pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i8.668 896
Daniel Susilo
, Harliantara
Multimedia Nusantara University Tanggerang, Indonesia
, Dr. Soetomo University
Surabaya, Indonesia
: 03-08-2023
: 08-08-2023
: 09-08-2023
VOI (Voice of Indonesia) is a professional media in their respective
field, that exists and works for Indonesian development. Their content
is dominated by cultural promotion and tourism but it’s not delivered
subtly. This paper would asses the sense of belonging on VOI
broadcast by RRI as an English worldwide broadcast. Content analysis
by Krippendorf was used as a methodology to assess the Instagram post
by VOI. As a result, VOI can’t be like VICE, subtly presenting
information and their dynamic of phrases. This alarms Indonesia to
stand out more in international affairs; therefore Indonesia won’t be
seen as a country with empty offer.
Keywords: Content Analysis;
VOI; International Affair;
Sense of Belonging.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Nationalism with traditionalism is a multifaceted ideology that intertwines a love
for one's country with a strong emphasis on preserving and adhering to traditional
values, customs, and cultural heritage (Roslidah & Komara, 2017). As a political and
social stance, it seeks to forge a cohesive and unified national identity while
safeguarding the historical roots and time-honored practices that have shaped the
nation's character over time.
Nationalism, when combined with traditionalism, originates from a profound
sentiment of pride and emotional connection towards one's nation, encompassing its
historical background and its populace (Chu, Lien, & Cao, 2019). This variant of
nationalism places significant emphasis on the primacy of national autonomy, cultural
distinctiveness, and a collective perception of a predetermined future among the
populace. Advocates of this particular ideology frequently maintain the viewpoint that a
robust nation is constructed upon the bedrock of its shared historical narrative, linguistic
heritage, religious practices, and cultural traditions. The preservation of cultural heritage
and ancestral rituals is a significant aspect of nationalism intertwined with
traditionalism. Traditionalists argue that these practices not only contribute to the
establishment of a collective identity and the preservation of cultural heritage but also
play a crucial role in shaping individuals' ethical framework and leading societal
behavior towards morally upright paths. Traditional values can be defined as the set of
beliefs and principles that encompass all aspects of society, including family structures,
religious practices, and social conventions. Advocates of traditional values assert that
Voice Of Indonesia And Sense Of Belonging In Media: A Content Analysis
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 897
these elements play a crucial role in upholding social order and fostering social
The ideology of nationalism, when combined with traditionalism, places
significant importance on the preservation of continuity in governance and institutions.
It advocates for a gradual approach to change that aligns with the nation's historical
trajectory. This viewpoint frequently encounters conflicts with swift social or political
changes, as adherents of traditionalism perceive these as possible risks to the stability
and unity of the nation (Nurrahmi & Putra, 2019). Through the deliberate cultivation of
a robust historical continuum, individuals endeavor to achieve an equilibrium between
advancement and conservation, thereby safeguarding the fundamental principles that
delineate the nation against the encroachment of contemporary influences. The
correlation between nationalism and traditionalism can also exert an impact on a
nation's perception of individuals from foreign countries and the formulation of
immigration laws. Supporters of this ideology may perceive mass immigration and the
process of assimilating foreign cultures as potential challenges to their national identity
and traditional values. Frequently, individuals advocate for more stringent immigration
regulations to safeguard their cultural legacy from dilution. They underscore the
importance of newcomers assimilating into and demonstrating reverence for the
established practices and beliefs (Musa, Mulyana, Bajari, & Navarro, 2020).
