pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i8.679 1016
Selly Metekohy
, Juliet G. Metekohy
Ambon State Polytechnic, Indonesia
, Pattimura University Ambon, Indonesia
: 08-08-2023
: 12-08-2023
: 13-08-2023
The number of residents in Ambon City every year has increased,
therefore the number of increases in vehicle volume is directly
proportional to the number of population growth, and in line with the
increasing problem of traffic congestion. One of the traffic jams that
occur in Ambon City is on the Kakialy road, which is caused by side
obstacles due to unattended vehicle parking on the road, especially
during rush hour or peak hours (during school and after school or
commuting and returning from work). The existence of community
facilities such as shops, fast food areas, hotels, and residential areas is
also one of the triggers for road body parking which causes congestion
on the Kakialy road section. Therefore, this study was conducted to
find out how the performance of the Kakialy road section during peak
and normal hours. The method used is a descriptive survey that uses
data collection techniques in the form of observation and
documentation studies for the calculation of capacity and speed on
urban roads using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI)
method. The results of data analysis show that the capacity of peak
hours at 12.00-13.00 WIT) is 18,721 junior high school/hour and
normal hours at 16.00-17.00 WIT is 15,037.8 junior high school/hour,
with a vehicle density value (DS) at peak hours of 0.59. The average
side resistance data in peak hours has a weighted frequency of 366.6
SMP/hour so it belongs to the medium side resistance class (M), and
the average side resistance in normal hours has a weighted frequency of
148.7 SMP/hour, including the low side resistance class (L). So that
after going through the calculation analysis process, it is concluded that
the vehicle density value (DS) at peak hours (12.00 13.00 WIT) is
0.59 and is categorized in Level Of Service (LOS) C which means
medium performance. While the vehicle density value (DS) during
normal hours (16.00 17.00 WIT) is 0.45 and is categorized in Level
Of Service (LOS) B which means good performance.
Keywords: Road Performance;
peak hours; Normal Hours.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Highways are an important factor for the development of human life because the
development of roads and the development of human life influence each other. The
development of a city is a result of economic growth (Wahl, 2017). This progress is
considered very good but compared directly to the increase in the number of vehicles,
so there will often be an increase in the use of transportation facilities, both private and
public vehicles. If not followed by a balance between road capacity and the number of
vehicles, it will cause congestion. This has an impact on the travel time of each vehicle
will be even greater.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1017
The number of residents in Ambon City has increased every year, therefore the
rate of increase in vehicle volume has increased, resulting in the emergence of traffic
congestion problems (Tang, Oanh, Rene, & Binh, 2020). Traffic congestion is caused
by an imbalance between increased vehicle ownership and the growth of available road
infrastructure, and the effective capacity of existing road sections is less than the
planned road capacity due to roadside obstructions (Hidayat, Kristin, & Anggraini,
2019). Several roads in Ambon City often have traffic jams, including the Kakialy Road
(Daraba, Cahaya, Guntur, Aslinda, & Akib, 2018). The congestion that occurs on the
Kakialy Road section is caused by side obstacles. Side obstacles that often occur on the
Kakialy Road section are pedestrians, stopped vehicles, vehicles entering/exiting the
side of the road, and slow vehicles. The influence of side obstacles that occur on the
Kakialy Road Section of Ambon City during peak hours (during school leaving and
leaving hours or commuting and returning from work), as well as the existence of office
and school facilities that cause traffic problems such as parking vehicles and stopping
on the road body on the Kakialy Road Section. Vehicles that park on this road body
cause road capacity to change so that road performance also changes, this causes a
decrease in the speed of traffic vehicles and causes congestion problems (Noor, Ashrafi,
Fattah, Morshed, & Rahman, 2021).
