noah as the brand
ambassador for the Gojek application.
Figure 1. Percentage of Respondents' Views of Ariel Noah as the Gojek Application
Brand Ambassador
Data was collected and analyzed, the results showed that as much as 77% of
respondents (can be seen in Figure 1) have a favorable view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek
brand ambassador and his influence in promoting Gojek services. and as many as 23% of
respondents (can be seen in Figure 1) have an unfavorable view of Ariel Noah as the
Gojek brand ambassador and his influence in promoting Gojek services.
Figure 2. Percentage of Respondents' Views of Ariel Noah as the Gojek Application
Brand Ambassador in Each Aspect
Figure 2 shows a graph of the percentage of respondents' positive responses to each
aspect. There are four aspects used in Ariel Noah's measurement as Gojek's brand
ambassador and his influence in promoting Gojek's services. These aspects include
aspects of attractiveness, expertise, trust, and strength.
In terms of attractiveness, 77% of respondents said they used the Gojek application
because they are interested in Ariel Noah who serves as Gojek's brand ambassador
besides that Ariel Noah has an attraction that makes respondents want to watch the
advertisements he stars in. The second aspect is expertise. The following percentages are
The Effectiveness Of Ariel Nola’s Representation As Gojek's Brand Ambassador For Gojek's
Social Media
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related to Ariel Noah's expertise as a brand ambassador. As many as 76% of respondents
stated that Ariel Noah was able to convey information about the advantages of using the
Gojek application well, Ariel Noah was able to convey the features of the Gojek
application well and the information and programs conveyed by Ariel Noah were easy
for respondents to understand.
In terms of trust, 78% of respondents stated that Ariel Noah could make respondents
believe and have confidence in the information conveyed about the Gojek application and
Ariel Noah made respondents confident in using the Gojek application. Finally, in terms
of strength, 76% stated that Ariel Noah reflects a dynamic, modern, and courageous soul.
In addition, Ariel Noah has an interesting charisma that influences respondents to use the
Gojek application. Ariel Noah also has an interesting charisma that makes respondents
often access and open the Gojek application.
Table 4. Respondents' Views Based On Age Towards Ariel Noah As gojek’s Brand
Respondent Age
Respondents' Views
Not Significant
≤ 18 Years Old
19-30 Years Old
30-50 Years Old
≥ 51 Years Old
Table 4 shows the number of respondents' views based on age towards Ariel Noah
as the Gojek brand ambassador. A total of 85 respondents aged less than or equal to 18
years were asked to give their views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The
results show that 2 respondents aged less than or equal to 18 years have an insignificant
view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador. Meanwhile, as many as 83 respondents
aged less than or equal to 18 years had a significant view of Ariel Noah as a GoJek brand
A total of 113 respondents aged between 19 and 30 years were asked to give their
views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 7 respondents
aged between 19 and 30 years have an insignificant view of Ariel Noah as the Gojek
brand ambassador. Meanwhile, as many as 106 respondents aged between 19 to 30 years
have a significant view of Ariel Noah as a GoJek brand ambassador.
A total of 113 respondents aged between 30 and 50 years were asked to give their
views on Ariel Noah as a GoJek brand ambassador. The results show that as many as 2
respondents aged between 30 to 50 years have an insignificant view of Ariel Noah as a
Gojek brand ambassador. Meanwhile, as many as 62 respondents aged between 19 to 30
years have a significant view of Ariel Noah as a GoJek brand ambassador.
Rindina Hundure, Silfia, Zubyan Chaudary
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A total of 38 respondents aged more than or equal to 51 years were asked to give
their views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 2
respondents aged more than or equal to 51 years have an insignificant view of Ariel Noah
as a Gojek brand ambassador. Meanwhile, as many as 36 respondents aged more than or
equal to 51 years had a significant view of Ariel Noah as a GoJek brand ambassador. So
that a total of 300 respondents aged between ≤ 18 years to ≥ 51 years were asked to give
their views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 13
respondents have an insignificant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador and
as many as 287 have a significant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador.
