pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i8.680 1036
Dzahana Shofa
, Kezia Arum Sary
Mulawarman University East Kalimantan, Indonesia
: 08-08-2023
: 13-08-2023
: 14-08-2023
This study aims to determine communication patterns in building trust
in the Jametal line group. Effective communication patterns are built by
Jametal admins to create a trust for members to purchase merchandise
based on the delivery of information that can be received well,
information disclosure by admins, honesty, admin ability to maintain
communication to the kindness of admins who always integrate
consistently. This type of research is qualitative through the case study
method. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and
documentation. The results showed that 3 (three) communication
patterns occurred in the Jametal group, namely one-way
communication patterns, two-way communication patterns, and multi-
directional communication patterns. But the most dominant
communication pattern is the two-way communication pattern. The
pattern of one-way communication occurs during greetings every time
a new member enters or leaves the group. Two-way communication
patterns occur during the buying process to giving testimonials and
multi-way communication patterns of buying and selling between
members and admins. In forming trust, there are 3 (three) indicators,
namely ability, kindness, and integrity. Ability to maintain
communication, fulfill market desires and be open to all information.
Kindness to create trust is shown by always responding positively and
patiently whenever anyone asks or experiences confusion and the
integrity of Jametal admin, which is always giving the best
consistently, creating a sense of security and comfort for group
members regarding merchandise and when communicating to create
and maintain the trust of group members.
Keywords: communication
patterns; belief; korean
merchandise; line jametal.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The easier access to information from various countries can make people in one
country easily obtain information from other parts of the world. This condition
encourages the flow of globalization. The development of technology has also changed
the way an individual communicates (Nababan, 2022).
Globalization certainly has an impact on the world through cultural exchanges
such as a country's products marketed and its lifestyle, for example, popular culture.
This popular culture can dominate people's lifestyles (Nurhaliza & Fauziah, 2020). One
of the cultures that is currently popular is the inclusion of Korean culture.
Korean Wave or Hallyu is a popular culture that is 'on the rise' to a global level.
As reported by kumparan.com Korean Wave is a Korean culture such as movies,
music, and lifestyle. Not only that, Korean Wave also includes tourism in Korea,
Group Communication Patterns In Building Trust In Jametal Line Group
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1037
making it very attractive in the eyes of the world. Likewise, the South Korean music
industry is very popular in almost all parts of the world, namely boy bands and girl
bands from the ginseng country. One of them is a big agency that houses many well-
known boy groups and girl groups, SM Entertainment which houses one of the boy
groups, NCT.
Until the waterproof K-pop music is loved by teenagers (Martin et al., 2022). In
addition to the charming face of the idols, their voices are certainly also melodious, so
that the songs performed are favorites of music connoisseurs in Indonesia. K-Pop is
increasingly popular, so the fans of boy groups and girl groups are increasing. Fans in
general will form groups or associations to support their idols which are usually called
Fan Kingdom or Fandom (Fachrosi et al., 2020).
NCTzen is spread all over the world to Indonesia, one of which is also in
Samarinda. One of the NCTzen communities in Samarinda is in the same line group
called Jametal. Jametal is a Line group that is a place for NCT Zen to buy and sell
merchandise as an effort from the boy band to become close to their fans (Brooks,
Ballinger, Nutbeam, & Adams, 2017).
Line Jametal Group was formed in 2020 with the initiative of the owner who also
likes Korea. Starting from a hobby and with technological advances, the owner finally
formed the Line Jametal group into a virtual group whose members both like NCT to
make it easier for each other to interact and buy and sell each other related to the NCT
boy band merchandise. Through this Line group, this virtual community attracted
members and grew to have nearly 500 members.
According to data delivered by the Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of
Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasyid, 74% of Indonesian consumers like to shop
online and this phenomenon is also followed by many cases of online transaction fraud.
Based on case reports received by Kominfo until September 2021, there were 115,756
reports of online transaction fraud cases. This is interesting because these two things
have the same high value.
