The Influence Of The Development Of Artificial Intelligence Technology In The Industrial
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 8, August 2023 1187
analytical thinking skills and corporate culture systems, initiative, leadership, and
entrepreneurship (Ririh, Laili, Wicaksono, & Tsurayya, 2020).
An example of the use of artificial intelligence as information technology is cloud
computing, which is represented by subscription utilities. Various definitions of the
concept of cloud services are often presented in different literature. According to
previous research, Indonesian companies still buy and use their servers for their
business needs. This condition shows that cloud computing has a great opportunity to
improve business performance. However, Indonesia is still constrained by limited
bandwidth problems. This can be avoided with lightweight cloud services and
continuous innovation. Seeing the existing conditions, the Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia stated that Indonesia still
needs about 3-5 years to implement this technology (Utomo & Dermawan, 2022).
In addition to the growing role and use of artificial intelligence technology that
significantly affects various sectors, it also affects changes in people's lifestyles and
habits, which can lead to the emergence of complex needs and problems in society. The
government plays an important role in providing technology-based services that meet
the needs of the community (Akhmad, Mustanir, & Ramadhan, 2017). However, to
carry out its duties and roles properly, it is hoped that the government can make changes
to adjust to technological developments, one of which is the application of artificial
intelligence technology in the industry. This research will discuss how AI technology
affects and find out what impact will occur if using AI technology in the industrial field.
Therefore, this article is entitled "The Influence of the Development of Artificial
Intelligence Technology in the Industrial Field".
Development of artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial
intelligence is intelligence added to the system, or in other words the ability of the
system to correctly interpret external information and manage this information and use
processed products for specific purposes (Ramadhan, Noertjahjono, & Irawan, 2020).
Every invention in electronics, engineering, and many other fields has been influenced
by artificial intelligence. Some of the early discoveries of problem-solving include basic
work learning, knowledge representation, and reasoning as program models for
language comprehension, translation, theory examination, associative memory, and
knowledge-based systems (Manunggal, Santoso, & Wicaksana, 2022). Industrialized
countries are becoming mechanized, machines are advancing. Artificial intelligence is
not only about robots but also about understanding the nature and operation of
intelligent thinking using computers as experimental devices. Several studies show that
Europe and the United States are pioneering countries in the application of artificial
intelligence (Halim & Prasetyo, 2018).
Artificial intelligence is used in several fields such as education, the eco,
economy, and national defense. The United States and China have developed countries
in the use of artificial intelligence and often engage in scientific research. Artificial
intelligence is applied from elementary school to high school (Manongga, Rahardja,
Sembiring, Lutfiani, & Yadila, 2022). Artificial intelligence is a digital utility for