Nevertheless, the combination of nationalism and traditionalism is not without its
problems. Critics contend that a rigorous commitment to historical traditions has the
potential to impede societal advancement and curtail personal liberties. It is argued that
the adoption of such an ideology has the potential to sustain and perpetuate social
disparities and prejudiced treatment, given that certain cultural customs and practices
may be inherently oppressive or influenced by biased convictions (Widyaningrum &
Dugis, 2018). The task of reconciling the preservation of tradition with the advancement
of social justice and inclusivity emerges as a fundamental dilemma for societies that
embrace this concept. The phenomenon of nationalism coupled with traditionalism has
been increasingly recognized in diverse regions across the globe in recent years. The
phenomenon of globalization and its quick pace of change has raised apprehensions
regarding the potential loss of cultural diversity and the weakening of national identities
(Susilo & Sugihartati, 2021). Consequently, several individuals have sought comfort in
safeguarding their cultural heritage and upholding traditional practices. Moreover, the
proliferation of technology and the internet has accelerated the dissemination of ideas,
enabling those with similar ideologies to establish connections and reinforce their
collective convictions, irrespective of geographical boundaries. The interconnected
network of nationalist traditionalists on a worldwide scale has played a significant role
in facilitating the dissemination of ideas and fostering the exchange of many regional
manifestations of this particular ideology (Widyaningrum & Dugis, 2018).
Nationalism with traditionalism represents an ideology that marries a profound
love for one's country with a dedication to preserving cultural heritage and historical
customs (Brubaker, 2012). By cherishing traditional values and institutions, proponents
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seek to forge a cohesive national identity while maintaining continuity with the past.
While this ideology can foster a strong sense of pride and unity, it must navigate the
complexities of balancing tradition with progress, addressing issues of inclusivity, and
accommodating a changing world (Dawisha, 2002). As the global landscape continues
to evolve, the role of nationalism with traditionalism in shaping societies will
undoubtedly remain a subject of ongoing debate and exploration.
In the realm of news media, the sense of belonging is a fundamental aspect that
impacts how individuals perceive, interact with, and trust the information they consume.
The news media plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion, disseminating
information, and reflecting the diversity of perspectives within society. To foster a sense
of belonging within news media, it is essential to prioritize inclusivity, accuracy,
transparency, and engagement. In this article, we explore how a strong sense of
belonging in news media contributes to a healthier and more informed society.
The first step towards creating a sense of belonging in news media is through
inclusivity and representation (Liu, Shao, & Fan, 2018). A diverse range of voices and
perspectives should be reflected in the news content, ensuring that it resonates with
various communities and demographics. By showcasing stories that represent the
experiences and struggles of different groups, news media can connect with readers on a
personal level, allowing them to see themselves and their communities reflected in the
stories they read. Moreover, representation is not just about covering diverse topics, but
also about having a diverse workforce within news organizations. Including journalists,
editors, and decision-makers from various backgrounds helps in presenting a broader
array of viewpoints and challenges the biases inherent in media coverage.
A strong sense of belonging is closely tied to trust and credibility. When news
media outlets demonstrate accuracy, accountability, and transparency in their reporting,
they foster trust among their audiences (Farivar, Wang, & Turel, 2022). People are more
likely to feel a sense of belonging to a news organization that consistently provides
reliable information and corrects errors when they occur. Furthermore, maintaining a
commitment to journalistic ethics and fact-checking is crucial in this digital age where
misinformation and fake news can spread rapidly. When news media outlets prioritize
accuracy, they reinforce the idea that their primary goal is to inform the public rather
than merely generate attention or revenue.
Polarization and bias are two significant challenges that can hinder a sense of
belonging in news media. Partisan reporting and sensationalized content can exacerbate
societal divisions, pushing people further away from the news rather than drawing them
in. To address this issue, news outlets must strive for balanced reporting that presents
multiple perspectives and avoids favoring one side over another. Acknowledging and
addressing biases within newsrooms is equally important. News media organizations
should implement diversity and sensitivity training to promote awareness of
unconscious biases and create a more inclusive news environment (Schäfer & Eerola,
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A sense of belonging thrives when individuals feel connected to the news media
actively. With the rise of digital platforms and social media, news outlets have the
opportunity to engage with their audiences on a more personal level. Encouraging
reader feedback, responding to comments, and incorporating interactive elements such
as polls or surveys can help news media establish a sense of community and foster a
two-way dialogue. Furthermore, leveraging user-generated content can create a sense of
belonging by involving the audience directly in the news creation process. This
approach not only enhances the diversity of perspectives but also empowers readers to
see themselves as contributors to the news media landscape (Lufthansa & Susilo, 2022).
