pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i8.671 974
Andi Setiawan, Ghina Firyaliani Zalfa
Brawijaya University Malang, Indonesia
: 05-08-2023
: 11-08-2023
: 12-08-2023
This study aims to analyze the effect of waterfront city development on
coastal economic development in Beting Village, East Pontianak
District, Pontianak City. This is due to the low economy of the
community so many of them are involved in buying and selling drugs
which then damages the good image of Kampung Beting. Data from
100 respondents were analyzed using quantitative analysis methods
with simple linear regression. The results showed that the waterfront
city had a significant effect on the welfare of the coastal economy of
the Betting Village community. This is because according to the
conditions the waterfront itself is appropriate so that it can attract
tourists to visit the area who come and then open opportunities for local
people to open various types of businesses such as boat rentals, taverns
or cafes, and selling souvenirs.
Keywords: waterfront city;
betting village; economics.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Kampung Beting is a village of high historical value. The history of Kampung
Beting began with Sultan Abdurrahman Alkadrie who came to this region three months
after the death of his father named Al Habib Husin, the propagator of Islam, in 1184 in
Mempawah (Prameswari, 2018). From Mempawah, the Sultan then went down the
Kapuas River and stopped at the confluence of the Kapuas River and Landak River
because he was disturbed by a long-haired figure better known as Kuntilanak.
Disturbed, the Sultan finally took out a cannon and fired it at the figure as well as
indicating where the cannonball fell, then his territory would be established there (Noor,
Tajik, & Golzar, 2022). The cannonball finally fell through the junction of the Kapuas
River and Landak River, which later became known as Kampung Beting.
Kampung Beting is the first village established after the construction of the Palace
or Keraton Kadriah and is the residence of the figures and officials of the palace. Not
only that but this village also built Jami Mosque. In this village, there are Langar
(Mushalla), Kopol (Pier), three besa houses or places of deliberation for 3 different
tribes living in the village, a hall house as an element of government, and a tomb as an
architectural element. These elements are seen as a unified system and become artifacts
that reflect the identity of Kampung Beting (Wibowo, Kaskoyo, & Damai, 2019). Most
of the houses in this village are houses on stilts (houses on water or lanting houses. This
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 975
stilt house is divided into 3 types according to the class or caste of the homeowner. The
3 types of houses are going slaughterhouses, wire slaughterhouses, and pyramid
slaughterhouses (Lubis, 2014). The pyramid slaughterhouse is the residence of
community leaders related to the palace, while the lanting house is the residence of the
common people. This village can be said to be unique because to connect one house
with another house, a wooden bridge was built. Residents in this village in their daily
lives are very dependent on water, such as for fishing, transportation, bathing, washing,
and so on.
Over time, this village underwent drastic changes after the Indonesian government
system changed from a sultanate to 2 Achmad Mundzirin and Ocsya Ade CP. (2015,
November 30). Kampung Beting is a place of endless promises. Taken back from the
presidency which caused the decline of the people's economy. Those who used to work
as employees or soldiers of the palace turned into unemployed. This condition was
further exacerbated after the entry of crime into this village in 1987 where this village
was used as a place to conduct drug buying and selling transactions (Isra, Zubair, &
Nursyamsi, 2020).
This drug buying and selling activity began with immigrants who entered
Kampung Beting. Kampung Betting is used as an escape place for thugs or criminals
from the pursuit of police officers. The arrival of the criminals then promised the entry
of money through the drug buying and selling business which then made one by one the
people of Kampung Beting fall into the circle. Since then this village has been
considered a dangerous area, be it because of the area of buying and selling drugs or
other crimes. This is reinforced by data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)
Pontianak City in 2018 where of more than 3000 people living in Kampung Beting, 200
of them fell into drug buying and selling activities.
Therefore, to improve the economy of the community so that they are not
involved in drug buying and selling activities that damage the good image of Kampung
Beting, the government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
(PUPR) program makes the area along the Kapuas River, including Kampung Beting, as
a waterfront city area. This is by Pontianak City Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2013
where it is said that the strategy of determining strategic areas from the point of
economic, and socio-cultural interests, utilization of natural resources and/or high
technology as well as the function and carrying capacity of the environment one of them
is by developing tourism, recreation and nature protection activities in the periphery and
body of the Kapuas River with the concept of waterfront city. Through this program,
houses that originally had their backs to the river were rearranged to face the river.
