Analysis of Railway Track Type Selection on the Lahat-Lubuklinggau Line
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4653
Based on the calculation results, the planned basic voltage on the R.42 rail is
1,725.20 kg/cm², greater than the permitted voltage of 1,410 kg/cm², so it is not eligible
for use. The voltage that occurred was also greater than the permitted voltage, which was
1,738.14 kg/cm² > 1,663 kg/cm². Therefore, the old rail of type R.42 is not feasible and
needs to be replaced with a stronger rail.
On the contrary, the calculation results on the R.54 rail show that the planned basic
voltage of 1094.31 kg/cm² is less than the permitted voltage of 1097 kg/cm², meeting the
set conditions. The voltage that occurs is also smaller than the allowable voltage for the
R.54 type rail road class, which is 1,097.18 kg/cm² < 1,663 kg/cm². Therefore, R. 54-type
rails are feasible to use.
Based on the results of the research on the revitalization of the Lahat-Lubuklinggau
railway line, the current cross-transport capacity is only around 1,838,390.40 tons per
year is expected to increase significantly to 5,924,001.60 tons per year with the operation
of the Babaranjang coal train: The construction conditions on the railroad show that the
R.42 rail is not suitable for use because the voltage that occurs (1,738.14 kg/cm²) exceeds
the allowable voltage (1,663 kg/cm²), while the R.54 rail is qualified because the voltage
that occurs (1,097.18 kg/cm²) is less than the allowable voltage, with the durability of the
R.54 rail estimated at 16-17 years without the Babaranjang train and 9-10 years with the
Babaranjang train; It is recommended that further research include a study of the
construction of the lower part of the railroad such as soil carrying capacity, subgrades,
ballasts, and supporting accessories so that the planning results are more accurate.
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