pISSN: 2723 - 6609 e-ISSN : 2745-5254
Vol. 4, No. 5, Mei 2023 http://jist.publikasiindonesia.id/
Doi : 10.59141/jist.v4i5.618 591
Dimas Arya Denta
*, Eko Suyono
, Rini Widianingsih
Jenderal Soedirman University Purwokerto, Indonesia
: 15-05-2023
: 23-05-2023
: 25-05-2023
This research is quantitative research in the restaurant business at
Banyumas Regency. This research takes the title "Factors Affecting the
Implementation of SAK EMKM in Restaurant Business at Banyumas
Regency". The purpose of this research was to determine the
implementation of SAK EMKM in the restaurant business at Banyumas
Regency. Retrieval of data used in this research through a survey
approach. The respondents in this research were business
actors/employees. The data used was primary data in the form of result
data from the questionnaires distributed and secondary data in the form
of data on the number of restaurants in Banyumas Regency which came
from the Badan Pusat Statistik Jawa Tengah. For data analysis using
descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, and hypothesis test. The
results of this research indicate that accounting socialization has a
significant positive effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM in
business restaurants at Banyumas Regency, while business scale and
accounting knowledge have a significant negative effect on the
implementation of SAK EMKM in business restaurants at Banyumas
Kata kunci: Business Scale;
Accounting Socialization;
Accounting Knowledge;
Resource Based Theory; SAK
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
One way to increase economic growth is with the existence of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMES). MSMES play an important role in improving and
growing the community's economy. This was happen during the 1998 currency crisis,
many large companies went bankrupt, but MSMEs survived and grew in numbers
(Kadeni, 2020). According to the Ministry of Small Businesses and Cooperatives
(KUKM), the number of MSMEs in 2018 was 64.2 million, 99.99% of the total number
of Indonesian economics. The MSME workforce is 117 million, representing 97% of
the business workforce. On the other hand, the contribution of MSMEs to the national
economy (GDP) is 61.1%, with the remaining 38.9% coming from large economic
actors, amounted for only 5,550 or 0.01% of the total number of economic actors. The
MSMEs are dominated by micro business actors, amounting to 98.68% with a
workforce absorption capacity of around 89%. Meanwhile, the contribution of micro
enterprises to GDP is only around 37.8%. From the above data, Indonesia has the
potential of a strong national economic base due to the sheer number of MSMEs,
Dimas Arya Denta, Eko Suyono, Rini Widianingsih
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especially micro-enterprises, and the sheer absorption of labor force (Nainggolan,
Agmasari (2021) reveals that restaurant which is one of the sub-sectors of
MSMEs , according to Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Regulation No. 11
of 2014, restaurant is food and beverage supply companies with equipment and supplies
for production, storage and serving processes at fixed locations that do not move with
destinations, to profit.
Banyumas Regency is an area in Central Java, consisting of 27 sub-districts with a
large number of restaurants. The data held by the Badan Pusat Statistik Jawa Tengah
regarding the development of restaurants in 2018, 2019 and 2020 are as follows:
Table 1
The amount of restaurant at Banyumas Regency on 2018-2020
Number of Restaurants by Regency/City in Central Java Province
Banyumas Regency
Source: data collect 2022
This data shows how the number of restaurants in Banyumas Regency is growing.
Based on the number of over 60 restaurants growing every year, we know that
competition for culinary businessmen in Banyumas is very fierce. Rahma &
Pradhanawati (2018) found that high levels of competition force economic players to
compete among similar and increasingly aggressive competitors who they hope will be
able to compete and sustain their business. is showing. So, the restaurant needs to pay
attention to the accounting information that will be made (DENTA, 2022a).
That to optimize profit and balanced growth, good restaurant financial
management is important to support strategic business decisions. Therefore, the factors
that support MSMEs wanting to compile financial reports are important because by
knowing the financial conditions, making decisions for the sustainability of MSMEs
itself will be easier (Akhmad Nurhidayat revealed in (DENTA, 2022b).