Local news plays a crucial role in cultivating a sense of belonging within
communities. It helps people stay informed about issues directly affecting them,
fostering a sense of shared identity and responsibility (Dutta, Lanvin, & Wunsch-
Vincent, 2016). By highlighting the achievements, challenges, and events in local
communities, news media can promote a greater sense of attachment and belonging
among readers. Unfortunately, many local news outlets have faced economic challenges
and closures in recent years, leading to "news deserts" in various regions. Reviving and
supporting local news is essential for creating a more connected and informed society.
In conclusion, the sense of belonging in news media is an essential factor in
shaping the public's perception and engagement with information. To foster this sense
of belonging, news outlets must prioritize inclusivity, representation, trust, and
engagement. By reflecting diverse perspectives, promoting accuracy, combatting bias,
and engaging with their audiences actively, news media can contribute to a healthier,
more informed, and connected society (Pang, 2020). Ultimately, a strong sense of
belonging in news media strengthens democracy and enables individuals to participate
meaningfully in their communities and the broader world.
Cultural promotion presents an additional challenge in distinguishing between
cultural preservation and cultural revival. While both aim to protect a community's
heritage, they differ in approach. Preservation focuses on safeguarding existing
traditions and practices, ensuring their continuity for future generations. Revival, on the
other hand, seeks to breathe life into forgotten or endangered customs that may have
fallen into disuse. This challenge emerges when deciding which aspects of a culture to
emphasize. Too much emphasis on revival can create an inauthentic representation of
the culture, losing its true essence. Conversely, focusing solely on preservation may
stifle creativity and adaptation, preventing cultural growth and evolution.
The rise of globalization has intensified the challenge of traditionalism and
cultural promotion. As societies become more interconnected, cultures interact and
influence one another. While this cross-pollination can enrich cultures, it can also lead
to cultural homogenization. Globalization can erode unique cultural practices and
replace them with more mainstream, universally accepted norms. This raises questions
about the preservation of cultural diversity and the potential loss of cultural identity in
the face of globalization.
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The challenge of traditionalism and cultural promotion is a multifaceted and
delicate endeavor being the research objective. Balancing tradition with the need for
progress, preserving cultural identity amid the forces of globalization, and
distinguishing between preservation and revival all require thoughtful consideration. By
fostering open dialogue, embracing cultural diversity, and encouraging the interplay
between tradition and innovation, societies can navigate these challenges successfully
and cultivate a vibrant cultural tapestry for future generations.
Research Methods
Content analysis is a research method used to systematically analyze textual,
visual, or audio material to derive meaningful insights and identify patterns. Within
content analysis, two primary approaches exist: quantitative and qualitative. In this
exploration, we delve into the qualitative method of content analysis, which
emphasizes understanding the deeper meanings, interpretations, and context behind the
data. This approach allows researchers to uncover rich and nuanced information,
making it a valuable tool for investigating complex phenomena. The fundamental goal
of qualitative content analysis is to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter by
examining the content in its natural context. It focuses on the quality and depth of data
rather than numerical measurements, and it allows researchers to explore individual
experiences, opinions, emotions, and attitudes (Lufthansa & Susilo, 2022). The method
is commonly employed in fields such as sociology, psychology, education, and
communication studies to analyze interviews, focus groups, social media content,
documents, and more.
The process of conducting qualitative content analysis typically involves several
key steps. First, researchers begin by formulating research questions or objectives,
guiding their exploration. Then, they define the unit of analysis, which can range from
a single word to entire documents, depending on the research scope and objectives.
