Early Detection Of Currency Crisis In Indonesia Based On Jci Indicator Using A Combination
Of Volatility And Markov Switching Models
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi, Vol. 4, No. 4, April 2023 383
money), M2 (broad money) multiplier, M2 to foreign exchange reserve ratios, real
output, and domestic credit to GDP ratios. In Indonesia itself, the 1997-1998 crisis was
influenced by exchange rate indicators, interest rates, debt service ratios, and inflation,
while the 2008 crisis was influenced by CSPI indicators, interest rates, and inflation
(Keumala Sari et al., 2016). stated that there is a significant relationship between
currency crises and financial crises, so that in financial crisis modeling, currency crisis
indicators can be used. The CSPI is one of the indicators that can detect currency crises
in a country. The CSPI is defined as the stock price expressed in index numbers used for
analysis purposes and to avoid the negative effects of using stock prices. The stock price
index is an indicator or reflection of stock price movements (Widodo, 2017).
Since 1982, many methods have been developed to build models that can detect
currency crises. Engle (1982) developed the Autoregressive Conditional
Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) model to detect volatility in data that causes
heteroskedasticity effects. Then, Bollerslev (1986) developed the Generalized
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model as a development of
the ARCH model. Both models do not take into account the changes in the economic
variable conditions caused by economic crises, wars, or other causes that cause
significant changes in data values. Then, Hamilton and Susmel (1994) introduced the
Markov Switching Model as an alternative in modeling time series data with fluctuating
The crisis detection model is often developed using a combination of Markov
switching and volatility models. Ananda (2015) conducted research on the detection of
financial crises in Indonesia based on the IHSG indicator using a combination of
volatility and Markov switching models with three states. The study found that the
suitable model was the MRS-ARCH(3,1) model with AR(1) as the mean model. Dina
(2015) conducted early detection of financial crises in Indonesia based on the IHSG
indicator. The IHSG indicator data contained heteroskedasticity, asymmetry, and
structural changes, so it was modeled using a two-state MS-TGARCH model.
Conducted research on forecasting stock returns in 2016 using the Exponential
Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (EGARCH) model. Suwardi
(2017) conducted research on early detection of financial crises in Indonesia based on
import, export, and foreign exchange reserve indicators using the MS-ARCH model.
Pratiwi (2017) also conducted research on early detection of financial crises in
Indonesia using the MS-ARCH model based on the M1 indicator, the M2-to-foreign
exchange reserve ratio, and the M2 multiplier. Sugiyanto and Hidayah (2019) conducted
early detection of financial crises in Indonesia using the MS-GARCH model with the
smallest smoothed probability value during the financial crisis in Indonesia in 1997-
In this research, a combination of volatility and Markov switching models with
two states will be used to detect currency crises in Indonesia based on the IHSG
indicator. The data used is monthly data from January 1990 to October 2022 obtained
from the official Yahoo Finance website. The aim of this research is to determine the