Likewise with washing places, latrines, ditches, and so on they not only look neat but
also habitable. This arrangement is also followed by empowerment for the community
where they are given various training and counseling so that they do not fall back into
drug buying and selling activities.
Waterfront City
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The waterfront city is the concept of developing coastal or waterfront areas, be it
the beach, river, or lake (Ragheb & EL-Ashmawy, 2020). According to the Echols, a
waterfront city is an area that is by the sea or a city directly adjacent to water, such as a
port area (Dal Cin, Hooimeijer, & Matos Silva, 2021). According to Wrenn, an urban
waterfront is an urban area located at the water's edge, for example in a large port area
in a metropolitan city. According to Breen, Ann, and Rigby, a waterfront city is a
dynamic area of a city that is at the meeting of land and water. While according to the
Directorate of Coastal and Small Islands Utilization, a waterfront city is an area that is
directly adjacent to water and faces rivers, lakes, seas, and so on.8 From these various
understandings, the development of this waterfront city can be interpreted as part of an
effort to develop urban areas that are physically close to water where later the
development of this area will be water-oriented.
Another element that must be owned by the region to be used as a waterfront area
is cultural heritage (Damanik & Pratiwi, 2017). Cultural heritage can be an influential
element for the waterfront area because it can add value to the waterfront area by giving
a sense of history, identity, and character to the place. For example, areas with historical
buildings or landmarks can attract visitors and create a unique sense of place. Cultural
heritage can also be used to promote tourism and economic development, as well as to
preserve and celebrate local traditions and customs (Warsewa, 2018). Overall, cultural
heritage can contribute to the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of the
waterfront city area.
The source of income for people living in the waterfront city area can vary
depending on the location and waterfront model used. Some residents may be involved
in maritime activities, such as fishing or shipping, while others may work in industries
such as tourism, hospitality, retail, or other services. Overall, the economies of the
waterfront region tend to be diverse. Although water is an important resource for several
industries and activities such as shipping or aquaculture, it is not the only or main
source of income for all residents in the waterfront city area.
This waterfront city area can be said to have its uniqueness where the residents
have socio-economic activities oriented to waters and land, have cultural or historical
relics in it, and the lives of the people that cannot be separated from water (living on
water). People also make these waters their main transportation because it is an open
area, but the risk is that they are prone to smuggling, infiltration, or other security
Waterfront can be divided into 3 types based on the type of coastal development,
1. Waterfront conservation, which is the arrangement of existing waterfront areas so
that they are maintained and can be enjoyed by the surrounding community.
2. Waterfront redevelopment, which is an effort made so that the functions on the
waterfront can run again by building or repairing various pre-existing facilities.
3. Waterfront development, is an effort to create a waterfront to meet the needs of the
existing city by reclaiming the beach.
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 977
Coastal Economic Prosperity
Economic well-being refers to the standard of living of an individual or society in
terms of their ability to meet their needs and wants. Some factors affect the economic
well-being of a society such as income, employment, access to goods and services, and
standard of living. Economic well-being can be measured in various ways, such as
through Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or other economic indicators. The goal of
economic well-being is to ensure that everyone in the economy has the opportunity to
live a healthy and fulfilling life.
Generally, coastal communities are people who live in coastal areas and their lives
are closely related to water, such as fishing and transportation. Coastal communities
also have different characteristics when compared to agrarian or peasant communities.
For example, in terms of income. Farmers' income can be controlled because of their
controlled harvesting patterns so that their crops can be determined to achieve the
desired income. In contrast to coastal communities whose livelihoods are mostly as
fishermen where their income cannot be controlled. This is because it is influenced by 2
factors, namely:12
1. Milieu. The livelihood of these coastal communities is very dependent on the
environment, especially water. This makes them very vulnerable to environmental
damage, such as pollution from 12 Wahyudin, Y. (2015). Socio-Economic and
Cultural System of Coastal Communities.
2. industrial waste or oil spills can thus shake their socioeconomic system. For
example, pollution on the coast of Java at that time caused a drop in the
productivity of shrimp ponds. Of course, this has a significant impact on the lives of
pond farmers.
3. Season. There are two seasons for fishermen, namely the fishing season and the
famine season. In the fishing season, fishermen become very busy going to sea, and
most of them can bring home a bountiful catch. However, in the lean season,
fishing activities can be said to be minimal so their income decreases drastically.
