pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi: 10.59141/jist.v4i8.678 1005
Dewi Rosiyana Umami
Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
: 07-08-2023
: 11-08-2023
: 12-08-2023
Hall Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya is a Technical Implementation Unit
in charge of supervising and controlling the use of SFR. To determine
customer satisfaction with SFR licensing services, research was
conducted where the measurement of the satisfaction index was based
on 9 indicators, namely Requirements, Service Procedures, Time to
Complete, Ease of Payment of Tariffs, Products, Competence of
Implementers, Behavior of Implementers, Handling Complaints,
Infrastructure. The analysis used to measure satisfaction is the Top Two
Boxes Analysis and Importance Performance Analysis methods. Based
on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the Service
Satisfaction Index value was 90.84 with service quality A (very good).
The results of the IPA 2 indicators must be considered and improved by
Balmon Surabaya related to factors that affect customer satisfaction
with SFR licensing services. These factors are Complaint Handling and
Keywords: Customer
Satisfaction Index; Top Two
Boxes; Gap Analysis; Radio
Frequency Spectrum.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information
Technology (Ditjen SDPPI) is an echelon I-level work unit under the Ministry of
Communication and Information (Sitorus, 2016). Surabaya Class I Radio Frequency
Spectrum Monitor Center is one of the UPT (Technical Implementation Unit) of the
Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology
(SDPPI), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of
Indonesia. in the regions, which are in charge of supervising and controlling the use of
radio frequency spectrum in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in the
Law of the Republic of Indonesia (Lastri, 2022). Number: 36 of 1999 concerning
telecommunications and Regulation of the Minister of Communication and Information
Technology Number: 7 of 2021 on the use of radio frequency spectrum and Director
General of SDPPI No. 7 of 2021 concerning procedures for coaching, supervising, and
imposing sanctions on the use of radio frequency spectrum and telecommunication
equipment and/or telecommunication equipment.
In detail, the operation of public services at the Surabaya Class I SFR Monitor
Center, namely Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing (ISR), public services provided to
legal entities (companies), and government agencies for the use of frequency spectrum
(Desta, Berhe, & Hintsa, 2018).
Dewi Rosiyana Umami
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1006
The results of the User Satisfaction Index research on the licensing services of
Balai Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya for the last 5 years are as follows:
Figure 1 IKP Results from 2018 to 2022
From Table 1, it is known that the IKP value of Balai Monitor SFR Class I
Surabaya is increasing. In 2020, the value of IKP decreased due to user satisfaction with
services decreased due to the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The new system
(online) and officers who cannot consult face-to-face made a decline in 2020 because
there were several services with new systems in the pandemic era.
In 2022, the IKP is still increasing with a very good predicate. However, if
viewed in detail for each service variable, two services are still below good value,
namely complaint handling and infrastructure. In the complaint handling variation, the
media/means of submitting complaints and the time or speed of officers in responding
to complaints are considered good less by the community and become less valuable in
the User Satisfaction Index. In the variable facilities and infrastructure, Balai Monitor
Surabaya does not yet have an online facility (website) to provide information to the
public and also a less aesthetic service space. So people still have to come directly to the
office to get information services.
(Rugenyi, 2016), assumes that quality is the overall nature of a product or service
that affects its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. According to (Prestiadi,
Zulkarnain, & Sumarsono, 2019), quality management can be said to be all activities of
the overall management function that determine quality policies, goals, and
responsibilities, and implement them through quality management tools.
In its implementation, activities, and management functions must be supervised to
maintain the desired level of excellence such as establishing quality policies, creating
and planning quality, quality assurance and control, and quality improvement. The
quality that is supervised is not only limited to the quality of the products and services
produced but the quality of the company as a whole includes the quality of employees
who work to the quality of the company in the eyes of consumers (Imtiyaz, 2018).
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy that emphasizes three
principles to achieve high levels of performance and process quality. These principles
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
The Effect Of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing Service Quality On User Satisfaction In
East Java: Ipa Analysis And Top Two Box
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1007
relate to customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and continuous performance
Public Service
Public Service is an activity or series of activities to fulfill service needs by laws
and regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services, and/or administrative
services provided by public service providers. Thus public service is the fulfillment of
the wants and needs of the community by state organizers. Theoretically, the purpose of
public service is basically to satisfy the community (Fung, 2015).
Service management
Service management is a concept used to manage and improve the quality of
services provided by an organization. This theory emphasizes the importance of
understanding customer needs and providing high-quality service effectively and
Public service management is an effort to manage several aspects of management
to design, prepare or present goods and services to the community and evaluate and
assess these activities (Putri & Sahuri, 2017).