Management of accounting information from recording to preparation of financial
reports by MSMEs is still very rarely done. (Risal & Kristiawati, 2020) reveal found
that business actors don't really need an application that records financial reports to run
their business, and the most important thing in business is how to generate maximum
income. Research in Banyumas Regency conducted by Purwati et al. (2018) states that
business actors are unaware of SAK EMKM as a standard for preparing financial
Financial reports is structured presentations of the financial position and operating
results. The purpose of financial reports is to provide information about a company's
financial position, financial performance and operating results that most users of
financial reports find useful in making business decisions and demonstrate the
consequences of management accountability for the use of resources entrusted to them.
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To this end, financial reports contain information about the company. This includes
assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses, profits and losses, contributions from
and distributions to owners as owners, and cash flows (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia,
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise’s financial reports is regulated by the
Accounting Standard for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SAK EMKM) issued
by the Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia. Starting January 1, 2018, small enterprises will be
able to prepare financial reports. Owned, auditable and accreditable so companies they
control can use financial reports for business development (DENTA, 2022a).
The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of SAK
EMKM in the restaurant business at Banyumas Regency. The object of this research is
the application of SAK EMKM to restaurant business actors which are influenced by
business scale, accounting socialization, and accounting knowledge. SAK EMKM
referred to in this research is a simple accounting record.
This research was conducted to determine the factors that influence restaurant business
actors to apply SAK EMKM as the dependent variable. While the independent variables
of this research are business scale, accounting socialization, and accounting knowledge.
Based on the problem formulation described, the research questions are:
1. Does business scale has a positive effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM in
the restaurant business at Banyumas?
2. Does accounting socialization has a positive effect on the implementation of SAK
EMKM in the restaurant business at Banyumas?
3. Does accounting knowledge has a positive effect on the implementation of SAK
EMKM in the restaurant business at Banyumas?
Resource Based Theory according to Ramadhan (2017) is a theory that reveals the
companies can gain a competitive advantage by developing their resources in ways that
are conducive to their long-term survival. Key to the RBT approach is a strategy that
understands the relationship between resources, capabilities, competitive advantage and
profitability, especially understanding the mechanisms that can sustain competitive
advantage over the long term. Such models should take advantage of the impact of
unique characteristics on the organization.
One of the resources mentioned in this theory is people who can provide specific
expertise. This is because it can add value to the business when companies must
continue to consider the resulting costs and benefits in terms of competitive advantage.
With the increase in competitive human resources, companies obtain increased
performance from their human resources to increase the use of accounting information
and financial reports are tools to obtain accounting information that has been achieved
by the company (Dharmawan, Ginardi, & Munif, 2018).
Business Scale
According to Holmes dan Nicholls (1988) in (McKenzie, 2017) business scale is
the size of the company and its ability to operate its business considering the number of
employees and the amount of income the company generates during an accounting
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period. Business scale is a measure of the company that can be measured through the
number of employees, the amount of production, the amount of working capital, the
amount of investment and others. The larger the scale of the business, the more
activities the company has, which is indicated by the large number of employees,
Sunanto & Nurjannah ( 2021).
Accounting Socialization
Socialization is an effort by a particular agency or other party to introduce and
provide information and knowledge relevant to the content of applicable regulations;
acoording Sunanto & Nurjannah (2021). Socialization in this research is the business
actors' knowledge of the SAK EMKM, the sources of information related to the SAK
EMKM, and the forms of socialization acquired by the business actors related to the
Accounting Knowledge
Accounting knowledge as the explicit recognition of what is considered to be a
fact, truth, or information related to the process of recording, classifying, and
summarizing economic events in an orderly and logical form for the purpose of
presenting the financial information necessary for decision-making (Linawati et al.,
2015). The benefits of accounting knowledge for companies according to Abubakar and
Wibowo (2005) in Linawati et al. (2015) are as follows:
1. Knowing the amount of capital owned by the company.
2. Knowing the development or progress of the company.
3. As a basis for tax calculations.
4. Explain the condition of the company at any time when it requires credit from a
bank or other parties.