This study was conducted to obtain differences in the value of traffic capacity and
speed during peak hours (peak hours) and normal hours (Wang et al., 2016). The
Kakialy Road section is declared to meet the requirements required by the 1997
Indonesian Road Capacity Manual if a saturation degree value of < 0.75 is obtained, but
if the saturation degree value is > 0.75, further evaluation needs to be carried out for the
sake of improving traffic on the road section (Zanuardi & Suprayitno, 2018). This study
was conducted to identify traffic characteristics and the situation of road facilities on the
Kakialy Road Section, as well as to find out how much the performance value of the
Kakialy Road Section.
Transport comes from the Latin word transport, where trans means across or the
other side, and portable means to transport or carry.
The definition of transportation according to (Nico Djajasinga, 2020) is moving or
transporting from one place to another. (Nico Djajasinga, 2020), the definition of
transportation is the movement of goods or passengers from one location to another,
with products being moved or moved to the required or desired location. Steenbrink
defined it as the movement of people or goods using vehicles or other, geographically
separated places (Mulyanto, 2019). According to (Siagian, Adisasmita, & Hustim,
2019), transportation is defined as a system consisting of certain facilities along with
flows and control systems that allow people or goods to move from one place to another
efficiently at any time to support human activities.
Understanding Traffic Flow
Selly Metekohy, Juliet G. Metekohy
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1018
Traffic flow is formed from the movement of individual motorists and motorists
who interact with one another on one road section and
Environment. Traffic flow on a road section will vary in characteristics both based
on location and time. In addition, driver behavior also affects traffic flow behavior. The
driver on a road section designed with a certain speed for example 80 km / h is possible
that the driver will have a speed that varies from 30 km/ h to 120 km/ h.
In describing traffic flow quantitatively to understand the diversity of its
characteristics and the range of conditions of its behavior. Traffic flow parameters can
be distinguished into two main parts, namely macroscopic parameters of traffic flow in
general and macroscopic parameters that show the behavior of individual vehicles in a
traffic flow related to one another. A macroscopic traffic flow can be described by three
main parameters: volume and flow, speed, and density.
Understanding Road Capacity
Capacity in the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual is defined as the maximum
current passing through a point on a freeway that can be maintained within hours under
prevailing conditions. For undivided freeways, capacity is the two-way maximum
current (combination of both directions), for divided freeways capacity is the maximum
flow of lanes.
When the flow is low, the speed of free vehicle traffic is no interference from
other vehicles, the more vehicles that pass the road section, the speed will decrease until
one day the flow/volume of traffic can no longer increase, this is where capacity occurs.
After that the current will decrease continuously under the condition of the forced
current until one day the condition is completely jammed, the current does not move
and the density is high.
The research benefits from the results of the study on traffic analysis of the
capacity of the Ambon City Kakialy Road section are:
1. This research is expected to be used as further research in the field of land
transportation and add knowledge to readers.
2. This research provides additional knowledge for the author by looking at the
circumstances and conditions that occur so that it can broaden the author's horizons
in applying the knowledge gained in college.
3. This research is expected to provide input for the Ambon City Public Works Office
(PUPR) and the Ambon City Transportation Office.
Types of Research
This research is a descriptive survey that uses data collection techniques in the
form of observation and documentation studies.
Time and Location of Research
This research will be carried out on Jln. Kakialy, Sirimau District, Ambon City,
Maluku Province. The research was conducted on February 10 March 7, 2020.
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1019
Research Variables
Variables are research objects that are of concern at a point of research objects.
Which will later get value from the conclusion of a process (Suharsimi Arikunto).
Primary Data
Primary Data, which is data obtained directly from the field. Here is the primary
data obtained from observations on Jln. Kakialy is an analysis of traffic volume,
capacity, degree of saturation, and side obstacles, the results of which will be obtained at
the time of research.
The primary data obtained from the field include:
1. Road geometrics
Location: Jalan Kakialy located in Sirimau District, Ambon City Source: on-site
Function: is one of the main characteristics of the road that will affect the capacity
and performance of the road if it is overloaded with traffic.