The benefits expected to be achieved from this research are as follows:
1. Analysis of the level of importance and perception that affects community
2. The results of the analysis of the IKP to produce a strategic plan for improving
public services Balmon SFR Class I Surabaya. Directorate General of SDPPI.
Research Methods
Types of Research
This research is quantitative research that analyzes the level of importance
(expectations) and perceptions of influencing User Satisfaction in public services using
the Top Two Boxes and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).
Research Variables
To be able to measure the User Satisfaction Index (IKP) of service users on the
quality of Balmon SFR Class I Surabaya services, it is necessary to compile a
questionnaire on the satisfaction of the service user community guided by PermenPAN-
RB No. 14 of 2017.
Data Types and Sources
The type of data in this study is primary data obtained directly from the SFR
licensing service user survey.
Population and Research Sample
The population in this study is the owner of a Radio Station License (ISR) in the
East Java region and the sample must be carefully selected to represent the population.
The sample of this study uses the Slovin formula.
Data Collection Methods
Surveys can be carried out by two methods, namely face-to-face interviews with
respondents and surveys conducted online.
Dewi Rosiyana Umami
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1008
1. Surveys with direct interviews with respondents
2. The implementation of the survey with direct interviews with respondents was
carried out using questionnaires.
3. Online surveys
Online surveys are conducted electronically using a survey tool whose link is sent
to respondents. The survey link is sent via email or other communication media such as
Data Analysis Techniques
Questionnaires that have been prepared, before being used for field survey
activities, need to be carried out in questionnaire trials (Test the questions) first. The
questionnaire trial aims to determine the validity and level of reliability of the
questionnaire (Askari, Peiravian, Tilahun, & Yousefi Baseri, 2021). The trial was
carried out by conducting interviews with a small group of respondents numbering
between 30 people using a questionnaire format that had been prepared. The reliability
of the questionnaire was tested using Cronbach's Alpha test on SPSS Software.
Results and Discussion
Overview of the Object and Subject of Research
In the Results and Discussion Chapter, the results of the 2023 Surabaya Class I
Monitor Center Public Service survey activities are displayed. The data used in the
discussion were data obtained from a survey conducted independently by Balai Monitor
Class I Surabaya. The object to be measured in this study is radio frequency spectrum
licensing services and respondents from this survey are users/customers of radio
frequency spectrum licensing services. Self-surveys have been conducted on radio
frequency spectrum licensing services. The calculation of public service IKP
(Licensing) Balai Monitor Class I Surabaya is carried out by calculating the aggregation
of the data from the survey implementation. In general, the data that will be described in
this discussion chapter are as follows:
a. Profile of Respondents to the 2023 Surabaya Class I Monitor Center Public Service
b. Public Service IKP Surabaya Class I Monitor Center in 2023.
Results of Importance Performance Analysis
IKP Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing Service Surabaya Class I Monitor
Center in 2023
Balai Monitor Class I Surabaya as a government agency provides public services,
namely Radio Frequency Spectrum (SFR) in 4 types of services, namely Land Mobile
Service services, Permanent Service services, Broadcast Service services, and Other
Service services (radar and satellite). In providing public services to the community, the
implementation of services must be carried out in a transparent and accountable manner.
The public service is also one of the measurable assessments of government agencies
through the assessment of the Community Satisfaction Index which shows the level of
service quality. Balai Monitor Class I Surabaya has conducted periodic IKP surveys
The Effect Of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing Service Quality On User Satisfaction In
East Java: Ipa Analysis And Top Two Box
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1009
every year which are also used as performance benchmarks and materials for improving
public services to the community.
Figure 2 Development Trend of IKP Balai Monitor Class I Surabaya in the 2018-2022
The picture above shows the development trend of public service IKP at the
Surabaya Class I SFR Monitor Center in the period 2018 to 2023. In general, the IKP
Balai Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya is experiencing a positive trend, meaning that it
tends to increase from 2018 to 2023. However, in 2020, the IKP value dropped to 82.45
(Good) because the licensing service system was also affected by the COVID-19
The IKP survey of Balai Monitor Class I Surabaya in 2023 has been carried out.
In 2023, the survey will be carried out independently by the internal party in Surabaya.