Related to the Line Jametal group that wants to be researched, this group has more
than 400 members who show high interest in joining, and many people who have trust
in this Line Jametal group to make online buying and selling transactions of NCT
merchandise items originating from South Korea such as lightsticks, stickers,
notebooks, clothes, pins, albums, jackets and much more. Amid many online
transaction fraud issues, Jametal Line Group has more than 300 good testimonials on
the merchandise that Jametal sells. There are also other online buying and selling
groups whose members are not as many as this Line Jametal group.
By looking at the developments that occur in this Jametal group that occurs
virtually through Line media which of course influences communication patterns in it,
therefore researchers are interested in research to find out what kind of communication
patterns are applied by this Jametal line group so that it can build trust NCT zen joins
its Line group and buys and sells until it has more than 400 members and more than
300 testimonials as of June 2023.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1038
To support this research, 3 previous studies were used by (Indahingwati et al.,
2019), and (Nurinda, 2018). The relevance of these 3 previous studies is to strengthen
and support the strength of research that shows scientific references so that this
research will be stronger and more accurate and with novelty. The novelty of this
research is in the location of the research and the object of the research. This study uses
communication patterns according to Sunarto (2006), namely one-way communication,
two-way communication, and multi-directional communication which is different from
the previous 3 studies so that it will be a new finding and this research is considered
necessary to do because to find out the communication patterns that are built and
applied in the Line Jametal group so that it can be an evaluation and input material for
other buying and selling groups so that it can become a group that has a level high trust
(Tutiasri, 2016). Based on the background described above, researchers are interested
in examining Group Communication Patterns in Building Trust in the Jametal Line
The benefit of this research is to contribute to enriching new knowledge for
students, especially in the field of communication, becoming a reference and additional
data for related research in the future.
This research is supported by previous research including (Lawrence & Putra,
2019) entitled "communication patterns among Members of Manchester United Fans
Community in sustaining solidarity (study of communication ethnography on Members
of the United Indonesia Community of Bandung)". This study aims to determine the
pattern of communication carried out by members of the Manchester United fan
community in Bandung to remain solid. This research is quantitative research with
ethnographic methods. Data in the study were obtained by participatory observation
and interviews with four members of the United Indonesian community of Bandung.
The results of the study are communication patterns that occur in multi directions,
repeated communication forms a sense of cooperation and a sense of mutual need for
each other.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach through the case study
method. Qualitative research is researchwhose data is descriptive such as written,
spoken, or spoken from people and observed behavior. In qualitative research,
researchers become the main instrument, which means that researchers are directly
involved in collecting data, interpreting the meanings contained in objects to make
conclusions. In qualitative research, the data obtained is in the form of words and images
so that the results of the study will contain words that provide a clear description of the
object under study. Qualitative research has the aim of describing in-depth phenomena
and collecting in-depth data as well.
Subject and Object of Research
Researchers conduct research using snowball sampling techniques, namely the
determination of informants based on the assessment (judgment) of researchers about
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who deserves (meets the requirements) to be sampled. The researcher chose the research
subject, namely the admin of the group line "Jametal" which is a key informant. The
object of this study is how each member in the group line when communicates with
other members so that there is trust in buying and selling merchandise.
Data Sources
According to Loftland and Loftland (Moloeng, 2017: 157), the main resources in
qualitative research are words and actions, the rest is additional data such as documents
and others. This study used Snowball Sampling.
Data Collection Techniques
The data collection techniques used in this study are as follows:
1. Observation
Observation is a data collection technique carried out through observation
accompanied by a recording of conditions or objects (Fathoni, 2011). From observing,
will get data for understanding or as a tool for re-checking or proving information or
information obtained previously (Sukmadinata, 2013). Researchers made observations to
maximize data on communication patterns in the Line Jametal group in building trust in
buying and selling merchandise.
2. Interview
The interview is a data collection technique through an oral question-and-answer
process (Fathony, 2011). The conversation was carried out by two parties, namely the
interviewer who asked questions, and the interviewee who answered the questions given.
The interview in this study was an in-depth interview. In-depth interviews are one way
to collect data/information by directly meeting with informants.