2. Traffic volume data
Lokasi: Ruas Jalan. Kakialy yang berada di Kecamatan Sirimau, Kota Ambon
Sumber: Survei langsung di lokasi
Fungsi : - Mengetahui volume lalu lintas.
- Mengetahui komposisi lalu lintas.
3. Side obstacles
Location: Road. Kakialy is located in Sirimau District, Ambon City Source: Direct
survey at the location
Function: Know activities beside road segments that cause problems along the way
Data Analysis
To achieve the objectives of this study, the analysis conducted on Jalan Kakialy is
the road capacity and average speed using the 1997 MKJI method, for urban roads.
Results and Discussion
1. Overview
Jalan Kakialy is one of the roads that is densely traversed by many types of
vehicles, it is because on this road there are two directions of traffic flow from Rijali
road that enters Kakialy road.
On this section of the road, there are several commercial businesses, settlements,
two (2) schools, hotels, and residential areas. These activities greatly affect the smooth
running of road transportation, due to vehicles entering and exiting the road body,
vehicle parking, and public transportation that unload or raise passengers along the road,
Selly Metekohy, Juliet G. Metekohy
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1020
pedestrians walking or crossing along road segments, and slow-moving vehicles such as
bicycles, tricycles, and carts.
2. Segment Identification
The purpose of segment identification is to find out the general data of the
analyzed Kakialy road segments such as segment length, and road class.
Table 1
Identify Footwalk Segments
City size
Segment length
Street class
The period of analysis
216 Metre
Secondary collector
Peak hours and normal hours
From the table above, it is shown that Ambon City is the capital of Maluku
Province which has a land area of 359.45 km2 and an ocean area of 17.55 km2. Jalan
Kakialy is a commercial area because around this street there are offices, shops, and
3. Geometric Data
Road Geometric Data is data about the geometric condition of the segment under
study and represents the characteristics of the road segment. Geometric conditions
consist of a situation plan (land use, road markings, and intersections), and a cross-
section of the road (width of the road and width of shoulders or curb).
Based on the results of measurements and direct visual observations in the field, it
was obtained that the width of the Kakialy road was 8 meters, and the width of the road
curb ≤ 0.5 meters without a road median. Jalan Kakialy is a secondary collector road.
Table 2
Geometric Conditions of Pedestrian Segments
Traffic lane width
Median Width
Source: Research Results
Phubbing By Gen-Z And Gen-Y: Exploring Smartphone Usage And Its Implications On
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1021
The traffic volume survey was conducted for 1 month on February 10 March 7,
2023, for 11 hours, namely 07.00 18.00 WIT. The data is then grouped into vulnerable
times every 15 minutes for each vehicle. Vehicles are divided into several categories,
1. Motorcycle (Motorcycle - MC): Motorcycle/scooter
2. Light Vehicles (LV): Passenger Cars, Pick Up, Sedans, and Motor Vehicles with a
distance between axles 2 - 3 meters.
3. Heavy Vehicles (HV): Micro Buses (L-300 etc.), Buses, 2 Axle Trucks, 3 Axle
Trucks, and motor vehicles over 4 wheels.
4. Side Resistance Analysis
The data taken in this side obstacle survey are vehicles that stop and park on the
body of the road, pedestrians (who parallel and cross the road), vehicles entering and
exiting the road, and slow vehicles. After obtaining data from the next study multiplied
by each side obstacle weight factor (parking vehicles = 1 slow vehicle = 0.4, pedestrians
= 0.5, and outbound + inbound vehicles = 0.7), the total results of side obstacles can be
seen in Table 3.