The IKP survey conducted independently was conducted by Balmon Surabaya for the
IKP Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing service. The calculation of the IKP of Balai
Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya is carried out by calculating the IKP results from a
service survey of SFR users. The measurement of the IKP value of Radio Frequency
Spectrum Permit services is carried out on SFR Licensing services that provide public
services in the categories of Fixed Service, Mobile Service, Broadcast Service, and
Other Services (Radar and Satellite). The results of the assessment of the Public Service
User Satisfaction Index of Balai Monitor Class I Surabaya are presented in the
following table.
Table 1
User Satisfaction Index (IKP) of Balmon Surabaya Licensing Services
Skala 1-4
Skala 25-100
Service Procedure
Service turnaround time
Ease of Payment of
Service Products
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Dewi Rosiyana Umami
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1010
Competence of
Executor Behavior
Handling Complaints,
Suggestions, and Feedback
Facilities and Infrastructure
SFR Service IKP Value
Sangat Baik
Data Source: Balmon Surabaya Survey Results
The overall User Satisfaction Index (IKP) of Balai Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya
in 2023 is 3.63 (scale 1-4) or 90.84 (scale 1-100). This value shows that the service
performance organized by Balai Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya is categorized as
"VERY GOOD" with service quality A. The value of IKP in public services of Balai
Monitor Class I Surabaya, there are 7 indicators with IKP values above 3.5 which are
included in the category "VERY GOOD". Meanwhile, 2 service indicators obtain IKP
under the very good category, namely complaint handling, and infrastructure. Services
that obtain the lowest IKP score, namely handling complaints, suggestions, and input
with an IKP of 3.33 or 83.33. However, respondents' assessment of these indicators is
still in the "Very Good" category with a service quality A predicate.
Based on the data displayed in the figure and table above, it can be seen that the
service quality category will not change compared to 2022, which is getting "VERY
GOOD" service quality. This shows that SDPPI services have been very satisfying for
the community. However, quantitatively, the IKP value of Balai Monitor Class I
Surabaya has increased by 2.4% when compared to 2023.
Top Three Boxes Analysis of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing
Top Three Boxes (TTB) analysis is an analysis to calculate the percentage (%) of
respondents who have been "satisfied" with the quality of licensing services at Balai
Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya (Getahun & Nkosi, 2017). TTB analysis provides an
overview of the success of the quality of Licensing Services of Balai Monitor SFR
Class I Surabaya. The picture of the success of the quality of Public Services of Balai
Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya is in the form of the percentage (%) of service users who
give a positive assessment of the quality of Balai Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya
Licensing Services.
TTB Analysis on a measurement scale of 14, calculated based on the percentage (%)
of respondents who chose answer choices 3 and 4 (respondents who expressed
"Satisfied" and "Very Satisfied").
Gap Analysis of Licensing Services for Class I SFR Monitor Center Surabaya
The results of the 2023 Surabaya SFR Class I Monitor Hall Service Indicator
Importance Index on Licensing services are presented in the table below. Importance
Index The indicator is the importance of the IKP indicator assessed by service users.
The Predictor Interest Index can also be interpreted as the expectations of service users
for the performance of service providers in each indicator. The average Indicator
The Effect Of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing Service Quality On User Satisfaction In
East Java: Ipa Analysis And Top Two Box
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1011
Importance Index for radio frequency spectrum Licensing services is 3.59 (scale 1-4).
This value indicates that the service performance expected by service users is quite
The indicator that obtained the highest importance in Radio Frequency Spectrum
Licensing Services was "Requirements" with a value of 3.86, while the indicator that
obtained the lowest importance in SFR Services was "Service Turnaround Time" with a
value of 3.43.
Table 2
Importance Index of Licensing Service Indicators in 2023
(SCALE 1-4)
Service Procedure
Service Procedure
Ease of Payment of Tariffs/Fees
Service Products
Competence of Implementers
Executor Behavior
Handling Complaints, Suggestions, and
Facilities and Infrastructure
Gap Analysis is an analysis to measure the gap between performance and the
expectations of each indicator of public satisfaction survey/service users. Gap Analysis
is used to summarize survey indicators that have gap numbers that exceed the upper
threshold of gaps. Indicators of service user satisfaction that exceed the upper threshold
of the gap will be the focal point for improving service quality in the future. To obtain
service user satisfaction indicators that are the top priority for improving service quality,
Importance, and Performance Analysis (IPA) is used. The results of the gap analysis are
presented in the Table below.
