pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i8.663 1142
Rafifrian Evandio
, Chusnul Mar’iyah
, Mulyadi
University of Indonesia Depok, Indonesia
: 04-08-2023
: 18-08-2023
: 19-08-2023
Political parties play a crucial role as a means of public political
participation and are expected to serve as institutions for educating the
public about politics. This creates an obligation for political parties to
provide political education to the public. This research aims to analyze
the role of political parties in implementing political education for the
public. The method used is a literature review. Data collection involves
studying various secondary sources, including books, scientific journals,
expert opinions, and other relevant sources related to the research
problem. The analysis is carried out descriptively and qualitatively to
elaborate on the research findings. Political parties are organized groups
with members who share common goals and values, primarily seeking
political power based on their policies. They encourage political
participation by seeking and educating the public to engage in political
activities. The function of political parties in providing political
education to the public aims to enhance the understanding of good
political culture among the public. Political parties can collaborate with
the public in conducting political education through political
socialization, political education, and campaigning. Such political
education should help prevent the occurrence of money politics, black
campaigns, and vote-buying during elections.
Keywords: political parties;
political education; general
elections; public political
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Indonesia is a democratic country, where the government stands based on the
mandate of the people, and at the same time, the people have the task to guard its
sustainability (Arifin, 2018). This then shows that the main strength of democracy lies in
the ability of its citizens to escort the process of government. Therefore, in the
implementation of democracy, the political role of the community is needed so that what
the community aspires to achieve for their country. This then shows the important role of
political participation (Sanusi, 2016).
The political participation of the Indonesian people in the last 6 general elections
can be said to be quite good (Wardhani, 2018). Figure 1 shows the level of political
participation of the Indonesian people in the last 6 general elections. This shows that there
is a fairly good participation rate in the general election of Oman in Indonesia which has
reached 81.9 percent in the 2019 Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, although it
can be noted that this has decreased to 76.9 percent in 2020 in the general election of
Review Of Political Representation Through Representative-Constituent Relations: Case Study
Of Members Of The Dpr-Ri 2014-2019 West Java Electoral District Ix Pdi-Struggle Faction
Maruarar Sirait
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1143
Regional Heads (Arniti, 2020). The decline may be due to its implementation during the
Covid-19 pandemic.
Figure 1
The level of political participation of the Indonesian people in the last 6 general
This then shows that although the level of political participation of the Indonesian
people can be said to be quite good, this shows a need for improvement (Sutrisman, 2019).
One of the efforts to increase the level of political participation in the community can be
achieved by conducting political education. Political education refers to a series of
activities and activities carried out to be able to fulfill the objectives of forming moral
values and shaping one's political orientation (Lestari, Azikin, & Rahim, 2020). Political
education in the field can encourage the level of public participation in state political
Political education is a process that teaches people about political values, norms,
and symbols, one of which is through the role of political parties (Rahman & Suharno,
2020). The constitution has given political parties responsibility for the means of political
participation. This then makes it an important part of the democratic state order and at the
same time a characteristic of political modernization in a country. The role of political
parties in carrying out political education has been mandated by the state through Law
Number 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties in Article 11 paragraph (1) letter a, which
reads: Political parties function as a means: political education for members and the wider
community to become Indonesian citizens who are aware of their rights and obligations
in the life of society, nation, and state (Nurdin, 2019).
People's participation in political activities must then be based on an adequate
understanding of politics. This requires adequate political education provided by political
parties. Political education carried out by political parties is not only limited to the cadres
of the political party itself but to all elements of society. Therefore, political parties then
have a role as a means of community political participation which must be supported by
Rafifrian Evandio, Chusnul Mar’iyah, Mulyadi
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their role as community political education institutions (Nurdin, 2019). This then presents
an obligation for political parties to provide political education to the public.
Political education is one of the important functions that must be played by political
parties. Political education is a process of teaching the public about political values,
norms, and symbols through the media in the form of schools, governments, and political
parties (Sukmawati & Rafni, 2020). Political education shows the process of learning
about political knowledge carried out to form politically aware individuals. According to
Kartono, political education leads to educational efforts so that it can create individuals
who are politically aware and have responsible political actors. Political education then
shows a conscious effort in interpreting the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and
society so that they understand and live the values contained in an ideal political system
that wants to be built in the context of society and the country in which they are located
(Sastrawati, 2021).
There have been various preliminary studies that have been conducted in analyzing
the role of political parties in political education to the public. Hermawan analyzed the
role of political parties in political education to the public with a focus on campaign
efforts carried out by political parties carried out through various media (Saputro, 2021).
Another research was conducted by analyzing based on the perspective of the legal
politics of the laws and regulations. In addition, some analyses are based on current
legislation and Islamic law. Analysis of the role of political parties in political education
has also been carried out through reviews that focus on specific parties, such as research
focusing on the Prosperous Justice Party. This can also be done by focusing on the area
of implementation of political education such as studies conducted in Medan City and
Campalagian District.
Based on the background of the study, this study aims to analyze the role of political
parties in political education for the community.