5. The basis for determining the policy to be taken.
6. Attract investors if the company is a limited liability company.
MSME stands for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. MSMEs are regulated
under Law No. 20 of 2008 on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The definition of
micro enterprises is a productive business owned by individuals and/or sole
proprietorships that meets the micro business criteria.
Small-enterprise is a productive economic business that stands alone, which is
carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches of
companies that are owned, controlled or become part of either directly or indirectly and
medium or large businesses that meet the criteria for small businesses as referred to in
this law.
Medium-enterprise is a productive economic business that stands alone, which is
carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches of
companies that are owned, controlled, or become a part either directly or indirectly with
small businesses or large businesses with total net assets or annual sales proceeds as
regulated in this law.
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According to Marsum (2005) in Fasha (2021) a restaurant is a commercially
organized place or building that provides excellent service to all guests, both in the form
of food and beverage activities. In general, a restaurant is a place that people visit to
look for various kinds of food and drinks. Restaurants usually also presenttheir own
uniqueness as an attraction, either through the menu of cuisine, entertainment or the
physical appearance of the building.
Financial Reports
According to the Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (2016), a financial report is a
systematic representation of a company's finances and financial position. A financial
report is a report that shows the current state of a company, or the company's financial
position for a particular date (for balance sheet) and period (for income statement). A
financial report describes a company's financial statements for a period of time. In the
financial report you can see the current position of the company after analyzing the
financial report (Warren et al., 2014).
The purpose of financial reports is to provide information about a company's
financial situation and financial performance, which helps many users in making
economic decisions. Financial reporting to meet your information needs. These users
include business his resource providers such as creditors and investors. Financial reports
also demonstrate management's accountability for the resources committed to achieving
its goals (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia, 2016).
According to IAI (2018), SAK EMKM is a stand-alone financial accounting
standard that can be used by entities that meet the definition of an entity without
significant public accountability as stipulated in SAK ETAP and characteristics in Law
No. 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). SAK
EMKM explicitly describes the concept of a business entity as one of its basic
assumptions and therefore to be able to prepare financial reports based on SAK EMKM,
an entity must be able to separate the personal wealth of the owner from the assets and
results of the entity's operations, and between a business/entity and business/ other
entities. When compared to other SAK, SAK EMKM is a standard that is made simple
because it regulates general transactions carried out by MSMEs and the measurement
basis is purely using historical costs so that MSMEs simply records its assets and
liabilities at their acquisition cost. Entities that meet the requirements for using SAK
EMKM still need to consider whether the provisions stipulated in this SAK EMKM are
appropriate and meet the entity's financial reporting needs. Therefore, entities need to
consider the financial reporting framework to be applied, whether based on SAK
EMKM or other SAK, taking into account the convenience offered in SAK EMKM, and
the information needs of users of the entity's financial statements. SAK EMKM is
effective as of January 1, 2018 and early application is permitted.
Research Method
Type Of Research
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The type of research used is survey research with a quantitative approach.
(Suliyanto, 2018) states that survey research is studies conducted on the basis of what
has happened, stating that researchers do not manipulate the variables studied.
According to (Suliyanto, 2018) quantitative research is research that uses data in
numerical form as the basis for the researcher. Based on the above explanation, this
study uses a survey and quantitative approach.
Population And Sample
The population is defined by (Suliyanto, 2018) as a whole subject whose traits are
to be predicted, research requires a sample not only of the size of the subject under
study, but also of the type of subject to ascertain thetraits present in the population. The
population in this research are actors with criteria as owners, managers or employees
who are still actively serving in a restaurant business in Banyumas, Central Java
Province. In 2020, the Badan Pusat Statistik Jawa Tengah has data on the number of
restaurants in Banyumas Regency as many as 996 restaurants.
Based on the above data sample was taken using a snowball sampling approach by
asking respondents about which other restaurants met the criteria. From the results of
the snowball approach, the researchers distributed 101 questionnaires to restaurants that
met the criteria and from the 101 questionnaires, 91 questionnaires were returned.
Data Type and Sources
There are two sources of data used in this research: primary and secondary data.
