Dimas Arya Denta, Eko Suyono, Rini Widianingsih
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 5, Mei 2023 598
economic knowledge in research respondents. This indicates that the majority of
respondents have acquired knowledge of economics
The number of employees of the respondents, the highest number of employees is
more than 5 people to 19 people with a percentage of 74.73% or total 68 respondents.
The number of employees less than equal to 4 people has a percentage of 24.18% or
total 22 respondents. And the lowest number is the number of employees more than 20
people to 99 people with a percentage of 1.09% or total 1 respondent. Based on the total
assets of the respondents, the highest amount falls in the category from Rp. 50,000,000
(fifty million rupiahss) to a maximum of Rp. 500,000,000 (five hundred million
rupiahs) with a percentage of 94.51% or total 86 respondents. The lowest level of total
assets is in the classification of less than equal to Rp. 50,000,000 (fifty million rupiahs)
having a percentage of 5.49% or total 5 respondents. The highest annual sales falls from
IDR 300,000,000 (three hundred million rupiahs) to a maximum of IDR 2,500,000,000
(two billion five hundred million rupiahs) with a percentage of 64.84% or 59
respondents. The annual sales below Rp 300,000,000 (Rp 300 million) has a proportion
of 28.57% or 26 respondents. Also, the minimum annual sales level was categorized
from IDR 2,500,000,000 (2.05 billion Rp) to maximum IDR 50,000,000,000 (50 billion
Rp) with a percentage of 6.59% or 6 respondents. The length of business rankings given
by the respondents in this survey were that length of business less than five years was
the most common, with 90.11% of them, or a total of 82 people. A useful life of 20
years or more falls in the lowest category with a percentage of 1.09% or one respondent.
Classic Assumption Test
The results of the normality test through the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test statistical
test in this study showed the Asymptotic Significance result of 0.200 which means it is
greater than or 0.05 or 0.200 > 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the data is normally
distributed and meets the assumption of normality.
The result of business scale in Tolerance is more than 0,01 or > 0,01 and the result
of the VIF values of business scale less than 10 or < 10. Then the result of accounting
socialization and accounting knowledge in Tolerance are more than 0,01 or > 0,01 and
the result of the VIF values of accounting socialization and accounting knowledge are
more than 10 or > 10. So, it can be concluded that business scale (X1) has no
multicollinearity but for the accounting socialization (X2) and accounting knowledge
(X3) occur multicollinearity because the results of the VIF value exceed 10 or >10. The
effect of this multicollinearity can cause the estimation of the resulting regression
parameters to be inefficient because it has a large bias and variance (Zakiah, 2020).
The heteroscedasticity test using the Glejser test on the business scale variable
(X1) with a significance value of 0.287, accounting socialization (X2) with a
significance value of 0.492, and accounting knowledge (X3) with a significance value
of 0.984, which means that there is no heteroscedasticity with probability value or
significance > 0.05.
Hypothesis Test
Multiple regression analysis in this research is to examine the effect of the
independent variables, namely business scale, accounting socialization, and accounting