Interviews were conducted with key informants, namely Jametal admins and also
Jametal members who will be directed by Jametal admins to know and obtain complete
data and information about communication patterns in the Jametal line group in building
trust in buying and selling merchandise.
3. Documentation
Is a technique of collecting and analyzing documents, which can be in the form of
writing, images, photographs, or electronic. The results of data from observation or
interview methods will be more credible and supported by documents from sources
(Sukmadinata, 2013). The documents to be collected are in the form of photos, interview
recordings, data, or proof of purchase of NCT merchandise.
Data Analysis Techniques
According to (Moleong, 2017), data analysis is a process of organizing, organizing
data with the aim that the data will be easier to read and conclude. The data analysis
technique in this study used the Miles and Huberman model. The Miles and Huberman
model states that the data analysis process is carried out interactively and continuously
completely until the data reaches the saturation point (Sugiyono, 2017).
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Results and Discussion
1. Overview of the Research Subject
Jametal is an order group formed around 2021. This admin group was originally
formed because of the hobby of the owner who likes to buy photo cards and also likes
Korea since 2009. This group aims to make it easier for Korean fans, especially NCT
fans commonly called NCTZEN, to buy merchandise. Jametal currently has around 446
members as of June 2023.
This Jametal Order Group provides a variety of NCT original merchandise.
Starting from photo cards, albums, lightsticks, season greetings, card holders, and much
more. This Jametal order group can also be a place for NCT fans to find NCT
merchandise. Group members may also sell their merchandise to the group and may
also have discussions about NCT within the group. Not spared also when NCT held a
concert in Indonesia, this Jametal order group can be a place for NCTZEN to sell or buy
tickets, so this Jametal order group makes it easier for NCTZEN samarinda.
As time goes by, Jametal's order group increasingly has many enthusiasts. In
addition to admins, group members can also add members but that access can also be
closed by admins. Jametal order group also promotes efforts to always raise its name by
using paid promotions, buzzers, TikTok, and Twitter videos.
Figure 1
Jametal Order Group Line Profile
Figure 1 is a screenshot of Line Jametal's group profile. In the picture above,
there is a profile photo of the Jametal Line Group which is round on the left side written
the phrase Jametal Go which means the name of the group. Then in the picture, there is
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a man in green with a haircut that is identical to Korean men or often called oppa with
hands forming a metal symbol. The man stands on an orange letter J, the letter J is the
meaning of the initial letter of Jametal's name. Then on the left side of the man's head,
there is a bubble which means thought with writing in it "snacks!" which means that in
the man's mind to want to shop at Jametal. Korean fans usually use the word "snack"
when they want to make purchases of Korean merchandise.
2. Data Informers
The informants in this study were 8 (eight) informants consisting of 1 (one) key
informant, namely the admin of the Jametal order group, and 7 (seven) informants who
were members of the group who had purchased merchandise in the Jametal order group.
The beginning of the researchers looking for informants was to interview Jametal's
admin, Vitta. Vitta gave the researcher 20 (twenty) names of group members who
according to the data he had quite often made purchases at Jametal. After giving a
name, the researcher independently searched for 20 (twenty) members of the group in
the Jametal group. Tried to contact them one by one via Line message, but only 9 (nine)
people replied, but after that, only 7 (seven) were left because 2 (two) people had not
replied to the message. Until finally the researcher completed an interview with 7
(seven) informants.
Researchers analyze information and research results that have been obtained
through open interviews with informants. Researchers will analyze various information
and data obtained to produce an understanding of group communication patterns in
building trust in the Jametal order group.
To find out how the group's communication pattern in building trust in the Jametal
order group, of course, the informant must be a member of the Jametal group and have
purchased merchandise at Jametal. With the snowball sampling data collection
technique, 8 (eight) informants were obtained.
The members of this Jametal order group have the same interest and reasons to join this
Jametal order group. Both like NCT and both want to see and buy NCT merchandise
offered by Jametal. The members mentioned that they knew Jametal through friends
who had joined first, through Twitter, and videos on TikTok uploaded by admins or
buyers who gave testimonials.