In addition to the broken eyes of the people, most of whom are fishermen, the
education level of the people is also still relatively low. This is also exacerbated by their
residential environment which is not well organized so it displays the impression of
slums. Thus, because their level of welfare can be said to be low, over time the pressure
they get on coastal resources will be greater to meet the needs of their communities.
This can still be overcome by making coastal areas as recreational or tourist areas
by looking at the potential they have to attract the attention of tourists. Later, if the
coastal area is successfully used as a tourist attraction, of course, the income of coastal
communities can also be withdrawn from this sector. That way the economic activities
of coastal communities do not only depend on marine activities (Hegazy, 2021).
Korten's theory also emphasizes that development is not only focused on the
success of development itself but also on the welfare of the people. This means that
development must be sustainable and must not harm the community. Korten argues that
development should be people-centered, meaning it should prioritize people's needs and
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 978
desires above the interests of companies or governments. He also argued that
development should be community-based, meaning it should involve community
participation in the planning and implementation of development projects. Overall,
Korten's theory emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to development that
pays attention to the well-being of its people (Angradi, Williams, Hoffman, & Bolgrien,
Based on the explanation above, it can be understood that the implementation of
the program will not go according to plan if there is no conformity between the three
elements of program implementation. This is because if the results of the program are
not what is needed by the target group, then the results issued by the program certainly
cannot be utilized properly. If the organization is unable to carry out the tasks required
by the program, then the organization can certainly not deliver the results of the
program appropriately. If the conditions set by the organization cannot be met by the
target group, the target group will not get program results. Thus, compatibility between
these 3 elements is very necessary so that the existing program can run well according
to the plan that has been made.
Research Methods
1. Types of Research
The type of research used in this study is quantitative research methods.
According to Sugiyono, quantitative methods are defined as research methods based on
the philosophy of positivism. Generally, this method is used to examine certain samples
or populations, use research instruments as data collection, statistical/quantitative data
analysis, and aim to test hypotheses that have been set. Cresswell also added that in
quantitative research, researchers must explain the influence between one variable and
another.15 Indicators of the variables in this study are developed into item statements
expressed in the form of a Google Form using a Likert scale of 1-4. Then the data
obtained will be analyzed using a descriptive model, where later this study explores
social situations that will be investigated in depth, breadth, and thoroughly.
2. Location and Object of Research
This research was conducted in Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak
City. The object of this study is waterfront city, in this study, researchers focus on the
influence of waterfront city development on the coastal economic welfare of the people
of Kampung Beting. This is based on the low economy of the local community, making
them participate in drug buying and selling activities which then damage the good
image of Kampung Beting.
3. Population and Sample Determination
The population in this study is residents of Kampung Beting, East Pontianak
District, Pontianak City totaling 19,106 people with details of the number of families as
many as 5,550, male as many as 9,607, female as many as 9,499, aged 0-15 years as
many as 4,930, productive age (16-64 years) as many as 11,698, and ages 65 years and
over as many as 849 people.
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 979
The sample taken was 99.99 people who were then fulfilled into 100 people using
simple random sampling techniques. According to Margono, simple random sampling is
a sampling technique that is carried out directly on the sampling unit. Thus, each
sampling unit as an element of remote populations will get the same opportunity to be
used as a sample/representative of the population but provided that the members of the
population are homogeneous and the research tends to be descriptive.
4. Data Collection Techniques
This research uses Google Forms which will later be disseminated through social
media and chat-based media. While the questionnaire used in this study is a closed
questionnaire or selected questionnaire. The scale used in this study is the Likert scale
which serves to classify the variables to be measured so that later there will be no errors
in analyzing data and the next step of research. In this questionnaire, respondents will
choose statements according to the answer categories, namely:
a. Highly Disagree (STS)
b. Disagree (TS)
c. Agree (S)
d. Strongly Agree (SS)
5. Data Analysis Techniques
This study used quantitative analysis methods with simple linear regression. The
analysis steps carried out in this study are as follows: (1) Validity and Reality Test, (2)
Classical Assumption Test; Linearity Test, Normality Test, and Heteroskedasticity Test,
(3) Simple Linear Regression Analysis; Coefficient of Determination Test (R2), Partial
Test (t count), and Statistical Test F.
