pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i8.669 930
Trenggana Natadirja
, Habibullah Akbar
, Gerry Firmansyah
, Budi Tjahjono
Esa Unggul University Jakarta, Indonesia
: 04-08-2023
: 08-08-2023
: 09-08-2023
Recommendation systems have now become an important part of a
digital service, one example is e-commerce. The facts show that the
COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on customers by
making them spend more time surfing online to get daily necessities
products by shopping on e-commerce sites. With the rapid development
of deep learning technology today, of course, it can be used to help in
terms of the process of producing a product image-based
recommendation system that has a fairly high level of similarity. This
study will discuss how to produce an image-based product
recommendation system architecture by comparing the results of the
application of algorithms 8 pre-trained models that are available and
have also been widely used in various studies and the information
technology industry. The dataset used is product images sourced from
the kalcare.com website. After testing the pre-trained model, then an
application prototype was made to be tested then in the final stage of
this research a poll was conducted to determine the response and
opinion of users to the protopine recommendation system made for e-
commerce kalcare.com using deep learning.
Keywords: recommendation
system; e-commerce; picture;
deep learning.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The massive development of internet technology today and also the COVID-19
pandemic has an impact on the fact that customers are increasingly spending more time
surfing online to get their daily necessities products including healthy food, nutrition,
and medicine (Bhatti et al., 2020). This was also explained by Orinaldi (Laming, 2020)
that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the trend of using e-commerce increased quite
drastically. Coupled with restrictions on the movement of people, the choice of
shopping online is one of the main choices (Hanifah & Rahadi, 2020).
Kalcare.com is an online buying and selling site based in Indonesia that presents
the best quality health products from various brands, making it easier for Indonesian
people to be able to meet their needs in nutrition and medicine. Currently, kalcare.com
websites have text-based product search features, but everyone's ability to describe the
desired product in text form is certainly different, even often users do not get the
appropriate search results. Image-based search has several potential advantages when
compared to text-based (Goel, 2017). First, it can be faster and more intuitive, just by
uploading or taking a photo of an image and then doing a search. Second, language
E-Commerce Product Image-Based Recommendation System Kalcare.Com Using Deep
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 931
agnostic, which is becoming increasingly important as online shopping goes global, and
also doesn't require customers to get acquainted with the terminology used by e-
commerce sites for the type of merchandise they're looking for.
Based on the conditions mentioned above, this study made an architectural design
of an image-based product recommendation system, with input queries in the form of
images, which will search and display the most similar images, where users can use
images of the products they want to buy or also to search for similar products visually,
to find the products they want more quickly and interactively. Then to get a direct
response from users, it is necessary to make a prototype recommendation system, and
then conduct a poll.
A. Recommendation System
Recommender Systems, hereinafter abbreviated to RSS, is a subclass of
information filtering systems that generally aim to predict the rating or preference that
will be given to users of an item or product (Sulthana, Gupta, Subramanian, & Mirza,
B. Content-Based Image Retrieval
Content-Based Image Retrieval (Content-Based Image Retrieval) hereinafter can
be called CBIR known as queries against image content and content-based visual
information retrieval, namely the application of computer vision techniques to image
capture problems, namely the problem of searching for digital images in large
databases. CBIR is used to search in an image database to retrieve images of visual
content similar to the specified query image (Jenni, Mandala, & Sunar, 2015).
C. Deep Learning
Deep learning, also known as deep structured learning, is part of a broader
machine learning method based on artificial neural networks with representation
learning (Appalaraju & Chaoji, 2017). Deep learning architectures such as deep neural
networks, deep belief networks, deep reinforcement learning, recurrent neural networks,
and convolutional neural networks have been applied to areas including computer
vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, machine translation,
bioinformatics, drug design, medical image analysis, material inspection, and board
game programs, which can produce output comparable to and in some cases exceed
performance human experts (Schmidhuber, 2015).
D. Cosine Similarity
To produce the similarity value between one image and another, calculations are
carried out using the cosine similarity formula, which is the size of the similarity
between two nonzero vectors from the product space in the input image and the image
dataset that has been prepared. It is defined as equal to the cosine of the angles between
images, which is also equal to the inner product of the same vector normalized for both
having a length of 1 (Patra et al., 2020), as described in Figure 1 below.
Trenggana Natadirja, Habibullah Akbar, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahjono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 932
Picture. 1 Cosine Similarity Formula
Research Methods
The stages/steps and methods carried out in this study are as follows:
Picture. 2 Research Steps
Picture. 2 explain the steps taken in this study, starting from identifying problems,
determining solutions to be carried out, preparing product drawings, and preparing pre-
trained models (ResNet50, VGG19, VGG16, InceptionV3, NasnetMobile, MobileNet,
MobileNet, MobileNetV2, Xception) that will be used, creating algorithms to generate
image recommendations, conducting the Transfer Learning process, getting pre-trained
models that produce image recommendations with The highest level of similarity,
prototyping a web-based recommendation system, conducting polls to users, to
documenting conclusions.
1. Dataset
This study used an image dataset sourced from the kalcare.com website with a
product count of around 5,256 items (as of 2021). The dataset taken is an image of
products that are still actively sold on the e-commerce with JPG/JPEG (Joint
Photographic Experts Group) image format.
