Indonesian Journal of Social Technology, Vol. 5, No. 10, October 2024 4456
(Suryawan, 2014). Social changes and modernization of life have changed consumption
patterns, lifestyles and social behaviours towards improved welfare (Adinda et al., 2022).
Facing the process of urban development, the city government is always faced with
various kinds of problems. One of the most important problems today and likely to happen
in the future is the limited ability of cities to provide housing for residents who continue
to grow and grow rapidly (Adawiyah et al., 2023).
Based on the history of urban growth in Indonesia, it can be traced that the housing
problem has never been completely addressed. This condition triggers the development
of illegal settlements that do not have a plan so they are slums (Hatuwe et al., 2021).
The problem of slums also occurs in coastal areas, including in the Coastal Area
around Liem Hie Djung which is located in North Nunukan Village, Nunukan Regency.
Nunukan Regency has great potential, especially in the trade sector because it is supported
by the role of Nunukan City as a transit city before traders make transactions to Malaysia
and vice versa (inter-island trade).
Economic activities in Nunukan City are growing rapidly in the Coastal Area
around Liem Hie Djung which is known as a trading landing point from and to Malaysia.
This condition causes the area to become crowded for job seekers in Nunukan City (Jones,
Along with time, in 2003 the Coastal Area around Liem Hie Djung changed with
the construction of a pier and a trading centre and was used as a strategic place for the
development of building spatial planning and coastal environment in Nunukan City. This
condition affects the increase in the number of job seekers who choose to settle in the area
so that from year to year the number of settlements without planning (slum settlements)
is increasing (Ardi & Rahmawati, 2019).
The slums that exist in the Coastal Area around Liem Hie Djung at this time can be
described through various conditions such as inadequate basic infrastructure of the
residential environment, the physical condition of residents' houses, and the low socio-
economic conditions of the community in the area (Hendriani et al., 2023).
The high level of slums in the coastal area around Liem Hie Djung hurts the health
of the surrounding community. Based on data obtained from the North Nunukan Village
Health Center, until 2005 the most common types of diseases suffered by the community,
especially children, were diarrhoea, upper respiratory tract infection (ISPA), and itchy
skin disease. This is a follow-up impact of unhealthy environmental conditions. In
addition, the slums in the area have a bad visual impact so it affects the physical
development and image of Nunukan City as the capital of the district (Lekipiouw, 2020).
This study aims to determine the level of slums in the Coastal Area around Liem
Hie Djung, identify the correlation between the factors causing slums and the level of
slums in the area, and formulate directions for the arrangement of physical buildings of
houses and basic infrastructure of the residential environment to create a healthy
environment and by healthy settlement standards. This research is useful for academics
as an addition to scientific discourse, providing input for the Nunukan Regency Regional
Government in formulating efforts to organize slum areas, helping coastal communities