3. Symbolic Convergence Theory
The 3 (three) main aspects that make up the theory of symbolic convergence are:
1. The discovery and arrangement of repeated forms and patterns of communication
cause the emergence of shared consciousness.
In the Line Jametal group, there is a repetitive communication pattern so the
emergence of mutual awareness is shown by the two-way communication pattern
carried out between admin and members, namely during the purchase and payment
process. When in the purchase process, admins will always send messages to the group
containing photos of merchandise along with a Google form link that group members
can fill out when they want to buy the merchandise. This always repeats when the
purchase process and this procedure have been determined by the admin.
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Furthermore, the pattern of repeated communication raises a common awareness
that occurs in the Jametal line group, namely the existence of a payment pattern
determined by the admin using which the admin will always make notes in the group by
writing the title "Repayment" and then will mark the names of Line member accounts
who make purchases and are expected to pay immediately. When the buyer has made a
payment, it is mandatory to upload it to the notes that the admin has made. In the note
there is a comment column, the buyer uploads the proof of payment through the
comment column and does not forget the proof of payment is watermarked as a sign of
ownership and can no longer be used. The payment procedure setting becomes a
recurring communication pattern and becomes concrete evidence for admins and other
group members that the transaction is true and creates trust between admin and member.
Shared consciousness or reality leads to the theory of symbolic convergence.
There is a common interpretation of signs, codes, or texts to give rise to a shared reality.
In this group signs or codes such as WTS, WTB, WTT, and WTA that they both
understand the meaning and meaning, this is called by Bormann, namely symbol users.
Symbol users mean that humans use symbols in communicating. Of course, this is easy
and efficient because of the brevity and similarity of thought about its meaning.
2. Explain the dynamic tendencies in the communication system and why group
consciousness appears, continues, declines, and eventually disappears.
In the Line Jametal group, all group members may do questions and answers to
buy and sell their merchandise so that communication that occurs within the group is
dynamic. According to the results of an interview with the admin, group ups and downs
also occurred in this Line Jametal group. Anyone who likes NCT can join this Line
Jametal group and can also leave the group at any time. The admin stated that Line
Jametal groups can have up to 500 members and be crowded when NCT is "making a
comeback" but the group also decreases and members are less than 450 people when
there is no NCT moment. The rise and fall of group activities tend to be influenced by
the activities of NCT boy bands.
Group activities will increase or be crowded if NCT will perform a concert or
comeback at that time the group members can increase rapidly because NCTZEN tends
to find as much information as possible about their idols. In line with the meaning of the
term convergence, two or more individuals will meet each other, and approach each
other until they are close together. However, group activity can decrease when each
member of the Jametal group is busy with their lives. Not infrequently this happens,
dense real-life activities such as work or lectures will make individuals not have time to
interact in the Line Jametal group.
3. Factors that explain the cause of members in groups sharing fantasies
The convenience offered by the Line Jametal group provides merchandise as a
gathering place for NCTZEN or NCT fans. The existence of the same needs, likes, and
interests is the reason to join this Line Jametal group. Both love NCT and looking for
NCT merchandise is the reason NCTZEN joined the group Line Jametal. In line with
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what Ernest Bormann offers that symbolic convergence theory sees solid group
interaction when people do not know each other but are together for the same purpose.
Symbolic convergence is based on the idea that group members exchange
fantasies or stories to form a cohesive group. This is in line with communication
activities within the group where they exchange stories and provide information about
NCT so that it will cause feedback. But cohesion within the group takes time to build, it
can be seen in the Jametal group that not all group members participate in
communicating, some just listen or even don't read at all. This symbolic convergence
theory states that individuals in the community build a sense of group awareness so that
they have a sense of community (Suryadi, 2010). However, if we notice that the
members' desire to join the Jametal group because they both like NCT is enough to
represent a convergence the members will use the words "we" to replace me. The reality
in groups is built through communication by exchanging stories about experiences or
knowledge that trust each other.
4. Belief
1. Ability
The ability to communicate and influence others is very important for an admin.
The ability to maintain communication, the ability to provide satisfaction related to the
assessment or privilege of merchandise to meet the needs of group members who buy.
