pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN: 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i8.660 919
Firas Azhaar Aghnia
Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
: 02-08-2023
: 08-08-2023
: 09-08-2023
To provide good health services, health workers in a hospital must have
good work engagement. Work engagement is defined as a positive,
satisfying, work-related state of mind characterized by passion,
dedication, and absorption. High-perceived organizational support,
employees are more satisfied with their jobs, feel closer to the
organization, are more driven to see the goals of the organization as
their own, and are more loyal and committed to the organization. To
determine the relationship between perceived organizational support
and work engagement in nurses and midwives in the Inpatient
Installation of X Hospital Lamongan. Research Method: The research
design is quantitative observational with cross-sectional analytics. The
statistical test uses the Spearman correlation test. The results of the
study: there is a relationship between perceived organizational support
and work engagement among employees at the Inpatient Installation of
X Hospital Lamongan indicated by P <0.05 (0.001 <0.05). In the
correlation coefficient, the result is 0.728 which shows that this
relationship is strong. Suggestion: the results of this study can be used
as information material and input for X Hospital Lamongan.
Keywords: support
organizations; work
engagement; Work blessing.
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
According to WHO (World Health Organization), hospitals are an integral part of
a health organization with the function of providing complete services, disease healing,
and disease prevention to the community, as well as a training center for health workers
and medical research centers (Exposto, Mulyati, Magno, & Carvalho, 2023). In Law
Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals, in Article 1 paragraph 1, a hospital is a health
service institution that provides plenary individual health services that provide inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency services.
To provide good health services, health workers in a hospital must have good
work engagement. Work engagement is defined as a positive, satisfying, work-related
state of mind characterized by passion, dedication, and absorption (Schaufeli et al.,
2002). Vigor is characterized by a high level of energy and mental endurance while
working. Dedication refers to being strongly involved in one's work and wanting
significance, enthusiasm, and challenge. Absorption is characterized by being fully
concentrated and happily engrossed in a job, where time passes quickly and a person
has difficulty disengaging from work (Demerouti, Cropanzano, Bakker, & Leiter,
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Employees who have a strong bond with the organization, in this case, the
Hospital, feel comfortable and like the things around them, both their work environment
and the responsibilities of their roles to improve work performance for the Hospital.
This work performance can support the achievement of organizational success (Junaedi,
Pasinringi, & Sangkala, 2021). Work engagement is an important indicator of well-
being for employees and organizations. Human resource managers can do several things
to facilitate work engagement among employees. An important starting point for any
active policy is the measurement of its engagement and drivers among all employees.
There are at least four reasons why engaged workers perform better than unengaged
workers. Engaged employees often experience positive emotions, including happiness,
excitement, and enthusiasm; experience better health; create their work and resources;
and transfer their involvement to others (Musenze, Mayende, Wampande, Kasango, &
Emojong, 2021).
Evidence regarding the antecedents and consequences of work engagement can be
set out in the overall work engagement model. The first assumption is that personal
resources, such as social support from coworkers, performance feedback, skill variation,
and autonomy, initiate motivational processes that lead to work engagement, and
consequently to higher performance (Caesens & Stinglhamber, 2014). The second
assumption is that job resources become more prominent and gain their motivational
potential when employees are faced with high job demands. Work engagement, in turn,
has a positive impact on job performance. Lastly, engaged and well-employed
employees can create their resources, which then encourage re-engagement over time
and create profits in a positive spiral (Organization, 2020).
Work engagement worldwide, fell from 65% in 2015 to 63% in 2016, with some
regions of the world, such as Singapore, faring worse than average. According to the
Global Workplace report, 85% of employees were found to be unengaged at work. And
18% are actively divesting themselves from their jobs and workplaces, while 67% are
"disengaged", with this latter group making up the majority of the global workforce.
The economic consequences of this global "norm" are detrimental. For example, about
US$7tn is lost in terms of productivity. The situation is not much different in Uganda.
According to this year's employer awards survey conducted by the Uganda Federation
of Employers (FUE) in partnership with Makerere University, it was revealed that only
49% of employees are highly engaged at work, 6% are disengaged and 45% are
moderately engaged. The cumulative percentage of those who are detached and
moderately engaged (51%) shows that most organizations in Uganda experience work
engagement challenges (Musanze, Mayende, Wampande, Kasango, &; Emojong, 2021).
Perceived organizational support (POS) is an employee's perception that the
organization values its work contributions and cares about employee well-being and has
been shown to have important benefits for both employees and employers. Therefore,
organizations can best serve their employees and their advantage by developing policies
and strategies that contribute to positive employee beliefs and attitudes about the
organization. Organizational support theory explains how POS evolves and produces
The Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support And Work Engagement In The
Inpatient Room Of Rs X Lamongan
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 921
positive consequences for employees and the organization. The theory states that
employees perceive their organization as having a disposition to see them as good or
bad as reflected in the treatment given to them (Najeemdeen, 2018).