Results and Discussion
1. Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Waterfront City Variables (X)
Table 2
Waterfront City Variable Mean Recapitulation
Questionnaire Statement
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The existence of a
waterfront can develop
the potential of the
The existence of a
Turning the local
environment into a tidy
The existence of a
can be used as a tourist
The existence of a
acceptable to the local
The existence of a
disturbing residents in their
The existing facilities and
infrastructure in the
waterfront area are
for the community
Mean Amount
Source: Processed by Researchers, 2023
Based on the findings of research data in Table 4.13 recapitulation of the mean
value of the waterfront city variable, from the answers of 100 respondents, a total mean
of 3.07 was obtained in the interval range of 2.6 3.25 including the category of
agreeing or in other words also water tourism owned by Kampung Beting, and neatly
arranged local environmental conditions, will certainly attract public interest, Be it
foreign tourists or local tourists to visit the area. In addition, the existence of this
waterfront also does not interfere with residents in their activities so it is proven that
there is a balance in its implementation.
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 981
Waterfront City is included in the good category. The findings of this study prove
that in fact in the field there is already a match between the program and also the
implementer/organization (government) where the essence of the development of this
waterfront city is to restore Kampung Beting as it used to be. It is said that because it is
proven that the waterfront in the Kampung Beting area has been able to revive existing
potentials, such as the potential for water tourism in the form of canoe, boat, or boat
rentals to go down the Kapuas River and also religious tourism such as visits to the
Kadriah Palace and Jami Mosque as part of cultural heritage, and can make the local
environment more organized and neat.
Coastal Economic Welfare Variable (Y)
Table 3
Recapitulation of Mean Variables of Coastal Economic Welfare
Questionnaire Statement
The presence of a
waterfront can be
Opening Jobs for the
The existence of a
waterfront opens up
opportunities for people to
trade (café or shop
food and drink)
The existence of a
waterfront provides an
opportunity for the
community to open a
business in the service
sector (renting a canoe,
boat, or
Andi Setiawan, Ghina Firyaliani Zalfa
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 982
The existence of a
waterfront creates jobs
in making souvenirs or
With the waterfront, the
surrounding community
no longer has trouble
The waterfront can
increase income for
Surrounding community
Mean Amount
Number of Variable
Total Mean
Source: Processed by Researchers, 2023
Based on the findings of research data in Table 4.14 recapitulation of the mean
value of coastal economic welfare variables, from the answers of 100 respondents, a
total mean of 3.46 was obtained which was in the interval range of 3.264 including the
category of strongly agree or other words waterfront city can greatly develop the coastal
economic welfare of the surrounding community. This is because many people feel that
after this waterfront they can open job opportunities, such as opening food stalls, canoe
rental services, and also souvenir making services.
Based on the results of field surveys, the types of economic activities in the
waterfront city area of Kampung Beting are food and beverage traders starting from
Rp1,000-Rp25,000, small stalls with varying prices, canoe, boat, tour boat or speedboat
rentals ranging from Rp10,000 Rp15,000 per person, photography and souvenir
services starting from Rp5,000, and paid public toilets of Rp2,000/user.
Quite a lot of people spend their time in the afternoon just relaxing in this
waterfront area. Not a few people are also interested in circling the Kapuas River using
canoes that have been rented by the local community to enjoy the beautiful scenery of
the Kapuas River. In fact, once a year before Eid al-Fitr, local people enliven the night
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 983
of Tagbilaran by lighting carbide cannons along the waterfront city area. This has
become a tradition that is carried out from year to year. This carbide cannon ignition
event certainly invites a lot of interest from the people of Pontianak City because this
event is a highly anticipated event for them. People flocked to the waterfront city area of
Kampung Beting to enjoy the carbide cannon war.
Many tourists who come then affect the economy of the local community which
provides a variety of entertainment and culinary to be enjoyed by tourists. That way
local people who were initially slumped in a cycle of poverty due to high
unemployment slowly regained hope in improving their economy through this
2. Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
1. Simple Regression Test
Table 4
Uji Regresi Sederhana
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Coastal Economic Prosperity
b. Predictors: (Constant), Waterfront City
Based on the Dtput of the study above, it is known that the calculated F value is
97.440 with a significance value of 0.000 or less than (<) 0.05. Thus, it can be said that
various waterfront city has a significant effect on the variable of coastal economic
welfare. The findings of this study are in line with research related to waterfront cities
conducted by (Suryanto & Devi, n.d.) Bangun Eddi on people living on the banks of the
Kapuas River, where it is said that before this development, people were still not
interested in visiting the area so this area was less known by many people.20 However,
after the construction of the waterfront, public interest increased because the place was
much more attractive so that it was known by the crowd.