Tubbs and Moss suggest that the ability of communication to cause mutual
understanding can cause a pleasant atmosphere. The ability to communicate can foster
trust in the communicator and believe the information is true. Another ability possessed
by Jametal admins is the ability to provide responsive and professional services to
create long-term loyalty.
Open ability becomes a positive attitude that must always be maintained by
admins so that communication will run effectively, transparently, two-way, and
understandable by all parties concerned.
With the occurrence of effective two-way communication interaction between
admin and Jametal members, they can find out market needs or member needs so that
desires will be fulfilled and satisfaction will be created. The ability to serve and how to
do business such as being able to provide, and serve to secure transactions from other
parties will ensure Jametal members get satisfaction and security from Jametal admin as
a seller.
2. Kindness of the Heart
According to Moorman, trust is an attitude and willingness of a person to trust
others in the hope that the person will act well as expected who trusts him (Susanti &;
Cholichul, 2013: 3) Kindness is all positive attitudes/behaviors aimed at others, both
known and foreign.
Kindness can be felt when doing services such as always responding positively
and patiently to group members is an added value for Jametal admins. The values of
kindness are important. Kindness is one of the keys to being able to care for and build
relationships with others for a long period. Relationships in the long run will create
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loyalty. Loyal customers have the characteristics of making purchases again regularly
and providing references to others (Rofiah & Wahyuni, 2017).
Kindness is the basis for creating positive interactions to create trust with each
other in the hope of benefits obtained by the admin and satisfaction felt by Jametal
members. Satisfaction according to Lovelock and Writz is based on experience gained
(Caniago, 2022). As in the Jametal group, members who have made purchases and get
pleasure because of the privilege of the product or service will create satisfaction and
tend to give recommendations to others.
Empathy is a form of kindness. Empathy according to Mayer is the tendency to
understand the condition or mind of others. As Jametal admins always do continue to be
friendly and patient with various kinds of questions from group members to be willing
to provide solutions if group members experience confusion. This kindness is what
makes Jametal trusted and favored to have a group of more than 450 people.
3. Integrity
The ability to carry out obligations is referred to as Integrity. Trust is given by
someone to another party because it is believed to have reliability and integrity.
According to Rofiq, trust is trust in others who are trusted to carry out their obligations
properly as expected.
Integrity is a commitment to do everything according to the principles of truth
and ethics and consistency (Eprianti et al., 2020). Integrity has to do with trust. The
ability to practice the principle of integrity honestly and consistently will result in
success. Upholding integrity will improve the quality of service such as meeting the
expectations of group members, be it services or products.
Responsible for the merchandise sold by giving the best to create satisfaction.
When satisfaction is created, it will further increase trust. Is done by the Jametal admin
who always strives for goods to arrive safely and there are rules and regulations
determined in the group to create a sense of security and comfort in the group
considering that this Jametal group contains quite large members. Therefore, integrity is
needed to maintain the values of members' trust in Jametal.
In research on the communication patterns of the Jametal Line Group group, three
communication patterns were identified, namely one-way, two-way, and multi-
directional. Jametal admins have a dominant role in one-way communication, sending
messages related to NCT merchandise sales and information to group members. Two-
way communication happens when members search for information or have questions
about merch, and admins provide explanations. A multidirectional pattern occurs in
merchandise buying and selling transactions between members, where admins and
members engage in dynamic communication.
Jametal's membership, with 446 members, shows interest and confidence in
viewing and purchasing NCT merchandise. The admin's ability to meet market needs
and its responsive communication create a sense of security. The kindness of admins in
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satisfying members and responsibility for sales create satisfaction and trust. Admin
integrity in maintaining product quality, originality of goods, and information disclosure
also contribute to trust. Information disclosure, admin responsiveness, and high integrity
make Jametal a trusted place to purchase merchandise. In conclusion, Line Jametal
Group manifests one-way, two-way, and multi-directional communication patterns.
Member trust is driven by the admin's ability to meet the market, responsiveness in
communication, kindness, and integrity in maintaining product quality. The disclosure
of information and reasonable merchandise prices also gave a boost to confidence in
Jametal as a reliable order group.
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