Research Methods
This research was carried out with a skin-active research method with a literature
study approach. A literature study is a scientific and theoretical study conducted on
several references in various scientific literature. The scientific literature can be in the
form of books, scientific journals, expert opinions, and so on. Therefore, data collection
in this study is carried out by conducting document studies on various secondary sources
including books, scientific journals, expert opinions, and other sources relevant to the
research problem. The data that has been collected is then analyzed descriptively-
qualitatively to describe the research findings. Qualitative descriptive analysis will
provide a simple qualitative approach where the explanation begins with an explanation
of an event that is the focus of research so that a generalization can then be drawn that is
used as a conclusion from the study. The validity and reliability of the data will be tested
using triangulation of data sources. In this case, the data obtained are cross-tested
between one source and another so that reliable and valid data is obtained.
Review Of Political Representation Through Representative-Constituent Relations: Case Study
Of Members Of The Dpr-Ri 2014-2019 West Java Electoral District Ix Pdi-Struggle Faction
Maruarar Sirait
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1145
Results and Discussion
1. Political education by political parties
Political parties can cooperate with the community in conducting political
education which in practice can be carried out with several efforts including the
a. Political socialization
Political socialization shows a series of processes that target a person so that he has
a certain attitude and orientation in the political phenomenon in which he is. This
socialization process occurs continuously from childhood to adulthood. The process of
political socialization can have many forms including lectures, courses given to parati
cadres, upgrading, and so on (Sahati, Lapian, & Lengkong, 2022). Political socialization
serves to develop and strengthen people's political attitudes. This can involve various
parties including families, schools, and other institutions to increase people's political
knowledge. Political socialization serves to increase public knowledge and understanding
of political life and encourage maximum participation in people's political life.
b. Political education
Political education refers to a series of organized and effective activities carried out
deliberately and systematically to shape individuals to be ethically responsible
participants in achieving political goals. Political education shows a dialogical process
between the school environment, government, and political parties towards individuals
carried out to increase understanding, appreciation, and practice of political values,
norms, and symbols that are considered ideal and good.
Political parties can conduct political education through various media. The party
can conduct internal recruitment to conduct cadres, hold meetings, or open restrictions,
conduct various social activities, and publish information through the media. And so on.
It's just that, among the media, the media that political parties often use to reach larger
constituencies are mass media, both print and electronic (Meifilina, 2021). Print media
can be newspapers and magazines or other tabloids and bulletins, while electronic media
can be radio, television, and currently the internet. The use of social media in today's era
has become one of the channels in important political education, especially when political
parties target the younger generation.
c. Campaign
Campaigning is one of the most common forms of political education by political
parties. Campaign activities are generally carried out in the moments before the general
election. This is done by gathering as many masses as possible in a place (Indrayanti,
2019). This was followed by attracting the sympathy of the masses by making speeches
containing the party's goals. In addition, it also presented the programs that will be run by
the political party, if the party wins the general election in the future. The campaign is
one of the educational means carried out to influence the masses as much as possible with
the aim of winning seats in general elections.
Political education is important to ensure that people have a comprehensive
understanding of democracy, the electoral system, and the party system. These three
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issues are rudimentary, which people should know before they participate in political
activities such as elections. With these three things, voters have a mature mind in
addressing political dynamics and do not ignore the democratization process in the
2. Functions of political education by political parties
Political education is expected to form a society that has a good political culture.
Political culture shows the attitude and orientation of citizens towards the political system
and its parts including attitudes to the role of citizens in it. The existence of a good
political culture in society can be characterized by avoiding society from political
deviations as follows:
a. Money politics
Money politics is an attempt to influence others by using material rewards or can
also be interpreted as buying and selling votes in the political process and power and the
act of distributing money either personal or party property to influence voters' votes. The
existence of money politics causes high political costs for contestants, which then raises
the potential for corruption in the future. Political education is then seen as one of the
good ways of prevention in overcoming the existence of money politics.
Political education is carried out to increase people's political awareness so that they
can carry out their political activities, especially in general elections, which avoid money
politics by showing an attitude that firmly rejects and reports all money political practices.
Political education to avoid money politics can be done by encouraging candidates, and
successful teams not to lure or promise to give something to the public to vote for
legislative and executive candidates. Meanwhile, the public is advised not to accept
anything either in the form of money or goods and/or certain promises from successful
teams or candidates in exchange for voting in general elections.
b. Black campaign
The term black campaign comes from the English black campaign which means
how to campaign badly or maliciously. This refers to campaign efforts carried out by
spreading the ugliness or ugliness of a politician to bring down the good name of a
politician so that he becomes disliked by his party friends, the audience of his supporters,
and the general public. The black campaign leads to violations of the provisions of laws
and regulations regarding General Elections in Indonesia.