Table 3
Gap Analysis of Balmon Surabaya Licensing Service Unit
Service Procedure
Service turnaround
Dewi Rosiyana Umami
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1012
Ease of Payment of
Service Products
Competence of
Executor Behavior
Handling Complaints,
Suggestions, and
Facilities and
In Gap Analysis for SFR Service Units, the provision to state that the indicator
gap is wide or large is an indicator gap that is outside the upper threshold of gap
tolerance, which is above -0.08. From the table above, it can be seen that there is a fairly
wide gap between expectations and performance in indicators:
1. Requirement (-0.09)
2. Handling Complaints, Suggestions, and Feedback (-0.34)
3. Facilities and Infrastructure (-0.27)
This fact shows that in these three indicators, users of Balai Monitor SFR Class I
Surabaya licensing services have very high expectations for the quality of requirements,
complaint handling, suggestions, and inputs, and facilities and infrastructure provided
by the SFR licensing service unit. But in reality, the performance received by service
users is still far from the expectations of service users.
Importance Performance Analysis of Licensing Services of Surabaya Class I SFR
Monitor Center
Quadrant analysis is used to map the relationship between expectations or
importance and performance of each indicator of the user satisfaction survey of Balai
Monitor SFR Class I Surabaya licensing services. There are 9 (nine indicators) in this
survey, namely:
X1 : Requirements
X2: Service Procedure
X3: Service Turnaround Time
X4: Ease of PaymentRates/Fees
X5: Service Products
X6: Implementing Competencies
X7: Executor Behavior
X8: Handling Complaints, Suggestions, and Feedback
X9: Facilities and Infrastructure
The Effect Of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing Service Quality On User Satisfaction In
East Java: Ipa Analysis And Top Two Box
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1013
The results of the quadrant analysis of the data obtained in the 2023 Surabaya
Class I Monitor Center Service User Satisfaction Survey as a whole are presented in the
figure below.
Figure 3
SFR Licensing Service User Satisfaction Indicator Mapping (Cartesian Diagram)
1. Quadrant I: Top priority for performance improvement.
This quadrant contains service user satisfaction indicators that are considered
important by service users (high expectations), but the performance of these indicators
has not been in line with service user expectations (low performance). The indicators
included in quadrant I must be a top priority in efforts to improve performance
(performance improvement) in the future. The indicators included in quadrant I are:
X8: Complaints, Suggestions, and Feedback.
X9: Facilities and Infrastructure
2. Quadrant II: Keep Achievements
This quadrant contains indicators of service user satisfaction that are considered
important by service users (high expectations) and their performance can meet the
expectations of service users (high performance). Service user satisfaction indicators
included in this quadrant must be maintained. The indicators included in quadrant II are.
X1 : Requirements
X2: Service Procedure
X4: Competence of Implementers
Dewi Rosiyana Umami
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1014
3. Quadrant III: Low Priority.
This quadrant III contains indicators of service user satisfaction that are considered
less important by service users (low expectations), and the performance of these
indicators is also not special (low performance). No SFR licensing service indicator is
included in quadrant III.
4. Quadrant IV: Exceeding Expectations
This quadrant IV contains indicators of service user satisfaction that are
considered less important by service users (low expectations), but the performance of
these indicators is quite high exceeding the expectations of service users. The indicators
included in this quadrant IV are:
X3: Service Turnaround Time
X5: Service Products
X6: Implementing Competencies
X7: Executor Behavior
The results of the 2023 Surabaya Class I Monitor Center IKP survey show that the
implementation of Bureaucratic Reform within the Surabaya Class I Monitor Center is
very good, assessed by the public/public service users. Overall, users of Balai Monitor
Class I Surabaya licensing services are very satisfied with the public services organized
by him, with a User Satisfaction Index (IKP) value of 90.84. Service quality is rated as
"A" and service performance is considered "EXCELLENT". Most of the IKP values for
each type of licensing service are also high. Based on the Importance and Performance
Analysis (IPA) analysis, several indicators must be a priority for improving licensing
services in the Balmon SFR Class I Surabaya environment, namely:
a. X8: Complaints, Suggestions, and Feedback.
b. X9: Facilities and Infrastructure.
It is important to remember that indicators that are a priority for improving public
services do not mean that they are considered indicators that do not satisfy service users.
The indicator is included in quadrant I, meaning that it gets high
expectations/importance from respondents, but its performance or achievement is still
far from these expectations. Therefore, Balai SFR Monitor Class I Surabaya must find
solutions to the gaps that occur by determining measurable recommendations in the
form of action plans for improving the quality of public services in the future.
The Effect Of Radio Frequency Spectrum Licensing Service Quality On User Satisfaction In
East Java: Ipa Analysis And Top Two Box
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1015
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