2. Pre-processing Dataset
Before processing calculations to produce the level of similarity to the image, an
initial stage or commonly called pre-processing datasets is needed which aims to reduce
the amount of work done by the machine, speed up time and increase accuracy. The
initial stage is to create and implement a SQL (Structured Query Language) query
against a database of e-commerce products kalcare.com that have an active status of sale
and have product images to get the URL location (Uniform Resource Locator) of the
E-Commerce Product Image-Based Recommendation System Kalcare.Com Using Deep
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 933
image. The query results obtained were then exported into CSV (Comma Separated
Values) file format, then scripted using Python programming language which serves to
download product images from the server to the local computer. In the script, in
addition to functioning to download images, there is also a function to resize images to
have the same pixel size, which is 240x240 pixels.
3. Training Process
The training process in this study uses eight (8) pre-trained models, then utilizes
transfer learning (Transfer Learning) to adjust the model to the task given (Mira,
Sembiring, & Purnomo, 2022).
Picture. 3 Ideas from Transfer Learning
Picture. 3 Explain the idea and process overview of Transfer Learning. To
simplify and speed up this process, the Keras library is used, a Deep Learning
Application Programming Interface (API) written in Python programming language that
runs on a machine learning platform called TensorFlow (Sanchez, Romero, & Morales,
2020). It was developed with a focus on allowing experiments to be carried out quickly.
To predict the final feature on the last layer of the predicted 1,000 labels, it is necessary
to redesign the model to remove the prediction layer (Dagan, Guy, & Novgorodov,
Trenggana Natadirja, Habibullah Akbar, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahjono
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 934
Picture. 4 Cosine similarity calculation algorithm based on CNN feature extraction approach
Figure. 4 describes a cosine similarity calculation algorithm based on the CNN
feature extraction approach for object recognition, freezes the initial convolution layer
of the network and trains only the last few layers that make predictions. The idea is that
convolution layers extract common low-level features that apply throughout the image
(such as edges, patterns, gradients) and further layer identify specific features in the
image such as eyes or wheels. Thus, we can use networks trained on unrelated
categories in large data sets (for example: Imagenet) and apply them to the problems
discussed in this study because there are low-level universal features shared among
images, therefore the Imagenet data set and the knowledge that models learn in
Imagenet can be easily transferred into the processing of product images kalcare.com
(Alamdari, Navimipour, Hosseinzadeh, Safaei, &; Darwesh, 2022).
Results and Discussion
In this study, tests were carried out using pre-trained models that have been
determined and prepared before, namely: resnet50, vgg19, vgg16, mobv2,
nasnetmobile, mobile net, incepv3, and exception. The selection of images used in this
test is random from a pre-prepared corpus. The test aims to display 5 images that have
the highest degree of similarity. The testing process was run in an online Google Collab
environment with considerations such as being able to harness the full power of popular
Python libraries to analyze and visualize data, simply run in the browser without
performing complex configurations, get free CPU access, and be easy to share code
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 935
with colleagues and colleagues. Picture. 5 Displays examples of products tested to
produce the most similar product recommendations. Picture. The 6-13 displays product
recommendations resulting from each pre-trained model.
Picture. 5 Examples of tested products
Picture. 6 Test results of pre-trained model incepv3
Picture. 7 Mobilenet model pre-trained test results
Picture. 8 Pre-trained test results of mobv2 model
Picture. 9 nasnetmobile model pre-trained test results
Picture. 10 Resnet50 model pre-trained test results
Picture. 11 vgg16 model pre-trained test results
Trenggana Natadirja, Habibullah Akbar, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahjono
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Picture. 12 vgg19 model pre-trained test results
Picture. 13 Xception model pre-trained test results
From the test results, it can be seen and compared visually that the one that
produces product recommendations with the best level of similarity is the resnet50 pre-
trained model. Furthermore, to get responses and responses from users, a prototype
image-based recommendation system was made that was applied to web browsers, as
seen in the image. 14.
Picture. 14 Prototypes of Image-Based Recommendation Systems
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The poll is conducted as a preliminary reference before the research results will be
implemented in the production environment of the kalcare.com website. This was
followed by 52 respondents, all of whom were employees working at kalcare.com. They
fill out a poll through the Google form facility at https://forms.gle/J5LufG4Z1oKz11jg7
address with the condition that they must have tried the prototype of the
recommendation system. The number of questions asked is 5, namely:
a. Prefer to search for products by typing text or image-based?
b. Is it easier to search for image-based products?
c. Is image-based product search more intuitive?
d. Is the image-based product search stage faster?
e. Does the existence of image-based product search make you come back to shop
The results of the poll can be seen in the picture. The following 15-19:
Picture. 15 First-question survey results
Picture. 16 Second question survey results
Picture. 17 Third-question survey results
Trenggana Natadirja, Habibullah Akbar, Gerry Firmansyah, Budi Tjahjono
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Picture. 18 Survey results fourth question
Picture. 19 Fifth question survey results
In this section, it can be concluded that from the results of trials on eight (8) pre-
trained models that have been selected, subjectively ResNet50 is the one that can
produce visual product image recommendations with the most relevant level of
similarity. For the results of the poll on the prototype of the image-based
recommendation system, the majority of respondents are still accustomed to searching
for images by giving input in the form of text input rather than images (51.9%).
Searching for image-based products is easier, so it is very helpful for respondents in the
process of finding the product they want (75%). The majority of respondents feel that
image-based product search is more intuitive (76.9%). According to respondents,
image-based product searches are perceived to be faster than text-based (73.1%).
Image-based product search is very positive, so it can make respondents want to return
to shopping (80.8%).
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