Table 5. Respondents' Views Based On Gender Towards Ariel Noah As gojek’s Brand
Gender of
Respondents' Views
Not Significant
Table 5 shows the number of respondents' views based on gender towards Ariel
Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. A total of 189 female respondents were asked to
give their views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 7
female respondents have an insignificant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand
ambassador. A total of 182 female respondents have a significant view of Ariel Noah as
a Gojek brand ambassador.
A total of 111 male respondents were asked to give their views on Ariel Noah as a
Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 6 male respondents have an insignificant
view of Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. As many as 105 female respondents
have a significant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador.
So that a total of 300 male and female respondents were asked to give their views on Ariel
Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 13 respondents have an
insignificant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador and as many as 287 have
a significant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador.
Table 6. Respondents' Views Based On Application Usage Frequency/day Towards
Ariel Noah As gojek’s Brand Ambassador
Respondents' Views
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Application Usage
Frequency/ day
Not Significant
0-1 time
2-3 time
4-5 time
> 6 time
Table 6 shows the number of respondents' views based on application usage
frequency/day of Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. As many as 120 respondents
who used the Gojek application 0-1 times/day gave their views on Ariel Noah as the
Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that 13 respondents have an insignificant view
of Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. As many as 107 respondents have a
significant view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador.
A total of 91 respondents who used the Gojek application 2-3 times/day gave their
views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that there are no
respondents who have insignificant views of Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador.
This means that as many as 91 respondents have a significant view of Ariel Noah as the
Gojek brand ambassador.
As many as 58 respondents who used the Gojek application 4-5 times/day gave their
views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that there are no
respondents who have insignificant views of Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador.
This means that as many as 58 respondents have a significant view of Ariel Noah as a
Gojek brand ambassador.
As many as 31 respondents who used the Gojek application more than 6 times/day gave
their views on Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand ambassador. The results show that there are
no respondents who have insignificant views of Ariel Noah as the Gojek brand
ambassador. This means that as many as 31 respondents have a significant view of Ariel
Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador.
Table 7. Output and Interpretation of the Chi-Square Correlation Test
Table Chi-
Square Values
Calculated Chi-
Square Value
Respondent Age
Ha rejected
Gender of
Ha rejected
Application Usage
Ha accepted
Table 7 is the result of the Chi-Square correlation test. Outputs are obtained in the
form of calculated chi-square values and significance for the variable respondent age,
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 9, Septemer 2023 1280
gender of respondents, and application usage frequency. The calculated chi-square value
obtained is then compared with the chi-square value in the table. While the significance
value obtained is then compared with a significance value of 0.05.
The calculated chi-square value for the respondent age variable is 2.053. This value
is then compared with the chi-square value in the table at df 3 with a significance of 5%
which is equal to 7.815. In addition, the significance value obtained is 0.561 or this value
is greater than 0.05. The chi-square calculated value is smaller than the chi-square table
value and the significance value is greater than 0.05 indicating that the alternative
hypothesis is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is no significant correlation
between the age of Gojek application users and the views of Ariel Noah users as the brand
ambassador of the Gojek application.
In the variable gender of respondents, the calculated chi-square value is 0.488. This
value is then compared with the chi-square value in the table at df 1 with a significance
of 5% which is equal to 3.842. In addition, the significance value obtained is 0.485 or this
value is greater than 0.05. The chi-square calculated value is smaller than the chi-square
table value and the significance value is greater than 0.05 indicating that the alternative
hypothesis is rejected. So it can be concluded that there is no significant correlation
between the gender of the Gojek application user and the views of Ariel Noah as the
Gojek application's brand ambassador.
In the last variable, namely application usage frequency, the calculated chi-square
value is 20.383. This value is then compared with the chi-square value in the table at df 3
with a significance of 5% which is equal to 7.815. In addition, the significance value
obtained is 0.00 or this value is less than 0.05. The calculated chi-square value which is
greater than the chi-square table value and the significance value which is less than 0.05
indicates that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is a
significant correlation between the application usage frequency of Gojek application
users and the views of Ariel Noah's users as the Gojek application's brand ambassador.