Primary data were obtained directly from questionnaire that distributed to the
respondents. Secondary data sources used in this research was the numbers of restaurant
business at Banyumas Regency by Badan Pusat Statistik Jawa Tengah.
Data Collection Method
The data collection technique for this research used a questionnaire distributed to
the respondents, namely owners or managers and employees who are still actively
serving in restaurant businesses in Banyumas. Research questionnaires were distributed
directly to the respondents consist of form of paper questionnaires and direct interviews.
Data Analysis
Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis is a descriptive technique that provides information
about stored data, is not intended to test hypotheses, and is used only for the
presentation and analysis of data involving computation to clarify a situation or
characteristic of relevant data. In addition, the measurements used in this descriptive
statistics include the number of samples, minimum, maximum, mean, and standard
deviation of the data set.
Classic Assumption Test
In this test there are normality test, multicollinearity test, and heterocedasticity
test. Normality test is a test aimed at determining whether the independent and
dependent variables are normally distributed. A good regression model is a normal or
nearly normal regression model. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used in this
research. A data is declared normally distributed if its significance value is greater than
Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Sak Emkm In Restaurant Business At Banyumas
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 5, Mei 2023 597
Multicollinearity test is a test aims to whether the regression model found a
correlation between independent variables. A good regression model if there is no
correlation between independent variables.
The purpose of the heteroscedasticity test is to know if there is a variance
difference in variants from the residuals of one observation to another in a regression
model. This research uses a test with the provisions of the probability value with a
significance > 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity.
Hypothesis Test
In this test there are multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of
determination, partial influence test, and goodness of fit test. According to (Ghozali,
2018), Tabachnick's linear regression analysis is a form of coefficient value for each
independent variable. The coefficients are based on formulas that predict the values of
the dependent variable.
The coefficient of determination (R2) in the research can be used to measure the
level of the model's ability to explain variation in the coefficient of determination
between zero and one for the dependent variable. When the value is close to one, the
independent variable (X) provides almost all the information needed to predict the
variation of the dependent variable (Y) (Ghozali, 2018).
According to (Ghozali, 2018) t test are used to check each independent and
dependent variable. If tcount > ttable or t test significance value < 0.05, it is conclude
that the independent variable individually has a large effect on the dependent variable.
The F-test is a model feasibility test used in research to indicate whether a
regression model is suitable for further processing. This F test is tested using the
significance level 0,05 or α=5%. F-test showing that the independent variable influences
the dependent variable. This test is performed at a significance value of 0.05 comparing
the value of Fcount with Ftable.
Result And Discussion
Respondents Overview
The survey respondents classified up to 26 respondents as micro-enterprises,
small-enterprises as many as 59, and medium-enterprises as many as 6 respondents.
Most of the respondents' ages fall into the 31-40 age category, 45.05% or the proportion
of 41 respondents. The lowest results is the respondent of more than 50 age category,
with a percentage of 3.31%, a total of 3 respondents. The male gender of survey
participants was 58 respondents, or 63.74% of all respondents. The female gender of the
survey participants was 33 respondents, or 36.26% of all respondents. This indicates
that the majority of respondents to the survey are men. The highest education level of
each respondent was in senior high school, accounted for by 45.05% or 41 respondents.
The second highest percentage is Bachelor/Master with a value of 34.07%, with a total
of 31 respondents. The respondent's lowest education level was Diploma (D3), with a
percentage of 8.79% of her, or a total of 8 respondents. The classification of research
respondents who have received economic knowledge is 53 respondents or 58.24% of
the total respondents. 38 or 41.76% of the total respondents who have never received
Dimas Arya Denta, Eko Suyono, Rini Widianingsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 5, Mei 2023 598
economic knowledge in research respondents. This indicates that the majority of
respondents have acquired knowledge of economics
The number of employees of the respondents, the highest number of employees is
more than 5 people to 19 people with a percentage of 74.73% or total 68 respondents.