Next, data collection commences, and researchers may employ methods such as in-
depth interviews, observation, or the collection of existing texts and media. Once data
is collected, the process of coding takes place. Coding is the heart of qualitative content
analysis, involving the systematic categorization and labeling of data according to
emerging themes or patterns. Researchers immerse themselves in the data, reading and
re-reading it to identify recurrent ideas, emotions, concepts, or behaviors. These codes
create the building blocks for analysis, enabling the researcher to draw connections and
insights from the content.
During the analysis, the researcher maintains reflexivity, recognizing their own
biases and preconceptions that may influence the interpretation of data. Validity and
reliability are ensured through the use of multiple coders or peer review, enhancing the
rigor of the findings. One of the significant advantages of qualitative content analysis is
its flexibility. Unlike rigid quantitative methods, qualitative content analysis allows
researchers to adapt and refine their coding scheme as new patterns and themes emerge
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during the analysis. This flexibility permits the exploration of unexpected areas,
encouraging a holistic understanding of the data.
Another crucial aspect of qualitative content analysis is its interpretive nature.
Researchers are encouraged to delve into the underlying meanings and context of the
data, considering cultural, social, and historical influences. This emphasis on context
helps avoid oversimplification and fosters a more profound appreciation of the
complexities inherent in the content. However, qualitative content analysis also comes
with certain challenges. As the process relies heavily on the researcher's judgment and
interpretation, the findings may be subjective to some extent. Additionally, the time-
consuming nature of qualitative analysis can be a limiting factor, especially when
dealing with vast volumes of data (Laksono, 2021).
To mitigate these challenges, researchers often employ computer-assisted
qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS). These tools aid in organizing and
managing large datasets, facilitating the coding process, and enhancing reliability. In
conclusion, the qualitative method of content analysis is a powerful research approach
that allows researchers to explore the depth and complexity of textual, visual, and audio
content. By emphasizing context, interpretation, and understanding, qualitative content
analysis provides valuable insights into the intricacies of human experiences, opinions,
and behaviors. It continues to be an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to
comprehend complex phenomena and contribute to the advancement of knowledge
across various disciplines.
Analysis Technique
The analysis technique will be taking the content data from @voi__official, the
chosen data will be put inside a table. The data is chosen according to culture-related
content. After completing data collection, the data will be analyzed with qualitative
content analysis.
Results and Discussion
Cultural promotion
Three years after being
halted due to the Covid-19
pandemic, the Baliem Valley
Cultural Festival will return in
August 2023. Thousands of
tourists are targeted to attend the
festival which is an icon of
Papuan tourism
Stay tuned for more information
Daniel Susilo, Harliantara
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 902
in the Keliling Indonesia
program Wednesday, August 2,
2023, at 09.15 WIB (GMT +7)
Cultural Promotion
A very beautiful, unique,
and amazing fashion carnival in
Jember, East Java is about to be
held hair! Especially if it's not
Want to know what the
excitement of the event will be?
Stay tuned for the Keliling
Indonesia program Wednesday,
July 26, 2023, at 09.15 WIB
(GMT +7) only on the RRIplay
Go views. id and application.
Click the link in the bio.
After a three-year hiatus
due to the pandemic, the 14th
Indonesian Trade and Tourism
Promotion (ITTP 2023) will
return to Phnom Penh,
Cambodia in August. Not only
the exhibition of Indonesian
tourism products and
promotions, this event will also
promote Indonesian education,
culture, and cuisine.
What is the series of events?
Stay tuned for the Tuesday,
August 1 edition of the
Diplomacy Realm program at
12.35 WIB only on the RRIplay
Go views. id and application.
Click the link in the bio.
Cultural Promotion
Do VOI listeners live in
Canada, specifically in Toronto?
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 903
Miss Indonesian food?
Just come to the Indonesian
Food Festival 2023 held by
Consulate General RI Toronto
(@indonesiaintoronto). What
kind of food is there? Let's
follow more information in the
Diplomacy Realm program only
on the RRIplay Go views. id
and application.
Cultural Promotion
The Indonesian Consulate
General in Kuching
(@indonesiainkuching) held
Coffee Morning on July 12,
2023, by presenting an
Interactive Angklung activity
featuring Mrs. Aryati Peach as a
resource person and conductor.