POS gives employees a simple way to understand their assessment by the
organization and can vary from the view that the organization considers them very
positive to the opposite of belittling them and wanting to get rid of them if given the
first chance. According to organizational support theory, employees value POS in part
because it meets their needs for approval, rewards, and affiliation, plus provides comfort
during times of stress. Therefore, when favorable supervision and HR practices lead to
high POS, employees are more satisfied with their jobs, feel closer to the organization,
are more driven to see the organization's goals as their own, and are more loyal and
committed to the organization. In addition to meeting the needs of employees as
indicated above, POS signals to employees that the organization is ready to assist in its
work when needed and rewards performance improvements (Eisenberger, Malone, &
Presson, 2016).
X Lamongan Hospital is a type D Hospital located in the center of Lamongan
Regency. X Lamongan Hospital has facilities in the form of emergency installations,
outpatient installations, inpatient installations, operating room installations, and
supporting facilities such as radiology, laboratories, and so on. The inpatient installation
is divided into two floors, namely on the 3rd floor and the 4th floor. On the 3rd floor,
treatment rooms are ranging from 3rd class to VIP class, which house the treatment of
surgical patients, children, internal medicine, and obstetric and gynecologists. While on
the 4th floor is devoted to class 3 treatment rooms which are places for obstetric and
obstetric patient care.
RS X Lamongan has never measured the level of perceived organizational support
or work engagement in employees. From the data obtained through the Personnel
Section, the list of attendance accuracy through fingerprinting from nurses and
midwives in inpatient installations has not reached the target, which is 100%. In
November 2022, the accuracy of attendance from nurses and midwives in inpatient
installations was 86.9%. In December 2022 (until December 23, 2022), the accuracy of
attendance from nurses and midwives in inpatient installations was 86.5%. The lack of
accuracy of fingerprint attendance shows the lack of discipline of nurses and midwives
in inpatient installations. This can be an indication of the lack of work engagement of
nurses and midwives in inpatient settings.
An engaged employee will focus on the business and strive to improve
organizational performance (Alvi, Abbasi, & Haider, 2014). In addition to playing an
important role in increasing financial productivity, attachment also plays an important
role in shaping positive employee behavior to stay productive, not skip class, and not
intend to leave the company (Adi & Fithriana, 2020). In addition, highlights employee
attachment affects work discipline.
Based on the data above, there are indications of a lack of work engagement. This
paper was made to determine the relationship between perceived organizational support
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and work engagement in nurses and midwives at the Inpatient Installation of RS X
Lamongan. The researchers' initial hypothesis is that there is a positive relationship
between perceived organizational support and work engagement.
Research Methods
The type of research used is observational quantitative research.
This study was conducted on December 22, 2022
The population is all subjects or objects with certain characteristics that will be
studied in this case are all nurses and midwives in the Inpatient Installation of RS X
The sample in this study was the entire population that met the inclusion criteria,
namely 30 people consisting of nurses and midwives.
Sample Criteria
1. Inclusion Criteria
2. Implementing nurse serving at the Inpatient Installation of RS X Lamongan
3. Willing to be a respondent
4. Exclusion Criteria
5. Not willing to be a respondent
6. Nurses on maternity leave
Data Collection and Processing Procedures
1. Types of data collected
Primary data (Azwar, 2017: 132), or first-hand data, is data obtained by
researchers directly from the subject or research respondents using measurement tools
or data collection tools.
2. How data is collected
Primary data collection through questionnaires is delivered through Google form
which consists of 2 parts, with the first part being the SPOS scale and the second part
being the UWES-17 scale. Questionnaires were distributed via Whatsapp to nurses and
midwives at the inpatient installation of RS X Lamongan.
3. Data processing
Data were processed and tested statistically using the Statistical Program for
Social Science (SPSS) 29 version for Windows application.
Results and Discussion
1. Characteristics of Research Respondents
The respondents of this study were nurses and midwives on duty at the Inpatient
Installation of RS X Lamongan who met the inclusion criteria totaling 30 people. The
characteristics of the sample obtained are based on gender, age, recent education, and
length of service.
The Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support And Work Engagement In The
Inpatient Room Of Rs X Lamongan
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The results showed that the characteristics of respondents based on gender showed
that most respondents with female gender, namely 28 people (93.3%). The number of
respondents was mostly less than 35 years old, namely 26 people (86.7%). Based on the
latest education, the highest percentage of respondents with D3 Midwifery education
was 13 people (43.3%), and the lowest was S1 Nursing and S1 Midwifery, 5 people
(16.7%). Based on length of service, the highest percentage of respondents with less
than 5 years of work, namely 23 people (76.7%). In more detail, an overview of
respondents' characteristics can be seen in Table 1.
Tables I
Distribution of Respondent Characteristics According to Gender, Age, Last
Education, and Length of Service, in the Inpatient Installation of RS X Lamongan
Frequency (=30)
<35 year
35 year
Recent Education
D3 Nursing
S1 Nursing
D3 Midwifery
S1 Midwifery
Period of Service
<5 year
5 year
Univariate Analysis
The univariate analysis in this study is the analysis of perceived organizational
support and work engagement of nurses and midwives in the Inpatient Installation of RS
X Lamongan. Initially, researchers determined descriptive statistics from the results of
the questionnaire which can be seen in Table 2. Then, researchers determine categories
with 5 levels, according to the formula by Azwar, 2012, which can be seen in Table 3.