The number of employees less than equal to 4 people has a percentage of 24.18% or
total 22 respondents. And the lowest number is the number of employees more than 20
people to 99 people with a percentage of 1.09% or total 1 respondent. Based on the total
assets of the respondents, the highest amount falls in the category from Rp. 50,000,000
(fifty million rupiahss) to a maximum of Rp. 500,000,000 (five hundred million
rupiahs) with a percentage of 94.51% or total 86 respondents. The lowest level of total
assets is in the classification of less than equal to Rp. 50,000,000 (fifty million rupiahs)
having a percentage of 5.49% or total 5 respondents. The highest annual sales falls from
IDR 300,000,000 (three hundred million rupiahs) to a maximum of IDR 2,500,000,000
(two billion five hundred million rupiahs) with a percentage of 64.84% or 59
respondents. The annual sales below Rp 300,000,000 (Rp 300 million) has a proportion
of 28.57% or 26 respondents. Also, the minimum annual sales level was categorized
from IDR 2,500,000,000 (2.05 billion Rp) to maximum IDR 50,000,000,000 (50 billion
Rp) with a percentage of 6.59% or 6 respondents. The length of business rankings given
by the respondents in this survey were that length of business less than five years was
the most common, with 90.11% of them, or a total of 82 people. A useful life of 20
years or more falls in the lowest category with a percentage of 1.09% or one respondent.
Classic Assumption Test
The results of the normality test through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test statistical
test in this study showed the Asymptotic Significance result of 0.200 which means it is
greater than or 0.05 or 0.200 > 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the data is normally
distributed and meets the assumption of normality.
The result of business scale in Tolerance is more than 0,01 or > 0,01 and the result
of the VIF values of business scale less than 10 or < 10. Then the result of accounting
socialization and accounting knowledge in Tolerance are more than 0,01 or > 0,01 and
the result of the VIF values of accounting socialization and accounting knowledge are
more than 10 or > 10. So, it can be concluded that business scale (X1) has no
multicollinearity but for the accounting socialization (X2) and accounting knowledge
(X3) occur multicollinearity because the results of the VIF value exceed 10 or >10. The
effect of this multicollinearity can cause the estimation of the resulting regression
parameters to be inefficient because it has a large bias and variance (Zakiah, 2020).
The heteroscedasticity test using the Glejser test on the business scale variable
(X1) with a significance value of 0.287, accounting socialization (X2) with a
significance value of 0.492, and accounting knowledge (X3) with a significance value
of 0.984, which means that there is no heteroscedasticity with probability value or
significance > 0.05.
Hypothesis Test
Multiple regression analysis in this research is to examine the effect of the
independent variables, namely business scale, accounting socialization, and accounting
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knowledge on the dependent variable, namely the implementation of SAK EMKM (Y).
The equation result of this research is Y = 8,761 + 0,008X1 + 0,334X2 -0,001X3 + ε.
For the coefficient of determination, the value of Adjusted R Square is 0.468 or
46.8%. In other words, the implementation variables of SAK EMKM that can be
explained by the variables in this research model are business scale, accounting
socialization, and accounting knowledge. The remaining 0.532 or 53.2% can be
explained by other variables besides those examined in this research.
Table 2. Hypothesis Testing
t value
Source: Processed data research (2022)
Referring to the table, it can be seen that of the 3 hypotheses proposed in this
research, two X variables, namely Business Scale (X1) and Accounting Knowledge
(X3), are not supported because the influence given has a significant value > 0.05.
Business Scale with a significant value is 0,965 > 0,05, so it shows that Business Scale
has a negative effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM. Accounting Knowledge
with a significant value is 0,995 > 0,05, so it shows that Accounting Knowledge has a
negative effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM. For the X2 or Accounting
Socialization, the hypothesis is supported because the influence given has a significant
value < 0.05. Accounting Socialization with a significant value is 0,024 < 0,05, so it
shows that Accounting Socialization has a positive effect on the implementation of SAK
For the goodness of fit test result, the Fcount value is 25.486 > Ftabel or 2.708
and the significant value is 0.000 < 0.05 meaning that business scale, accounting
socialization, and accounting knowledge simultaneously affect the implementation of
SAK EMKM in Banyumas.