Black campaigning is an illegal political activity, therefore political education is
needed to prevent public involvement in illegal political activities. The Black campaign
had a devastating impact on political education. This is because this type of campaign
justifies all means including dirty practices such as falsification of information and
complaints. If political education is not obtained by the people, it can be said that the
quality of democracy is built in bad conditions. Good education in the campaign process
is so that the public knows the ideas brought by political candidates, educates about ideas
and solutions for the country, and always provides factual campaign information to the
c. White Group
Review Of Political Representation Through Representative-Constituent Relations: Case Study
Of Members Of The Dpr-Ri 2014-2019 West Java Electoral District Ix Pdi-Struggle Faction
Maruarar Sirait
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1147
Low political knowledge has caused people to ignore various political issues and
activities. This has then caused people to become apathetic to the current political
dynamics and various processes of democratic stages. This can ultimately cause people
to be reluctant to participate in elections. The reluctance of the public to participate in
politics can be seen in people who do not exercise their right to vote during the general
election, commonly called the white group (logout). This phenomenon is widely found
in various countries, including Indonesia.
Political education then became one of the ways that was seen as effective to be
able to increase public participation in elections and reduce the white group. Political
education is considered to provide a learning process and understanding of the rights,
obligations, and responsibilities of every citizen in the life of the nation and state. This
is mainly related to the political participation of citizens carried out to be able to
encourage development. Political education will then provide an understanding of the
importance of political participation that can be used to direct the government in the
interests of citizens.
3. Analysis of Findings
Political parties as the driving force for the establishment of democracy are a means
for citizens to participate in the process of state administration and a means to achieve
goals that lead to the control of political office for elite members of political parties.
Increasing people's political participation requires political awareness that can be
achieved through political education. Political education can only succeed when political
institutions can perform their role well. Therefore, political parties in increasing political
participation then need to play an important role in political education.
Political parties encourage political participation by seeking and educating the
public to participate in political activities. This is by the function of political parties
according to Budiardjo, namely as a means of political communication, a means of
political socialization, a means of political recruitment, and a means of managing
conflicts. Political parties as a means of political communication must be able to channel
people's opinions and at the same time regulate these opinions to prevent confusion of
opinion in society. As a means of political socialization, political parties are tasked with
disseminating politics itself with the expected results in the form of people who have
attitudes and orientations towards political phenomena in a country. Political parties as a
means of political recruitment have caused political parties to try to gather members who
are considered talented to actively participate in political activities as party members.
Finally, in its function as a means of managing conflict, political parties play a role in
efforts to overcome potential conflicts in society generated by competition and
differences of opinion in society.
Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that a political party is an organized
group and its members have the same orientation and values the same ideals with the
main goal of obtaining political power based on their wisdom. Political parties encourage
political participation by seeking and educating the public to participate in political
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activities. The function of political parties in providing political education for the public
aims to increase people's understanding of good political culture.
4. Discussion
Political education is a process of teaching the public about political values, norms,
and symbols through the media in the form of schools, governments, and political parties.
Political education leads to conscious efforts made by an institution or body to influence
people's political knowledge so that an ideal understanding and appreciation of values in
a political system that the country will build. Political education is important, especially
in encouraging the involvement of the younger generation who have an awareness of the
life of the nation and state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. It is also seen
as a means in the development of Indonesian people so that it will be seen in how they
behave in social life.
Political education is expected to encourage a change in people's attitudes from
apathy and passivity to active, full of initiative, advanced, and democratic, towards
political problems in a country. It is based on the idea that everyone is expected to be able
to participate in the development of society and the country by participating in political
activities. Citizens are also required to be active in efforts to dynamize and renovate
community institutions, and their political systems. In the end, political education expects
a change in people's attitudes, especially in the form of political participation.
The findings in this study show that political parties carry out their role in political
education by collaborating with the community through political socialization, political
education, and campaigns. In addition, it was also found that political education has a
function to prevent people from implementing negative political cultures such as money
politics, black campaigns, and white groups. This then has practical implications that
political parties must be able to design the right strategy in implementing political
socialization strategies, political education, and campaigns to increase people's political
participation and at the same time build a good political culture in society. Moreover, the
theoretical implication of this research is that the implementation of a good political
education by political parties will contribute to the formation of people's political culture
by avoiding money politics, black campaigns, and white groups. The limitation of this
research lies in the approach method used, namely by using literature studies. This then
leads to the need for empirical research in the future in reviewing political education
practices carried out by political parties to be able to provide deeper insights into their
practice in society.
This paper has analyzed the role of political parties in the implementation of
political education for the community. Based on the analysis that has been done, research
findings show that political parties can cooperate with the community in conducting
political education which in practice can be carried out by political socialization, political
education, and campaigns. Political parties have various functions, including the crucial
one as a means of political socialization and a means of political recruitment. This is done
Review Of Political Representation Through Representative-Constituent Relations: Case Study
Of Members Of The Dpr-Ri 2014-2019 West Java Electoral District Ix Pdi-Struggle Faction
Maruarar Sirait
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1149
by conducting political education through the search and recruitment of people to
participate in political activities. It also involves political education to increase people's
understanding of good political culture.
Rafifrian Evandio, Chusnul Mar’iyah, Mulyadi
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