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of SPOS and UWES-17
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Mean (μ)
Std. Deviasi (σ)
Valid N
Table 3
Norma Kategorisasi
Very Low
X ≤ μ - 1,5 σ
X ≤ 49
X ≤ 36
μ - 1,5 σ < X ≤ μ - 0,5 σ
49 < X ≤ 59
36 < X ≤ 47
μ - 0,5 σ < X ≤ μ + 0,5 σ
59 < X ≤ 68
47 < X ≤ 57
μ + 0,5 σ < X ≤ μ + 1,5 σ
68 < X ≤ 78
57 < X ≤ 67
Very High
X > μ + 1,5 σ
X > 78
X > 67
Furthermore, the distribution of variables studied can be seen in Table 4 and Table 5.
Table 4
Distribution of Perceived Organizational Support for employees at the
Inpatient Installation of RS X Lamongan
Very Low
Very High
Table 5
Distribution of employee Work Engagement at the Inpatient Installation of
RS X Lamongan
Work Engagement
Frekuensi (=30)
Very Low
The Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support And Work Engagement In The
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, Agustus 2023 925
Very High
From the results of the study, it can be seen that the distribution of respondents for
the most perceived organizational support variables is in the normal category, which is
33.3% (10 people), and at least in the very high category, which is 3.3% (1 person). For
most work engagement variables, the normal category was 36.7% (11 people), then the
low category of 30.0% (9 people), and the least was in the very low category, which
was 3.3% (1 person).
Bivariate Analysis
To determine the relationship between perceived organizational support and work
engagement in employees at the Inpatient Installation of RS X Lamongan, an analysis
was carried out using the Spearman correlation statistical test. The selection of this
statistical test is based on the scale of data used, namely ordinal and researchers want to
know the correlation of the two variables studied. To see whether there is a relationship
between the independent variable and the dependent variable and whether the resulting
relationship is meaningful, a comparison of the P value with the value of α = 0.05 is
used, if P < 0.05, then the result of statistical calculations is that there is a relationship
between the independent variable and the dependent variable and if the P value is >
0.05, then the results of statistical calculations are meaningless, which means there is no
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
Table 6
The Relationship between Perceived Organization Support and Work
Engagement in Inpatient Installation Employees of RS X Lamongan
Sig. (2-tailed)
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 926
Sig. (2-tailed)
The results of the bivariate analysis of the effect of perceived organizational
support with work engagement on employees at the Inpatient Installation of RS X
Lamongan can be seen in the table above which shows that there is a relationship
between perceived organizational support and work engagement in employees at the
Inpatient Installation of RS X Lamongan shown with P < 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05). In the
correlation coefficient, a result of 0.728 is obtained which shows this relationship is
From the results of the study, it was found that there is a strong relationship
between perceived organizational support and work engagement. This is by some
previous research. Work engagement is associated with several positive predictors and
organizational outcomes, such as employee performance (Listau, Christensen, &
Innstrand, 2017), customer satisfaction, company status, shareholder value, employee
satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity (Chan et al., 2017).
Employees tend to trade their involvement at work for resources such as POS and
benefits offered by their employer (Saks, 2006). As a result, when employees receive
organizational support, they tend to reciprocate it by showing higher levels of
engagement in the workplace. POS will give rise to obligations and commitments to
contribute to the growth, development, and general efficiency of the organization.
This may be realized through the development of favorable attitudes and
behaviors towards their organization leading to high work engagement. Consistent with
this, Saks argues that "One way for individuals to repay their organization is through
their level of involvement. That is, employees will choose to engage on their own to
varying degrees and in response to the resources they receive from their organization
(Saks, 2006). Therefore, employees tend to trade their involvement in the workplace for
resources such as POS and benefits offered by their employer (Saks, 2006). The fact
that Saks (2006) and (Kurtessis et al., 2017) found a positive relationship between POS
and work engagement suggests that higher levels of work engagement are a response to
POS, which is conceptualized as employees' perception of the extent to which
organizations value their contributions and care about their well-being.
From the results of the research obtained based on the explanation from the
introduction to the discussion of the research results, conclusions and suggestions can
be drawn from the research as follows:
1. Perceived organizational support of nurses and midwives in the Inpatient
Installation of RS X Lamongan is mostly normal
2. The work engagement of nurses and midwives in the Inpatient Installation of RS X
Lamongan is mostly in the normal category
The Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support And Work Engagement In The
Inpatient Room Of Rs X Lamongan
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3. The results of the perceived organizational support analysis with the work
engagement of nurses and midwives in the Inpatient Installation of RS X Lamongan
have a meaningful relationship P < 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05). This relationship is in a
strong category with a correlation coefficient value of 0.728.
Firas Azhaar Aghnia
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