The number of tourists who visit the waterfront area of Kampung Beting has an
impact on improving the economy of the surrounding community. Based on
observations in the field, not a few people who visit the waterfront of Kampung Beting
enjoy snacks provided by local people. Canoe/boat rental services have also succeeded
in attracting tourists, especially among young people. They rented the canoe to surround
the Kapuas River while enjoying the surrounding scenery.
Then for tourists who visit the Kadariah Palace, local people also offer various
souvenirs as a characteristic of the area. These things make people happy to visit the
waterfront in the Kampung Beting area, because not only does it present scenery, but
they are also treated to various dishes and entertainment so they don't feel bored. Of
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course, this has a good impact on the local communities who provide these services
because then their economy can improve little by little.
2. Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Table 5
Uji Kufisen determinasi (R2)
R Square
Std. Error of
a. Predictors: (Constant), Waterfront City
b. Dependent Variable: Coastal Economic Prosperity
The results of the coefficient of determination show that the percentage of coastal
economic welfare variables after being influenced by the waterfront city variable
obtained an R Square value of 0.540 or if converted in percentage form it becomes
0.540 x 100% = 54%. That is, the influence of waterfront city variables on coastal
economic welfare variables is 54%. In the R Square column, the result of the coefficient
of determination for the simultaneous influence of coastal economic welfare variables
on waterfront city variables is obtained R Square of 0.540. After interpretation in the R
Square guideline, the number is in the interval range of > 0.51 or falls into the strong
The percentage of economic welfare variables is influenced by the waterfront city
variable of 54%, which means that the income of the community is mostly dependent on
economic activities in the waterfront city area. However, it does not mean that their
income is entirely dependent on economic activities in the waterfront area alone, but
also on fishing activities or as fishermen considering that in the Kampung Beting area,
there is a fairly large market, as well as industrial activities located around the area.
However, the largest sector that is their source of income remains this economic
Waterfront City built along the Kapuas River, covering the area of Kampung
Beting, is a well-known tourist attraction in Pontianak and is one of the government's
priorities in maximizing tourism objects in Pontianak to attract as many local and
foreign tourists as possible. Traveling to this waterfront area does not need to require a
lot of money or money because its location is not so far from the city center, which is
less than 1 hour so it can be reached using private or public vehicles. This waterfront
provides interesting and unique entertainment such as canoe, boat, or boat rentals to go
around the Kapuas River so that respondents feel entertained by the rental of these
services. Not only that but this waterfront area also provides a variety of culinary and
there are quite a lot of food stalls opened by the local community at affordable prices so
that all people can enjoy the dishes while enjoying the surrounding scenery. This is the
main attraction for people to visit the area because not only presents scenery but they
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 985
are also treated to a variety of entertainment and culinary at affordable prices. The large
number of people who come to visit this area is then used as an opportunity or
opportunity for local people to open various types of businesses. This then increases
their economic welfare gradually.
The income per day for local people who carry out economic activities in this
waterfront area is Rp300,000 for food and beverage traders, stalls of Rp350,000/day,
canoe/speedboat rentals of Rp300,000/day, tour boat rentals (large boats) of
Rp1,000,000/day, and photography and souvenir services of Rp50,000/day.
1. Partial Test (t count)
Table 6
Uji Parsial (t hitung)
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Coastal Economic Welfare
Based on the findings of research on the influence of the waterfront city on the
coastal economy of the Kampung Beting community, a significance value of 0.00 or
less than (<) 0.05 was obtained. This means that the hypothesis (H1) which states that
there is an influence of waterfront city development (X) on the economic welfare of the
coast (Y) of Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City, is significantly
accepted and supported.
The magnitude of the influence of the waterfront city on the coastal economic
welfare of the people of Kampung Beting obtained an Unstandardized Coefficients Beta
(β) value of 0.783. This means that for every 1% increase in the value of the waterfront
city, the value of coastal economic welfare will increase by 0.783. The regression
coefficient is positive so it can be said that the direction of influence of the waterfront
city variable on the coastal economic welfare variable is positive.