Table 3
Determination of the frequency of peak hour side resistance events in one
Event Type Bottleneck
Vehicle parking and stopping
Vehicle in + exit
Slow vehicles
Source: Research Results
Table 4
Determination of the frequency of normal hour side resistance events in one
Side Obstacle Event
y of
Vehicle parking and stopping
Vehicle in + exit
Selly Metekohy, Juliet G. Metekohy
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Slow vehicles
After analyzing the side obstacles above, the peak hour side resistance data in one
month has a weighted frequency of 366.6 junior high school/hour, including medium
side resistance class (M), and normal hour side resistance in one month has a weighted
frequency of 148.7 junior high school/hour, including low side resistance class (L).
5. Free Current Speed Analysis
Free Current Speed (FV) is defined as the speed at the zero current level, that is,
the speed that the driver chooses if driving a motor vehicle without being affected by
other motor vehicles on the road (Mufhidin & Chaniago, 2023).
In the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI 1997) the basic free current
speed of light vehicles is selected as the basic criterion for the performance of road
segments at currents equal to zero.
6. Road Capacity Calculation
C = C
× FC
× FC
× FC
× FC
1. Peak clock time
So that: C = 1650 × 1,08 × 1,00 × 0,86 × 0,86 = 1317,967 SMP/HOUR
Total peak hour capacity of one month = peak hour capacity (junior high
school/hour) × 24 (duration of study). For the calculation is
= 1317,957 × 24 =
31631,208 SMP/HOUR
2. Normal clock time
So that: C = 1650 × 1,08 × 1,00 × 0,90 × 0,86 = 1379,268 SMP/HOUR
Total peak hour capacity of one month = peak hour capacity (junior high / hour) ×
24 (duration of study). The calculation is
Total = 1379,268 × 24 = 33102,432
The calculation of road capacity above when tabled can be seen as follows:
Table 5
Calculation of road capacity for one month
Source: Research Results
7. Saturation Degree Analysis
Saturation degree is the ratio of traffic flow (junior high school/hour) to capacity
(junior high school/hour) on a certain section of road, where DS is used n for parameters
Adjustment Factor
Peak Hours
Regular Hours
Phubbing By Gen-Z And Gen-Y: Exploring Smartphone Usage And Its Implications On
Interpersonal Communication In The Workplace
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 1023
to determine the level of road service. The saturation degree value indicates whether a
road section has a capacity problem or not.
8. Average Speed Analysis
Speed in traffic conditions, side obstacles, and actual geometric conditions is
obtained using the speed graph as a function of DS for the following multi-lane and
one-way roads:
1. the average speed of peak hours and normal hours of light vehicles, heavy vehicles,
and motorcycles,
Figure 1
Speed as a Function of DS for Multi-Lane and One-Way Roads in MC, LV, and
HV vehicle types
Table 6
Average Speed Calculation of peak hours and normal hours of light vehicles,
heavy vehicles, and motorcycles
Vehicle Type
Peak Hours
Regular Hours
1. Level Of Service (LOS) Walking Sectional
The Simpang service level (LOS) is used as a standard to measure the quality of
other traffic conditions, and the volume of service must be less than the capacity of the
road itself (Lubis, 2021). Based on the analysis data above, it is known that the DS
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value during the Peak Hour is 0.59 which means it is included in the category of
density of medium conditions or at level C. While the DS value in Normal Hours is
0.45 which is included in the category of density in good conditions or level B.
For this reason, Jalan Kakialy has a saturation degree value of < 0.75, based on
the 1997 Indonesian Road Capacity Manual recommends that if a saturation degree
value of > 0.75 is obtained, it is necessary to make improvements to the road section
both physically and traffic management. This means that Jalan Kakialy still meets the
requirements, and there is no need for repairs and/or traffic improvement (Li, Zhang, &
Zhao, 2017).
Based on the results of research and analysis in this final project, it can be
concluded as follows:
The performance value on the Jalan Kakialy section of Ambon City measured
based on the Level Of Service during peak hours is at level C with a vehicle density
value of 0.59. While the Performance Value in normal hours is still at level B with a
vehicle density value of 0.45.
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Interpersonal Communication In The Workplace
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