Henky Putrawan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1072
employees as individuals. Salary can be categorized as a right that gives authority to a
person or some specific people to demand that others give, do, or not do something. A
salary is a form of compensation given to employees periodically as a form of payment
for the work they do (Oktavia, 2021).
Performance allowance is income other than salary given to active employees
based on competence and performance. Thus, if this system can be implemented
effectively, it will have a positive impact on the organization because it will be able to
increase employee motivation to work and satisfaction for employees (Fibriyanti &
Wijaya, 2018). The problem occurs in whether this performance allowance system
increases the high contribution to employee motivation or not.
The reward system, payroll or performance allowance in an agency is not good, it
will cause an adverse symptom for the agency in the event of, for example, fictitious
salary payments or inappropriate performance benefits (Kawulur, Areros, & Pio, 2018).
South Sumatra Provincial Government employees from year to year awarding shows a
decrease. Awarding is intended to increase productivity and retain outstanding
employees to remain in the company. The provision of the Reward system is intended
as an encouragement for employees to work better and generate motivation so that they
can encourage better employee performance (Irawan, Anggraeny, & Arifin, 2020).
The phenomenon that occurs can utilize internal control to provide security for
assets from waste, fraud, and inefficiency of use as well as to increase the accuracy and
level of trust in financial statements in government agencies. The demands and needs of
the globalization era, the realization of good governance, efforts to recover national and
regional economies, and the restoration of good trust locally, nationally, and
internationally in the Indonesian government, require the government to take strategic
steps with internal control (Langi, Saerang, & Gerungai, 2019). Internal control is a
process carried out by the board of commissioners, management, and other personnel of
the entity designed to provide adequate assurance about the achievement of the
following three classes of objectives: effectiveness and efficiency of operations,
reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations
(Professional Standards of Public Accountants, SA Section 319) (Mustopa, Y., Astuti,
M., &; Sukmasari, D., 2022).
Based on the description above, the author is interested in conducting research and
discussing these problems, so this research is given the title "The Effect of Awards,
Payroll and Performance Allowances in Internal Control (Case Study: South Sumatra
Provincial Government)".
Benefits This research is a means of developing science, especially HR
management in researching the effect of awards, payroll, and performance allowances
in internal control (Septianis, Mikial, & Tripermata, 2017). This research is also
expected to provide an understanding of the effect of internal control on awards,
payroll, and performance allowances in the South Sumatra Provincial Government. And
can be used as reference material to add insight, especially in research on the effect of
awards, payroll, and performance benefits in internal control.