This is certainly in line with the objectives of waterfront city development carried
out by the government as stated in Pontianak City Regional Regulation Number 2 of
2013 where it is said that the strategy of determining strategic areas from the point of
economic, socio-cultural interests, utilization of natural resources and/or high
technology as well as the function and carrying capacity of the environment, one of
which is by developing tourism activities, recreation, and nature protection in the
suburbs and bodies of the Kapuas River with the concept of waterfront city.
The things that make people interested and feel comfortable to return to visit the
waterfront city area of Kampung Beting are the facilities and infrastructure that are
quite good. This is evidenced by the public toilets and prayer rooms provided for
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 986
visitors have been reorganized or not shabby. This is then one of the reasons why
visitors feel comfortable when visiting Kampung Beting. According to Surwanto,
facilities and infrastructure are one of the supports to serve tourists who come to the
area.21 In addition to the facilities and infrastructure, the variety of culinary and
entertainment offered then makes tourists feel not bored to visit this area. Because the
entertainment in Pontianak City is so minimal. Thus, when local people offer boat,
canoe, and canoe rental services to just play in the Kapuas River area, it is certainly
considered something different and interesting for the people of Pontianak City. No
wonder the people of Pontianak never get tired of visiting the waterfront area of
Kampung Beting.
1. Statistical Test F
Table 7
Uji Statistik F
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Coastal Economic Prosperity
b. Predictors: (Constant), Waterfront City
Based on the results of the above research related to ANOVA, it is known the
simultaneous influence of the waterfront city on the coastal economic welfare of the
people of Kampung Beting, obtained a calculated F value of 97,440 with a significance
value of 0,000. Because the significance value of 0.00 or less than (<) 0.05 means that
there is a simultaneous influence of waterfront city on the coastal economic welfare of
the people of Kampung Beting. That way the hypothesis can be accepted and supported.
This research proves that the more the value or quality of the waterfront city is
improved, the more the coastal economic welfare of the surrounding community. The
factors that can increase the value of the waterfront city itself are the existing facilities
and infrastructure considering that this section received the lowest score by the
respondents even though the existing facilities and infrastructure are already included in
the good category. For example, such as providing tour packages for local tourists who
come from outside Pontianak or even foreign tourists so that they also know the history
of Kampung Beting and its contents while circling the area. The reason is, when tourists
come to the waterfront city area they only focus on the scenery presented. It is
unfortunate if they do not know the history contained in it.
In addition, the aesthetics of cafes or shops in the area can be improved again so
that it can attract more tourists. It is said that because based on observations in the field,
most tourists who visit the waterfront city area are teenagers who are very fanatical
about aesthetic things. Just imagine if the café or shop is made as attractive as possible
like the cafes along the canal in Amsterdam. This destination will certainly have the
The Effect Of Waterfront City Development On The Economic Welfare Of Coastal
Communities (Study In Beting Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City)
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 987
potential to be the best destination in Pontianak City considering that tourist
destinations in this city are quite minimal.
From the results of the study, it can be seen that the waterfront city in Kampung
Beting is successful in improving the economy of coastal communities when viewed
from the perspective of Korten where it is said that development will succeed if 3
elements are compatible; program, implementer, and program target. The development
of the waterfront city is based on various things found in the Kampung Beting area as
mentioned earlier, namely potential slum areas, for that the government as an
implementing element turns the area into a waterfront city area which then attracts
much public interest to visit the area. Seeing this potential, the people of Kampung
Beting took the initiative to open various businesses to revive their economy such as
opening food stalls, renting their boats for tourists who want to surround the Kapuas
River, and selling various kinds of souvenirs. Based on the respondents' answers and
data processing results, their economy can improve or improve. However, various
improvements or improvements are still needed so that the quality of this waterfront
becomes even better.
Research shows that waterfront city is included in the category of positive images
that can improve economic welfare in coastal Kampung Betting. The attractive
waterfront state has succeeded in attracting tourists to visit the area, providing
opportunities for local people to open various types of businesses such as boat rentals,
taverns, or cafes, as well as souvenir sales. Based on the results of simultaneous tests
(ANOVA), waterfront city together has a significant effect on the economic welfare of
coastal communities in Kampung Beting. The influence is quite strong with an R square
value of 0.540. The results of the coefficient of determination showed that as much as
54% of the variation in coastal economic welfare could be explained by waterfront city
variables, while the rest was influenced by other factors not studied in this study.
Andi Setiawan, Ghina Firyaliani Zalfa
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