She is also the conductor of the
angklung group at a Senior
Centre in Silver Spring, named
Margaret Schweinhaut. The
angklung group led by Mrs. Ari
is called "Schweinhaut
Angklung USA".
The activity which was carried
out at Wisma Konjen was
carried out under the
coordination of
@dwpkjrikuching Mrs. Angela
Widowati Nugroho who also
presented Indonesian specialties
in the form of Balinese rice,
satay lilit, green banana ice, and
traditional cakes.
Based on the data above, we gathered five contents in total. All of the contents
from VOI contained promotion of culture, hence most of the categories go to cultural
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promotion. Only one content is categorized as tourism, but even with tourism, it counts
as cultural expansion since tourism relies so much on cultural display (Hamdi, 2020).
a. Sense of Belonging Concept
Just like what is described in the literature review, with the finding that most of
the content is cultural promotion and tourism, it means that VOI has a strong sense of
belonging. This strong sense of belonging is part of the Indonesian naturalism agenda.
The government’s main idea of making Indonesia looks valuable is by selling its culture
and natural riches, this sense of belonging concept becomes Indonesian pride in
building international relations with a neighbouring country (Usman, 2022). The
cultural promotion is set to spread the agenda that Indonesia has natural resources and
cultural value, while at the same time, it doesn’t meet international expectations such as
Korean Wave or Japanese Anime culture which is preserved constantly in the industry
and education. While Sense of Belonging in VOI is good to light up the spirit of
nationalism towards Indonesia, it can backfire on the Indonesian creative adaptation
path in international affairs. The digital platform is the media to expand more creative
touch in promoting culture, however, the sense of belonging hindered its progress to be
more adaptable to the audience.
b. Tourism as Double-Edged Knife
One of the content promoted by VOI is the tourism category. The tourism
problem in Indonesia is pretty dire that it caused backlash to foreign digital nomads like
Kristen Gray. The tourism sector is one of the Indonesian priority services that they
think is a superior product to support their International affair. The tourism content itself
is still vulnerable due to the high exploitation of land and human resources. As noted
before in Kristen Gray’s case that local worker tends to get low payment as well as low
profit from their land. This is due to tourism tends to bring suffering to the natives
despite working in that industry. One of the malicious systems is the tipping system
preserved by Indonesia. The tipping system results in the country only providing low
payment instead of giving proper payment to the people. They assume that the amount
of money from tipping is bigger than the Indonesian minimum wage and currency,
hence those who can’t get the tip get an underpaid result which is equal to enlive slavery
in the modern day.
The conclusion from this research is that VOI content is too much relying on
government narrative and is not based on what’s adaptive for their audience or what’s
adaptive for their environment. This lacks of content innovation is caused by a strong
sense of belonging. What Indonesia wants to gain from that is strong nationalism, but
instead, it results in a lack of content innovation since not only their content is focused
on cultural promotion but also involves tourism as it is not enough to be a product with
high-tech advancement. Indonesia avoiding high-tech advancement is what caused their
dependency on cultural promotion and natural resources instead of making human
innovations. The phrase “Beauty is Wound” from Eka Kurniawan applies well between
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Indonesia and their natural resources. Indonesia perceived natural resources as an
unbeatable force; hence they have a strong dependency on what they see as an
unbeatable force. Whereas natural dependency results in them in perceiving their own
culture as a natural shape and delivery, when you want to promote Reog Ponorogo, you
just hold an event of actual Reog Ponorogo event without considering that the younger
generation had more difficulty in reception and adapting that informationgggggggggg.
This kind of landscape makes Indonesian cultural promotion looks premature and not
creative unlike South Korea and its K-wave or Japan and their Japanese Anime culture.
Japan and Korea, the way is that they have creativity and subtle delivery in their cultural
promotion instead of treating their audience with one-direction information. What VOI
did is professional but not meeting the requirements of international affairs quality.
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