The Effect of Business Scale on The Implementation of SAK EMKM
According to Holmes dan Nicholls (1988) in Prawesti (2017) business scale is the
size of the company and its ability to operate its business considering the number of
employees and the amount of income the company generates during an accounting
period. The results of testing the first hypothesis (H1) conclude that business scale has a
negative significant effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM in restaurant
businesses in Banyumas. That is, the first hypothesis (H1) in this research is not
The results of this research are not in line with the concept of Resource-Based
Theory, which allows firms to use more available resources to create a competitive
advantage for their firms by knowing their size. If the business is growing and
developing, strong control is needed to choose what business strategy is suitable for
business continuity. But in this research, business scale has a negative effect on the
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implementation of SAK EMKM because many MSMEs was small enterprises, but they
didn’t implementation the SAK EMKM to their reports
The results of this research are the same as the research conducted by Hasani and
Ainy (2018) which states that business scale does not affect MSMEs in compiling
financial reports based on SAK EMKM because the large number of small-enterprises
actors makes them think they don't need financial records that are in accordance with
SAK EMKM. Currently, from the type of business, both small-scale businesses and
large-scale businesses still manage finances individually with sober management
conditions. Another reason for not having an effect on business scale on the preparation
of SAK EMKM is that the role of the government and society in encouraging
accounting practices in MSMEs is also not optimal.
The Effect of Accounting Socialization on The Implementation of SAK EMKM
Socialization is an effort by a particular agency or other party to introduce and
provide information and knowledge relevant to the content of applicable regulations
(Sunanto & Nurjannah, 2021). The results of testing the second hypothesis (H2)
conclude that accounting socialization has a significant effect on the implementation of
SAK EMKM in restaurant businesses in Banyumas. That is, the second hypothesis (H2)
in this research is supported.
The results of this research are in line with the concept of Resource Based Theory
where with the existence of accounting socialization, the quality of the resources owned
by the company will increase. If there is encouragement from the parties concerned and
more business actors or employees receive information and socialization related to SAK
EMKM, the level of application of SAK EMKM will increase due to the fact that many
business actors do not know that SAK EMKM is a standard for MSMEs to make
financial reports.
The results of this study are the same as the research conducted by Jaurino (2020)
which concludes that accounting socialization has a positive influence on the ability to
prepare financial statements for SMEs. In line with this research, there is also research
from Hasani and Ainy (2018) which also proves that accounting socialization can affect
MSMEs in preparing financial reports based on SAK EMKM.
The Effect of Accounting Knowledge on The Implementation of SAK EMKM
Accounting knowledge as the explicit recognition of what is considered to be a
fact, truth, or information related to the process of recording, classifying, and
summarizing economic events in an orderly and logical form for the purpose of
presenting the financial information necessary for decision-making (Linawati et al.,
2015). The results of testing the third hypothesis (H3) conclude that accounting
knowledge has a negative significant effect on the implementation of SAK EMKM in
restaurant businesses in Banyumas. That is, the third hypothesis (H3) in this research is
not supported.
The results of this research are not in line with the concept of Resource Based
Theory where accounting knowledge is one of the quality resources for companies
where companies utilize the quality of their own resources in order to achieve long-term
sustainability. But in this research, accounting knowledge has a negative effect on the
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Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 5, Mei 2023 601
implementation of SAK EMKM because many business actors have accounting
knowledge, but do not implement it. There are also those who only know accounting in
general, but do not know SAK EMKM because SAK EMKM is a advanced science.
The results of this study are the same as research conducted by (Zakiah, 2020)
which states that accounting knowledge has no effect on the use of accounting
information for MSME actors in Bojong District, because MSME actors in Bojong
District tend to use simple or inappropriate accounting records with applicable
Based on the result of problem identification and data analysis in this research
that the factors Busines scale variable and acoounting kwoledge has negative effect on
the implementation of SAK EMKM in restaurant business in Banyumas Regency,
accountiong socialization variable has positive effect on on the implementation of SAK
EMKM in restaurant business in Banyumas Regency
Dimas Arya Denta, Eko Suyono, Rini Widianingsih
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