The research results show that Ariel Noah's presence as a brand ambassador for
Gojek has been effective in increasing the company's social media activity. This positive
impact can be seen from the increase in the number of likes, comments, and other
interactions on Gojek's social media posts. In addition, interviews with Gojek social
media users also confirmed that Ariel Noah's presence has had a positive impact on the
company's image and reputation. PT. Gojek Indonesia actively maintains participation
while keeping a regular schedule for material updates. Customers actively comment on
services, raise complaints, ask questions about products, offer suggestions, ask how to
collaborate with the firm and support all of its initiatives on social media. The success of
the business may be impacted by keeping consumer contact through regular content
updates on social media (Imron, Wardani, & Rokhmawati, 2018).
We also found that the presence of brand ambassadors such as Ariel Noah can
provide added value for companies, such as increasing brand awareness and user
engagement with the brand. This is especially important for companies that want to
expand their reach and build better relationships with their customers. The use of
The Effectiveness Of Ariel Nola’s Representation As Gojek's Brand Ambassador For Gojek's
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influencers as brand ambassadors can provide many benefits for companies, such as
increasing brand awareness and user engagement. However, companies must also
consider several challenges in selecting the right influencer for their brand (Sembiluh &
Sulistiadi, 2022).
The study's findings show that the respondents' ages do not significantly influence
users' perceptions of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador. This study supports
research (Putra, 2018) which claims that age has a detrimental effect on customer
behavior. Age-related changes in a person's demands and preferences are inevitable.
Marketers must be aware of variations in buying intentions linked to the human life cycle
since the stages of the family life cycle impact purchases. Another finding of this survey
is that there is no connection between the respondents' gender and how users perceive
Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador. According to Syahbandi (2012), if gender has
no bearing on customers' perceptions of a brand as created by brand ambassadors, this is
because of advances and changes in consumer behavior patterns.
Users' perceptions of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador significantly
correlate with how frequently they use the Gojek app. Accordingly, respondents
interested in Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador will use the Gojek app more
frequently (regarding product consumption). Customers must be influenced and
persuaded to utilize a brand, and brand ambassadors guide customers through every step
of the decision-making process (Situmorang & Herdiansyah, 2022). This study supports
that of (Rozalia & Hs, 2020), who found that brand ambassadors can impact both the
perception of a brand and consumers' purchasing decisions. The likelihood of a consumer
using a product (application) increases with the brand ambassador's perceived value
(Waluyo & Suwitho, 2022). The brand image the ambassador has created will affect the
consumer's choice to utilize the product. Brand ambassadors have the power to affect
electronic advertising word-of-mouth, according to (Sadrabadi, Saraji, & MonshiZadeh,
2018). Developing a brand image and improved brand awareness can strengthen this
In the case of Gojek, the presence of Ariel Noah as a brand ambassador has been
effective in increasing the company's social media activity. However, the fact of
influencers alone is not enough to build a successful brand on social media. Companies
must also pay attention to content strategy and interaction with users to build solid and
sustainable relationships with their customers (Kusumaningrum & Santoso, 2023).
The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that 77% of respondents
have an interest in and a positive view of Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador and
his influence in promoting Gojek services. In the Chi-square test, it was found that there
was no relationship between the age and gender variables on the views of Ariel Noah's
users as the brand ambassador for the Gojek application. There is a relationship between
the frequency of using the application and the opinions of users of Ariel Noah as the brand
ambassador for the Gojek application. The presence of Ariel Noah as Gojek's brand
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ambassador can increase consumer interest in the Gojek application. Respondents who
have an interest in Ariel Noah as a Gojek brand ambassador will also use the Gojek
application (product consumption) more often.
The Effectiveness Of Ariel Nola’s Representation As Gojek's Brand Ambassador For Gojek's
Social Media
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